6rioravr. poipa: &ov noporjir~ Ins tauration. VOL. 21, NO. 2 JANUARY 1996 Arab population. Many of them race-mix with whites. Most such couplings tend to be Arab male and white female. Make no h keeping with !nst~iuration's~licyof avo- house, he apologized for the appalling mistake, this Middle Eastern minority is nymity, most communicants wi I be rdentrfred mess, saying, "I know it looks like a polluting the Nordic gene pool. While by the first three digits of their zip code. bunch of niggers live here." If he was the Arab may be the lesser of two evils, 0 Divine Brown, the black L.A. prosti- aware of being politically incorrect, it he is still a genetic threat. tute whose servicing of British actor- didn't register in his face. 481 pervert Hugh Grant hit the tabloid head- 366 lines last year, predicted that her "wick- Like that other lnstauration subscriber, ed Jewish lawyers" would keep her out a The New Jersey state legislature has Ifound using "gay" as a synonym for ho- of jail. So far she's been right. mandated that elementary and junior mosexual absurd until a co-worker sug- 111 high school students study the Holocaust gested it is an acronym for "Got AIDS this year. The Shoah religion was already yet?" I'd like to nominate Rep. Pat Schroeder being taught to junior high students in 208 (D-CO) for Majority Renegades of the Pennsylvania in the 1970s. In the state Year. I can't think of any specific acts where I live, the Holocaust course in a I have just finished reading my 240th she has committed over the years to war- public schools is longer than the Ameri- copy of Instauration, all from cover to rant this "honor." It's just that her whole can Revolution course. Aren't elemen- cover and beginning with the first issue political career has been nauseatingly tary school students a bit young for this? (Dec. 1975). counterproductive to Majority interests. I hope the tykes get nightmares and keep 972 She's had 23 years in office to screw up. their parents awake all night. I'm glad that the news that she is giving 233 If Clinton isn't Majority Renegade of up her seat in the House is for real. the Year, I pin the title on Al Gore, who 440 a America is dying, and I don't feel so has been selling his soul for 30 pieces of good myself. under-valued silver ever since he drew America is now Amerika. We feel such 250 his first political breath. God help us if alienation because Amerika quite literal- the Veep ever makes it to the White ly is an alien nation. Its merciful death in 0 A Congressional committee will soon House. the next century will mean new life for vote on whether to abolish the Dept. of 320 our beleaguered people. White ethno- Justice's Community Relations Service states shall rise like phoenixes from the and its $20-million annual budget. The 0 Shoah business and all its appurte- ashes. These states will be pearls of great agency's mission is to "help police keep nances stand in Mosaic splendor, as im- price, formed only after the most ardu- track of hate crimes." mutable a truth as any religious dogma. ous labor and decades of chaos, depriva- 765 472 tion, bloodshed and war. 708 Regarding Farrakhan's claim that the Q Last night Ishopped at a Wal-Mart. I'd white race was the product of a screwy just bought a new Debbie Gibson tape 0 I live in a neighborhood of good old experiment conducted by a black scien- L boys in a Southern state. The other day I tist millennia ago, I feel compelled to CONTENTS hired one of them to haul some items ask, Why hasn't the black man done any Majority Renegade of the Year. 5 away for me on his truck. When I went science since then? Not So Sorry. .............. 6 to pay him and was invited into his 891 Mad, Mad Book.. ............. 8 Entertainment is said to be America's Odej....................... 8 #2 export. This bodes worse for the rest Black Gobbledygook. ......... .lo is published 12 times a year by of the world than it does for us." The Wobblies. ...............ll Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. 622 Liars, Damn Liars and Pollsters. .14 Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 Wiggen. ................... .15 a I nominate the Bible-thumping Israel The Jones Boys and the Cowboys. .17 Annual Subscription $35 (third class) Firster Cal Thomas for Majority Rene- The Invasion of Bosnia. ........ 