List of pLants avaiLabLe for purchase spring 2020 updated May 16th, 2020 cross-reference list of these native plants sorted by coMMon naMe begins page 7 SC-NPS NATIVE PLANT PRICING Rev May 16th, 2020 – Sort by TYPE + SCIENTIFIC NAME’ Type SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Size Price A NOG – concentrate (makes 16 gal.) NOG 32oz $18.00 A NOG – granules NOG 4lbs. $6.00 FERNS & FERN ALLIES F Adiantum pedatum Fern – Northern Maidenhair 1g $10.00 F Asplenium platyneuron Fern – Ebony Spleenwort 1 tall $8.00 F Asplenium platyneuron Fern – Ebony Spleenwort 4” $4.00 F Athyrium filix-femina v. Asplenoides Fern – Southern Lady 3” $4.00 F Diplazium pycnocarpon Fern – Narrow Leaf Glade 3” $4.00 F Dryopteris celsa Fern – Log 1g $10.00 F Dryopteris intermedia Fern – Fancy Fern 1g $8.00 F Dryopteris ludoviciana Fern – Southern Wood 1g $10.00 F Onoclea sensibilis Fern – Sensitive 3” $4.00 F Osmunda cinnamomeam Fern – Cinnamon 1g $10.00 F Osmunda regalis Fern – Royal 1g $10.00 F Polystichum acrostichoides Fern – Christmas 1g $8.00 F Thelypteris confluens Fern – Marsh 1g $10.00 F Woodwardia areolata Fern – Netted chain 3” $4.00 GRASSES & SEDGES G Andropogon gerardii Bluestem – big 1g $8.00 G Carex appalachica Sedge – Appalachian 1g $6.00 G Carex appalachica Sedge – Appalachian 4”Tall $4.00 G Carex flaccasperma Sedge – Blue Wood 1g $8.00 G Carex plantaginea Sedge – Seersucker sedge 1g $6.00 G Chasmanthium latifolium Riveroats 1g $6.00 G Juncus effusus Common Rush 1g $6.00 G Muhlenbergia capillaris Muhly grass, Pink 1g $6.00 G Muhlenbergia capillaris Muhly grass, Pink 1g $8.00 G Panicum virgatum ‘Northwinds’ Switchgrass ‘ Northwinds’ 1g $10.00 G Panicum virgatum ‘Shenandoah’ Switchgrass ‘ Shenandoah’ 1g $9.00 G Schizachyrium scoparium Bluestem – Little, ‘Standing O’ 1g $10.00 G Schizachyrium scoparium Bluestem – Little Bluestem 4” Tall $3.00 G Scirpus cyperinus Wool Grass 1g $4.00 G Sorghastrum nutans Indiangrass – Yellow 1g $7.00 HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS P Allium cernuum Nodding onion 1g $6.00 P Amsonia hubrichtii Bluestar – Threadleal 1g $8.00 P Amsonia tabernaemontana Bluestar – Eastern 1g $8.00 P Aquilegia canadensis Columbine 1g $8.00 P Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-pulpit 1g $10.00 P Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-pulpit 4” $4.00 P Asclepias tuberosa Milkweed – Butterfly 4”Tall $20.00 P Baptisa Alba Indigo – False White 1g $8.00 P Baptisa Australis Indigo – False Blue 1g $8.00 P Chelone (sp?) Turtlehead – White 1g $8.00 P Chelone lyonii Turtlehead – Pink ‘ Hot Lips’ 1g $10.00 P Chrysogonum virginianum Green and gold 4" $4.00 P Chrysopsis mariana Golden Aster – Maryland 1g $8.00 SC-NPS NATIVE PLANT PRICING Rev May 16th, 2020 – Sort by TYPE + SCIENTIFIC NAME’ Type SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Size Price P Claytonia virginica Spring beauty 1g $8.00 P Conoclinium coelestinum Blue Mistflower 1g $6.00 P Coreopsis grandiflora Tickseed – Large flower 1g $8.00 P Coreopsis integrifolia Tickseed – Fringeleaf 1g $8.00 P Coreopsis tripteris Tickseed – Tall 1g $8.00 P Crinum americanum Swamp Lily 1g $10.00 p Crinum americanum Swamp Lily 3g $15.00 P Echinacea purpurea Coneflower – Purple 1g $8.00 P Echinacea tennesseensis Coneflower – Tennessee 1g $8.00 P