![Goering Kills Himself](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
• ' r / •■ •• ; r..\ tX n ^ A T , OCTOBER IS, ISIS Avenge Dally Qmlatioa - The Weather Far ths Mwrth « f aiplmiher. IM« ForeCaal at CJ. 8. Uaalbar Boram h : iSIanrtiipat^r Eotninfl li^ ralll Fair, not M cool to totoad ai«M 9,109 loalght: HMrsday fair aad eao- Uan^ warm. tha North IVbted Slnfer to Appp*r Hero Tonight Couple Mark - a - Motbodlat~ s % W8C1 s rwfll .“ omit Ita B id Veterans A bout Town mooting tbla oronlng on account ANDERSON GREENHOUSES MancheRtr^A Cfty o f ViUaga Charm of tbO nrat quartow conforenco Wedding Date Floral By EtptfioBeoi FlorMa ' C3iik « m BMct to> tonight at tbo churdh. Tbo group To Gathering For WtiSmgB, Aaohrcrmulcs Tk«< win moot on Octobor W. t AdvurtWag aa Faga 1C) MANCHESTER. CONN„ WBDNKDAY, OCTOBER If. 1948 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) FRICE THREE CENTS •vwinc at ttM BlMrtdui DAILY DBUVBRIES TO HOSPITAL VOL. LXVL, NO. 14 St Maiya Guild win moot Mr. End Mrs. E A d H. Ttauroday at taro o'clock In tbo P a rley/© n Vetn Prob­ AND SURROIWDING TOWNB It inrtiwa dub of Bucklaml GuesU at HM Guild room. Tbo boatooaoa wlU bo lems to HrbI in Floworo Tclofraplicd To Aay Pofat la tho U. 8. A„ Big Bombers QgiigMw* of libortjr, Nik 118, 1* Mra. Edward Daucby and Mm. Anniversary Party Women Ask Milk Userfl' Strike Q i^ -, win moot tumorrow Paul Carter. Hartford Tomorrow Csasds, aad Earoao. Mtaibor of the Floristir Tokiniph nliw at tbo bMno of lCfo> Vtolot Nation Has Short Nazis’ Bodies Delivery Aseedanoa. ~ .. I fW f. m RIdfo droot. Mr. and Mrx. Eakel H. Buckland, Top N um ber Tbo daughtoa born Saturday at A cordial Invitation la extender! Memorial boapital to Mr. •«** Hra. of 483 Keeney' street, were the to all vaterana to attend the Ke- 155 BLDRIDGB ST. TEL. 8488 goaaot OmibcU, Dofroo of Poea- W. P. Plwea of Wool Hartford, guests of honor at a surprise party .Meat Supply Yet; Inataa, will bold a kltdion Mago haa been darned Donna Joan. Mra. taUar-Vataran Conference to be held at City View HmlL Keeney A t W ar E n d tomorrow o r o i ^ at tbo bomo of incklea prior to her marrlago waa held tomorrow night. October 16 at street, Friday evening. The oeca- To Nameless Graves; Mm. pitwn putl » Bdgcrton the former Mlaa Dorothy Newell :S0 at the West Middle scho^d, of Wadilngton. D. C. The baby la ■lon was their 2Sth wedding annl< More Than 3^000 *Very the nrat granddaughter of Mr. and Aaylum nvanue, Hartford. versary. ^ - „ . Prices Jump High OibboM Aaaombly, OatboUc La- k^"jam »o T. Plcklea of 2 » Hen­ Am yet, many veterans have not Abmit- 60 attended from Hart­ Heavy Bombardment* 41m of Oolurobua, aaUdoatM a ry atreet cofna to a final decialon about ford. ?axt Hartford. South Wind ROGERS CORPORATION good timo tocilgbt at tbo IC of C« tbair future career. Perhaps some sor and this town. , ^ ' Serving the PLASTICS Indnstrics Type of Aircraft Nose Goering Kills Himself L>m«, lU Mala otroot No bual- Superintendent Waller Schober ■ra thinking about aUrtlng a busl- The hall waa tasUfuUy decor­ Listed by Air Forces IMOS win ba tranaactod but a Oajr of S o North Methodlat church of their own—others may be ated in blue and sliver. Cut flowers sonrey in at- jj e c r R oom Nlnetloo oootumo partv arlU bo tbo achool. dlreeU attenUon to tbo Intonated in a carear In retailing. were used on the stage and dining MALE HELP WANtED ies Find Predictions | attraction. An attondaneo prlao nrat 'TamUy Night" otV » It will be the purpose of»thla eon- table. Refreshments were served Washington. Oct 14—(^ —Tha Manages lo Escape Ig­ wtU alao bo awardod. aon, Friday of thia weA. ' Tho farance to have prominent nation­ after aii enjoyable ievenlng of mod­ Regarding Ample Sup­ B ig ’ Campus United fltatea has fitore supar-slM ^Thar's Silver in Them Thar Kits!* program wlU begin with a pot luck al nod local retail leaders acquaint ern and old fanhlnned dancing. A For Paper Machines nominy o f GaRows by plies Ranging from bombers today than when the war Pte. Brlrtaa A Ollara, oon of mipper at 6im, motion plcturoa w|U vaterana with the "Inalde of re- beautifully decorated three tiered Taking Poison; Othen Mr. and Mra. Androw Ollara of bo raaivooa**ahown. and______ there will bo'other tgUing," answer their queatinns, wedding cake wax one of the fea­ Dryers Sealers Next Week-End to O f Cpllege ended. 