• Vol. 104, No. 25 University of Delaware, Newark, DE Tuesday." Dec. 2, 1980 $1 million Simms lawsuit faces The Stone Balloon By TED CADDELL Davies was served "while .he was undef the influence of alcohoL" It The father of Laura Simms, the didn ~t state whether or not Simms former university student who died was ooder the influence. from injuries sustained in a beating behind the Stone Balloon in December "As a proximate result of the . .. of 1978, is suing her convicted negligent conduct," according to the assailant and the owners of the suit," Laura Simms was mortally in­ nightclub for $1 million. jured." . George Seitz III, the Simms' at­ Oliver Simms, of Old Saypool, torney, said the defendants are not re­ Conn., filed suit against David quired to acknowledge the suit for Davies, The Stone Balloon Inc. and another week or so. Stevenson Enterprises Inc., charging Stevenson was unavailable for com­ that " the defendants, Stone Balloon ment. and Stevenson, (Bill Stevenson, part­ owner of the Stone Balloon) was The Simms estate offered an out-of­ willful, wanton and reckless, and was court settlement to The Stone Balloon taken in conscious disregard for the in September of this year, but Steven­ rights,. ,safety and welfare of Laura son declined to act on it. Sunms. In this claim, Seitz compiled a list of The suit calls for the defendants to the damage compensation requested, pay $500,000 for compensatory totalling $175,000. damages and an additional $500,000 in Stevenson said at the time that he punitive damages. The suit also thought the Stone Balloon's part in claims $20,000 in administrative and the incident has been "blown out of funeral expenses. proportion" and added that he would be glad when everything concerning Simms, a 19 year-old freshman, was the Simms case is "out in the open!" ' found beaten and unconscious behind the Stone Balloon on Dec. 8, 1978, and The suit emphasizes that the defen­ died 19 days later. A university. dants, Davies, the Stone Balloon and graduate, David Davies, was charged Stevenson are "jointly and severally and su~uently convicted of the liable for the damages sustained by manslaughter of Simms, Laura Simms." 'Revie;, photo by Neal Williamson The suit claims that Simms was ad­ A jtiry trial is being demanded by mitted into the club without having to the Simms estate. A trial date has not TIS THE SEASON, almost, os workers on Main Street put up Newark's prove her age. It also claims that yet been set. hristmas decorations last week. UD selects new assistant dean ofstudents Okun c~osen for administrative position By VAL ECKLER ceptedlastweek, Eddy said. students. at his alma mater, Ball State Alan Okun has been Okun had verbally but ten- The position wa~ left vacant University, in mid-August. on selected as a new assistant tatively accepted the position for so long because of the tim- He had been with the univer- dean of students, filling a earlier, however, the univer- ingofBeck'sresignation. sityforthreeyears. the position which has been va- sity has been waiting for a Although Beck resigned in There are two assistant cant since August, said Dean written commitment. July, the university could not deans of students, Eddy said. of Students Raymond Eddy The position that Okun will search for a new dean until it The other assistant dean, inside Sunday. be filling has three main received a formal resigna- Marilyn Harper, is responsi- Oktin was most recently areas of responsibility in- tion, Eddy said. ble for student activities, director of residence life and eluding: ' "Fall is not the time to look mainly advising student Winter scenes assistant to the dean at Col- •the Greek system of for a new professional staff organizations. Her office Fenwick Island quietly orado College. Before that, he fraterniti~s and sororities member," he explained. He operates out of the Student was a staff member at the •new student orientation in added that most selections Center, whereas, Okun's of- closes ........ .. .. .... 11 University of Vermont, ac- the fall and spring take place in the spring. fice will be in Hullihen Hall. cording to Eddy. •and assisting handicapped Beck had taken a position Brooks, who acted in the Okun will assume the posi- , position Okun will soon be tion as of Jan. 1, 1981, Eddy taking, will remain on · the said. Sprin_g rem~tration deadline university staff, according to ~~rtto a. good The position had previously b...., Eddy. The women's basketball been occupied by Larry Beck. Advanced registration for Spring semester is due by Dec. 5 His job as associate dean of Beck left during the summer, tat the Records Office in Hullihen Hall between 9 p.m. and 4:30 student includes: team wins season opener, said Eddy, and Tim Brooks, p.m. •working with the universi- 90-48 ..... ..... ... ... 