· WELLESLEY, MASS., SEPTEMBER 23, 1943 Social Action Juniors Join M.I. T. In Social Work; Well To Serve Display At Libe Sponsors Talks Aid Children In Boston's North Encl- Public Monday Is New Feature For Volunteers by Laurel Cutler '46 All Members Invited To Of Service Fund Eat First 1943 Sundaes In conjunction with the Volun­ " The1·e is nothing like social a class in social dancing would "Give that they may live" is help to establish a more normal Hungry students may plan to work," declared Bebe Fischgrund the slogan of this year's Service teer Service Bureau of the Boston boy-girl relationship. They had to indulge at the new Well Monday '45. Fund Drive that opens Monday, Council of Social Agencies, the So­ start with an all male aggrega­ September 27, according to Mrs. September 27. cial Action Committee announces Bebe started to do social work t ion because these "tough guys" Covey, College dietitian. Curtains This theme will be carried out last year because she was a pros­ were too shy to have mixed class­ and a general clean-up are now three sessions on the aspects of by two beaverboard figures, soon pective psych major and she e . "After about four meetings, putting the Well in opening order. the work of settlement houses for to make their appearance near thought that the experience would they had progressed to the point AKX undergraduate and local all those volunteers signed for the chapel steps. The eight by be valuable. She liked to read where we could ask some girls to alumnae members will attend an four feet figures will symbolize the next class for a party." such activity. about children, but she wasn't sure open house at their erstwhile lair Wellesley and the needy world. The first meeting is Wednesday she'd like to work with them. Ann Dot and Sid Atlas, one of the Saturday, September 25. Miss As the goal is neared the figures afternoon, September 29 at 4 :30 Schmidt '43, head of ocial work Tech boys, taught the class while McAfee will also attend. will move closer together, finally Bebe and Bil 1 Spears took a course Well clientile will notice few p. m. with a talk on games by for C. A. last year, asked Bebe meeting when the $13,000 goal is and Dot Swearingen '45 if they in Youth Leadership. They were changes in surroundings, prices, Blanche McGowan. The second ses­ reached. Wellesley will be urged : would be interested in working the only young people taking it, hours, service, or food. Miss Gru­ "Shake your pockets that they may crafts, and the third on October and they had a riotous time. They szynska, Eva Reilly, and Madeline sion will be held October 6 on with two M. I. T. boys. They were shake hands." very interested. "I was sure then played all sorts of games like Wilcox will be behind the counter; There will be a display in the 13 in story-telling and story-act­ "Hide the Apple," "Anagrams," a coke machine will be kept full if ing. All meetings will be in the and there that I was going to en­ library showcase of Service Fund joy social work," laughed Bebe. and "Musical Chairs" in order to possible; and the same tables will Christian Association Lounge, literature, giving information of Every week, they went into be able to teach them. They fill the ground floor room. Founders Hall. the places that Service Fund J effres Point, a settlement house learned which were popular with Most noticeable changes in­ reaches. A map of the world will All students interested in set­ for boys in Boston. "It never different age groups. After their clude the use of two floors, with soon appear by the E l table. On tlement work, whether participat­ failed to rain," observed Bebe. The class was over, they joined the the downstairs dining room re­ it are lines radiating from Welles­ ing this semester or not, and first time they went in, they got dancing class at the settlement served for faculty during the noon ley to the places all over the freshmen, who may not begin such off at Park Square and the boys house. hours (from 11 to 2 :30 o'clock) ; world that are "ministered unto" activity until next semester, are were waiting for them at South During the winter vacation, the absence of the nickolodeon be­ by Service Fund. Posters in the also invited to attend. Station. Bebe and Dot had to find Bebe continued her social work at cause of the proximity to the li­ hous?s and on the bulletin boards Lena V. Kiekbusch, Social Ac­ their own way to a part of Boston home, helping to establish a nur­ brary; and the absense of sodas of