Issue 108 jul 19 t’s wha FuertOn?eventura ide on where A gu t’s happening to go & wha on THE ISLAND. www.whatsonfuerteventura.com E-mail: [email protected] ? Web : www.whatsonfuerteventura.com s on www.facebook.com/fuerteventurawhatson t’ Maitland: Mob & WhatsApp: Wha (0034) 699 465 312 Welcome to Fuerteventura and to the What’s On Guide for July. ThemainsummerseasonisnowinfullswingwithvisitorsfromalloverEurope.As youwalkdownthemaimstreet,trytoseehowmanydifferentlanguagesyoucan identify-(thisisavariationofIspytokeepthekidsamused..) Firstaquickwarning-everydayasIwalkaroundIseeLobsters-nonottheedible kind,buttouristswhohavejustcomefromthebeach-andarebrightred-thisis “Sunburn”andcanseriouslyspoilyourholiday,Iknoweveryonewantsanicetan butyoudon’twanttoenduphavingtospendmostofyourholidayintheshade becauseyouhaveoverdoneitinthefirstcoupleofdays.Havealookatourguide onpage32toseewhatfactorisbestforyou. JulybringstheFiesta,NuestraSenoradelCarmen,itrunsfromthe1st- 13thandmeanslotsofparties,aparadeandfireworks-(seepage10). Corralejoisabrilliantplaceforfamilyholidayswithsomethingforeveryoneofall ages.Therearegreatbeaches,warmseas,variedentertainmentandnightlife,fun bars,restaurantstosuitalltastes,dietsandpockets.Therearealsoaverywide variety of Excursions from boat trips, island tours, Quad & buggy tours, snorkelling,Fishing,Whale&dolphinSafaris-thelististoolongforhere-but to get more information and to book these visit our sister website - www.corralejo-excursions.com FuertevenrturaandCorralejoarespecialplacesdon’tmissout,dragyourself awayfromthepoolsandbeaches,getoutofyourhotelorcomplexandexplore, getonalocalbustoElCotillo(Timetablepage39)-walkouttotheDunes,take atourtoseemoreofthemajesticbeautyandthesurprisingcontraststhatisthe IslandofFuerteventura-Iguaranteeyouwon’tbedisappointed... What’s On magazineisalsoOn-lineatwww.whatsonfuerteventura.comsoif yougoonlineyouwillgetmoreinformationaboutourcontributors-photos,contact details,events,samplemenusetc-justclickinthemiddleoftheadverttogoto theirpage.Unfortunatelynotalladvertisershavecompleteinformationyethowever wedoexpecttorectifythisbyendofmonth If you use any of the businesses featured in this guide, please tell them where you found them. Thank you, enjoy your holiday............ Maitland Check out the latest edition early on www.whatsonfuerteventura.com or find us on Facebook -www.facebook.com/whatson.fuerteventura Please note - changes and amendments for the July edition of ‘What’s On’ must be notified on or before 15th July Whilst The Editors of What’s On magazine makes every effort to ensure that material published in the magazine is decent, legal and accurate it can take no responsibility for any damage or loss which might arise as a result of material published herein. The owners of What’s On are not responsible for third party advertisers within this magazine. All advertisements are the property of the advertisers and cannot be used without their permission. All material published is property of the publishers and may not be reproduced without written permission O What’s On Apt 215 San Valentin Corralejo, Fuerteventura. 2 W 70% OFF ROAD WO 3 No 18 on Centre Map What’s On magazine “Brings business to your door!” To get your business noticed contact: WO (0034) 699 465 312 4 Email: [email protected] Information www.corralejo-excursions.com Mobile / WhatsApp (+34) 699 465 312 +34 699 465 312 l inc n to 68€ ote retur Lanzar FLINTSTONE Family Bar Friendliest bar in Corralejo where good food & good company are always on the menu BEER GARDEN with big tv all SOAPS - SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT live music OPEN ‘til 2am Now showing 3 O’clock kick offs No 20 on Centre Map WO 5 A recent survey from the Association of British Travel Agents revealed some of the most ridiculous complaints by holiday- makers made to their travel agents. Here are my favourites. I think it should be explained in the brochure that the local store does not sell proper biscuits like custard creams or ginger nuts. It's lazy of the local shopkeepers to close in the afternoons. I often needed to buy things during 'siesta' time — this should be banned. On my holiday to Goa in India, I was disgusted to find that almost every restaurant served curry. I don't like spicy food at all. We booked an excursion to a water park but no-one told us we had to bring our swimming costumes and towels. The beach was too sandy. We found the sand was not like the sand in the brochure. Your brochure shows the sand as yellow but it was white. There are too many Spanish people. The receptionist speaks Spanish. The food is Spanish. Too many foreigners now live abroad. Topless sunbathing on the beach should be banned. The holiday was ruined as my husband spent all day looking at other women. We bought 