S ! S ! ! A i C For Updates, Information and GREAT Offers on the fly-Text SASS to 772937! CCoowwbbooyy CChhrroonniiicclllege CCCooowwwCCbbboooywywy CbbCCoohhyhyrr r o CoSConnnhhiiiiirccrcclollolleeeneniiiniccclllleee li NNSNoeoopvvveteeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrr 22 2200000001111 0 S PPPcaaagggeee 111 NNSSoeeopvpvetteememmmbbbbeeererr r 2 2 2200000111 00 ( -uPPPaaakgggeee 1 11 S C p H e O e e T r Cowboy Chroniiclle p N o e a V ! October 2010 Pagge 1E d !! ~ e N a s y 8 T ! The Cowboy Chronicle , 9 IO ) N The Monthly Journal of the Single Action Sh ooting Society ® Vol. 27 No. 12 © Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. December 2014 COMANCHERIA DAYS Celebrates Fascinating Gunslingers of the Old West By Yuma Jack, SASS #11261 • Photos by Doug Burress Photography redericksburg, TX. Mike Harvey, owner of Ci2marro0n F.A1.C o w4as liv - ing in Houston, Texas in 1990. He and Nick Nixon had heard of the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) TM and F TM Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) and they decided to start a club in the Houston area. Not knowing much about the sport, Nixon journeyed to END of TRAIL (EOT) in California in 1990 to compete and gather information. That effort eventually resulted in the formation of the Texas His - torical Shootist Society club located and still shooting in Columbus, Texas. Then Cimarron F.A.C o moved from Houston to Fredericksburg, Texas. Mike and his wife Mary Lou Harvey, owner of Texas Jack Wild West Outfitter, wanting to start a new Cowboy Action Shooting™ club in the Texas Hill Country, contacted (CLICK continued on page 10 ) The Blazing Saddles side match, shooting revolvers and rifle on the move, . is a popular attraction at Comancheria Days. In Memoriam SASS C owboy Chronicle General 41 SISTERS In This Issue by Palaver Pete U. S. Grant, 54 C SASS #2 ISpATCHES ROM h C 18 D F OWbOy uIDE AMp AyLOR r o C G C b o ! w TO SAN ANTONIO by Capt. George Baylor n b by Beans Ahgin i o ~ – 68 c June 15, 1930 y ANIEL EbSTER 38 D W l November 25, 2014 ~ CANADA TRIpLICATION WALLACE e by Grey Fox by Col. Richard Dodge ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CLICK any sections ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (CLICK continued on page 7) Cowboy Chronicle Page 2 December 2014 The Cowboy Chronicle CONTENTS 6, 7 FROCMLI CTK HoEn aEnDy IsTecOtiR ons e Skinny’s Soapbox . In Memoriam (General u. S. Grant) . Editorial Staff 8, 9 SAS S- CONVENTION 2015 Skinny (( HURRY !!! - SIGN-U P TODA Y!! ! )) Editor-in-Chief 18-26 NEWS Misty Moonshine Cimarron (Announces Second young Guns program) . Managing Editor 28-30 LETTERS Comments From SASS Members . Tex and Cat Ballou 32-39 ON THE RANGE Editors Emeritus Defending Eldorado 2013 (The SASS Nevada State Championship) . Adobe Illustrator 40, 41 CLUB REPORTS Layout & Design A Saloon Shootout And More publicity For SASS . Mac Daddy 42 WILD BUNCH CORNER Graphic Design The Tombstone Inaugural Wb Match At The Livery Prairie Mary 44-63 GUNS & GEAR Advertising Manager palo Verde Gunworks . Dispatches From Camp baylor . (505) 843-1320 • Cell: (505) 249-3573 64-69 HISTORY [email protected] Heros von borcke . Little Known Famous people . Staff Writers 70-74 PROFILES Capgun Kid 2014 Scholarship Recipients . Capt. George Baylor 75 TRAIL MARKER Chilkoot Always To be Remembered . Col. Dan 75-85 ARTICLES Col. Richard Dodge Cartoon Corner (Black Diamond Western - Pt. 2) . Joe Fasthorse Larsen E. Pettifogger 86, 87 GENERAL STORE /CLASSIFIED Palaver Pete White Smoke Steve 88, 89 SASS MERCANTILE Wolverine Wrangler The Cowboy Chronicle is published by 90, 91 POLITICAL The Wild Bunch, Board of Directors of Hanging up My Spurs . The Single Action Shooting Society. SASS NEW MEMBERS LIST For advertising information and rates, ad - 92 ministrative, and edi to rial offices contact: Chronicle Administrator 93 SASS AFFILIATED CLUBS (MONTHLY) (ANNUA L) 215 Cowboy Way Edgewood, NM 87015 (505) 843-1320 FAX (505) 843-1333 Visit our Website at email: [email protected] http://www.sassnet.com The Cowboy Chronicle SASSNET.COM (ISSN 15399877) is pub - lished monthly by the Single Action Shooting A pair of Society, 215 Cowboy Way, Edgewood, NM 87015. Periodicals Postage is Paid at Edge - future wood, NM and additional mailing offices ® (USPS #032). POSTMASTER: Send ad - Cowboy Action SASS Trademarks The Cowboy Chronicle SASS ®, Single Action Shooting Society ®, dress changes to , 215 Shooting™ END of TRAIL ®, EOT ®, Cowboy Way, Edgewood, NM 87015. The Cowboy Chro nicle enthusiasts TM , DISCLAIMER - The Single Action Shooting take a break Cowboy Action Shooting TM , Society does not guarantee, warranty or en - TM TM dorse any product or service advertised in CAS , Wild bunch , this newspaper. The publisher