, ■ I ^ ■V' ' Vi u 1 .f. •’ll 5j238 '. »m 0 ffto ,/ » aliWISSL i yi^ui^ na 271, ia.1 SOUTH MfANC»B8TER, CONN, WMMBSQA^^ 11, 1992. (FODBTEVMPAOH) I * ‘. , jw (s f s m o ^ 1^ * » " ? I WHERE IR pn e WINDS DEALT DEATH IN SOUTHED TEXAS •t ^ » t i BKHLEDINAN ODD ADVENTURE! f WSkm Roesner, Here Te Escape Florida Weather, Stock Market Prices K mmw M i i i i g Falls Fhhb Bridpe Perdi| Continue to Advance e p r t iit Was h Adaiitic Difieiit To ReadL (Sty Hotel and Later Tjbti ■■hi m *5 * ^ ^ * * ' IT— Ac-Ato 1112 rallied to |118. J. L Case He Was h Mexico Aa UBuraal mlabap occurred late tlve buying swept through the which,------ had yielded |4 to |52, snap­ yeatarday afternoon nddeb reaulted S to ^ Excha^e today, on an- ped back to 164. United States Steel nouncement of distribution at the la the death o f William Roeaaner, which jiad' lagged around >41Ad, Birt He Was Not Molestel re^ilar quarterly dividend of 12.25 down 11.60, ran up to 142.25. Santa S6, of 8 t Peteraburr, FUL, husband a share by American Telephone and Fe recovered |1 after It had reacted of the former IiOBa M. Myrtle Fry­ Telegraph Co. Trading was active earUer to 48^ alt 1%. that the ticker fell slightly in ar­ Hsecutive Chamber, Albany, N. er, kindergarten supervisor of the rears. In the morning there had been Y., Aug. 37.—(A P)—Attempting to BSghth DisMct schools. Roessner ternating Hushes of rising prices . W . S i ! ! ! ! ? ^ ravaged'a widespread area in southeiwTmma^ thb inaln s e c ^ e ff^ town of Freeport is shown-here^ 'American Telephone dipping |2 and then mild recessions. count|ract tee charge to tee ourter fell or dropped ftom the Park street as It a p p e e ^ after^the death-dealing winds had subdued. • Note how so me building literally were rlp p ^ from their founda^ns. while others proceedings against Mayor James J. bridge to the rlghtFOf-way of the w w unrw)fed and trees and poles were blown.down. _ Thirty-two persons were known to be dead sad asviral hundreds injured as i ^ e f workers Soum Manchester railroad at 4 entered the stricken sone to bring aid to the Storm sufferers. -r * rwiw worxers; Walker that tee mayor made no ef­ o'clock smd sustained Injuries that fect to hring.the nU s^g accotmtant Included a fractured skull, a frac­ Russell T. Sherwood, back for questioning, John/J. Chirtto brought tured left hip, fractured pelvis, both DEBT REDUCTION bones in 1 ^ forearm broken, a jaw out tfwtlmony. today that tendrtto injiiry and contusions of the face ITALY TO RETIRE LEGION C O N V B IU ^ show Mr. Walker’s Was and head. He died at the Memorial AL SMITH KEEPING MUM not sought by tee Hofstadter com­ hospital at 10 o’clock last night. WOUID AID TAXPAYERS mittee. \ First intimation of sthe tragedy MANY RA1TLESH1PS W itt Jacob (3ould Seburman, Jr. waf received by laborers who were O N l N W i m i R Y on tee stand, Chirtln, Walker’s legal ON QUESTON OF SUPPORT adviser, showed that when Sherwood unloading material for the new | b m rd Econonist Says De- united States Poet Office building NEARLY 8 MILUON was located at Atlantic a t y shd directly underneath the bridge, Economy Mo?e Pianned^ later St Mexico d ty, Walker's aid when one of the four men glanced After Cinfercnce WMi Gar­ D deptes Froifi AD Parts of aandiBg FoD Pa3fneiit was not solicited.. upward and saw Roessner hanging STATE’S “GAS” TAX Schurnum, formerly an assistant by his hands from a heavy steel ^ o i e Fleet To Be Re^ W nX NEED CLOTHES to Samuel Seabury, counsel to the* girder that supports the bridge. He ner Fomer Geremor WiD the Stale Inyade the Ga3y WD Brnig Dafadt Or Re- Hofstadter Committee, conducted naade no outci but a moment later tee investigation of Walker’s finan­ 7 orfimzed Hus Year. IS CONSHTUnONAL cial aflhirs. he let go his hold and plung^ to Decorated City. P H fia lio B . the ground, a distance of about Net Answer To^W ilfen Red Cress Estonates N m - Schurman, son of a former ambas­ twenty-five feet sador to Germsny, testified »hwt Rome, Aug. 17—(A P )— Approxi Charles Kerrigan, assistant to Mayor . Stmcic On Hla Feet MReoserehr Waterbury, Aug. 17.— (A P )—Le­ Roessner landed on both feet, mately 130,000 tons of Ital3r’s l^ht- 03 Company Says Act Was WilUamstown, Mass.. Aug. 17.