1^ Date ra pe survivor speaks at Colby get up to throw away his trash, she BY BROOKE subtly maneuvered over to the FITZSIMMONS same garbage barrel. They struck Staff Writer up a conversation, and things went from there. They studied together, On November 17, Colby stu- they spent time getting to know dents, faculty and administration one another, and after two weeks had the opportunity to attend "He they were not exactly dating, but Said, She Said," a lecture and dis- they were both very interested. cussion on date rape presented by One night Peter planned to take national speakers Katie Koestner her on a "real date" to a restaurant and Brett Sokolow. Koestner, who in Williamsburg. He wore a three- spoke on campus last year, was piece suit, she wore her tenth grade excited by the large student turn- homecoming dress. At the restau- out, especially from male students rant he ordered champagne, and although Koestner did not drink at at Colby. She commented that last Echo photo hy Melame Guryansky year she thought she "was at a the time, he persuaded her to have women's college and some of the Katie Koestner visits Colby. just one glass. He off ered to take women had brought their boy- something that happened in dark her to his house in Greece for the friends along." In the case of sexual alleys, the attacker was a stranger, summer under the condition that assault, both men and womenalike and the notion that a rapist could she would have sex when he should be aware of the risks, re- be a friend was not even consid- wanted to. Koestner laughed when sponsibilities; and possible impli- ered. It was largely due to he said this, dismissing it as a joke, cations in order to make informed Koestner's personal struggle and but in the pit pf her stomacha knot and safe decisions. her efforts to increase awareness began to form. She had previously -A'A ' . 'A' • \yy.;, A ' A-,;, ';' * yy- ' y.'V Ay;A: A :y Echo File Photo told him she was a virgin and was Former Colby Soci&l&gyiPttfeator Adam A Koestner began her story by that date rape has become recog- ^ stating thatthere vireremany things nized nationally. waiting for marriage. that she had planned for her life, Koestnermetherboyfriendand After dinner, they skipped all Former Colby Professor Adam but after being date raped, her eventual rapist Peter among a the campus fraternity parties, and plans changed. As an eighteen year group of freshmen friends during went back to Koestner's room to Weisber ger sues Colby for old freshman in her third week- orientation. He was handsome, dance. They started dancing and end at the College of William and athletic, and seemed to be very he slowly began to unbutton her unfair tenure pr ocess Mary, in Virginia, Koestner never sweet. Having taken statistics in dress. Again, she made a jokethat pant campaign of defamatory ru- thought about the possibility of high school, she calculated that stopped him for a moment, but BY JILL MORNEAU mors was generated on campus to date rape, in fact no one did, be- between the two dining halls at then he proceeded to take off all Staff Writer the effect that I was a known ha- cause only a few years ago sexual William and Mary she had a fifty- his clothing except for his boxers rasser of women," he said to the assault from an acquaintance was fifty chance of running into him at and socks. Last month, former Colby Pro- Chronicle. Furthermore, Dr. Terry not talked about openly. Rape was lunch everyday. Once seeing him See KOESTNERon p age3 fessor Adam Weisberger filed Arendell, the former sociology chair- charges in Maine Superior Court, person, went so far as to encourage charging Colby with "defamation students' antagonism towards Task force continues work to revam p registration and infliction of emotional distress." Weisberger. tion of an electronicregistration pro- hind this experiment, according to Weisberger's denial of tenure has Dr. Arendell would not com- BY AMY MONTEMERLO gram which is in operation at St. Mackenzie, wasthe assumption that become an issue of academic free- ment on the case for fear of disobey- News Editor Edwards College.This program, en- students are competent enough to dom, and he even plans to take the ing her lawyers and complicating titledCARS , is already used at Colby decide the type of relationship they issue to federal court. He explains the case for' Colby. Yet, former Earlier this semester, While most for administrative and data entry wish to pursue with their academic he would not have been denied ten- graduate of Colby, Adrienne Clay Colby students were f illing out purposes. Accordingto Mackenzie, advisor. After completing this ex- ure had he been a woman. In an '97, intricately described her feel- spring semester schedules and this system looks "very promising." periment, many academic depart- article in theC/i ronicle of Higher Edu- ings of emotional distress and a tracking down advisors, the regis- An automated system would ments expressed the desire to main- cation, Robin Wilson investigates threatened learning