INDEX ‘50 Years: a retrospective’ symposium, 49 Audit and Risk Committee, 82 audits, 92 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Auntie Rita (Huggins & Huggins), 43 Biographical Index, 54 AUSTLANG, 19–20 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Recruitment Austlit database, 34 and Career Development Plan, 84 Australia: William Blandowski’s illustrated encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia map, 8, 40 Aboriginal life, 2, 43–4, 45, 46 Aboriginal early childhood oral health project, 25 Australian Aboriginal Studies (journal), 8, 50, 51, 92 Aboriginal Land Rights’ Support Group, Sydney, 68, 71 Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 62 Aboriginal people: identity, 48; visual representations of, Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting 24, 68, 70 Authority, 21, 43 Aboriginal Studies Electronic Data Archive, 20 Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, 32 Aboriginal Studies Press, 2, 8, 39, 40–6; accounting Australian Indigenous Archaeologists’ Association, 30 system, 41–2; advisory committee, 44; audio books, 42; Australian Indigenous Languages Electronic Collection, 20 e-commerce, 90; electronic publishing, 8, 40, 42, 43, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander 44; funding and revenue, 40; marketing, publicity and Studies Act 1989, 1, 80 distribution, 40, 44–6; new ventures, 42–3; publications, Australian Public Service Commission, 88, 89 2, 8, 43–4; restructure, 40; revenue, 40; staff development, Australian Research Council, 34, 51 41, 42; teacher resources, 42–3 Australian Workplace Agreements, 88 Aboriginal Water Forum 2012, 28 awards and prizes, 21, 24, 42, 43, 85, 88 accidents, 89 advertising and market research, 91 Bamblett, Dr Lawrence, 21, 24 advisory committees, 34–5, 44, 83 Bardi Jawi PBC, 26 Agency Agreement, 88, 89 Bauman, Toni, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33 AIATSIS Corporate Plan 2010–11 to 2012–13, 83 Bedford, Eric, 11, 80 AIATSIS Seminar series, 49 Bennelong’s letter, 69, 70 Albert, Steven, 68, 71 Bennett, Lily, 20 alcohol use, 24, 31 Bessold, Jutta, 20 Altman, Prof. Jon, 74 Blandowski, William, Australia (illustrated encyclopaedia), ancestral remains, 24 2, 43–4, 45, 46 anthropologists, 25, 27, 29, 33 Bolton, Joan, 70, 71 Arabena, Dr Kerry, 46, 47 bookshop, 8 archaeology/archaeologists, 30 Brennan, Queenie, 20 art and art exhibitions, 85 Bringing them home report, 53, 62 art/artworks, 24, 30, 70, 71 budget for research program, 18 ATSIROM database, 62 budgetary position, 1–2, 39, 52, 87 see also financial Attorney-General’s Department, 26, 27 management; financial statements audio recordings, 68 building management, 90–1 Audiovisual Archive, 8, 39, 52–62; acquisitions and burden of proof (native title), 27 donations, 67–8, 70–1, 137; alliances, 61–3; catalogue business plans (AIATSIS), 83, 84, 89–90 records, 61–2, 76; client requests, 53; collection see collections; digitisation, 1, 4, 87; digitisation program, Canada, First Nation economic development, 26 72–4; digitisation services, 62; equipment, 77–8; finding Canberra and District NAIDOC Committee, 86 aids, 76, 138–40; oral history interviews, 62; preservation Canberra Institute of Technology, 54, 62 and conservation, 70, 72, 75, 77; professional Cannon, Judith, 61 memberships, 63; ROMTIC program, 56–7; service carbon farming bill, 26 reduction, 52; visits to and outreach from, 54–6 Carr, Felicita, 20 149 INDEX Carr, Sen. Kim, 80 David Unaipon Literary Award, 21 Carroll, Luke, 86 Davis, Dr Michael, 51 Central Australian cultural signs, 68 Dawn magazine, 57 Chairperson’s message, 1–2 De Largy Healy, Dr Jessica, 68 Chestnut, Lillian, 55 Deadly ReadAthon, 21, 23 Chivers, Joanne, 86 Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency climate change, 28 Climate Change Adaptation Research Grants code of conduct see ethical research guidelines Program, 28 collections, 66–7, 70; access, 66; acquisitions and donations, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace 67–70, 137; audiovisual materials, 66–8, 70; digitisation Relations, 21, 23 program, 1, 4, 70, 72–5, 87; finding aids, 74, 76, 138–40; Department of Families, Housing, Community Services management, 67, 78; manuscripts/personal papers, 74, and Indigenous Affairs, 25, 26, 32 76, 138–40; Mura® catalogue, 52, 57, 67, 76; online Department of Innovation, Industry, Science collections, 57; preservation and conservation, 1–2, 70–2, and Research, 18 75, 77; print materials, 67, 69; rare items, 70 Department of Sustainability, Water, Environment, Collections Management Committee, 78 Population and Communities, 30 Comcare, 89 Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet: Comcover, 82, 89 International Repatriation Program, 24; Maintenance of committees: advisory committees, 34–5, 44, 83; AIATSIS Indigenous Languages and Records program, 19, 22 governance