List of OCC Members Fax No. 1. Chief Engineer (L D), GETCO, Gotri 0265-2352019 2. Chief Engineer (Generation), GSECL, Vadodara 0265-2344734/2338847 3. Superintendent Engineer (CP & SS), GETCO, Vadodara 0265-2337918, 2338164 4. Chief Engineer (L D), MPPTCL, Jabalpur 0761-2664343 5. Chief Engineer (O&M:Gen), MPPGCL, Jabalpur 0761-2664572/2668050 6. Chief Engineer (L D), MSETCL, Kalwa 022–27601769 7. Chief Engineer (PP), MSEDCL, Mumbai 8. Chief Engineer (Works),MSPGCL, Mumbai 022-26473896 9. Superintending Engineer (LD), MSETCL Ambazari 07104-220275 10. Chief Engineer (L D), CSPTCL /Raipur 0771-2574174 11. Chief Engineer (O&M:GEN), CSPGCL, Raipur 0771-2574425 12. Executive Director, PGCIL Raipur 13. General Manager, POSOCO, Mumbai 022-28202630 14. General Manager (WRTS-I), Powergrid, Nagpur 0712-2641366 15. General Manager (O & M),WRTS-II, PGCIL,Vadodara 0265-2487542 16. Chief Engineer (Transmission), NPCIL, Mumbai 25580741/25563350 17. Station Director, TAPS, Tarapur 1 & 2 02525-282125/244125 18. Station Director, TAPS, Tarapur 3 & 4 02525-244021/244169 19. Station Director, KAPP, Kakrapar 02626-231231 20. General Manager (OS), NTPC, Mumbai 022-28216692 21. General Manager, NTPC, Korba 07759- 237462/237552 22. General Manager (OS), NTPC, HQ-II Raipur 0771-2544550 23. General Manager, NTPC, Vindhyachal, M.P. 07805 –247711 24. General Manager, NTPC, SIPAT, CG 07752-246504 25. General Manager NTPC LARA 26. General Manager NTPC Solapur 27. General Manager, NTPC, Kawas, Surat 0261-2860290 28. General Manager, NTPC, Gandhar 02642-287402 29. General Manager, NTPC, Mouda 07115-281221/281219 30. CLD TPC, Mumbai 022-25541908/67175385 31. Head (O), Dahanu TPS, Dahanu 02528-222039 32. Sr V P Reliance Transmission, Pune 0124-3917982/020- 30471555 33. Vice President (Generation), Torrent Power Ltd, Ahmedabad 079-27506679 34. Executive Director, Sugen CCPP, Torrent Power Ltd, Surat. 02621-661151 35. Vice President (O &M), APL Mundra , Gujarat 02838-266364 36. Head Operation CGPL Mundra 37. Vice President (Opn), Jindal Power Ltd.,Raigarh 07767-281993/281995 38. AGM(OS) NSPCL Delhi 011-26717363,26717366 39. GENERAL MANAGER ( POWER), RGPPL, Ratnagiri 02359-241071/ 241011 40. Member (Power), NCA, Indore 0731-2559888 41. Chief Engineer (PM & C), NHDC, Bhopal 0755 4030188/4030130 42. E. E. Elect. (Ponda), Goa 0832-2313780 43. Executive Engineer DD (UT), Daman 0260-/2230771/2250889/2230550 44. Executive Engineer DNH (UT), Silvassa 0260-2642338 45. Secretary, CERC, New Delhi 011-24360010/23753923 46. CEO, JSW Energy ltd. 011-46032343/26183546 47. VP-Power Infra-Essar Hazira Surat 0261-6688498/022-67082198 48. Chief Electrical Distribution Engineer CR 022-22621060 49. Vice President EPTCL Hazira Surat 0261-6682747 50. COO, Korba West Power Co. Ltd. Raigarh 51. VP(COMML) Essar Power MP Ltd MP 52. GM Torrent power grid ltd. Ahmedabad, Gujarat 53. Adani Power Maharashtra Ltd Tiroda 54. CGM, R K M Powergen Pvt Ltd 55. ED, Athena Chattishgarh Power Ltd. 56. Head(O&M) Dhariwal Infra Ltd C’pur 57. Head Operation Jaypee Nigrie STPP Singrauli. 58. VP(O&M), GCEL, Chhattishgarh 59. Head Operation DB Power, Chhattishgarh. 60. Head operation Hindustan Power, Anuppur MP 61. Head operation GMR, Warora Energy ltd. 62. Head O&M, Sterlite Grid Ltd Bhopal 63. Head Operation Balco, Chhattishgarh. 64. Head(O& M), SKS, SPGCL, Raigarh Timeline for discussion of Agenda items Sr Agenda items/description of discussion Tentative No. Time duration Meeting to be started at 09:00 hrs 1 Transmission element outage planning 2 Proposed planned maintenance programme of generating units. 3 Anticipated power supply position for the months – March& April 2019 4 Status of completion of ongoing schemes in WR during 2018-19 Discussion on Regular Agenda items 11:00 Hrs onwards 1 Opening remark by Member Secretary 2 Introduction of participants 3 Confirmation of minutes 4 Review of System Operation during the month of February, 2019 5 Presentation on operational aspects by SLDCs, RLDC & Expert talk. 6 Operational Statistics for the month February, 2019 7 System disturbances in western region 8 Healthiness status of SERs/DRs OCC ISSUES 9 Quarterly review of Crisis Management Plan (CMP) and Physical & Cyber Security (P&CS) in power sector(Follow-up) 10 Monitoring of Schemes funded from PSDF(Follow- up) 11 State-wise details for Installation of capacitors to be furnished to WRPC(Follow-up) 12 First time availability certification for transmission system. 13 Cyber security related works /activities being carried out in Western Region 14 Operation of Hydro power projects in peaking mode. 15 Compliance of new Environmental norms by WR Generators. 