I Mutinous 'Troops • leopoldville in 12" & 14" SillS • Free Delivery Whites Flee in Face on .11 orden over $3.'5 Weather forecast • Dial 5835 Of Mounting Violence ~ . (JJ Consld.r.bI. cloudlne.. throuth BRAZZAVILLE, Former French Congo (AP) - Mutinous i ,owa toni,ht \ with K.ttorod showon. ; :J.ine~t Azza Negro troops ran wild for hours Friday through Leopoldville, ,,- n Highs In tho lOs. Somewh.t Sm>Inc TM Stat. Unloerpty of Iowo "nd the People Iowa Citll 114 S. Dubuque. capital of the nine-day-old Congo Republic, sending whites at cool.r t.mperltures on Sunday. Aero .. from Hotel Jlt1ltnlll streaming from the city in fear of assault and rape. • The U.S. Embassy was invaded and Widespread violence was Established in 1868 AIIoclated Prell Leued Wire And Wlrepbato - Herald Tribune NeViR Service Features Saturday, July 9, 1960, Iowa Cily, Iowa reported elsewhere. A detachment of 164 crack Belgian infantry volunteers in combat dress and armed with automatic weapons left llrussels by plane during the night for the Congo. The Brussels I8nnounce­ Truce Appeal • y Rascalls ment of the departure did not say where they would land. Belgian rule in the Congo ended with King Fails to Halt Baudouin's handover of power to I • - SAT~ - SUN. the republic last week. omani e y rue Forty.bwo women and children, refugees [rom lhe chaos gripping Italian Riots . - . You've seen the (ormer Belgian Congo, arrived in Luanda, Angola, where many ROME fA'! - Political riots Specia I show told 0 l narrow escapes from brought more street fights and threatened rape and injury. One bloodshed to Italy Friday and dis­ Mrs. Dvorsky p.m., Saturday 4:30 woman said she saw two Euro­ regard on all sides for a plea for Justice and History peans killed in the streets of peace. n Grinder and his Nkinzi in the new republic. Anoth­ Three demonstrators were killed er said beatings of Europeans had in clashes with police. More than 47, Hit Near been common in the past t.wo 100 rioters and policemen were in­ With Cuba: . Castro ining the kids and jured. I days. I An appeal for a IS-day truce I p.m. on our parking Tho B.I,ian rodlo s.ld Lto­ by the President of the Italian HAVANA (AP) - Fidel Castro declared Friday night Cuba · Intersection poIclvllle itself eppoorod doacIIy Senate failed. The Government re­ will emerge victorious in a struggle for economic survival with qul.t Fricloy nitht .fter I 6 p.m. jected any compromise with the the United States because "justic::e and history" are on Cuba's 61 Days Since in a lifetime pic- ~urfew was imposed. It sold rioters and warned It would "obey Last Ie Traffic mops had boon closocI, 'ood Wit its duty of keeping the public ,ide. K.rce Ind all Contol.. e Mr· squares from becoming a substi- Beginning a regular Friday night TV appearance an hour Accident Fatality Vlnts hod I.ft European hom .., tute for ParJiament." late, the Prime Minister said the Cuban government will not By JIM KADERA Several thousand whites, mostly Th. wide,pr.ad weve of vlo· Staff Writer f women and children, fled Leopold­ I.nco thlt boillt Jun. ,. now has react to U.S. "aggressions" in the manner he said the Sfate ville. The men in tpcir families tlk.n 10 lives Ind caulld In- Department would expect. But he An Iowa City woman was scnt them by ferry to this old iurles to almo,t 1,000 penons. did not immediately say what eiprocal friendship." killed Friday aft moon wheu Free French headquarters city Friday's violence centered in Cuba's reaction would be to a The congressional leader said be hit by a cement truck as she across the river from LeopoldviUe. Sicily. slash in Cuban sugar sales by the was speaking ror lhe Party of Re­ In Catania, at the foot of vol- United Slates. crossed ncar the intersection of The flight across the river was volutionary Institutions (P RI ), Dubuque and Burlington halted for several hours by bay­ canic Mt. Etna, a 15-year-old boy "They, as we have observed, which -has an overwhelming ma­ onet-carrying troops but later was was killed in fighting between po- wait until the revolutionary go v­ jority in Congress. streets. lice and hundreds of Communists. ernment makes a move, then they resumed. One terry was forced to The Cuban news agency, Prensa Mrs. Florence Dvorsky, 47, In Palermo street bllttles raged act," Castro said. "And usually ~ '" unload and passengers were forc­ Latina, bombarded Havana news­ ', ..... ' *~" ~ \0> 332'k S. Dubuque St .. was waiking ed to carry their baggage back for hours. Four persons were they ma~e a mistake. Error has wounded by gunfire and two later accompanied U.S. foreign policy papers with messages of support across the street a few minutes