488 SIGGLESTHORNE. EAST RIDING YORKSHIRE. [KELLY'S Infants' School, built in r84o, by the Ven. Archdeacon 16th century it is traced to the Abbey of St.. Mary, at York.: Bentinck, late rector, who also left £6oo towards the sup. it consists of nearly 400 acres, and is now the property Of port of this school & {,100 for the repairs of this & the Henry Strickland-Constable esq. B.A., J.P. who resides a' girls' school at Sigglesthorne ; the school has a. further Wassand Hall, a fine mansion in the Italian style, erected in endowment of £3oo, left by the late Marmadnke Constable z814, and situated in grounds of zoo acres at the west end esq. of Wassand, & will hold 6o children; average attend· of Hornsea Mere. ance, 3 r ; Miss I<'anny Harrison, mistress CoNVEYANCB.-Barker's omnibus passes through to Beverley from Hornsea every sat. returning the same day The elder children attend school at Sigglesthorne CARRIERS TO :- Wassa.nd, 2 miles south-west from Hornsea, anciently BKVERLEY-John Hilton, sat belonged to the Abbey of Meaux, and in the beginning of the HULL-William Tong, tues. & fri. ; John Bilton tues Sigglesthorne. Great Ha.tfield. 1 Hel1 John Mason, farm bailiff to fiarry Bethell Commander George Richard Carr Hugh Taylor Batesun esq R.N., M.P. S1gg. Ies th orne 1o d ge; & Cattle Mrs Beswick John, saddler & harness ma.ker Carlton club s w & Naval & Military Spear Thomas Jackson Bilton John, carrier club w, London Brown William Smith, wheelwright Billam Wilfred COMMERCIAL. Clappison Alfred, machinist & agricn\· Ounkerley Rev. William, Rectory Arksey William, boot maker tural implement agent Dunn Peter, Pasture house Boynton William, cowkeeper Clappison Samuel Shaw, Swan inn Harrison Miss Clappison Frederick Wilson, Holder- Clappison William Hy. butcher & farmer Smith George ness Hunt inn, & smith, wheel- Clark John, farm bailiff to Thomas Taylor Richard, Manor house wright, machinist & agricultural Bower esq. Seaton farm implement agent, hot water engineer Conner George, farmer, Manor farm COMMERCIAL. &. fitter & steam grinding mill Duke Charles, shoe ma. grocer& draper Barr Prescott, wheelwright, Post office Coates William Edward, farmer Evans William, machine owner Braithwaite William, parish clerk Grant ham William, machine owner Foster George, farmer, Sea ton Orde frm Clapp;son William, blacksmith Horn by Herbert, farm bailiff to Robert Grainger J oseph, farmer, Rose cottage Dunn Peter, farmer, Pasture house Taylor esq. Mount Pleasant Grainger Robert Lamplough, farmer & Fisher William, shopkeeper Hornsey William, farmer freeholder, Bontield Fosttll Frederick, machine owner Jackson Alfred, cowkeeper Harrison William, shoe maker Gibson Femby, pig dealer Nurse Isaac, farmer Jubilee Public Rooms (Elisha Hopper, HaytonRt. farmer, Sigglesthorne grange Parsons William John, farm bailiff to caretaker) Head Alfred, farm bailiff to Peter Dunn William Dunn esq. Manor house Kelsey Richard Harry, shopkeeper esq. Hall farm Salvidge George, market gudener Marshall Robert, cowkeeper, The Villa. Kemp William, machine owner Spear Thos.Jackson,farmer&landowner Thompson Thomas, market gardener Lamb William Newell, shopkeeper & WrightMary(Mrs.),shopkeeper&farmer Tomlinson Tom, butcher general dealer Tong William, carrier & farmer Mathison Fredk. farmer, J<'ield house Little Ha.tfield. Towse John, cowkeeper Mathison Waiter Scott, grocer& draper Drewery John, farmer Ward George, farmer Taylor Richard, farmer, Manor house Tanton George, farmer & auctioneer, Tesseyman Henry, coal dealer Middle farm Wa.ssa.nd. • Strickland-Constable Henry B.A., l.P. Catfoss. Sea. ton. Wassand ball Anthony Richard, farm bailiff to Bateson Mrs Bower Thomas, Weatherhill Richard Wright esq Maw Wtlliam Pexton, Seaton house Allen Frederick, head gardener Cooper Joseph, farmer Wells William Richard, Manor house Hackney Wright, land steward to H. Wheatley Myra Sophia (Mrs.), farmer, COMMERCIAL. Strickland-Constable esq Hall farm Balls Christphr. farmer, Seaton grange Taylor John, gamekeeper • SKEFFLING is a township, parish and pleasant village, Maister M. A.. of New Inn Hall, Oxford. There is a Wesleya.n half a mile from the Humber and 2 from the sea coast, 4 Methodist chapel, bUilt in 1870. In 1777 Henry Holme left miles south-east from Patrington