'Ray-Ban' sunglasses for five euros from a street trader, only to find out they were fake. No one told us there would be fish in the sea. The children were startled. It took us nine hours to fly home from Jamaica to England, it only took the Americans three hours to get home. I compared the size of our one-bedroom apartment to our friends' three-bedroom apartment and ours was significantly smaller. The brochure stated: 'No hairdressers at the accommodation.' We're trainee hairdressers — will we be OK staying there? We had to queue outside with no air conditioning. I was bitten by a mosquito, no-one said they could bite. Our beach towels got washed away as nobody warned us that the beach could flood, even W O when it hadn’t rained. 6 DISCOVERY JEEP SAFARI, Corralejo, Mob/WhatsApp +34 699 465 312 www.corralejo-excursions.com [email protected] Come and see Tam & Team in Cordon Blue The chill out Bistro Bar with stunning sea views Open 7 days a week 10.00am - 5.30pm TuesdayOpen, Thursday 7 days a & week Friday 10.00amto 9.30pm FabulousFabulous Home Home Cooked Cooked Food Food FullFull English English Br eakfastBreakfast & a Menu with a Difference & a Menu with a Difference WO See NºSee 8 Nºon 8 theon the Centre Centre Map Map 7 What’s n ? and Pres Corralejo All the best Trips Create your Holiday Memories with all the best excursions in one place it couldn’t be easier to get information or book your favourite trips or excursions www.corralejo-excursions.com [email protected] - +34 699 456 312 www.facebook.com/Corralejo.Excursions I am also going to be available part-time in Books, Cards & Things or I can come to you!! Ticket delivery service (Corralejo only) On Line readers WO Click on this page to go to our website 8 WO 9 FELIZ FIESTAS! LaNuestraSenoradelCarmen,isthePatronSaintofFuerteventura,andaround the island different towns and villages will have local fiestas. In Corralejo it runs from the 1st - 13th. This fiesta sees many local events, children,sparties,Music&dancing,kidsbubblepartyonthebeachandotherlocal events - you can get more info on actual events from the ONLY REAL Tourist InformationOfficeinTown(BytheoldHarbour#22onCentremap).Thenthemain fiestadayisthe16thofJuly-onthisdaythestatueoftheNuestraSenoradel Carmenisescortedfromthechurchthroughtthetownanddowntotownbeach wheresheisloadedontoaboatwhichthenleadsaprocessionsofallthelocal boatsaroundthebay.Thisisaccompaniedwithalotofnoise,copiousamountsof alcohol and much dancing and music - so why not get into the local spirit (or whateveryournormaldrinkis)andjoinintheparty.. WO 10 MIRAFLOR HIRE - mobility and more - if we don’t have it, we will try and get it for you Free delivery - Island wide - to your hotel or apartment We supply all manner of things to all ages, to those on holiday and to those who live here, from crutches to kettles, push- chairs to shower chairs, highchairs to hairdryers, microwaves to sterilisers, hoists and monkey poles, to safety gates and bed rails for child beds. If you need it, we probably have it - just ask. Miraflor is also available at www.whereaboutsfuerteventura.com www.corralejo-excursions.com or [email protected] Contact us... Tel: (0034) 679 636 315 (Steve) [email protected] www.miraflormobility.com WO 11 Restaurant & Bar PUB ISH IR open every night Rosie ’s 7pm - late T Sunday Roast O’GradyAN UR & RESTA served from 4pm Tel: 658 393621 Sports shown Live Music Nightly GAA - Heinekin cup Mad Mik’s Quiz: Sun, Wed & Fri A little piece of Ireland on the island. Good food, Good music & loads of good Craic www.fuerteventura.com/rosies Rosie O’Grady’s, Calle Pizarro, No 9 on centre map FISHING LA RESACCA # 1in s po r t F i s h i n g DAILY TRIPS 8.00 - 13.00 ALL EQUIPMENT, SNACKS & DRINKS INCLUDED PRIVATE CHARTER AVAILABLE INFORMATION: www.corralejo-excursions.com or call Maitland Mob/WhatsApp WO (0034) 699 465 312 12 WO 14 No 26 on Centre Map To visit Fue rtevent ura an d not get to kn ow th is Oasi s mea ns losing much of its charm . Loc ated on th e southeas t coast of the isla nd, this beau tif ul natur e reser ve cove rs mor e than 80 0,000 m2 a nd give s sh elt er and p rotection to more than 3000 animals of 250 differ ent s pecies. Insid e you will find a u nique botanical garden whic h c ontain s the largest c actu s garden in Europe. The park has four entertaining and educational live performances where you can learn about parrots, sea lions, birds of prey and reptiles from their expert trai ners an d kee pe rs. Yo u can als o have th e unf orget tabl e e xperience of direct contact with le murs, camels and se a lions. Th ese ar e memorie s that will liv e with you fore ver. Oas is Park Fuerte ventu ra is also an entity dedicated to dev eloping cons ervation p rojects, education and
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