home. died in a hospital. in recent years." Cor Castro from many parts of Scene of Fatal Accident before 3 p.m. She died instantly Refugees 'from Thysville and South and Central America. Some after being struck by a Johnson The demonstrators built barri­ C.. tro ,pole. shortly aft.r I Iowa City police measure the distance which the cemellt truck Friday. Blood streaks show in the smaller communities ill the Leo­ cades of tables and chairs taken of the messages quoted labor lead­ County Ready Mix truck driven poldville province poured into Leo­ crowd of Ibout 4,000 glther.d at ers Or left-wing newspapers. body of Mrs. Florend Dvorsky was dragg.d 'oreground. The victim carried no identification by Don E. Brown of Nichols_ from bars and hurled stones and I the Mexlcln Embassy here shout­ after sh. apPlrently walked into the path of a poldville uhrough Thursday night bottles filled with gasoline at po­ Gov.rnment-controlled n.wspa­ and police sought for four hours to identify the Mrs. Dvorsky's body was badly Ing thllftks for an IIlIpros,ion of body. mangled in the accident, lea ving and before dawn Friday. Congo­ lice. Traffic signals were torn support for the Cuban peopl. pers heldlined Sanch.z Piedru' lese troops burst on the scene in down, cars were overturned and statem.nt. Ind appeeled to Cu­ a large blood-splattered 8tlla on voiced by e M.xlcan congresslon. lhe street. jeeps and trucks. shop windows were smashed. .1 spokesmen, bans to turn out for a Castro Half 39c Police used clubs, tear gas, fire roily Sunday It the pruidential Though many persons were in T roo p s stopped Europeans The slatemenl of the Mexican throughout tho white area 01 tile hoses and gunfire in efforts to p.l.c•• the immediate vicinity, only one break up the riots. Four hundred spokesman is expected to give could give a description of the ac­ city Ind dMtlndeci to ... identi­ Castro fresh confidence for what ty papers. Foreigners living In demonstrators were arresled. * cident. Mrs. Evyonne Whetstine. 12·0z. holtls --. ordered to stay In Tho riots that .t.rt.d in Genol followers call his "David and Go- M · * F·'* 232'h S. Dubuque St. , an apart­ June 30 "OW hlv. ,w.pt throusrh Hath" battIe wilh the United eXlco 01 S ment above Two Way Inn Tavern their rooms. States. It also is expected to reaf-, and overlooking the intersection, Pkg. CQngolese soldiers, straining to MiI.n, Turin, R.gglo Emili., LI· c.ta, Rom. Ind to Sicily. firm his conviction that he speaks A gave the follow ing account to a •,., exercise their new authority. T Daily Iowan reporter; pointed their guns constantly and The Communists ahd leftists Cor all of Latin America. (;) nSWeT have said their demonstrations One Latin diplomat said the as- "Sho (Mrs. Dvorsky I crossed fired warning shots when orders In the middl. of the block and not 2·Lb. were not obeyed promptly. were aimed at the Fascists. sertion of Emilio Sanches Pie- U S I · The U. S. Embassy in Leopold­ Premier Fernando Tambroni has dras, ~h~rman of the ~ermanent •• nq U1 ry .t the Inters.ctlon. It w.s not said the Government can prove Commission of the MeXican Con- tho driver's 'ault It III. She was Box ville had a plan prepared in case by hors.I' and kept walking into it was deemed necessary to leave. the Communists are carrying out gress, that Mexico is backing the WASHINGTON 1.1'1 - The Ultited a planned action, "both in the na­ Cuban people against the United tho truck u.,d.r tho back • U. S. Ambassador Clare M. Tim­ States Friday asked for, but failed who.ls." berlake was reported to h a v e tional and international fields aim­ States, "will again convince Cas­ to get, a statement from the Mex­ stood off a group of Negro soldiers ed at subverting order and demo- tro that when he speaks he is ican government on whether i Police could not confirm Mrs. who invaded the U. S. Embassy, cracy." • speaking for aU Latin Americans backs a prooCaslro stand taken by Whetstine's account. They said - a leadership goal he has long a leading Mexican legislator. Brown 's truck was traveling south ~-lO(-· where American families had tak­ on Dubuque Street and turned west en refuge. Advices to the U. S. Ex-Iowan Staffer sought. It will restore his confi­ The Slate Department called in State Department said the troops dence,. even if he doesn't need it." Mexican Ambassador Antonia Ca­ onto Burlington. They said the ES ARE BIG Castro, in roc.nt public .tat.­ point of impact occurred in the ~ere demanding that Timberlake Off for Convention rillll Flores to inquire about the middle of Burlington but they turn over a photographer to them.
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