... Panther Observes First Birthday <II Published For· Tank Destroyers VOL U CAMP HOOD, TEXAS, THURSDAY,DEC. 16, 1943. NO. t 'Showtime' . Year's·Work Broadcasts Reviewed On Here Sunday Anniversary fcShowtlme, .. the widely-heard First Editicn Out broadcast of the Texas QUality During Formative Network will give this Sunday's Period· Of ;Camp Hood })Erlormance in the Hood Road Hailed by Major General A. n. Theater for a half hour begin­ ning at 3:30 p. m. Doors ~ be Bruce, then Commanding Genez-aJ. closed at 3:25 pm. Tank Destroyer Center, 88 a ste:;» Following the radio part of the in further development of the CeIl­ big show there wID be a 45-minute ter· "which baa been remarkable program for those in the. theater. Featuring Virginia Hayes, bog­ during the past few months," firsC gle woogie Pianist. with the 26- editiOn of Tbe HOOd Panther was piece "Showttme'~ orchestra, Sun­ distributed to Hood personnel day's brOadcast will also· give the Dec. 10, 1942_ spotlight to an lDstrumentaI quar­ In that first edition the editor tet from Camp HDod. stated: "A8 the new voice of Camp Those in tbs HOOd musical Hood we shall do our utmost :-D SI'OUP are: Pvt. Irvin Birnbaum, .serve the enlisted men and of· Pn. Roy Grabam., pte. Edward lI fleers who make up its command. •r. TwardzIk, a;uI pte. Edward Chal­ We shall strive to keep them m· JDatJ. I .~._._ of events to come in theIr T01I1'1De Tezas Arm7 camps military community that they may made the "ShowtimeH 1)l'OIlfalID participate· in ,them.; We shall ODe of tbe moat popular OIl to serve as medium. of use­ air. But because it'. a radio ahow, fUl inforlnatlon for the soldier aM *be doors will be cJDsecl promptbr his officer&. r -* 3:26 p. m. "And along with our more sed. ThIa JDal'ka a return appear­ oua purposes we ·shall try to enter. the program ance for at camp. ta.in you and amuse you wIth in. Witb the atara being aided> by terestl.ng items· concerning your "'TuDe Tumblers.H.Jerry Scroggin, bUdcUe.s and· yourself. We don't Ben DodIIoD. Preddfa Mal'tID. and want to lose our sense Of hUmOr !'raD&:ea Bea8eJ¥. camp. 11004 Btp&1 Corps Photo THE MOST IMPORTANT s~tinany newspaper. i. the front page. Therefore. and we're sure you don't eIther.· When VoL I. No. 1 was dI.strt.. in this issue marking the our first year of publication. we place . here the most important :j; man in the army--a soldier.. GIJoe, our reader. We don't know what uname is. He'. oneoE butea to camp Hood personnel. Wool Shirt Camp Hood', thousands. He maybe, and to us he is. YOU! staff ·of the newly-created, elIh' page, tabloid size paper, whJcb waa then pUbIlshed every other weec" May Be Worn Editor. The Panther: ... !.. Office of The Commanding General consisted of two enlisted m~ Pvt. .. Tank Destroyer Center Ivan .Smith, Editor-since T-Bgt. Sans Blouse On the occasion ofJlie first anniversary of the publication of .The Hood Panther I take Ivan Smlth and st1U edItol'-and: Last week the Panther ahowed great pleasure in extendiD~ my congratulatioDsto you· and your staff.· The growth and progress Pvt. Joseph P. Batt, AssJstant two ptcturesof how theproperJy of the Tank Destroyer Center has been notable, and the Hood Panther-the paper published ex- Edl~~r honorably d1sc~ dressed soldier ahoald appear pressly for Tank Destroy. er~as kept pace with this rapid expansion.· Lt.d In ce E. ~~'!..ftW&a f"A~ 1 an .., now, SU!"'•• ..,... 0 uo;;va. the post. But becaUSe of a recent . One of the greatest morale building factors on· any Army post or in any unit overseas is Tbe Panther has been publlSbed; cbange in regulatrons, the service its newspaper, a medium which combines the written expression of the unit's· accomplishments. under supervision of the Spec1al . coat or blouse fa ·not required ideas and suuestionswith the editonal staffs interpretation of local and world news in general. Benice Office. to be WOlD. as in the picture, when In putting all of these before the public in print ,a newspaper staff must exercise the greatest Anti-Loose Talk CampaIp the soldier tis wearing the Wool judgment in limiting somewhat the traditional freedom of the press so that it remains Within the Witb Its editiOn of Jan~ 21 OD 8bIrt. You can go off the post confines of disc:retion . which the Army has accepted as its standard, Your paper has followed The Panther originated ana tn.. in tile WOOl OD uniform without this policy with an enviable degree of care troduced the idea of pla.c1Dg fb6 tile blouse, but if you wear the I h d • . d·l d h· th h' hi'· ... f sloglan, "U You Talk Too Much cotton 8bUt, must wear the . ave r~a ~an?, service papers'an . 