July 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1573 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PAYING TRIBUTE TO LAWRENCE Though an adequate response to a future HONORING CHANNEL LOGISTICS, ‘‘JAKE’’ JACOBSEN pandemic will require the cooperation of all LLC involved countries, the US should show lead- ership commensurate with its expertise and HON. JON C. PORTER wealth. We therefore applaud your request of HON. ROBERT E. ANDREWS OF NEVADA OF NEW JERSEY the World Health Assembly, the decision IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES making body of the World Health Organiza- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, July 28, 2006 tion, that they ‘‘pledge with me to abide by Friday, July 28, 2006 Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to four principles of pandemic preparedness: Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the life of former Nevada State Senator Transparency, rapid reporting, data sharing, commend and honor Channel Logistics, LLC Lawrence ‘‘Jake’’ Jacobsen, who passed away and scientific cooperation.’’ for their recent achievement in maritime do- on Wednesday, July 26, 2006. We ask that you set these principles into main and seaport security. Jake, who made his home in Minden, NV, motion by requiring data from HHS-funded On April 1, 2006, the Institute of Electrical retired from the legislature in 2002 as the research on avian influenza and genetic se- and Electronic Engineers presented their An- longest-serving legislator in Nevada history, quences, in particular, to be promptly depos- nual Corporate Innovation Award to Channel having served 16 years in the Assembly and ited in a publicly accessible repository such Logistics, LLC during the Institute’s annual as GenBank, the sequence database of the awards dinner in Philadelphia. The award rec- 24 in the Senate. Over his long and distin- National Institutes of Health. Researchers guished career, Jake must have been proud- for the Human Genome Project published ognizes the company’s development of the est of his work on behalf of the state’s vet- their sequences in a public database within Computer Assisted Threat Evaluation System. erans and the Department of Corrections 24 hours. Calls for the immediate deposition This system evaluates potential maritime and honor camp system, and his fight for preserva- of sequence data have come from some of the port security threats among ships, crew and tion of the Stewart Indian School and Marlette most renowned scientists in the world in the cargo entering our ports. It is able to evaluate Lake. Jake was also a volunteer firefighter in field of avian influenza. threats by analyzing information contained Carson Valley for more than 50 years, and Some scientists and countries are reluc- within maritime databases through the proc- has fought several fires side-by-side with For- tant to release their genetic and clinical esses of data fusion, pattern and choke point est Service personnel. As president of the data for fear of loss of scientific credit or mapping. Minden Engine Company for 25 years and a that the information will be used to create a This technology plays an important role in lawmaker for 40 years, Jake has supported technology, such as a vaccine, that will then uncovering possible terrorist threats to our vul- firefighting and preserved funding for fire be priced out of their reach. In particular, nerable maritime and port infrastructures. I am crews. certain countries are refusing to release proud that Camden, NJ-based Channel Logis- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor the life of their sequences. Unfortunately, those coun- tics, LLC is a leader in developing innovative former state Senator Lawrence ‘‘Jake’’ Jacob- tries are reported to include several current technologies designed to secure our country sen. In his long and distinguished career as a or past hot spots for H5N1. These concerns and ports, and I congratulate them on receiv- legislator in the State Senate he touched can be satisfied. There are already public ing the IEEE’s distinguished Annual Corporate databases holding tens of thousands of ge- countless lives. He was a good friend, one Innovation Award. netic sequences that have intellectual prop- f whom I had the pleasure of serving with for 8 erty protections in place to prevent just such years. He will be greatly missed by all the citi- problems. While many countries may have HONORING BOB BRAUER zens of Nevada. policies in place to prevent the open sharing f of such information, stressing the impor- HON. BARBARA LEE tance of rapid response worldwide is vital. THE AVAILABILITY OF AVIAN FLU OF CALIFORNIA RESEARCH DATA In the event of a pandemic, the public will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES need to be able to trust that their govern- ment and