APPENDIX D Cultural Resources Supplemental Information Broadway Plaza Long Range Master Plan EIR D-1 ESA / 211723 Draft EIR March 2012 This page intentionally left blank D-2 D-3 This page intentionally left blank D-4 D-5 This page intentionally left blank D-6 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS This Cultural Resources Survey Report was prepared for the City of Walnut Creek on behalf of Macerich Northwestern Associates for the proposed Broadway Plaza Long Range Master Plan Project. This report documents the methods and findings of the cultural resources background research and survey conducted for the Proposed Project. This report has been completed in accordance with professional research and reporting standards established in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Proposed Project proposes redevelopment of the Broadway Plaza shopping center in downtown Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, California. Broadway Plaza is a regional shopping center that contains approximately 80 national retailers, specialty shops, services, restaurants, and cafes. The Proposed Project includes a General Plan Amendment, a new land use designation, and rezoning of the Project Site to facilitate an expansion of retail space and the possible addition of other commercial and/or residential uses. The approximately 24-acre Project Site is bounded by Main Street on the west, Mount Diablo Boulevard on the north, South Broadway on the east, and Newell Avenue on the south. Some existing buildings on the Project Site would be demolished to make room for the proposed expansion. A records search for the Proposed Project was conducted at the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) of the California Historical Resources Information System. The records search indicated that 19 cultural resources have been recorded within the 0.5-mile records search radius, including 17 historic-period resources and two prehistoric archaeological sites. None of the recorded resources are within the Project Site, although Broadway Plaza is located within an area that has been identified in the City’s General Plan as having a high potential for cultural resources. A reconnaissance-level architectural survey was completed by ESA architectural historian Brad Brewster on October 13, 2011. While many of the Broadway Plaza buildings constructed prior to 1966 would be demolished to accommodate the Proposed Project, none of these buildings are considered historical resources for CEQA purposes primarily due to a loss of integrity. The Proposed Project would have no impact to the setting of nearby historic resources, due to their distance from the Project Site and the many intervening modern buildings and roads. No direct or indirect impacts would occur to architectural resources as a result of the Proposed Project, therefore no mitigation measures would be required. No archaeological field survey was conducted at the Project Site due to the limited visibility of the ground surface as a result of urban development. The developed nature of the Project Site, including previous construction of a basement level at the existing stores, reduces the likelihood of encountering unknown archaeological resources. However, project construction could potentially expose and damage or destroy unknown prehistoric and historic-period archaeological resources, including Native American remains. Mitigation measures are provided in the unlikely event that archaeological resources are encountered during ground-disturbing activities. i D-7 TABLE OF CONTENTS %URDGZD\3OD]D/RQJ5DQJH0DVWHU3ODQ 3URMHFW&XOWXUDO5HVRXUFHV6XUYH\5HSRUW Page Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1 Project Location and Setting ........................................................................................ 1 Project Purpose and Description ................................................................................. 2 CEQA-Area of Potential Effects .................................................................................... 3 Regulatory Context ....................................................................................................... 3 Study Methods .............................................................................................................. 5 Records Search and Literature Review .................................................................................... 5 Context ........................................................................................................................... 9 Natural Environment ................................................................................................................. 9 Geoarchaeological Context ..................................................................................................... 10 Prehistory ................................................................................................................................ 10 Ethnography ............................................................................................................................ 12 History ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Field Methods .............................................................................................................. 19 Study Findings ............................................................................................................ 19 Field Survey Summary ............................................................................................................ 19 Conclusions and Recommendations ...................................................................................... 20 References Cited ......................................................................................................... 23 Figures Figure 1: Project Location Figure 2: Project Site Figure 3: Areas of Potential Direct and Indirect Effects Figure 4: Previously Recorded Cultural Resources Within the Area of Potential Indirect Impacts Figure 5: Broadway Plaza Original Construction and Major Remodeling Dates Appendices A-1 Correspondence ii D-8 Introduction Environmental Science Associates (ESA) has prepared this Cultural Resources Survey Report (CRSR) for the City of Walnut Creek (City) on behalf of Macerich Northwestern Associates for the proposed Broadway Plaza Long Range Master Plan Project (Proposed Project). The Proposed Project proposes redevelopment of the Broadway Plaza shopping center in downtown Walnut Creek. The CRSR documents the methods and findings of the cultural resources background research and survey conducted for the Proposed Project. This study has been conducted in accordance with professional research and reporting standards established in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The purpose of this study was to: identify cultural resources, including prehistoric and historic-period archaeological resources, buildings, structures, and places of importance to Native Americans located within the Project Area; preliminarily evaluate cultural resources according to the criteria set forth by the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR); determine whether the Proposed Project would have an impact on potentially-significant cultural resources; and recommend procedures for avoidance or mitigation of impacts to potentially-significant cultural resources. This report was completed by Jennifer Bowden, B.A., and Heidi Koenig, M.A., RPA (Registered Professional Archaeologist at ESA with an M.A. in Cultural Resources Management). Ms. Koenig has conducted professional archaeological research in California for more than ten years and meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for an archaeologist. ESA Architectural Historian W. Brad Brewster, M.A. completed a reconnaissance- level survey and prepared the sections of this report regarding potentially historic buildings within and adjacent to the Project Site. Mr. Brewster meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for architectural history. Project Location and Setting The Proposed Project is located in the City of Walnut Creek in central Contra Costa County, California, as shown on the Walnut Creek 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle, in an unsectioned portion of Township 1 North, Range 2 West (Figure 1). The approximately 24-acre Project Site is completely developed, and is bounded by Main Street on the west, Mount Diablo Boulevard on the north, South Broadway on the east, and Newell Avenue on the south. Broadway Plaza is a regional shopping center which contains Nordstrom, Macy’s, Macy’s Men’s/Juniors’, Neiman Marcus (under construction and projected to open in March 2012), Crate & Barrel, David M. Brian, and 75 to 80 other national retailers, specialty shops, services, restaurants, and cafes. The Project Site has an open-air format with more than two dozen in-line Broadway Plaza Long Range Master Plan Project 1 ESA / D211723 Cultural Resources Survey Report November 2011 Preliminary Subject to Revision D-9 and free-standing buildings of various sizes, with associated parking structures, walkways, and landscaping (Figure 2). All the current facilities are at or above the ground surface, with the exception of a 40,000-square-foot basement area in the approximate center of the Project Site. This space is currently unused because it is inaccessible and prone
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