committees, 82–3; Collections Management Deputy Principal role, 7 Committee, 78; research publications committees, 50 digitisation of research grant reports, 50 Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997, 82 digitisation program, 1, 4, 57–60, 70, 72–4, 87 Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Disability Discrimination Act 1992, 92 Orders 2009, 92 Dodson, Prof. Mick, 9, 39, 47, 80, 81; Chairperson’s Commonwealth Disability Strategy, 92 message, 1–2 communications see Executive and Communications Unit Dr Phyllis Kaberry Collection, 54, 55 community development, 32 Dr Ross Ingram Memorial Essay Competition, 24 competitive tendering and contracting, 91 Drew, Prof. Neil, 81 conferences and seminars, 25, 29, 46–50, 61; Indigenous drug use, 31 writers conferences, 40, 41, 49; Native Title Duff, Alisa, 20 Conferences, 2, 27, 28, 30, 46–8, 61; papers and Dugong, Lawrence, 68 presentations, 132–3 Dusting, Ellestan, 70 Congress of Australia’s First Peoples, 32 conservation and preservation see under collections Eccles, Tom, 62 consultants, 91, 141 ecology, 28 Consultative Committee, 83 e-commerce, 90 contracts and contracting, 91, 141 economic development research, 26, 27 Cooms, Valerie, 30, 32 Editorial Advisory Board for AAS, 50 Cooperative Research Centres, 34 education, history and cultural transmission research, 21–4 Copyright Agency Limited, 40 Educational Lending Right payments, 40 Copyright and Intellectual Property Committee, 83 corporate governance, 79–83 electronic publishing, 8, 40, 42, 43, 44 Corporate Services, 7, 83, 89 electronics engineering workshop, 78 Council: Chairperson’s message, 1–2; meetings and visits, Elliott area (NT) people, interviews and songs, 68 1, 81–2; members, 9–13, 80–1; role, 82 email lists, 20 Crowther, Melissa, 20 Employee Assistance Program counselling, 89 cultural flows (water), 28, 30 environmental performance, 90–1 cultural heritage, 30, 32 equity, 91–2 Cultural Managers’ Forum, 89 Erambie Aboriginal Advancement Corporation, 21 cultural signs in Central Australia, 68 ethical research guidelines, 35, 51 curriculum development, 21, 43 Excellence Awards, 88 Cutfield, Sarah, 20, 49 the Executive, 7 Executive and Communications Unit, 7, 39, 82, 86 Dalabon language, 20, 49 Executive Board of Management, 7, 82–3 Dance, Dr Phyll Rose, 24, 31 exempt contracts, 91 databases: ATSIROM, 62; Austlit, 34; legal precedents, exhibitions, 57, 85 27–8; OZBIB, 19–20 external reviews, 91 150 INDEX family history research course accreditation, 2, 54, 62 Holcombe, Dr Sarah, 51 Family History Unit, 7–8, 53–4 homelessness, 32 Fardin, Joe, 27 House of Representatives Legal and Constitutional Affairs Faulkner, Samantha, 25 Committee, 26; Federal Court of Australia, 28 House of Representatives Standing Committee on female staff numbers, 84 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Inquiry into Fforde, Dr Cressida, 24, 51 Juvenile Justice, 24 ‘50 Years: a retrospective’ symposium, 49 housing, 27, 32 films, 67, 74 see also Audiovisual Archive Huckle, Johnny, 86 Finance Committee, 82 Huddleston, Dale, 86 financial management, 89 human resources, 89–90 see also staff financial statements, 93–130 First Peoples’ Water Engagement Council, 28 identity and authenticity, 48 Fitzgerald, Prof. Robert, 19 imagery, 24 Ford, Dr Payi-Linda, 11, 80 Indigenous affairs policy, 32 fraud risk and control, 82, 89 Indigenous APS Employees Network, 84 freedom of information, 91 Indigenous Caucus, 83 Fuller, Lisa, 41 Indigenous Coordinator, 84 funding: Aboriginal Studies Press, 40; budgetary position, Indigenous country and governance research, 25–32 1–2, 39, 52, 87; Indigenous Visiting Research Fellowship Indigenous employment, 89 program, 18; research program, 18 Indigenous languages research, 19–21 Indigenous Literacy Foundation, 46 Garvan, Joan, 68, 71 Indigenous people: identity, 48; visual representations Garwood-Houng, Alana, 61 of, 24, 68, 70 Gee-whiz and Battleship Gambirra, 86 Indigenous Sustainable Development Forum, 30 Ginger Bob (Palyakulayi), 68 Indigenous Visiting Research Fellowship program, 18, Ginnivan, Leah, 26 20–1, 24–5 Glass, Amee, 73 Indigenous women photography exhibition, 85 Glick, Lydia, 51 Indigenous writers conferences, 40, 41, 49 Gooda, Mick, 47 information communication technology, 83, 90 Goolarri Media enterprises, 81–2 information dissemination, 36–9 see also Aboriginal Studies Gooniyandi visitors to AIATSIS, 54–5 Press; Audiovisual Archive; Library Goudie, Samia, 25 Information Technologies and Indigenous Communities governance: corporate, 79–83; Indigenous country symposium, 48 and governance research, 25–32; native title bodies Informit, 62 corporate, 26; Torres Strait regional governance, 26 insurance see Comcover government inquiries/consultation processes, International Women’s Day activities, 85 submissions to, 26
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