NUMBER ISSN 0306-8617 JUNE 1986 THE TIMETABLE Until Spring I987 »Routemaster-Monarch of the Road». Exhibition at the London Transport Museum, celebrating 30 year»s service of London's famous Routemaster bus. Monday 2 June Library Evening, 18.OO. The Society's Library open for in• spection at 62 Beauval Road, Dulwich, London, SE22 8UQ, Friday 13 June Talk, 'Metro Track Systems*, by Mr.C.P.Bonnett, Managing Director, Docklands Light Railway, LRT. 19.0,0 for 19«15 in the Conference Room, Baden-Powell House. Saturday l4 June One-day seminar, 'The Commuter's Railway'. Full details on front cover of UN 293. Satturday 1^ June Morning visit to Bakerloo Line signal boxes at Elephant & Castle, Lambeth North and Piccadilly Circus, Nuniibers very restricted. Applications, with SAE, to Mr,G.A.Pinch, 161 Valetta Road, London, ¥3 7TA. Minimum age 15 years. Associate members, please state age when applying. Please note that the visit embraces all three signal boxes and only one application is needed per person. Participants must make their own ticketing arrangements for travel to, from, and In-between visit. tfednesday 18 June Evening bus tour by open-^top bus of the site of the Dock• lands Light Railway. Fare: £2.50 in advance, or £3.00 on the bus if places still available. Meet 18.50 at Liverpool Street station, route 11 bus stand. Advance bookings to: Mr.J.Barrle, 21 Endymion Road, London, n4 lEE, enclosing an SAE. Please note that this is not an LURS event, but LURS members are invited to participate. See page 8I of this issue for further Timetable events. UNDERGROUND NEWS IS PUBUSHEO PRiNTtO TH£ LONDON UNOtRGROyNO RASLsAiAY SOCiETN; CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE EDITOR WHOSE ADDRESS APPEARS INSiDE. Mim&t^' AR5 'ASKED TD'ENCLOSE A STAMrEO ADDRESSED EWELOFE If A REPLY tS ' REOUIPea OPiNiONS EXPRESSEp^ ABE THOSE .Of COmiiiBUT-pRS AND HOT NECESS^ILV,Ei«OFSED BY xLum. ® THE COWTENTS AHC COFYRIGHT, CHANGES AT TRZ TOP "332 (the 05.11 from West Kensington) with unit 223 leading and 202 at the rear, which arrived The Society Is pleased to announce that Mr. at 05.41. About two dozen passengers alighted W.R.Clarke, President of the Society for from this train at Terminal 4* including a num• 1986-87, has been appointed OPERATIONS DIRECTOR ber of airport workers and airline passengers. to the Board of London Underground Ltd,, eff• ective from th April 1986, Mr,Clarke succeeds With this Piccadilly Line extension coming into service, all passenger trains to Heathrow travel Mr.John Cope, who has retired after 48 years 4 service on the Underground. from Hatton Cross to the new Terminal station (l,l4 miles - 2^ minutes), then continue round Mr.Clarke, 52, joinod London Transport in 1958 the loop to Heathrow Central (2.66 miles -4^ and has wide experience of Underground railway minutes), which was officially renamed Heathrow operation. He was Divisional General Manager for Terminals 1,2,3 on- 1 April, before returning the District and Piccadilly lines, and for the direct via Hatton Cross to London. past three years he has been General Manager of the Docklands Light Railway project. He has been Work on the single-track loop began in February 1983. -1984 involved in work on mass transit and li^t rail• Tunnelling was completed in mid and ways with the International Union of Public installation of track, signalling and Other Transport, and now takes over as head of all equipment followed. The station was built be• neath the Terminal 4 car park by the British Underground operations. Airports Authority. Mr-C.F.Bennett has been appointed Managing Dir• ector of the Docklands Light Railway project. He live tunnel construction was carried out by will oversee the present project for construc• Thyssen-Taywood - a joint venture between Hiyssen Great Britain Ltd. and Taylor Woodrow tion and equipping the railway, which will rvut Construction Ltd. Design and project management from the Tower of London to Island Gardens on was undertaken by London Underground's own the Isle of Dogs, with a branch to Stratfort. staff. The station was designed by LRT's De• The railway is due to open in the atanaer of partment of the Architectural Services Manager 1987. Mr.Bonnett will also be responsible for and the work was managed by Taylor Woodrow the projected extension Into the City of London, Construction Ltd. under the British Airports for which Parliamentary powers are currently Authority's management fee contract. The main being sought. building contractor was John Lalng Construction Mr.Bonnett, 56, is a chartered engineer and a Ltd. and London Underground Ltd. was responsible Fellow of the Institutions of Civil and Struct- ' for the project management. ural Engineers. He joined London Transport