station on the Hull and by will £xoo, the interest to be divided amongst the poor of Withernsea branch of the North Eastern railway and 14 the parish of Skeffling. The kmghtly family of De Skefll.ing south-east from Hedon, in the Holderness division of the were the ancient proprietors of this place. The family of Riding, southern division of the wapentake of Holderness, Holme,late of Prull Holme and Skeffiing, are the lay impro­ ~outh &ldernes,.q petty sessional division, union of Pat ring- priators. Sir F. A. Tal bot Clifford-Constable hart. D.L., .J.P. ton, county court district of Hedon, rural deanery of Hedon, of Burton Constable Hall, is lord of the manor. The repre­ archdeaconry of the East Riding and diocese of York. The sentatives of the late Thomas Prickett esq. Capt. B. HolmP..'I, church of St. Helen is a fine edifice of cobble stone, partly in Capt. Edward Holmes, Sir James Robert Walker bart. D.t., the Early English style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, J. P. of Sand Hutton ; St. John's College, Cambridge, Joha south porch of red brick and an embattled western tower Robert Grindell and John Biglin are the principal land· containing 2 bells: the interior roofs of the chancel and aisles owners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and marl. The are of oak, embellished with carvings of heads and trefoils: chief crops are wheat, beans, oats and peas. The area is in the nave is a tablet to Edward and Elizabeth Bee, both 1,834 acres of land; rateable value, £I,7SO; the population died in 1762: in the chancel are several mural tablets to the in z8gr was 139. Holme family, including one to the Rev. John Holme B. D. Letters received from Hull, viA Patrington, arrive at 9·30 rector of Brandesburton and Barmston, d. 1775 : on the floor a.m. WALL LETTER Box cleared 4· 10 p.m. week days of the nave is a stone inscribed to the Haylith family and only. Easington is the nearest money order & telegraph dated 1554: there are 280 sittings. The register dates from office. the year zsBs. The Jiving is a vicarage, annexed with Kilnsea, to that of Easington, average tithe rent-charge £ 43, The children o~ this place at~nd the school at Easington joint gross yearly value £330, including SS acres of glebe CARRIERS TO HuLL Stephen Clayton, thurs. returning on and £r2o for a curate, with residence, in the gift of the sat. ; William Hodgson & Christopher Webster, mon. Archbishop of York, and held since 18s8 by the Rev. Henry returning tues. evening Atkinscn Christopher, Laburnum cot Burnham Richard, farmer Johnson Sarah (Mrs.), farmer Maister Rev. Henry M. A. Vicarage Charlton Thomas, farmer & landowner Kendall Ephraim James, boot maker& Clark William Henry, farmer shopkeeper COMl\lERCIAL. Clayton Edward, farmer Marritt Dennis, farmer Adamson James, coal dealer Dilmah Robert, blacksmith Medforth John, farmer Biglin John, farmer, & landowner, Win­ Grindell John Robert, farmer & land- Raleigh John, wheelwright sett house & at Easington owner, Manor house Stabler John, Sun inn SKERNE is a township, parish and village, 2 miles south- from the nave by a. fine Norman arch : in the wall of the east from Driffi.eld, on the North Eastern railway, and church are the remains of several monuments, including the 13 north from Beverley, in the Buckrose division of the effigy of a kmght in armour, which probably rested originally Riding, Bainton Beacon division of Harthill wapentake, petty within a chapel or aisle, formerly existing on the north side sessional division of Bainton Beacon, Driffield union and as shown by three Pointed arches, now built up : the church county court district, rural deanery of Harthill, arch- has been extensively repaired at the expense of Charles deaconry of the East Riding and diocese of York. The Arkwright esq. grandson of Sir Richard Arkwright, the church of St. Leonard is a building of stone, consisting of inventor of the spinning jenny: there are zso sittings. The chancel, nave, !louth porch and an embattled western tower register dates from the year ISSB. The living is a ¥icarage, with pinnacles containing 2 bells: the chancel is separated rent-charge £13, gross yearly value [.64. including 26 acres .
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