24 associate dean of students Students should list courses on their scan sheets in order of ty judicial system has been acting in his place. priority, listing the course they want most in block one, next •sending students who Four candidates were inter- highest in block two, and so on through the requested schedule. leave the university through viewed by a committee of ad- Full-time students are expected to complete at least 12 lthe Central Withdrawal ministrators and students credit hours each semester. system during the selection process , •and superVising the assis- _; several weeks ago and he ac- L_,;....;;..!..;..__________ _.__ ·--=-"'..;._--' _.;;._' _ ___.:_..::;_rt- _____, rtantdeans. Page 2 • THE REVIEW • December 2. 1980 Chief judge speaks on U.S. judiciary Poetry reading by ~udge Seitz lectures at Clayton Hall Pulitzer prize winner By RANDY DePAUL number of judges and sup­ new items into the market, " Only if the public is willing porting personnel will in­ :Seitz warned. A nonjudicial W.D. Snodgrass to defend the independence of crease. Unfortunately, this solution must be found so vic­ the judicial system will the action will aggravate the pro­ tims of such problems will Dec.3 judges be completely free to blems of immensity by " not be dependent on the .. 8 p.m. speak impartially,'' the · decreasing harmony among whim of a jury" in settling Honorable Collins Seitz said the judges and increasing litigation between consumers 204 Kirkbride Lecture Hall_ at Clayton Hall last Monday their assembly-line attitude and manufacturers, he add· night. in processing cases, explain­ ed. Seitz has been Chief Judge ed Seitz. Economics will influence of the U.S. Court of Appeals " By this I mean that the the judiciary, as shown by an for the Third Judicial Circuit rapid turnover of cases increase in public funding for for over nine years. His lec­ becomes the prime judicial lawsuits and criminal cases, ture w~s the first in a two­ preoccupation, with a lessen- Seitz said, but " the amount of part discussion on the litigation, including the "Future of the American frivolous claims" will in­ Judiciary," part of the lecture crease. "Nature of Law in America" ed concern for the human ele­ ''Stagnation of the economy series. ment," he said. creates a growth in business Seitz emphasized popula­ " I prophesize that the failures with a consequent in­ tion, technology, economics, American judiciary will con­ crease in bankruptcies and the legislative and executive tinue to grow; that all sorts of commercial disputes" which branches of government and innovative techniques will be result in increased work for ,.M. and CHRYSLER the popular will as ''possible attempted .. to process the the judiciary, Seitz explained. COMPLETE EYE EXAM 121 forces" that may influence increase in judicial Legislators who fail to act, POL YCON ®SEMI-SOFT WORKERS the operation of the judiciary business," Seitz said. or those who do produce LENSES AVAILABLE Ask IIMvt tiM Visi .. P'- during the next 20 years. Ever increasing legislation but fail to provide "The most important pro­ technological developments the means of implementation, duct which it (the American will have positive influences will add to the already in­ . judiciary) processes - con­ on the judiciary in the area of creasing litigation in cow'ts, ~;~~;;;~~;Ew troversy - is generated by information storage and com­ Seitz said. , other elements of society," munication, according to Two examples he gave of Seitz said. Seitz. However,. he warned legislation that grants addi· ASSOCIATES A.s the population increases that "change (brought about tional jurisdiction to the F. E. Abessinio, 0.0. between now and the year by technology) brings federal courts are Rt . 202 11 4 mile No~th of Concord Moll1 2000, the number of judicial displacement, which in turn discrimination and en­ proceedings will increase breeds lawsuits!' vironmental actions. 12151459-2020 • 13021 57 5-1857 . proportionately, he added. Defective product problems · "I will say that I believe "'-• • er- Mu.•e· ( " Yge • • so • WSfS OPEN WEEK DAYS & EVENINGS In reaction to the increase settled in court will increase that legislators will find it in- in court proceedings, the as manufacturers introduce (continued to poge 3) ACROSS TRACKS WONDERLAND FROM DEER PARK 'If ~:;·:'~•·r•\-.,, '~I \ Available on Chrysalis .records and tapes I OPEN 7DAY·s 738-6856 December 2, 1980 • THE REVIEW • Page 3 Stimulants said to resemble 'speed' Try this Caffeine pills firm closes down simple eye test. By MIKE MARTORANA controlled, non-prescription The fastest selling Loolc in the mirror with your glasses on. A Newark based mail-order substances that . are on the . stimulant, he said, also has Talce oil your glasses and loolc again. Now you lcnow how firm has stopped selling legal federal safe list, and that the highest chemical content: you'd loolc in Bausch & Lomb soft lenses.
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