scientists are acting with the Friday, July 28, 2006 HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH transparency, speed and cooperation you re- Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor OF OHIO quested. The United States can take this op- the extraordinary life and work of Robert IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES portunity to take on a critical leadership Brauer of Berkeley, CA. A visionary and cou- Friday, July 28, 2006 role. rageous public servant, Bob has dedicated his Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I sent the at- Sincerely, life to serving his community and his country. Dennis J. Kucinich, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Bob’s unwavering commitment to social justice tached letter along with my colleagues to the Jim McDermott, John Conyers, Jr., Secretary of Health and Human Services re- Wayne T. Gilchrest, Tammy Baldwin, has inspired me and many others to dedicate garding avian flu data on July 6, 2006. Diana DeGette, Ellen O. Tauscher, our lives to this struggle, and has impacted CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Lynn C. Woolsey, John W. Olver, Major the lives of countless others in California’s 9th Washington, DC, July 6, 2006. R. Owens, Barbara Lee, Dale E. Kildee, Congressional District and across our country. Mr. MIKE LEAVITT, William J. Jefferson, Madeleine Z. This month Bob ‘‘retires’’ after a lifetime of Secretary, Department of Health and Human Bordallo, Bernie Sanders. working for the advancement of a more just Services, Washington, DC. and equitable society for us all, and today I DEAR SECRETARY LEAVITT: As the looming f join our entire community in saluting him for threat of a pandemic flu continues, the need his public exemplary service. to take cost effective and time-saving steps PERSONAL EXPLANATION Bob’s dedication to public service has been to boost our capacity and response speed is vital. The free flow of information, in par- evident since he was a young adult. After ticular, can accelerate research, and the de- graduating in 1960 from the University of Cali- velopment of vaccines, saving lives. In the HON. RAHM EMANUEL fornia, Berkeley, where he met his wife Penny, case of Avian Flu, the very properties we OF ILLINOIS Bob was commissioned as a Second Lieuten- fear the most—the ease with which the virus ant in the United States Air Force. He was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is transmitted and its ability to kill its stationed in El Paso, TX, in the Strategic Air host—are encoded in the virus’ genome. Yet Friday, July 28, 2006 Command, and served there until 1963 when the genetic sequences are currently only im- he left the Air Force as a Captain. mediately available to a select group of re- Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- Upon completion of his service in the Air searchers, a practice which is hampering and ably detained and unable to be on the House delaying our ability to respond to the threat Force, Bob and his family, which by then in- of the pandemic influenza. We will need as floor for rollcall votes 412 and 413. Had I been cluded his wife, a son, and two young daugh- many scientific eyes as possible examining present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on both ters, returned to Berkeley, CA, where he the problem. votes. began a new job as an Assistant Personnel ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1574 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 28, 2006 Officer at Wells Fargo Bank, where he was an tives in the 1980s, a bill which became law Her life is an inspiration to many and I am integral part of Wells Fargo’s participation in over the veto of then-President Reagan. proud to serve her in the United States Con- the industry-wide effort in California to inte- Throughout his time in Washington, Bob was gress. grate women and minorities into parts of the also actively involved in international human workforce in which they were dramatically rights issues, traveling as a peace observer f underrepresented. several times to wartorn countries in Central Following that job, Bob became the Skills America in the 1970s and 1980s, at the risk of PAYING TRIBUTE TO CHAD Bank Director for the Bay Area Urban League, his own life. On the HASC staff he played a CHRISTOFFERSON a role in which he was responsible for creating significant role in maintaining Mr. Dellums’ ex- job opportunities for and placing minorities in cellent working relationships with both sides of HON. JON C. PORTER jobs that had historically been inaccessible to the aisle and assisting Mr. Dellums to accom- OF NEVADA them. During this time, Bob was also very ac- plish one of the House’s most exemplary tive in civic and political affairs, serving in chairmanships.
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