101 Wothoroll atroet, baa boon prO-, numhora of rntereat to both oM dUcuaa. their problems' In order tures of the buffet table. - The Army Air Forcea, striving Plunge lo Eterui^ in BMted to Oorporal. Ho la atlU ota- and young. Parenta who have not that they might have a better un- Several solos were rendered by Apply At the Fsetory. Mill and Oakland Streets, Thanksgiving Period to kaep its long-rmnga striking arm ttonod at Chandlor, Aria. •Iraady been aolldted are ____ datStondlng and* complete facts Rudolph Swanson, accompanied on Or At United States Employment Service. in readloess even though demobll- Hour and 43 Minutes to Attend rihI to brin^ whotovor upon which to haae an Intelligent the piano by Mrs. Eakel K. Buck- By The Associated Press Miles of Vacant Build- toation haa made deep inroads elaa- they wlah. Coffee will be aerved, dadaton as to whether to try re­ land and .Mrs. Arthur Loomla. where, now counts slightly more In Final Expiation for tailing as a caraer. The first day after the lift­ ings at Farragut Col' \ The couple received beautiful than 3,000 “very heavy bomhard- Crimes; How Gf>ering For Maxisira Host and Willard B. HUla of 181 Summit Speakers Include Governor Bald­ allvei' gifU, Inchidlng currency, a ing of meat controls saw the lege and Technical ment” type aircraft. THila number Boot Barnioff ESIclency atraat, an employee for the paat win, Adam Glmbel,ibcl, pioreslderit of silver service, piifich set and vari­ nation still on short meat ra­ compares with 2.865 on hand when Got Poison Mystery IS ymun In the Eaat Hartford Fifth Ave,',' N. 'T. key rxecii- ous other articles. tions; and prices—where sup­ Institute in Idaho hoetllities ended In August 1945. Uoo plaM of the United Aircraft Cop- tlVCB of R. H. Macy A Co., and Mrs. Buckland is the former With the exception of two ex­ poratlon, haa been prom o^ other well known ratalleri. Admis­ ALWAYS, ON-THE-JOB plies were available— substan­ Nuernberg, (SennSny, Oct. Edythe Keeney and they were Farragut, Idaho,iOcL 16.—OH— perimental airplanes—the B-36 and fofaman In the teat departmMt to sion will he frac. Robert Halt CtolUas merried October 12, 1021 In Man- tially above OPA ceilings. In tha B-35 "flaring wing"—all tha 16.—(yP)— Hermann Goering. TEXACO the poaiUon of aaalatant The Information should prfjve In- cheater. They have two sons, Eakel Manchester Taxi, right there, <^-the-balI, some sections of the pountry Wild deer roam the huge campus present force of VHB8 are B-39s who ended hia life mysteri­ In the wind tunnel at the Pratt * valuabla to Um m who arc now K. a World War II veteran and ready to serve Greater Manchester with the ' at Farragut College and Techni­ or B-39 modifications. Robert Mall Colllna was born In ed Claudia Cassidy to predict In thejMrh^ T^'-Hve hogs soared ously in the agony of poison, Whitney airport. working In a retail store, those Bverette E. an M.H.8. student. best in abont-town transportation, 24 hoars cal Institute—an Impromptu c^ , DelK-ertea Htm Being Made who plan to atart a buxIneM of Cleveland and grew up in Phoenix, the Chicago Tribune that ha waa ..'aU-time highs. and ten other top Nazis who r a n g e o il Mr. Buckland has been employed lege organised In live months to A. A. F. offllclala emphaaise, their own- and thosa who are jirea- Ariaona, undecided whether to be "easily gMng places." by Watkins Brothers for a number a day. Ampto SuppUea Predlctlom Vary however, that not all the 3000-plus died on a hangman’s rope Since last year Mr. OolUna haa A survey conducted by The Ax- hmp meet the housing cr i^ in ed­ ently undecided about their future. a painter or a singer. Hts father, of years. ucation. planes make up the VHB operat­ were token to namejese farther Information may be ob­ been under the guidance of impres­ aoclated Press in the nation's ing force. Only part of tha total Coll 4496 ' I Insurance man, encouraged hla The party waa arranged Iw Mrs. principal cltlas found predictions Sprawled across 4,050 acres of graves on this bleak, cold INSURE tained at the Chamber of Com­ ario 8. Hurok, and la now on hla L>6ater Lockwood and Mrs. wUmer actually are being flown; the re­ painting, but hla mother, poMcsa- regarding ample- supplies ranging the wartime Farragut Naval cen morning In final expiation for L. T. Wood Co. merce office, telephone 7046. second concert toUr.i- Keeney. ter on Lake Pend (Jrielle,' home of mainder constitute reserve or spare tha coloassl crimss Oormany. With from "by the coming week-end' aircraft Deliveries of B-29 types of ...... or of a Bne mexao voice, urged him Manchester wlU have Ito oppor­ to "not unUl Thanksgiving.'' the/worM record Kootenai rain­ MeUNNET BROTHERS tunity to make the neweet Ameri­ attll are being made to the A. F., Voa aibbsatrap First to Die to alng ak wall.
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