GLOBAL CHANGE IMPACTS ON BIODIVERSITY AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR SPECIES CONSERVATION Vom Fachbereich VI Geographie/Geowissenschaften der Universität Trier zur Verleihung des akademischen Grades Doktor der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.) genehmigte Dissertation vorgelegt von KATHARINA JOHANNA FILZ aus Darmstadt Betreuender: Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitt Berichterstattende: PD Dr. Stefan Lötters, Prof. Dr. Zoltan Varga Datum der wissenschaftlichen Aussprache: 23. Oktober 2013 Trier, Dezember 2013 Diese Dissertation ist auf dem Online-Publikations-Server (OPUS) der Universität Trier elektronisch publiziert. Erstgutachter: Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitt Zweitgutachter: PD Dr. Stefan Lötters Externer Drittgutachter: Prof. Dr. Zoltan Varga Universität Trier Abteilung für Biogeographie Universitätsring 15 54296 Trier Dipl. Biogeogr. Katharina J. Filz Trier, den 03. Juni 2013 ERKLÄRUNG Hiermit versichere ich, dass ich für die Anfertigung der vorliegenden Dissertation keine anderen als die angegebenen Hilfsmittel genutzt habe, und dass die Ergebnisse anderer Beteiligter sowie die inhaltlich und wörtlich aus anderen Werken entnommenen Stellen und Zitate als solche gekennzeichnet sind. Die Arbeit hat in gleicher oder ähnlicher Form noch keiner anderen Prüfungsbehörde vorgelegen oder wurde von dieser als Teil einer Prüfungsleistung angenommen. _________________ Katharina J. Filz „ It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement, the greatest source of visual beauty, the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.“ ̶ David Attenborough CONTENT Preliminary Remarks............................................................................................................................6 Acknowledgements..............................................................................................................................8 Introduction........................................................................................................................................10 I. Biodiversity and climate change...............................................................................................10 II. Land use and species distributions..........................................................................................18 III. Species conservation in times of global change....................................................................22 IV. Objectives ..............................................................................................................................27 Part I: Climate and Landscape Impacts on Habitat and Population Dynamics..................................41 Novel modeling algorithms reveal dramatic climate-driven changes in broad-scale spatial patterns of biodiversity ...............................................................................................................42 A question of adaptability - Climate change lowers trait diversity in butterfly communities in south-western Germany...............................................................................................................53 Untersuchung der Arealdynamik des Kurzschwänzigen Bläulings (Cupido argiades, Pallas 1771) unter Klimawandelbedingungen mit Artverbreitungsmodellen in Europa..........................................................................................................................................74 Niche evolution in a host-parasite system: answers from ecological niche models ...................92 Climate change and the ‘pesticide-phenology problem’ in amphibians – boon or bane?..........109 Part II: Implications for Conservation Efforts..................................................................................117 Untersuchungen zur Bestandsentwicklung der Tagfalterzönosen auf Kalkmagerrasen im Saar- Mosel-Gebiet..............................................................................................................................118 Missing the target? A critical view on butterfly conservation efforts on calcareous grasslands in south-western Germany.............................................................................................................134 How fine is fine-scale? – Questioning the use of fine-scale bioclimatic data in species distribution models used for forecasting abundance patterns in butterflies ..............................158 Biodiversität und Klimawandel – Auswirkungen auf geschützte und schutzwürdige Arten (Amphibien und Reptilien)........................................................................................................172 Summary ..........................................................................................................................................187 