Proceedings of the Thirteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2019) Using Platform Signals for Distinguishing Discourses: The Case of Men’s Rights and Men’s Liberation on Reddit Jack LaViolette Bernie Hogan New York University University of Oxford 133 E 13th St 1 St. Giles’ New York, NY 10003 USA Oxford, OX1 3JS UK Abstract and Caplan 2018; Massanari 2017). Chief among these is the men’s rights movement (MRM), which, despite its pro- Reddit’s men’s rights community (/r/MensRights) has feminist origins in the 1960s and ‘70s (Messner 1998), been criticized for the promotion of misogynistic language, has embraced the opinion that men have their rights in- toxic masculinity and discourses that reinforce alt-right ide- ologies. Conversely, the men’s liberation (/r/MensLib) fringed upon by out-group social movements oriented to- community integrates inclusive politics, intersectionality and wards women, queer people, and people of color (Kimmel masculinity within a broad umbrella of self-reflection that 1996, part IV). It has been rejuvenated by the rise of the so- suggests toxic masculinity harms men as well as women. cial web, in communities which often overlap with alt-right, We use machine learning text classifiers, keyword frequen- “neoreactionary,” and conspiratorial ideation (Marwick and cies, and qualitative approaches first to distinguish these Lewis 2017, 14). Given its focus on defining threats from two subreddits, and second to interpret the differences ide- those other than typically heterosexual cis-gendered males, ologically rather than topically. We further integrate plat- we consider it an example of exclusionary masculinity. form metadata (referred to as ‘platform signals’) to distin- At the same time, inclusive masculinity discourses are de- guish the subreddits. These signals help us understand how veloping online in reaction to the MRM. Short for “men’s similar terms can be used to arrive at different interpreta- liberation,” /r/MensLib describes itself as tions of gender and discrimination. Where /r/MensLib tends to see masculinity as an adjective and women as peers, a community to explore and address men’s issues in /r/MensRights views being a man as an essential quality, a positive and solutions-focused way. Through dis- men as the target of discrimination, and women as sources of cussing the male gender role, providing mutual sup- personalized grievances. port, raising awareness on men’s issues, and promot- ing efforts that address them, we hope to create active Keywords: computational critical discourse analysis, plat- progress on issues men face, and to build a healthier, form signals, Reddit, men’s rights, men’s issues kinder, and more inclusive masculinity.1 Both groups share concerns about topics related to men’s Introduction health and well-being, for example suicide rates among men In this paper, we show how platform signals—in this case, and mental health. They also share concerns over custody comment scores on Reddit—can be used to preserve some law and parenting practices, albeit for different ideological of the textual form that is lost when large amounts of user- reasons. generated text are aggregated and statistically analyzed. The This research offers two primary contributions. In the first concept of platform signals is drawn from the notion of plat- instance we are interested in identifying the linguistic fea- form effects by Malik and Pfeffer (2016) who define them as tures that distinguish the performance of anti-feminist mas- the ways that “the design and technical features of a given culinity from that of pro-feminist masculinity. This is not so platform constrain, distort, and shape user behavior on that much about the identification of topics, per se, but identi- platform.” We extend this concept to examine how platform fying ways of thinking both about gender and the relation- metadata can be employed as signals to interpret users’ be- ship between gender and identity for men online. The second havior in the aggregate. We integrate these platform signals contribution is to show how the inclusion of platform sig- into machine learning text classification models in order to nals can help to expand computational linguistic approaches analyze the language characterizing two communities fo- towards interpretive and ideology-focused methods such as cused on men’s issues: /r/MensRights, an anti-feminist critical discourse analysis. As platform signals in this case group, and /r/MensLib, a pro-feminist group. concern voting from the silent majority, this work is an at- Reddit is a prominent and growing hub of internet mas- tempt to recover some of the wisdom of the crowd in a space culinity discourses and “networked misogyny” (Marwick that is often dominated by signals from the vocal minority. By integrating platform signals and focusing on ideological Copyright c 2019, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. 