TC TO HAVE A GIRLS, GRAB A DATE RADIO TRANSMITTER THE GEORGE-ANNE FOR THE DANCE PUBLISHED BY STUDENTS OF GEORGIA TEACHERS COLLEGE VOLUMN 27 Collegeboro, Georgia, Suburb of Statesboro, Friday, April 23, 1954 NUMBER 23 GTC Honors Parents With Tarenfs Day' Parents responded to the Shirley Hanson, Avondale "Parent's Day" program in Estates, and her court will be number this week announced presented to the audience. President Zach S. Henderson. At 3:45 p. m. members of Over 80 families have sent in* Dramatic Club will present cards stating that they will be Alice Gurtenberg's one act play, present at the activities held in "Overtones," which will be their honor. supervised by Miss Dorothy The day's schedule calls for Few, speech director and the parents to arrive at 10:30 sponsor of Masquers. a. m. For the next 45 minutes The "Parent's Day activities an informal social hour will be were planned and sponsored by held in the dormitories, giving the inter-dormitory council with the guests a chance to become Miss Ida Long Rogers, dean of THE APOLLO BOYS' CHOIR will be presented in the auditorium tonight in the third and acquainted. At 11:45 a. m. a men, as advisor. final concert of the season by the Statesboro Community Concert Association. The program, special Sunday service will .be held in the college auditorium. which begins at 8:15, includes a wide variety of sacred and secular numbers, ranging in period The sermon will be delivered and temperment from early classical to modern. by Tom Cottingham Jr. 'Sadie Hawkins' Mr. Cottingham is Interna tional Harvester dealer in Doug Hart Conducts las and is a very active layman Dance Sponsored Radio Transmitter Is in the Methodist Church, holds the position of Associater History Class District Lay Leader of the Way- By Sanf ord Hall Jim Hart, English and cross District. He is also active Near Operation Date in youth activities and has been "Sadie Hawkins" will the the history teacher on the Labora- theme for the informal dance tory High School faculty, will speaker at a number of The Science Club is nearing Methodist Youth Assemblies. Saturday, April 24, at 8 p. m. conduct the Saturday Western in the gym sponsored by San- r*> the completion of a carrier Civilization class this Satur- Mr. Cottingham is also ford Hall. radio current transmitter, which Mary Alice Jones day in the absence of Dr. interested in family living. He Music for the dance, to which will operate solely on the GTC George A. Rogers. has attended in several National the girls will invite the boys, Home Life Conferences. campus. Mr. Hart, an exchange will be furnished by the combo. Presents Recital teacher from England, will pre- Special music for the service A floor show will be given at Beginning of the project be- sent the English point of view will be presented by the phil- 10:00. gan roughly two months ago on the causes of World War harmonic choir. At 12:30 p. m. Chairman of the committees and is expected to be finished Thursday Night I and the role of the nations in a picnic lunch for parents, for the occasion are Thomas in the early part of May. the conflicts which arose before faculty members and students Mock, Sylvania, decorations; Miss Mary Alice Jones will the war. will be served down by the Jimmy Becton, Pooler, refresh- The earlier radio current be presented in a junior voice lake, giving parents and faculty ments; and Gene Meadows, transmitter will send signal's recital on Thursday, April 29, HOME EC. GROUP a chance to become acquainted. Register, floor show . through the power lines only on at 8:15 p. m. in Concert Hall PLANS TYBEE TRIP If weather conditions prove un- the GTC campus. There will be Home Ec Club members will favorable, the lunch will be of the music building at Geor- McDOUGALD'S GOODIES no radio waves sent out. gia Teachers College. There will "Ho Bo" to finance a retreat to served in the gym. From 1:30 Tybee the weekend of May 14- until 2:30 open house will be KEEP EMPLOYEES HAPPY A schedule for two hours be no admission charge. 