Zusammenfassung ...........................................................................................................................189 Appendix..........................................................................................................................................191 Curriculum vitae...............................................................................................................................208 PRELIMINARY REMARKS This dissertation is the result of a three-year PhD proJect carried out at the Department of Biogeography at Trier University. Financial support was provided through scholarships by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Ministry for Environment, Agriculture, Viticulture, Food and Forests Rhineland-Palatinate and a short term grant by the Stipendienstiftung Rhineland-Palatinate. Permits for performing butterfly surveys within protected areas in the Moselle-Saar region were granted by the Struktur- und Genehmigungsdirektion Nord, Koblenz. The work was performed under the supervision of PROF. DR. THOMAS SCHMITT, who was substantially involved in all aspects of the thesis, i.e. planning of the studies, data analyses and writing of the manuscripts. This thesis consists of an introduction giving a general overview about the scientific background and the aims of the thesis and two sections written as scientific papers reporting the findings of the proJect. Parts of this thesis are already published or submitted for publication as listed in the following. A statement that clarifies the contributions of the authors or other persons to the collection and analyses of data or the preparation of manuscripts is given at the beginning of each manuscript. 6 Table 1 Articles contributing to this thesis with all authors and current publication status. Part Published in or submitted to Status I.1 KATHARINA J. FILZ, STEFAN LÖTTERS, MICHAEL VEITH, THOMAS SCHMITT & JOSEPH D. unpublished CHIPPERFIELD. Novel modeling algorithms reveal dramatic climate-driven changes in broad-scale spatial patterns of biodiversity I.2 KATHARINA J. FILZ, MARTIN WIEMERS, ANNE HERRIG, MATTHIAS WEITZEL & THOMAS published SCHMITT. A question of adaptability - Climate change lowers trait diversity in butterfly communities in south-western Germany – European Journal of Entomology 110 (4), 633–642 (2013). I.3 KATHARINA J. FILZ & THOMAS SCHMITT. Untersuchung der Arealdynamik des published Kurzschwänzigen Bläulings (Cupido argiades, PALLAS 1771) unter Klimawandelbedingungen mittels Artverbreitungsmodellen – Abhandlungen der Delattinia 38, 215-228 (2012). I.4 KATHARINA J. FILZ, THOMAS SCHMITT & STEFAN LÖTTERS. Niche evolution in a host- unpublished parasite system: answers from Ecological Niche Models I.5 STEFAN LÖTTERS, KATHARINA J. FILZ, NORMAN WAGNER, BENEDIKT SCHMIDT, JASON R. unpublished ROHR, RICK A. RELEYA, CHRISTOPH EMMERLING, CARSTEN BRÜHL & MICHAEL VEITH. Climate change and the ‘pesticide-phenology problem’ in amphibians – boon or bane? II.1 KATHARINA J. FILZ, DAVID JÄNICKE, THOMAS SCHMITT, MIRIAM FREDE & MATTHIAS published WEITZEL. Untersuchung zur Bestandsentwicklung der Tagfalterzönosen auf Kalkmagerrasen im Saar-Mosel Gebiet - Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv 50, 383-397 (2013). II.2 KATHARINA J. FILZ, JAN O. ENGLER, JOHANNES STOFFELS, MATTHIAS WEITZEL & published THOMAS SCHMITT. Missing the target? A critical view on butterfly conservation efforts on calcareous grasslands – Biodiversity and Conservation 22, 2223–2241 (2013). II.3 KATHARINA J. FILZ, THOMAS SCHMITT & JAN O. ENGLER. How fine is fine-scale? – published Validating the use of fine-scale bioclimatic data in species distribution models to forecast abundance patterns in butterflies – European Journal of Entomology 110 (2): 311–317 (2013). II.4 STEFAN LÖTTERS, KATHARINA J. FILZ, DENNIS RÖDDER, NORMAN WAGNER, ANJA published JAESCHKE, ULRICH SCHULTE & MICHAEL VEITH. Biodiversität und Klimawandel – Auswirkungen auf geschützte und schutzwürdige Arten (Amphibien & Reptilien) - In: Stribrny B, Krohmer B, Schaller M (eds.): Statusreport „Klimawandel und Biodiversität – Folgen für Deutschland“ - Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt, pp. 260-289 (2012). 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Dr. THOMAS SCHMITT for developing this fascinating proJect with me and providing support in grant applications. I am very grateful for numerous inspiring and fruitful discussions, constructive criticism, and good advises during the last three years. Thank you for putting confidence in me and my work and supporting me all the way! I am much obliged to PD Dr. STEFAN LÖTTERS for introducing me to the fascinating world of environmental niche modeling. I am grateful for his inspiration
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