also does not on the TM Wild bunch Action Shooting , guarantee the safety or effectiveness of any gallows steps The World Championship of product or service illustrated. The distri - TM bution of some products/services may be il - at the Cowboy Action Shooting , legal in some areas, and we do not assume Stieler Ranch, bow-legged Cowboy Design, and the responsibility thereof. State and local laws Rocking Horse Design must be investigated by the purchaser prior home of are all trademarks of to purchase or use or products/services. The WARNING: Neither the author nor Comancheria The Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. Cowboy Chronicle Any use or reproduction of these marks can accept any responsi - Days. bility for accidents or diffe ring results ob - without the express written permission tained using reloading data. Variation in of SASS is strictly prohibited. handloading tech niques, compo nents, and fire arms will make results vary. Have a competent gunsmith check your firearms before firing. VISIT US AT SASSNET .COM Cowboy Chronicle December 2014 Page 3 VISIT US AT SASSNET .COM Cowboy Chronicle Page 4 December 2014 VISIT US AT SASSNET .COM Cowboy Chronicle December 2014 Page 5 VISIT US AT SASSNET .COM Cowboy Chronicle Page 6 December 2014 i SKINNY’S SOAPBOX By Skinny, SASS #7361 i Farewell General What’s Next? As this issue is being finalized, we have received news For one thing, Colonel of General u. S. Grant’s passing. The General was instru - Dan promises we haven’t mental to the concept of Cowboy Action Shooting™ as we heard the last from him and know it, and he worked diligently through the years to pro - he will be submitting articles mote and further the sport we love. We will all gravely as the mood strikes him. We Skinny miss his presence. See our special tribute on the next page sincerely hope that’s the case. SASS #7361 for more background on this great man. In addition, there’s at least one new monthly feature in the Goodbye Colonel Dan works, scheduled to debut next month; we’ve received a The Cowboy Chronicle This edition of also marks the positive response to the new Western comic book section, final installment of Colonel Dan’s column. After faithfully so we’ll continue with that; and of course, we’ll always supplying a regular political feature for the past 12 years, strive to find and present as much interesting and enter - he has decided it’s time to relax a bit and, although we will taining material as we can. And we’ll leave you with that dearly miss his monthly insights, we agree that he has in - teaser for now. deed earned some time off. We wish him well on his con - SASS Convention tinued journey down life’s road. by the time you read this, the SASS Convention will be scarcely a month away. I will be attending the event in my hometown of San Antonio, TX and hope to meet and greet many of you there (but take it easy on me). In the meantime, check out beans Aghin’s feature on the sights of San Antonio in this issue. beans is a San An - tonio native and, in addition to serving as the editor of the South Texas pistolaros Newsletter, is also associated with the San Antonio Fire Museum and is a partner in San An - tonio Western Shooting LLC. As such, he’s had a lot of in - teraction with tourists and has a good handle on the questions most asked about the city. His article is interest - ing and well worth a read. —Skinny Chronicle October Addition ongratulations go out to State match. Her name was Two Step Net, SASS inadvertently left out of that C#98311 , of Georgia, who won match’s list of winners. It was in the Lady Silver Senior cat - her first win at a big match egory this year’s Georgia and she was rightly proud. big Cowboy thanTk yhoua ton Ankvi l AYl,o SAu SS #59168! Founders Ranch is an even safer place as a brand new defibrillator is Aon its way, thanks to Anvil Al’s coordination and fundraising ef - forts! And an additional huge thanks to those who donated! VISIT US AT SASSNET .COM Cowboy Chronicle December 2014 Page 7 VISIT US AT SASSNET .COM Cowboy Chronicle Page 8 December 2014 VISIT US AT SASSNET .COM Cowboy Chronicle December 2014 Page 9 VISIT US AT SASSNET .COM Cowboy Chronicle Page 10 December 2014 . COMANCHERIA DAYS 2014 , (Continued from page 1) 20 th Anniversary of the Texican Rangers. becky patterson, the The weather was absolutely beautiful throughout the present owner of the match. The mornings broke a little cool but clear. but Stieler Ranch about things warmed up in more ways than one as each day pro - 14 miles south of gressed. The final threat of rain even held off on Sunday, Fredericksburg. Adolph Stieler, the last day, until after the end of the Master Gunfighter becky’s grandfather, established the Match.
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