environment. tration task force was exploring dramatically alter the present regis- tain the signature procedure, in or- Weisberger's case more closely. Clay explained that in ways to eliminate the hassle and tration procedure at Colby. der to ensure communication be- Professor Weisberger taught so- Weisberger's theory class students confusion of the College's registra- Mackenzie stated that this system tween students and faculty. Other ciology at Colby College for eight were not obligated to write about tion process. According to Profes- would be designed to allow stu- departments, including theGovern- years and was even once consid- their families. In fact, he never di- sor ot Government G. Calvin dents to access course and academic mentdepartmentsupporttheelimi- ered "the best teacher on campus," rected her to apply the sociological Mackenzie, chairman of the task major information, class schedules, nation of registration paperwork, according to the Chronicle. In 1993 theories to her personal life. Yet, force on registration, Colby students and transcripts. It would, more im- which the CARS system would ef- his colleagues considered his teach- when Clay met with Professor can soon look forward to an auto- portantly,allow students to register fectively accomplish. ing methods "especially effective/' Weisberger to discuss her paper, mated registration process. Ele- for classes on-line. Mackenzie fur- Mackenzie hopes to begin dis- and his students of ten praised him she claims he twisted her ideas. ments of this new electronic system ther stated that such a system would cussions and increase student input for making" anotherwisedry course In another case of an anonymous are expected to be in operation by eliminatemost or all paperwork, as regarding this topic in the Spring. about Mare/Wifeber, and Durkheim female Colby student, the charges the spring of 1999. well as the actual registration event. Mackenzie said " If a large number come alive." were brought to the attention of Numerous American colleges • Despite the efficiency of an auto- Of students think it's time to termi- One of Weisberger's techniques Dean of Faculty Robert McArthur, and universities have already ex- mated registration system, many nate this requirement, perhaps the was to allow students to realize how with the insistence of her parents. perimented with expensive and faculty members have expressed SGA should determine its position their lives were shaped by social Yet, this student had evaluated complicated automated registration various concerns with the new tech- On that and begin a dialogue with forces. By writing papersabout their Weisberger's class with an "excel- processes. On-line registration pro- riology. Many Colby faculty mem- the faculty." families, the students related socio- lent^ rating, and even signed her cedures are a recent development; bers have expressed discontent oyer SGA President Shannon Baker logical theory to their own lives, and name to the evaluation. She wrote: they have become a viable option the elimination of what Mackenzie supports Mackenzie's proposal to found the theories more interesting. "Adam has made social theory in- only within the past three years. refers to as the "signature" func- involve Colby students with re- In their evaluations many of teresting and has taught me to ap- Colby elected to postpone partici- tion, the process by which academic vamping the registration process. Weisberger's students claimed his ply my major to what happens in pation in this experimentation, and advisors are required to sign course "Its comforting to knOw that methods were helpful everyday life. He is a wonderful gather save money and learn from selection forms for majors. Experi- there is a group on campus that is ¦ Now, Weisberger strongly feels professor"... ;;;^ :yyyv . ,' other colleges' positive and nega- ments have been previously, con- looking into this issue." he was treated unfairly by the ten-! Yet, in the next year she came to tive experiences with automated ducted in academic departments Baker stated that appointing a lire process. "I was convicted )& regard him as a sexual harasser, and systems* ' , v which addressed department-op- hall president to the task force would guilty of sexual h^ks|picnt Mthr said that he had crossed "the [clear- In early November, the task force tional ad visor signatures on course be "the best way for SGA to fee in- out any investigation, and a ram- See WEISBERGER on page 4 engaged in a full-scale demonstra- selection sheets. The impetus be- volved." ? mmrnm- J ^^t^SS& ^ ^ Delving into the heart of Wws Briefs Colby's donatijMi policy Orchestra to present Children 's Concert Elaborating further, Helm said Granting this, Professor BY KELLY FIELD that there "are certain cases in Mannochi still wonders whether This Sunday, December 7, the Colby Symphony Orchestra will Staff Writer which gifts should not be ac- the College is consistent in its ap- present a Young People's Concert.
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