Name Description Contact Person-centred assessments of the needs of family carers and individuals with dementia - Psychological support - #$%$ &&' $#%( )Admin hours &*(#am to $pm Information - Practical advice - Helping e+cept ,ednesday) family carers to develop and improve skills Admiral Nurse .ervice $$th /loor He+agon Admiral Nurses in care giving - Guidance about how to Tower 0rumpsall 1ale 2lackley 3anchester 34 access appropriate services - Therapeutic, &G5 psycho-educational and social support groups for family carers - !eferral to treatment and support services - "nd of life and bereavement support #$%$ ''% %((: or #$%$ &:& &'&$ )3on to /ri .upport for 0arers - 6ay 0are - Home 0are 4am to :*(#pm- - Holistic Therapies - "+cursions Health "mail; admin<accg*org*uk African 0hecks Hospital 1isiting 7 "+ercise 0aribbean .essions 7 Art 8 0raft - 3usic Therapy - ,ebsite; www*accg*org*uk 0are Group Health Promotion - 3eals on ,heels - Twitter; <A00G3anchester )A00G- 9uncheon 0lubs - Information and Advice 0laremont !esource 0entre !olls 0rescent sessions - 2efriending 7 Advocacy 7 Hulme 3anchester 3$= =/. Transport 7 9ibrary African and Telephone; #$%$ ''% 4=%' 0aribbean "motional support 7 Home visits 7 2enefits "mail; carers@acmhs-blackmentalhealth*org*uk 3ental Health advice 7 Phone support 7 Advocacy 7 .ervices Information and advice 7 0arer voice ,indrush 3illennium 0entre ?# Ale+andra !oad )A03H.- 3oss side 3anchester 3$% ?,6 Al@heimerAs 0arers Information and .upport Programme Telephone; #$%$ 4%' :?%4 .ociety )0!I.P- training 7 !ange of information "mail; manchester<*uk booklets and leaBets on dementia 7 Home Name Description Contact visits 7 Appointments 7 "motional support 7 ,ebsite; https:CCwww*[email protected]*uk/ Phone support Parent carer support group - "motional peer #$%$ ''? &?#& 7 Tuesdays only support - Healthy living activities 7 "mail; nahmed<mccr*org*uk Asian Parent Information and advice service - Personal ,ebsite; www*mccr*org*uk 0arers ProDect development and self-help workshops - )300!- Home visits - Telephone support - !espite Twitter; <kmoghal care 7 2ilingual support for Erdu and 3anley Park 0ommunity 0entre Fork Avenue PunDabi speakers ,halley !ange 3anchester 3$% #A. Telephone; #$%$ '$? :4'# ,eekly social support group for carers and cared for* 0ard craft sessions, seated "mail; michele*latham<EH.3* 0A!". 0lub e+ercise class complementary therapies Active Therapy Team ,ithington 0ommunity such as manicures, massage etc. Hospital Nell 9ane 3anchester 3'# '9! Home visits to oGer emotional support - Information and practical help - .upport Telephone; #$%$ 4:= =#:: Group 3eetings )0entral and .outh 0onnect ,ebsite; www*connectsupport*org*uk 3anchester- - .ocial events - 3ental health .upport education programmes including H,hat is 2enchill 0ommunity 0entre 2enchill !oad 3ental Illness?A and H0oping 8 .tress 3anchester 3'' &"J 3anagementA* Gaddum provides health and social care Telephone; #$%$ &(: %#%4 services to adults, children and young people and families including Advocacy "mail; info<gaddum*co*uk Gaddum 2ereavement support Palliative 0are ,ebsite; www*gaddumcentre*co*uk 0entre 0ounselling and 0arers 0entres, and Gaddum House % Great Jackson .treet provides the network coordination role for 3anchester 3$= :AK 3anchester 0arers Network. Name Description Contact 0lasses in fitness, health awareness, Telephone; #$%$ '': ?'=# sewing "nglish - Health action plans - Lver "mail; info<himmat*org*uk %#As swimming classes and walking groups Himmat ,ebsite; www*himmat*org*uk - "motional support - Help with form filling 7 Home visits 7 2enefits advice 7 0arers 3idway 2usiness 0entre ?#( .tockport !oad newsletter 7 Phone support 9ongsight 3anchester 3$' :5N 6ay support services, social and recreational activities - 9uncheon club and Telephone; #$%$ '(' #444 C #$%$ '(' ?44: meals on wheels 7 0arersA drop-in sessions "mail; iscc@talk2$*com Indian .enior - Information advice and interpretation ,ebsite; www*iscc-manchester*org 0itizens 0entre service - IT suite 7 Gym 7 Phone support 7 Home visits 7 Help with form filling - Indian .enior 0itizens 0entre $%C$& ,halley Prevention and well-being services - ,eekly !oad ,halley !ange 3anchester 3$% &A2 yoga and e+ercise classes .pecifically for both M0arerNs" and their M0ared /orM to maintain community contact Phone; #??#&:(#&&? social inclusion support signposting and 9arkhill entertainment* ,e are open twice a month The 9arkhill 0entre Thorley 9ane Timperley 6ementia 0afe $st and (rd .aturday of the month from ,A$= ?AP* $#am to $'* 0ost O( pp* 0lients from any area are made most welcome* Lpen 3onday to /riday $#am - (-:=pm Phone; #??($?4=:$& 9ater 9ife where we oGer small group activities "mail 9aterlifeliving<gmail*com 9iving Adult memory games, snooker table tennis, art 6ay 0lub ,eb* 9aterlifeliving*co*uk and crafts, gardening board games, singing* ,e work for passion not profit for people over =# who may want to increase their con>dence social interaction our Name Description Contact clients live with various illnesses, 6ementia Parkinsons 6isease loneliness, isolation depression and other long term illnesses. 