18 $45 (first class) gade of the Year. A true kosher konserva- Miscegenation Horror Story. .....18 $48 Canada tive, Chaister Cal has little use for histori- Ganging up on Aussie Novelist. .19 $50 foreign (surface) cal revisionism. He is fearful it may be $67 foreign (air) Backtalk. applied to his precious book of Jewish .................. .20 Single copy price $3, postpaid fables. Inklings. ................... .22 Magazine is mailed in plain white envelope 074 Cultural Catacombs. ..........24 Wilmot Robertson, editor Primate Watch. ............. .25 0 It's true that Arabs are one ethnic Talking Numbers. .26 Make check; payable to Howard Allen. ........... group that knows the parasitic nature of Waspishly Yours. ............ .27 the Jews and is not afraid to say so. But Satcom Sam. ................ 28 lnstauration should not be too quick to Notes from the Sceptred Isle. ....30 applaud this alien presence among us. Elsewhere. ..................3 1 Where I live in Michigan there is a large PACE 2-INSTAURATION-JANUARY 1996 and was preparing to head on home, network of organizations, their dispro- In case you have any doubt which strain when I spotted a Negro male in the park- portionate political influence, their un- is more dominant in Mr. Isaac, be in- ing lot holding his young high-yaller son, challenged right to mingle with the Gen- formed that he is filing a discrimination waiting for his white girlfriend or wife to tiles while remaining apart, all testify to lawsuit. pay for their purchases. "Lord have mer- the existence of an international nation. 102 cy," I said to myself. My spirits fell. I 472 played my white power rock music tape, a Black Congressman Charles Range! Day of the Sword: Hail Victory, all the 0 A recent mailing from the Libertarian asked on CNN what possible explanation way home, cranked up as loud as it Party included t& announcement of a there could be for black crime rates oth- would go. campaign to recruit recently legalized er than a racist justice system? Among 420 immigrants, especially Hispanics, Q vote the whites present there were meem- Libertarian. The campaign will be wc- barrassed glances, but no one dared 0 I heard this on one of the Sunday cessful, the mailing said, kause of the make the obvious reply. morning political babble shows: "The Libertarian position on open immigra- 033 Democrats are increasingly the party of tion. ?hat's it. I'm voting for Pat B. blacks and government workers." It is 335 0 I was faced with the decision of re- also the party of Jews and queers, but no newing my sub or eating for the next pundit would keep his job were he to say 0 In media coverage conservative Chris- week. Oh, well, I need to !ose a few SO. tian ministers are usually referred to by pounds. So here I am for my sixth year. 81 0 their secular names only. Pat Robertson Canadian subscriber comes to mind. Apparently only leftist a Several months ago I found this graffiti ministers like Jesse Jackson have NRever- 0 The NBA is nearly all black. Judging on the bathroom wall of a restaurant in end" preceding their names. from TV pictures of starting line-ups, the North Carolina: "When a nation has be- 21 0 NFL is getting that way. It is no longer come so weak that it allows the criminal politically correct to say that Negroes are actions of one race to change the out- 0 As CNN put it, "World civilization was superior in some sports. The approved come of our court system, then that na- rocked" by the assassination of Yitzhak formulation is that but for white perfidy, tion can no longer call itself free." Rabin. ?he future of Mexico is a thou- one-eighth of brain surgeons, rocket sci- 280 sand times more important to us than entists and chess champs would be black. that of a tiny Middle Eastern state, but 842 0 Francis Cleveland, the son of President the ratio of coverage is just the reverse. Grover Cleveland, died some weeks ago Any tremor in the Jewish state becomes The winner of the 1995 National Bd in New Hampshire at age 92. Among his an earthquake in the U.S. Award for fiction was Philip Roth; for survivors is daughter Marian C. Cohen. 955 poetry, Stanley Kunitz; for nonfiction, 458 Tina Rosenberg. Was it merit? Or was it 0 Whatever happened to that phrase, networking? Elderly troglodyte Dr. Ruth Westheim- Uwith the consent of the governed?" 550 er has written a new book called Hea- Many Christian Serbs would rather die venly Sex: Sexuality in the jewish Tradi- than live in the same state with the de- 0 Ted Kennedy is reputed to have con- tion. Offered by an academic publisher, scendants of their long-time Muslim op- tacted 0.1. with this advice: "Next time it posits that Judaism celebrates sex as a pressors. The desperation of Bosnian Serb drown her, man.
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