in 1964 after civil engineering experience with the Building the Terminal 4 Loop Government's Mijilstry of Works and with British Rail, and rose to head the Underground's Civil Tunnelling for the new link was carried out in Engineering department. He took on additional three sections, using three shields. One section responsibility fo- signal and electrical ex»gin- was driven into the west end of the new Terminal eering vrticn he became a founder member of the 4 station from a working shaft 1.75 miles away Board of London Underground Ltd., when the LRT at Wessex Road on the western perimeter of the subsidiary was set up in I985. airport. Dr.H.Fitzhugh takes over from Mr.N.Kerr as Another section of more than O.75 mile was bored Marketing and Development Director, who is leav• from a working shaft near Hatton Cross station ing to take up a post in the private sector. to the east end of Terminal 4 station, and the Dr.Fitzhugh, 4l, has a background in science. He third section of about 0.75 mile went from the joined London Transport in 1972, and was Wessex Road shaft to meet the existing Picca• successively Principal Dynamlclst and Scientific dilly Line tunnels west of Heathrow Terminals Adviser. Since J983 he has been LRT's Technology 1,2,3 station. and Telecommunications Manager. He has been re• sponsible for developing the commercial exploi• A new junction was constructed at Hatton Cross and a O.25-mile section of ttmnel just east of tation of Underground tunnels and tramway ducts that station was built in a deep trench and the as private sector cable routes. grotmd above restored. Some cracks in the cast iron tunnel segments were caused by ground move• ment in this area shortly before opening, whi.ch TOE HEAIHROW UNDERGROUND EXTENSION has now been consolidated by high-pressure cement grouting. The £25-million Piccadilly Line extension and station to serve Heathrow Airport's newest ter• Most of the route is lined with 3.8 m Internal minal was officially opened on Tuesday 1 April diameter precast'concrete rings expanded against; 1986 by the Prince and Princess of Wales. The the ground. At enlargements, junctions and in first fare-paying passengers used the new stat• areas of shallow clay cover, bolted segmental ion, Heathrow Terminal 4, twelve days later, cast iron lining was used. Hie single tunnel when the terminal itself opexied for air traffic. of the new loop divides at the etepplate junc• tion to link with the two original overrun tunn• About half a dozen hardy, or maybe foolhardy en• els at Heathrow Terminals 1,2,3 station. The thusiasts were on hand to witness the public route is mostly situated In London clay at dep• opening of Terminal 4 station on Saturday 12 17 324, ths of up to metres. Work at all sites had to April. The first passenger train. No. having comply with the special requirements of an oper• arrived empty (but scheduled as a staff train) ational airport. The height of plant and stock• departed one minute early at 04.58 and consisted 109 I82 piled material was limited to avoid radar inter• of units (leading) and (rear). The first ference. arrival to carry passengers was train 330 (unit 234 leading and'169 rear) which arrived at Term• For the first time in an Underground tube tunnel inal 4 at 05.29. Although not advertised as a flat bottomed rails on pre-stressed concrete passenger service (it is booked to work empty sleepers have been used in building the loop. from Northfieids to Terminal 4), this train did For part of the length the sleepers have been in fact carry passengers, at least from Hounslow mounted in experimental resilient 'boots' to West, if not from ftirther east. The first adver• reduce noise and vibration, -mere are two ven• tised passenger arrival at Terminal 4 was train tilation shafts along the line, in addition to 70 the shaft in the airport centre. One is adjacent Green Park Charing Cross (Jubilee) to the animal quarantine building in Bedfont Green Park Euston (Victoria Line) Road and the other near Perry Oaks Sewage Farm Piccadilly Circus Waterloo at tfessex Road. These are available for emergen• Holborn Liverpool Street cy detraining on the single-track loop, should a train become immobilised, and two 'dummy' exer• Surprisingly, this wall diagram is not at the cises were hold during the evenings of 12 Febru• entry point to the platform (at the western end) ary 1986 {using unitg II8-167) and again on but at about midway. The platform has standard 12 March I986 (234-16?). On each occasion, vol• fluorescent lighting. A dot matrix indicator unteer LRT and BAA staff were the 'passengers' provides multi-lingual information and train and non-toxic smoke conditions were created.
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