0ost is only O('-=# per day* /ree half day trial* Telephone; #$%$ ''% :%(' "motional and practical support - Asian "mail; lmcpcarelink<btconnect*com 930P 0are 0arers' Group and drop-ins - 3onthly ,ebsite; www**uk 9ink support group - Introduction to care-related work - Information and advice - Training The Pastoral 0entre 4=A Princess !oad 3anchester 3$: :TH Information and advice - "motional support Telephone; #$%$ '? '? '? # - Practical help - Training workshops - "mail; admin<*uk 3anchester .ocial and peer activities to improve carersA ,ebsite; www**uk 0arers 0entre health and well-being - $;$ appointments 7 Phone support 7 Foung Adult 0arers 2ridge = 3ill ''a 2eswick .treet 3anchester 3: support )age $%-'=- ?H! Telephone; #$%$ &$4 '''% Lne to one and group support for any adult "mail; info<manchestercarersforum*org*uk 3anchester carer - telephone support line - trips - ,ebsite; www*manchestercarersforum*org*uk 0arers /orum volunteering - carer awareness Gaddum House % Great Jackson .treet 3anchester 3$= :AK 3anchester 0arersA assessments - 0arersA groups Telephone; #$%$ ??' :&## )press option '- Jewish )including male carers group- - 0arer breaks "mail; 0arers@thefed*org*uk /ederation 7 Training 7 Annual calendar of carers events 7 Home visits 7 Information and ,ebsite; http;CCwww*thefed*org*uk/services/adult- Name Description Contact social-care-services/carers-supportC )0urrently undergoing maintenance as of June advice 7 !espite provision 7 Phone support '#$?- 7 1olunteering Heathlands 6rive Prestwich 3anchester 3'= 4.2 Lne to one support - !ecovery work 7 0onfidence-building groups - ,orkshops Telephone; #$%$ &(' (?(% and courses - Lne to one support to make changes, manage mental health symptoms "mail; info<moodswings*org*uk 3oodswings and reach goals - /riends and family ,ebsite; www**uk support group 7 Helpline - Information (% New 3ount .t 3anchester 3: :6" advice and support in person over the phone or skype .upport and advice for isolated women - 6rop in - 0oGee mornings - Llder womenAs luncheon club - .tay 8 play Telephone; #$%$ ?:# '44= - 9ibrary - Home visits Neesa ,ell "mail; neesa#$<tiscali*co*uk - Lutreach - "nglish and sewing classes - ,omen ,oodville !esource 0entre .hirley !oad Health seminars - Pamper sessions - 6ay 3anchester 3& #N" trips - Lne to one support - Information and advice -1olunteer training - 0hair based e+ercise .troke Helpline - Information and emotional Helen Gilbertson Information Advice 8 .upport Association support - Training for professionals - .troke 0oordinator 7 Tel; #$%$ ?:' ?:&'* National cafes - 9ife After .troke grants 7 Information Helpline - Tel; #(#( (#(( $## leaflets on website "mail; helen*gilbertson<stroke*org*uk ,ebsite; www*stroke*org*uk Name Description Contact %th /loor .troke Association .alford 3% =/N Telephone; #$%$ '#( :#4= "motional support - Training - Information 7 "mail; admin<talbot-house*org*uk Advice on money and benefits 7 0arers breaks 7 Advocacy - Pamper service ,ebsite; www*talbot-house*org*uk Talbot House including nails, refle+ology massage and Twitter; <talbothousemcr beauty 7 "mergency planning 7 Home visits Talbot House .upport 0entre $ High Peak 7 Phone support .treet Newton Heath 3anchester 3:# (AT Information and advice 7 Lne-to-one Targeted Fouth Telephone; #&## #$'% %#% support 7 Home visits 7 Advocacy 7 .upport 2enefits advice 7 Foung carers wellbeing 7 "mail; yc@careerconnect*org*uk .ervice ,ork with schools and colleges 7 .upport ,ebsite )0areer for young people moving into education 0onnect- employment and training Together Together 6ementia .upport in 3anchester Telephone; #$%$ ''% ?$&% 6ementia run an evening 0arersA 6rop-In at 0horlton "mail; admin<togetherdementiasupport*org .upport in 0entral 0hurch 2arlow 3oor !d 3'$ &2/ 3anchester Tuesdays, ?-4pm* At the group we have information and training sessions, peer support and therapeutic activities* They also have massage therapy monthly at thier /eel Good 0lub )for people with dementia- in 0layton they also have a carerAs support and discussion session each month which takes place on ,ednesday afternoons from $*(# to (*(#pm* Together 6ementia .upport in 3anchester also run a range of groups for people with Name Description Contact dementia giving carers a break at home* 0arers can attend some of the groups along with their relative if they wish* Telephone; #$%$ &(( #(?? Advice and information 7 Interpreting "mail; info<waiyin*org*uk 0hinese and other languages - 9uncheon ,ai Fin ,ebsite; http;CCwww*waiyin*org*uk/ club - ,elfare advice - 0arers 2reaks and .ociety activities daily 7 Training - Lutdoor sessions Twitter; <waiyincws - Home visits - Hospital visits .heung 9ok 0entre Justin 0lose 3anchester 3$( 4E2.
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