IWRTEBN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS v b li XLin., NO. 187. (ObasUI«d AdTcrUslng oa Page IS) SOOTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TB^IRSDAT, MAY 23, 1929. SITS FOUR DATS VOEGLER QUITS; ATOP POST HOLE ON NEWi CRIME COMMISSION Boston, May 28.— ^Mrs. Mary WEATHER HOLDS UP Freeman Fitspatrlck, Dorches­ PARIS PARLEY ter’s “ Joan of Arc.” today con­ tinued to sit atop a po::t hole dug in front of her home by the M A Y B m U P telephone company, stating she RACE ACROSS OCEAN would carry her fight to prevent the erection of the pole to the Superior Court. One of Principal Members of She was not fatigued by her French Flyers Poised for all-night vigil, the fourth in as Clergyman Halts Play many nights. Like on the other German Delegation to three nights, Mrs. Fitzpatrick Flight to Old Orchard, was giVen reliefs hy her mother and others and took her meals Because **HelV* Is. Used Debt Conference Resigns; while standing guard. Me., Whde Americans Danbury, Conn., May 23.— Rev.^pany had paid royalties for the use Await More Favorable Crisis Imminent. Charles S. Gray, a local Methodist of the play and intended to get its money’s worth. Therefore every RESERVE BANK minister, furnished an unexpected word called for in the play would be Weather Reports— Two Berlin, May 23 — Dr. Albert interlude to a play being given here used. Voegler, secretary of the German by the Norwalk Y. M. C. A. under Again the audience broke loose, direction of Rev. Carl Legge, of hissing the local minister and cheer­ Other Aviation Projects Federation of Industries, today of­ RATE INCREASE Wilton, last evening, when Gray ing the minister from Wilton. The ficially announced his resignation jumped to his feet in the middle of play went without expurgation, add from the German committee of the the play and shouted: every time an unusual word was Hold the Spotlight Today. conference of reparations experts NEARLKERTAIN “ Cut out those ‘dams’ and ‘hells.’ used the audience rose and cheer­ In Paris. This is no place for a Christian ed. minister.” Gray was recently sent here from America’s thoughts were literally Paris, May 23— With official an­ The audience of more than a Norwalk. His Interruption of the “ up In the air” today as four avia­ thousand people went into an up­ play was the town's sole topic of nouncement from Berlin of the tion projects held the spotlight of resignation of Dr. Albert Voegler, Financial Experts Predict It roar. J. B. Lamberton, secretary of discussion today, and it is expected one of the principal members of the county Y. M. C. A., took charge bis congregation will be asked to public attention. the German delegation, the confer­ Will Go to Six Per Cent of the situation. He called in Rev. vote approval of his stand shortly, At Roosevelt Field, N. Y., the ence of reparations experts today Mr. Legge to explain. The Wilton ! and send a petition of protest to the French Canary, huge Benard mono­ faced a crisis which may result In minister announced that the cbm- Y. M. C. A.’s general.officers. plane in which Jean Assolant,r a complete breakdown. Late Today— Stock Mar­ Armeno Loti and Rene Lefevre, Optimistic spirits around the hope to fly to their native Paris, council table are hopeful that a was being primed for a hop some breakdown may be arolded by ket Overweighted. time this afternoon to Old Orchard, judicious handling of the situation, ORDER REPORTERS NEW TARIFF BILL Me., where better take-off fa cilitie s but it now appears certain that the are-provided. best which can be hoped for is a Washington, May 23 — With a Roger Q. Williams and Lewis Yancey are already at Old Orchard prolonged negotiation, instead of billion dollars coming out of the OFF SENATE FLOOR AS PA R H MEASURE thtf speedy settlement of the vex­ with their plane, the “ Green flash,” ing problem which was hoped for. Stock Market in the next thirty which they expect to pilot to Rome His Successor days to finance new stock issues in a possible “ International air Dr. Voegler’s position, on the and with the market characterized Repnbficans to Disregard race,” with the Frenchmen. Wil­ German delegation is expected to by government authorities here as News Leaked Out of Secret liams and Yancey will start their be taken by Dr. Ludwig Kastl, sec­ “ overweighted” through the neces­ flight as soon as weather condi­ retary of the German Federation of sity of absorbing these securities, Session and Senators Are Democrats— Han to Pass tions are propitlons. Industries. Dr. Voegler left Paris an increase of rediscount rates of At Fort worth, Texas, a dispatch a few days ago, after expressing Reserve banks seemed inevitable today revealed. Pilots Jim Kelley himself thoroughly dissatisfied with today. Angry Over Fact It Before Jane 1. and Reg Robbins were rapidly ap­ the progress of the conference. Experts closely in toucn with the proaching their 100th hour In the The burden of the whole pro­ situation bald they would be greatly air In their attempt to set a new blem, It appears, will fall upon the surprised if the New York bank did endurance record. The fliers drop­ not come forward with an appli­ Washington, May 23. — An Washington, May 23.