Abbie Hoffman Part 16 of 50

Abbie Hoffman Part 16 of 50

j":¢_T '-7'5"'~',_'!; E;".':_;:J;j,':'1-53:. ,'.-'-3"_.'.92" ,;'-.-'1 . fl. _H4l_.i_;:L%___._.1_____l_;;_3-._..I -'_-',,--92-~'.-92._,--;Z '»:'_- ' ',._;f'I.'_., ,_..,-.-'.j". ._ . _. 1|; 92 FEDERAL: BUREAUOF lNVE~STIGATION ABBIE HOFFMAN SUMMARY! PART 12 OF 26 BUFILES 100 449923 & 176 34 1 SUBJECT ABE-ofiaf H. HOFFMAI*i ff _ FILE n§4:,M§& 309-gg f]92Q,3 SECTION /9:1 o1=_ - I i , l ,J _-, . __._ _.'.-..W-J_._ , __r._... _. _. .. H... .___r -- A W__._.___ - ---_-_,___ ¢.._92.'.=.'...--41,;-...._ _ L Z"l'%llL 1 IQ» 1! MIY 1- EH 5' an UNITED sumsnun ancrn! nu-ml ég-vnanmnm';_ 1 ; Memorandum " I Em : _ mnncron, FBI loo-M9923! mm 10/22/71 _|',{-rJ } =-~' "mm /Y-., = 1* c muronx 00-16114145! - . _ 5 _ wBJ-'1<rr= hm-:so'rrHOFFMAN, uommn aka 7 an-m m ACT ! sr! _ 00:17!! Remlot, 10/21/71. _ 7 ' The KYOis preparing an up-to-date report in ~ captioned matter whichwill be submitted to the Bureauby 11/6/71. _,;- . 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