16. observed in the dormitories af- Don McDougald, comptroller, operation in the afternoon with Mary Alice will sing selec- Committees have been ap- ter which the guests will be varied programs is planned. has a very effective way of tions from Motzart, Schuman, pointed for recreation, lodging, taken on a tour of the campus. keeping his office force happy. The transmitter, which will Schubert, Lizst, and will Con- food, and transportation. The college band, under the He makes cakes and brownies operate on the power of 690 clude with "Voices of Spring," Mary Flanders, Rockledge, direction of Dana M. King, as- and brings a share to the of- by Straus. kilocycles, has been constructed president, says all members will sistant professor of music, will fice. Misses Mary Jane Moore primarily by Morris Davis, . Dr. Ronald J. Neil, head of be hired out to the teachers present its 4th annual presen- and Betty Sue Roundtree de- Tifton; Larry Cook, Newing- the division of music at GTC and people up town for various tation concert at 2:30. At the clare that Mr. McDougald turns ton, Glenn Thomas, Jesup; and will be the accompanist. jobs to finance the retreat. intermission, "Miss TC of 54," out a very good product. Bobbie Gene Kingery, Pulaski. Mary Alice takes an active part in all music activities. She is a member of En Melodie, H. J. McCormick Music Education Club, has been Annual Honors Day Program soloist for the Philharmonic Choir for two years, she is a member of the band, and has Is Set For May 10 Assembly Speaks Monday studied both piano and organ. The public is cordially in- The annual Honors Day pro- Tommie Jean Corbett, Vi- Vivien Cowart, Savannah; Al vited to attend this recital. gram for this year will be held dalia and Mrs. Marilu H. Mills, Crumpler, Hagin; Bobby Gene To Science Club at the regular assembly period Avondale Estates will appear in Kingery, Pulaski; Mrs. Ruth on May 10. At this time 28 both groups being honored. Knowlton, Statesboro; Marie Henry J. McCormick, man- seniors will be recognized for ager of the Bulloch County Hos- The others recognized for McKendree, St. Simons Island; their superior achievements. pital, and formerly on the "Constructive Leadership and Pat Meeks, Nichols; Barry Unselfish Stervice" are Rose Owens, Brunswick. science staff as a biology pro- Eleven will be honored for Mary Ammons, Brunswick; fessor at GTC, is to be the "Constructive Leadership and Janice Chastain, Albany; Mor- Melvin Peacock, Savannah; principle speaker at the Science Unselfish Service" and 19 more ris Davis, Tifton; Mary Mary Lula Peagler, Homerville; Club meeting Monday night, for "Excellent Scholarship." A Flanders, Rockledge; Mike Frances Rackley, Statesboro; April 26, at 7 p. m. grade point ratio of at least Genevrino, Newark, New Jersey; William Albert Rogers; Clax- five over the past five quarters Yvonne Jones, Jessup; Fred ton; Mary Salter, Frank Saun- Mr. McCormick was.with the ders, Rocky Ford; Laurien Sea- FBI for four years in the is the specification for "Ex- Pierce, Savannah; Gene Roberts, cellent Scholarship." The Lead- Wadley; and Christy Trowell, nor, Fitzgerald; Fayrene Stur- chemistry laboratory. He is go- gis, Statesboro. ing to speak on "Science and ership and Service group is Oliver. Crime Detection." chosen by the vote of the en- Others being honored for .Dr. William L. Pressley, presi- tire faculty, unlike the Who's scholastic achievement include dent of Westminster School in Anyone interested is invited Who group in which the stu- Mary Helen Altman, Waycross; Atlanta, will be the speaker for to attend this meeting. MARY ALICE JONES dents have a voice. Mrs. Betty Clary, Savannah; this occasion. Tyson's Type Backstage View Behind the Scenes Do any of you need help with your spring cleaning ? The students who are in the cast of the Masquers' That is, help at a very reasonable cost—$.50 an hour, Of Students Who production, "The Lady's Not for Burning," deserve with a minimum employment of two hours. The girls much praise for their efforts to provide an evening's from the college Home Economics Club are anxious entertainment for the students. But praise will be be- to lend a helping hand in the afternoons and on the Go Unaccredited When the curtain rises for stowed upon them through publicity and curtain calls weekends. If your house needs brightening, your after the performance. laundry needs to be washed, your windows need to be the Masquer's production of Christopher Fry's "The Lady's cleaned, your flowers need the weeds pulled so they Not for Burning," the audience Let's stop for a moment and consider the people can grow, then call 641-R and make arrangements for will see an array of elaborate who do behind-the-scenes work for this production. one, two or even maybe three gprls to come help you." 15th century sets and costumes. These people seldom receive recognition other than This is a small script I received this week from the Unseen by the audience will be having their names on the program sheet. Yet they Home Economics Club. So if you have Spring Fever the long hours of work put make a necessary contribution toward the success of and just feel lazy, the best and quickest way you can get forth by the committees who the play.
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