0 not e5ltate to ~ay at t lIP~ lcatton. 1S .o~e 0 ThIs Man May Die'; around latrine bIouse-. you !he finest. of Its kind ID the Army. Its coverage. of the accomplIshments of ~llIts andlDdivtduals mirrors to remlnd servtcemeD or Offlcers and warrant officers I~the Tank Des.tJ;oyer Cente~ ~a~ been conslSt~ntJy e~eUenL ~ese ~te-ups. have alwars the dangers to themselves Of their uerequUed to wear the 8el"V1ce liven due reCOgDltion t~ the lIldiVlduals and umts concerne'tl and In addition . have succeeded lD own loose talk. coat at aD times wben appearing molding these news items into stories of great interest to the casual reader. The caitlpalgn· ea.ughton Da­ m public off the post, emcept wbDe I . considel' your articlea taken from· experience. in the combat zones as an· especially tonally, and within a few weeD. in KUleeD, Gateavme, or Cop- valuable part of your publieation. The men in trainnig here at Cam. p Hood are intensely interest- edIdoors.:t1ece1vedthlettersb fl'omthecaDlPa peras Cove, or wbUe actuaDy eel' h the TO' d" b Th .. • The P h abli th TO '. en s.... ODS roug OIlt na- proeeeaiDlf betweeoquarters and . In w at • s are. OIng In ~om aL· e reports In .. ant er ·are .en I!I !. units. don. One !rom AdmiralE.. J:. place of dut7. This last phaaehas here t~ ~eep In touch W1t~the umts overseas and to better understand the relationship between Gunther, Commandant, North J.&e been interpreted to mean tbatof- TO trammg and TDfighting. land Naval Base. San Diego, CaL. ficersgotng to homes In Belton art want also to especially commend the editorials and the "Headline Review" columns which is typical: "Y0Il should beeom. Temple may leave without a aerv- have appeared. Both of these departments have provided much material for the readen to absorb mended bJgbly fOr your eUorta to lee coat .. loDg as they and think about. I shall not attempt to enumerate in detail the many other fine features and safeguard the lives of our f1sIltIDg L stop in town on the way; Just· , services of your paper. and above 6ll. for tbtoktna direct trtp to the home may be M. .. .. above and beyond your duties. W~ made without the service coat. ay I agaIn express my sIncere congratulations on the magnificent work which The HOod are arranging to bave the &logan ____. Panther has done and which lam certain it will continue to do, .. placed around every mirror em 672nd Bn. Given High .r/.? The officers and men of the Tank Destroyer Center Salute you on your first anniversary! Nortb Island." Rating· In Ad. ministrati6n.. JOHN H, HESTER,. The Pantber.-.s "M1rro.r-Poster- , Major: General, U. S. Army' Plan was publisbed MtionaDy .07 A4m1nistrat1ve records were -, the American Magulne, LooJI: fingered and Qed by the fJlapec­ Commanding. Magazine, and Minic8m Pbot,o.o tors but m vain. AgaIn 6'12Dd , The Panther: grapby Magazine. and in hun- TD Bn. bas come through with This being the first anniversary of the publication of the Hood Panther. I wish to express to =te~ one of the hlgbest ratings ever ::: ;,:=a:.:- given for a!!m1nlstrative records. you and your staff my appreciation of the splendid results you have accomplished. ternatioDaI Photo&. TbeplaD wa: The Personnel Section and com­ Your contribution to the successful operation of Camp Hood has been large. reproduced in a Mercbant !llariDe pany records were so complete and That the Hood Panther has been appreciated is attested to by the large number of copies fUm and recommended tor adQp- "Well-handled ~t ·a grade of mailed weekly by the soldiers stationed here to their homes. The many letters that have been in a C8Dad1an ArmyTraiQ- 98 per cent was/attained. sent you from those· receiving. these copies indicate that the Panther does have a definite part ing Memorandum. CommeDdattOfs are m order for in keeping the soldiers' families in touch with their daily activities. Pusbes Camp Procrams. Mr. John D. Pawver. W.O. over M· . h £ " _.J. • -- MeanwbUe The Panther weot Personnel Seet!on and. to the 1st Y sIncere W15 as lor your continuea success., ahead. with its own program- fot' Sgta' Of aU five companie8. and C. M. Thirlkeld, the Tank Destroyers. It was 0Il'l enJJstecf men of personnel sec- Colonel. Field Artillery, of the first camp llfllSpa.pera tiQ CommandinJ, . (Continued On Page 2) ~ ,~~j~ r -- ra.. rw. __________________________________________________ --~ ____________________________________________ rft~day.~. l~, I~ TD Progress 5210rd.Co. Recorded In Claims Young 1st Sergeants Panther File The claim in last week's Panther­ the 52lst Ord.
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