16 Geospatial energy map of India 517th OCC Agenda Page 1 17 Consequences of implementation of 4th amendment of DSM regulation w.e.f 01.01.19 18 Automatic Under Freq. Load Shedding Scheme (AUFLS) Review of AUFLS settings Mapping of feeders 19 Details of existing transmission system (220KV and above AC & DC voltage level) in the country as on 31st December 2018. 20 Ambient Temperature adjusted TTC 21 Schedule for RIPL,amravati WRLDC ITEMS 22 Primary frequency response 23 Web Based OCC Outages Software for replacing the existing Google Sheet 24 Voltage Regulation in Western Region High voltage nodes Generators injecting MVAR into Grid 25 Preparedness for ensuring adequacy of Power Supply during Summer (April-June) 26 Extension of outages of critical elements 27 Delayed submission of First Time Charging (FTC) documents and Non-compliance of FTC procedure by MPPTCL 28 Ramp compliance of Thermal Generators as per T&C of tariff 29 Lines / ICTs opened to control overloading 30 Providing of wind turbine data of wind farms in control area of SLDCs as per direction of Hon’ble CERC. 31 Telemetry issues Monthly telemetry status as per CERC Mandate Prolonged outage of Telemetered data. Correct telemetered data from old NTPC stations Regional Communication Meeting under CERC Communication Regulation 2017 32 Date and venue of next OCC meeting ************* 517th OCC Agenda Page 2 Western Regional Power Committee Mumbai Title: Agenda Notes Meeting no.: 517 Meeting name: Operation & Coordination sub-Committee Date & venue: 13rdMarch, 2019 at WRPC, Mumbai. Item No. 1: Confirmation of the Minutes Minutes of 516thmeeting of Operation & Coordination Sub-Committee (OCC) of WRPC held on 11thFebruary, 2019 at WRPC Mumbai, were issued vide letter No. WRPC/OPN/OCC-Minutes/2018-19/2322 dated 25.02.2019. No Comments have been received. Sub-Committee may discuss and confirm the Minutes. Item No. 2: Review of System Operation during the month of February, 2019. 2.1 A. Frequency Particulars The frequency profile was as under: Particulars Frequency Date Time Maximum 50.27 Hz 27thFebruary, 2019 06:03:40 hrs instantaneous Minimum 49.68 Hz 01stFebruary, 2019 12:42:50 hrs instantaneous Average 50.00 Hz 01st – 31st 01st – 31st 01st – Range December,2018 January,2019 28thFebruary,2019 (% time) (% time) (% time) IEGC band (49.9 < f < 77.03 70.26 70.73 50.05 Hz) < 49.9 Hz 12.68 10.69 7.01 > 50.05 Hz 10.29 19.06 22.26 The frequency particulars are enclosed at Annex-2.1. The Sub-Committee may kindly note. 517th OCC Agenda Page 3 2.1 B. State-wise Power Scenarios of the Region & Power Supply Position report System operation during the month of February 2019 was satisfactory. The regional demand (Ex-Bus) was 54536MW. The corresponding peak shortfall was in the range of 244 MW (peak deficit of 0.45%). The energy requirement during the said period was 29656 MUs (Ex-bus). The power supply position (provisional) for the month of February 2019 was as follows: Peak Demand - Availability/Unrestricted Requirement (Ex-Bus) In (MW) GUJ MP CG MAH GOA DD DNH ESIL WR REQUIREMENT 15409 13505 4094 21079 595 331 800 898 54536 AVAILABILITY 15409 13505 4090 21020 594 331 799 895 54292 SHORTFALL 0.00 0.00 4.29 58.86 0.21 0.46 1.12 2.19 244.00 % SHORTFALL 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.28 0.03 0.14 0.14 0.24 0.45 Energy - Availability/ Requirement etc.(Ex-Bus) in (MUs) GUJ MP CG MAH GOA DD DNH ESIL WR Net Actual Energy 29648 Supplied 8595 6119 2187 11378 319 199 525 325 Unrestricted 29656 Requirement 8595 6119 2195 11378 319 199 525 325 SHORTFALL in MU 0.00 0.00 7.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.67 % SHORTFALL 0.000 0.000 0.349 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.026 Further it is requested all the utilities to furnish the monthly data e.g. unit wise generation of hydro and thermal generating unit, unit wise /station wise auxiliary consumption of hydro and thermal generating unit, station-wise /state-wise generation of Solar/Wind/ Biomass, State-wise ISTS drawl etc. in new format attached at Annexure -2.1A. 2.2 Inter-Regional Exchanges There was a net inter-regional export of 6260 MUs from WR to other regions against net export schedule of 6352MUs. 517th OCC Agenda Page 4 The Sub-Committee may kindly note. 2.3 Voltage Profile Voltage profile at some of 765/400 kV sub-stations furnished by WRLDC is enclosed at Annex-2.3. The Sub-Committee may kindly note. 2.4 U/F Relay Operations As per WRLDC records the system frequency didn’t reach 49.2 Hz and no UFR operation was reported to WRLDC. The Sub-Committee may kindly note. 2.5 Power Cuts / Load Restrictions Details of Power Cuts and Regulatory measures as furnished by the State utilities are given in Annex. 2.5. The Sub-Committee may kindly note. 2.6 Details of Generating Units under Forced Outages Details of generating units under forced outages are given in Annex-2.6. The Sub-Committee may kindly note.
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