— her To Be Pfevided With Walker, told-him tee mayor did not gionnaires began their invasion of | expect that Sherwood would be then crumbled to the ground, strik­ ing ships will be retired beginning (A P )—^Prtrf. John H. Williams of ing hla head on the road. The drop this fisg-hedecked city toiday for tee found. The conversation with Kerri­ August 25.as a result of an economy New Toric, Aug. 17.^—(A P )—Ex­ Not Legal Becanse It Was Harvard University said at tee In­ Free CettoD QoA. 'm s made a few feet from the start of tee American Legion state gan :was before a subpoena was pectation Jaunes M. Cox wiU stitute o f Polities tydty that Amer­ V' west side ofv the bridge and Roess­ move and a sweeping reorganization convention. last August and while Mr. ner struck about three feet from the of the Ittdian fieet. take the stump for the Roosevelt- Not S ^ e d h r n e . ican taxpayers are bdginiiing to re- Walker \ as in Europe. west stone wan, about five feet These wffl include two battleships, Gamer ticket if his health permits Cpenlng of the official headquar- j aUze that reduction of war debts Washington, Aug. 17.— (A P )— Curtin,introduced records to show te ^ n t the Elton hotel marked tee from the fiat ear In which thalabor- three h e ^ r emiaers, nine g ^ t was expressed today at Democratic would be to their advantage for Estimates thus far provided tee the New York police department ers were watidng. cruisers, fo -destroyers and a di^ien fifot offldal function. Tonight tee Red cross headquarters here place asked tee Atlantic City ^ c e to headquarters. Hartford, Aug. 17.—(A P)—Valid­ department executive committee three reasons. He said these were The 1*aik street bridge is mostly sutanarbiaB, an reasonaUy old but at 7,998,000 persons tee number of check on Sherwood’s presence to tee of steti constpnotlon. A metal rail­ Robert ^aidmon, chairman of the ity of the Connecticut gasoline tax. will hold a dinner meeting aM will 1— Insistence upon full payment Hotel Traymore there, and that still within the age l&nit. those who will need cotton ing at least fdnr feet high runs The ridps-wfil be strgmed o f their Speakers Bureau, who described the law waa ujAel^ todiay tee S)a- then be host to Leglonnatees from may bring (Mfault or repudiation. Schurman asked the New York along the north‘ikle and conneets at crews but not Inunedlalaiy soriq>ped. former'gpvemm: of Ohio as "100 per preme Court of Errors hs a throughout tee state at a smoker. A 2— Cwtain compensations may be^during the next six months from the officers to make no^effort to-sMve each end with a -higher fence of In this con#tloii they, win continue cent-fii nne,’’ , also-said John W. meeting of tee executive committee secured through reduction at the vnqiply of Farm Board c o ^ placed tee subpoena imtil Sherwood return­ Davis was faviwakly inclined toward requiring tee Consumen OU Com- of tee auxiliary will be held at the smooth wire, without an' (gening to serve a s ^ bartmria(g point -when debts which would more com­ at tee diqosal of tee otgaaiBatioh. ed. ' I large enough for a grown iierson to m ak^ speefdms for the ticket ^ y . Jnc., te pay a fl;725.S0 tax same tim&. the world fBsarmanpkt coafbrence MtMmwhile question wdiether a collected on gas sales. pensate tee American people foe^ Only a«little more than third of pass through. The only way Roess­ resumes its diamissiowi at Geneva The Legionnaires win gather for loss of tee debt pasrmehts. the Red Cross chapters thus fa r W ALK^ A BIT LAi ner could have reached the spot at .third former Dempcratic candidate The OIL company contended the thdr first general aemion tomor­ this fan. Caretafcafa win be left fot^the presidenfty, A lfr ^ Smith, law was uncoostitaticmal because 8—The process at. payment baa have sent in estimates. Tim report Executive' Cbxmbn', A h ^ y , N. .sfi w M A he was first seen, was to aboard thg.«d>ipp (a .|wap them ^ m row morning when the city^s <ffR- harmed our iuternatlonal trade. tog Ohiipfers, 1,849 out of tlm 8, 25, Aug. 1^—(4J»)—jiMob Gould clambim over the Sind would tMm ^ \ ^ c o m e wm ^ extenddd 36 ipysuiy. FfOPPffd that ^ r tbs ' that 1.117.481 fomilies SchurmpB^^B*:;'former pseietant to tag. Of tee c h a p to r s ifS ^ cotomet to toe impossible for an avei The batUetdi^ are the Andreia: ^ ^ e f J61mr"*sr* ‘Gajmw’’ ba^-'to WaaUngtoh after g ^ t . ^ person to faU over . thg sailing, Doria,- 2E,760 tmus,- and h ir' slater Waterbury n y Beoutoltetfottid tifen o f f< ln ^ MeU funding PjBw “ ►friyed with S e p ^ fortoday’s ses- a.
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