1http://www.reddit.com/r/MensLib/ 323 expressions at scale, we show how interpretive approaches To that end, it is not the topics in particular that we wish to can extend, rather than compete with, contemporary statisti- identify. Rather, we wish to identify what is required to ac- cal approaches to language. cept a given argument on that topic as being commonsense We consider this work as “computational critical dis- or at least worthy of being upvoted and promoted within the course analysis.” CCDA (as opposed to Critical Discourse respective communities. Analysis [CDA]) is a nascent field that is focused on under- We show how comment scores on Reddit are both an es- standing and articulating ideologies latent within large-scale sential organizing principle for the proliferation of content text corpora. on the platform and also a means of distinguishing subred- To note, an ideology is a set of ideas used to make sense of dits as distinct ideological communities. The distinctiveness the world (Althusser 2006). Typically, people do not articu- of these communities is reflected in choice of words, but also late their ideologies explicitly. Instead, they enact discourses crucially in the combinations of words, their co-occurrence such as comments, speeches, and conversations. Thus, “[t]he and their attractiveness to the reader as evinced by posi- goal of the analysis is to provide a detailed description, ex- tive voting signals. We note key ideological distinctions be- planation, and critique of the textual strategies writers use to tween /r/MensLib and /r/MensRights: Men’s Lib ‘naturalize’ discourses, that is, to make discourses appear to as a movement views gender as a construct and masculin- be commonsense, apolitical statements” (Riggins 1997, 2). ity as a potentially but not necessarily toxic practice. The To illustrate how ideologies inform discourse we can MRM, by contrast, view men and women as distinct and es- look to two example quotes from the two subreddits. Both sential categories of personhood with men as becoming in- are relatively high-scoring; the /r/MensRights com- creasingly threatened institutionally. Rightly or wrongly, the ment is in the 99th percentile of comments from that sub- MRM have been implicated in the recent rise of the far right, reddit, while the /r/MensLib comment is in the 80th per- incel culture and linked to violent acts such as the shootings centile of its subreddit’s comments.2 First is a quote from by Elliot Rogers and Alek Minassian (Squirrel 2018). To /r/MensRights that speaks to concerns about false rape differentiate violent and exclusionary masculine discourses accusations. “Because from what I have seen, most men from reflexive and inclusive ones requires more than simply don’t have an emotional need to be the centre of attention. identifying androcentric (male-centered) topics, but under- Many women do. Especially feminists, goes hand-in-hand standing the different ideologies used to interpret and legiti- with their manufactured victim image.” Here we are not so mate these topics. interested in contesting the factual basis of this quote, even though we find the claims highly suspect. Instead, we are Literature Review and Research Questions asking what ideologies would emerge that would make this We first introduce critical discourse analysis and describe its quote appear commonsense or obvious. In this quote we see application to modern large-scale corpora. We then discuss the poster assert that there are gender-based differences in statistical methods in linguistics, particularly vector seman- personality, the poster accuses women of being out of con- tics. Finally, we introduce Reddit and the men’s identity sub- trol of their emotions and the poster castigates people who reddits under inquiry. advocate feminism as manufacturing victimhood. While we cannot know precisely what the author was thinking, we can posit here that the author assumes that men and women are Discourse analysis: critical and computational distinct with distinct personality types and that feminism is Discourse analysis (DA) is a broad term encompassing nu- seen as an insincere set of ideas. The poster also implies that merous, overlapping approaches to analyzing situated lin- only women are feminists. We can see this clearly contrasted guistic and semiotic practices. DA is motivated by the sim- with a quote from /r/MensLib on reducing suicide rates: ple observation that “any form of writing is considered to be “what it means to be a woman has changed a lot, but what a selection, an interpretation, and a dramatization of events” it means to be a man hasn’t really changed quite as quickly (Riggins 1997, 2). Far from “transparent,” language does a and now men are kind of out of place.” Like the previous great deal of “social and ideological ‘work’. in producing, quote, the poster here asserts that there are men’s issues that reproducing, or transforming social structures, relations and should be considered more prominently than is currently the identities” (Fairclough 1992, 211).
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