— House ped notes reporting that everything United States, as Germany considers Here are nine of the eleven members of the na­ Willikm S. Kenyon, Fort Dodge, la., Republican, amendment to Senate rules, to al­ Republican leaders today formally the reservations made by the credi­ cation for an increase of six per tional commission appointed by President Hoover United States circuit court judge and one of the was fine aboard the plane. cent after its meeting this after­ low representatives of International proposed that the new Hawley After nearly twelve hours of tor allied nations to their condi­ to study law enforcement and crime, particularly authors of the Webh-Kenyon law against ship­ News Service, the Associated Press, tions on acceptance of the American noon. the status of the prohibition amendment through­ ment of liqnor from wet to dry territory; (7) tariff bill be adopted as party night flying over Long Island. What the Federal Reserve Board the United Press and Universal Pilots Lieut. Buddy Clarke, Martin compromise plan almost totally in- out the United States. The commission is com­ George W. Wickersham, New York, Republican, Service privileges of the Senate measure and passed in c tire disre­ acceptable on at least four points. will do was not disclosed but the posed of persons known as experts in laW, both chairman of the commission and former attorney gard of the Democratic member­ Jensen and William Ullbrecht, who concensus is that it wlli« approve iloor, was Introduced- this afternoon are also trying to set a new endur­ No Compromise theoretical and practical. They are, as shown general in the cabinet of President Taft; (8) by Senator La Follette (R ) of Wis­ ship. They indicate they will make no the aiiplicatlon and put the redis­ above: (1) Roscoe Pound, Belmont, Mass., Repub­ NewtoukD. Baker, Cleveland, Democrat, secretary ance record, completed their first consin. 'The proposal was made at a pickup of gasoline from a catapult compromise to save the situation, count rates more in harmon:! with lican, dean of Harvard Law Scl^ool; (2) Kenneth of war In President Wilson's cabinet; (9) Frank secret conference of Republicans the commercial and speculative Tbe proposed rule was referred device shortly after dawn today. ind it is expected they will ask the Mackintosh, Olympia, Wash., Republican, chief J. Loesch, Chicago, Repqblican, lawyer and vice to the Senate rules committee, called to draft a program which American delegates, Owen D. costs of money, either immediately justice state supreme court; (3) Cqlouel Henry president of . Chi(iago Crime Commission. The A note dropped on Roosevelt Feld which yesterday ordered repre­ will insure passage of the bill in by Jensen informed the ground Voung andaJ. P. Morgan, to Induce or within a few days.' W. Anderson, Richmond, Va., Republican, law­ • two membera not shown above are William I. the House before Juno 1. Supply Short sentatives of the United Press crew the carburatcr. leak had been the Allies to sacrifice their condi­ yer; (4) Judge Paul J. McCormick, Los Angeles, Grubb, Birmingham^ Ala., Democrat, United barred from, the floor. All other The program called for adoption; Officials frankly admitted that if Republican, United States judge of the southern States judge northern district of Alabama, and successfully. repaired during the tions unless the conference is to be news service representatives were of a special rule which would limjtt night. loomed to abject failure. the rediscount rates are increased, district of Californiat (A X Ada L. Cpmitqck. Cam­ Monte M,<Lehinaun, Nq.v .Orleans, Democrat, i^res- amendments on the floor of the commerce and industry will have barred subsequently when La Fol­ However, the allied memorandum bridge. Mas( , president Radcllffe College; (6) ident Louisiana Bar Association. lette raised a point of order that House to the ways and means com­ to stand stlffer prices for money, mittee, thereby cutting off a because the supply la lot great the rules did not permit their (Continued on page 2) presence. threatened row over the sugar enough to meet current require­ AVIATORS DEMAND tariff, building material schedules CHINA PROSPEROUS ments at low rates. It was further “ A LITTLE SERVICE.” and many others. declared that the board may logi­ “ REAL” DAUGHTERS ENGLISH HAVE “ IT” , Washington, May 23— Abolition Long Conference.
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