Founders and Green will give tion Head, reports that the placing they had ever heard of. "It was sery school. She discovered what and fountain cokes because the additional information, and Ser­ of students is continuing and work perplexing problems were involved pretty hectic," Bebe recalled. "We "fizz water" machine was too vice Fund will sponsor the radio should begin in October. All those in organizing such a school. Es­ had to go through Scollay Square heavy to install. broadcast over WBS tomorrow ,interested and who have not yet pecially puzzling was the question to a da1·k, deserted zone. But for Miss Helen Rogers of Wellesley night. The Service Fund issue of signed for either hospital or set­ of how young a child they could that matter, everything in Boston will be in charge of the Well and News will appear on Monday, the tlement· work, are urged to get accept. They decided to require these days is dark and deserted," will be there in the daytime. Mrs. opening day of the drive. in touch with her. she said philosophically. t hat the child be "trained." Wednesday evening Dr. Gezork All second semester, Bebe worked Joyce (the former Miss THden, "It was quite a problem whether head of the Well) will be in charge addressed the canvassers in Tower to wear heels or not. We could with her roommate Gloria Gallic of the Naval M~ss Hall. Court. He spoke of the signifi~ Because of ambassadorial not make up our minds whether we '45 who was encouraged by Bebe's cance of the work Service Fund; duties, Vladimir S. Hurban will were working with the children or enthusiasm. This time they worked can do in the world today. Miss, with both boys and gir ls from 15 be unable to appear at Welles­ the M. I. T. boys." But, filled McAfee will officially open the to 20. Each week they gave a Jey. In his stead Forum and with ardor for their work, they 8 Seniors Join drive when she will speak Monday wore fiats. party with dancing and games. morning in chapel. _, _, War Activities have secured the "It was interesting, very in­ ·Czechoslovakian Consul, Karel Finally, bedraggled, weary and worried, they found the house and teresting, their attitude toward us, Phi Beta Kappa , .(i-Y ~~; Hudec who will speak of the and our attitude toward them. We post-war reconstruction prob­ the M. I. T. boys who had decided The Eta of Massachusetts Chap­ Tristram Coffin that the girls had missed t heir had the idea that here were a lot lems of his country, Thursday, of children to be helped, not only ter of Phi Beta Kappa will hold its To Give Readings September 23, 8:15 p.m., Pendle­ train. Together they explored the initiation September 29 in Claflin, place, "like a regular tenement underprivileged but mostly for­ ton Hall. at which time eight members of Introducing the Poets' Reading house, gloomy, narrow stairs, many eign. But they taught u s much more dancing that we had a chance the class of 1944 will be accepted Series for 1943-44 will be Robert doors leading lots of places. It into the group. After the initia­ P. Tristram Coffin, well known was really creepy." They walked to teach them." They were not New War Shelf Volumes tion ceremony, Mrs. Mallory of modern poet and professor at Bow­ into one of the bare rooms,' filled content to fox-trot and waltz as Placed on 7 Day Limit the Psychology Departrn,ent will be doin College, will read Oc­ with boys aimlessly talking. Hor­ Bebe and Gloria had planned. They the speaker. tober 4. This will be Mr. There are few of us who have ribly embarrassed, the .boys stop­ wanted to jitterbug and that was about all. "We taught them a Seniors who are being initiatecl Tristram Coffin's fourth visit to not at one time or another stopped ped talking,and shuffled around. Wellesley as the Katherine Lee Another group of boys entered the Virginia Reel, but they weren't too are Ann Condit, Rosamond Gethro, Bates Poet. Pulitzer Prize win­ to browse among the excellent and room, saw the Wellesley-Tech keen about it. It got things Honey Hicks, Helen Field, Elena ner in 1936 for his poem Strange ever growing collection of -war delegation and bolted. "I was started. They were all such swell Mackay, Elaine Markley, Elsie Holiness, Mr. Tristram Coffin has books which is maintained in the hurt. I thought it was me for a dancers, we love dancing with Pavitt, and Marjorie Wolfe. The chapter is also awarding received numerous other recog­ Circulation .Hall of the Main long time,'' grinned Bebe.
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