Eryngium yuccifolium Rattlesnake master 1g $8.00 P Erythronium americanum Trout Lily – Yellow 1g $8.00 P Erythronium americanum Trout Lily – Yellow 4" $4.00 P Eupatorium hyssopifolium Thoroughwort – Hyssop-leaf 1g $8.00 P Eupatorium serotinum Thoroughwort – late blooming 1g $8.00 P Eurybia divaricata Aster – White Wood 1g $8.00 P Eutrochium fistulosum Joe Pye weed 1g $8.00 P Galax urceolata Beetleweed $10.00 P Geranium maculatum Geranium – Spotted Wild 1g $8.00 P Helianthus angustifoliusSunflower – Swamp 1g $8.00 P Helianthus atrorubens Sunflower – Purpledisk 1g $8.00 P Helianthus giganteus Sunflower – Tall sunflower 1g $8.00 P Helianthus glaucophyllus Sunflower – White Leaf 1g $8.00 P Helianthus mollis Sunflower – Ashy 1g $8.00 P Helianthus tuberosus Sunflower – J.artichoke 1g $8.00 P Hexastylis arifolia Little Brown Jug 3g $15.00 P Hexastylis shuttleworthii Heartleaf – Large Flower 1g $8.00 P Hexastylis shuttleworthii Heartleaf – Large Flower 4” $5.00 P Hibiscus coccineusHibiscus – Scarlet Rose 3g $15.00 P Hibiscus moscheutos Hibiscus – Rose mallow 1g $8.00 P Hibiscus moscheutos Hibiscus – Rose mallow 2g $12.00 P Hibiscus moscheutos Hibiscus – Rose mallow 3g $15.00 P Iris cristata Iris – Dwarf Crested Iris 1g $10.00 P Iris cristata Iris – Dwarf Crested Iris 4” $4.00 P Iris versicolor Iris – Blue Flag 1g $10.00 P Lilium michauxii Lily – Carolina (4+ years) 1g $15.00 P Lilium michauxii Lily – Carolina (6+ years) 1g $18.00 P Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal flower 1g $8.00 P Lobelia siphilitica Lobelia, Great Blue Lobelia 1g $8.00 P Maianthemum racemosum Solomon's Plume (formerly ‘False’) 1g $10.00 P Monarda fistulosa BeeBalm – Purple ‘Wild Bergamot’ 4” $3.00 P Monarda fistulosa BeeBalm – Purple ‘Wild Bergamot’ 4” $4.00 P Monarda punctata Beebalm – Spotted 1g $8.00 P Oenothera fruticosa Sundrops 1g $8.00 P Oligoneuron rigidum Goldenrod – Stiff 1g $8.00 P Parthenium integrifolium Wild Quinine – aka feverfew 1g $8.00 P Passiflora incarnata Maypop 1g $8.00 P Penstemon digitalis x Beard-tongue – Foxglove (DT Seed) 1g $8.00 SC-NPS NATIVE PLANT PRICING Rev May 16th, 2020 – Sort by TYPE + SCIENTIFIC NAME’ Type SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Size Price P Penstemon smallii Penstemon – Small's 1g $8.00 P Phlox divaricata Phlox – Woodland ‘Blue Moon’ 1g $10.00 P Physostegia virginiana Obedient Plant 1g $8.00 P Pityopsis graminifolia Golden Aster – Silk grass 4” $4.00 P Podophyllum peltatum Mayapple 1g $8.00 P Polygonatum biflorum Solomon's Seal 1g $8.00 P Polygonatum biflorum Solomon's Seal 4” $4.00 P Pycnanthemum muticum Mountain Mint – Shoot Tooth 1g $8.00 P Pycnanthemum muticum Mountain Mint – Shoot Tooth 4” $4.00 P Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Mountain Mint – Narrowleaf 1g $8.00 P Pycnanthemum verticillatum v pilosum Mountain Mint – Whorled 1g $8.00 P Pycnanthemum virginianum Mountain Mint – Virginia 1g $8.00 P Rudbeckia fulgida v Goldsturm Coneflower – Black-eyed Susan v.Goldsturm 1g $8.00 P Rudbeckia fulgida v.Fulgida Coneflower - Orange v.Fulgida 1g $8.00 P Rudbeckia fulgida v.Fulgida Coneflower - Orange v.Fulgida 2g $12.00 P Rudbeckia heliopsidis Coneflower – Sunfacing 1g $8.00 P Rudbeckia maxima Coneflower – Giant aka Large 1g $10.00 P Rudbeckia subtomentosa Coneflower – Sweet 1g $8.00 P Rudbeckia triloba Brown-eyed Susan 1g $8.00 P Ruellia caroliniensis Petunia – Carolina 1g $6.00 P Salvia lyrata Lyreleaf sage, Cancer weed 1g $8.00 P Sanguinaria canadensis Bloodroot 1g $10.00 P Sarracenia Minor Pitcher plant 4” $6.00 P Silene ovata Catchfly, Blue Ridge 1g $8.00 P Silphium terebinthinaceum Prairie Dock 1g $8.00 P Sisyrinchium angustifolium Blue-Eyed Grass 1g $8.00 P Sisyrinchium atlanticum Blue-Eyed Grass 1g $8.00 P Solidago rugosa Goldenrod – Rough ‘Fireworks’ 1g $8.00 P Stokesia laevis Aster – Stokes 1g $8.00 P Symphyotrichum georgianum Aster – Georgia 1g $8.00 P Symphyotrichum novae-angliae Aster – New England 1g $8.00 P Symphyotrichum novi-belgii Aster – New York 1g $8.00 P Symphyotrichum oblongifolium Aster – Aromatic 'October Skies' 1g $8.00 P Symphyotrichum oblongifolium Aster – Aromatic 'Raydon's Favourite' 1g $8.00 P Symphyotrichum oolentangiensis Aster – Blue Sky Aster 1g $8.00 P Tephrosia spicata Hoarypea – Spiked 1g $8.00 P Tiarella cordifolia Foamflower 1g $8.00 P Tradescantia virginiana Spiderwort 1g $8.00 P Trillium discolor Trillium – Faded 4” $5.00 P Verbena canadensis Verbena - ‘Homestead’ 1g $5.00 P Vernonia acaulis Ironweed – Stemless 1g $8.00 P Vernonia noveboracensis Ironweed – New York 1g $8.00 P Vernonia noveboracensis Ironweed – New York 3g $15.00 SHRUBS S Aesculus parviflora Buckeye – Bottlebrush 3g $25.00 S Aesculus pavia Buckeye – Red buckeye 1g $10.00 S Callicarpa americana Beautyberry 1g $10.00 SC-NPS NATIVE PLANT PRICING Rev May 16th, 2020 – Sort by TYPE + SCIENTIFIC NAME’ Type SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Size Price S Callicarpa americana Beautyberry 3g $20.00 S Calycanthus floridus Sweetshrub 1g $10.00 S Calycanthus floridus Sweetshrub 3g $20.00 S Chionanthus virginicus Fringetree – White 1g $10.00 S Chionanthus virginicus Fringetree – White 3g $20.00 S Clethra alnifolia - dwarf Summersweet, ‘16 Candles’ 1g $10.00 S Clethra alnifolia - dwarf Summersweet, ‘16 Candles’ 3g $20.00 S Coreopsis Arborens Turks Cap v Drummondii 1g $8.00 S Cornus amomum Dogwood – Silky 1g $10.00 S Cornus amomum Dogwood – Silky 3g $18.00 S Diervilla sessilifolia Honeysuckle Bush 3g $25.00 S Fothergilla major ‘Mt. Airy’Fothergilla (1st year plants) 1g $6.00 S Fothergilla major ‘Mt. Airy’ Fothergilla 3g $20.00 S Hydrangea arborescens Hydrangea – Smooth 1g $8.00 S Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ Hydrangea – Smooth ‘Annabelle’ 3g $15.00 S Hydrangea quercifolia Hydrangea – Oakleaf 1g `$10.00 S Hydrangea quercifolia Hydrangea – Oakleaf 3g $20.00 S Hydrangea radiata Hydrangea – Silverleaf 1g $10.00 S Hydrangea radiata Hydrangea – Silverleaf 3g $20.00 S Hypericum densiflorum St. John's Wort – Bushy ‘Creels Gold’ 1g $10.00 S Ilex glabra Holly – Inkberry, 1g $10.00 S Ilex verticillata Holly – Winterberry (Fe) Winter Red 3g $25.00 S Ilex verticillata Holly – Winterberry (Male) ‘S.Gent’ 3g $25.00 S Ilex vomitoria Holly – Yaupon holly 10g $20.00 S Ilex vomitoria Holly – Yaupon holly 1g $8.00 S Ilex vomitoria Holly – Yaupon holly 3g $15.00 S Itea virginica Virginia Sweetspire 1g $10.00 S Leucothoe fontanesiana Doghobble – Mountain 1g $14.00 S Malvaviscus Arborens Turks Cap - ‘Drummondii’ 1g $8.00 S Rhododendron alabamense Azalea
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