PROVINCE OF THE WESTERN CAPE PROVINSIE WES-KAAP IPHONDO LENTSHONA KOLONI Provincial Gazette Buitengewone Tsongezelelo Extraordinary Provinsiale Koerant kwiGazethi yePhondo 8266 8266 8266 Monday, 6 July 2020 Maandag, 6 Julie 2020 uMvulo 6 kweyeKhala 2020 Registered at the Post Offıce as a Newspaper As ’n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer Ibhaliswe ePosini njengePhephandaba CONTENTS INHOUD IZIQULATHO (*Reprints are obtainable at Room M21, Provin- (*Afskrifte is verkrygbaar by Kamer M21, (*Ushicilelo oLutsha lufumaneka kwigumbi cial Legislature Building, 7 Wale Street, Cape Provinsiale Wetgewer-gebou, Waalstraat 7, M21, kwiSakhiwo sePhondo seNdlu yoWiso- Town 8001.) Kaapstad 8001.) Mthetho, 7 Wale Street, eKapa 8001.) Provincial Notice Provinsiale Kennisgewing ISaziso sePhondo The following Provincial Notice is published Die volgende Provinsiale Kennisgewing word Esi saziso silandelayo sipapashelwe ukunika for general information: vir algemene inligting gepubliseer: ulwazi ngokubanzi: 52 Western Cape Provincial Treasury: Alloca- 52 Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Tesourie: Toeken- 52 Unondyebow wePhondo leNtshona Koloni: tions to schools, hospitals and public entities nings aan skole, hospitale en openbare Ulwabiwo oluya ezikolweni, ezibhedlela as reflected in the 2020 Budget .................. 2 entiteite soos weergegee in die 2020- kunye nakumaqumrhu karhulumente Begroting ..................................................... 4 njengoko kubonakalisiwe kuhlahlomali luka 2020 ............................................................. 6 2 Province of the Western Cape: Provincial Gazette Extraordinary 8266 6 July 2020 PROVINCIAL NOTICE PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWING ISAZISO SEPHONDO The following Provincial Notices are Die volgende Provinsiale Kennisgewings Ezi zaziso zilandelayo zipapashelwe published for comment. word vir kommentaar gepubliseer. ukunika izimvo. DR H.C. MALILA, DR H.C. MALILA, GQIR H.C. MALILA, DIRECTOR-GENERAL DIREKTEUR-GENERAAL MLAWULI-JIKELELE Provincial Legislature Building, Provinsiale Wetgewer-gebou, ISakhiwo sePhondo, Wale Street, Waalstraat, Wale Street, Cape Town. Kaapstad. eKapa. PROVINCIAL NOTICE P.N. 52/2020 6 July 2020 WESTERN CAPE PROVINCIAL TREASURY ALLOCATIONS TO SCHOOLS, HOSPITALS AND PUBLIC ENTITIES AS REFLECTED IN THE 2020 BUDGET I, David Maynier, Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities in the Western Cape, in terms of section 30(2)(a) of the Division of Revenue Act, 2020, publish the following indicative allocations as set out in the Schedule: (a) the indicative allocation to be made per school and per hospital in the Province; (b) the indicative allocation to any provincial public entity for the implementation of a programme funded by an allocation in Part A of Schedule 5 of the Division of Revenue Act, 2020, on behalf of the Province or for assistance provided to the Province in implementing such a programme. The Schedule further sets out the envisaged division of the allocation envisaged in paragraph (a), in respect of each school and hospital, for the 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years. The conditions and other information required to facilitate performance measurement and the use of required inputs and outputs— (a) in respect of schools, are set out in the Amended National Norms and Standards for School Funding published under Government Notice 869 in Government Gazette 29179 of 31 August 2006; (b) in respect of hospitals, are as follows: (i) District Hospitals: to render a hospital service at subdistrict level; (ii) General (Regional) Hospitals: to render a hospital service at a general specialist level, provide a platform for the training of health workers and conduct research; (iii) Tuberculosis Hospitals: to convert present tuberculosis hospitals into strategically placed centres of excellence in which a small percentage of patients may undergo hospitalisation under conditions that allow for isolation during the intensive level of treatment and to apply the standardised multi-drug and extreme drug-resistant protocols; (iv) Psychiatric/Mental Hospitals: to render a specialist psychiatric hospital service for people with mental illness and intellectual disability and to maintain a platform for the training of health workers and conduct research; 6 Julie 2020 Provinsie Wes-Kaap: Buitengewone Provinsiale Koerant 8266 3 (v) Subacute, Step Down and Chronic Medical Hospitals: to render specialised rehabilitation services for persons with physical disabilities, including the provision of orthotic and prosthetic services; (vi) Central Hospital Services: to render general and highly specialised and quaternary medical health services on a national basis and maintain a platform for the training of health workers and conduct research; (vii) Provincial Tertiary Hospital Services: to render general specialist and tertiary health services on a national basis and maintain a platform for the training of health workers and conduct research; and (c) in respect of provincial public entities, are as set out in the Schedule. This notice takes effect on the date of commencement of the Division of Revenue Act, 2020. Signed at Cape Town on this 30th day of June 2020. DAVID MAYNIER PROVINCIAL MINISTER OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES 4 Province of the Western Cape: Provincial Gazette Extraordinary 8266 6 July 2020 PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWING P.K. 52/2018 6 Julie 2020 WES-KAAPSE PROVINSIALE TESOURIE TOEKENNINGS AAN SKOLE, HOSPITALE EN OPENBARE ENTITEITE SOOS WEERGEGEE IN DIE 2020-BEGROTING Ek, David Maynier, Provinsiale Minister van Finansies en Ekonomiese Geleenthede in die Wes-Kaap, publiseer ingevolge artikel 30(2)(a) van die “Division of Revenue Act, 2020”, die volgende aanwysende toekennings soos uiteengesit in die Bylae: (a) die aanwysende toekenning wat per skool en per hospitaal in die Provinsie gedoen sal word; (b) die aanwysende toekenning aan enige provinsiale openbare entiteit vir die implementering van ’n program gefinansier deur ’n toekenning in Deel A van Bylae 5 van die “Division of Revenue Act, 2020”, namens die Provinsie of vir hulp verleen aan die Provinsie met die implementering van so ’n program. Die Bylae sit verder die beoogde verdeling van die toekenning beoog in paragraaf (a) uiteen, ten opsigte van elke skool en hospitaal, vir die 2020/21-, 2021/22- en 2022/23-boekjare. Die voorwaardes en ander inligting wat vereis word om prestasiemeting en die gebruik van vereiste insette en uitsette te fasiliteer— (a) ten opsigte van skole, word uiteengesit in die “Amended National Norms and Standards for School Funding”, gepubliseer onder Goewermentskennisgewing 869 in Staatskoerantௗ29179 van 31 Augustus 2006; (b) ten opsigte van hospitale, is soos volg: (i) Distrikshospitale: om ’n hospitaaldiens op subdistriksvlak te lewer; (ii) Algemene (Streeks-) Hospitale: om ’n hospitaaldiens op ’n algemenespesialisvlak te lewer, ’n platform vir die opleiding van gesondheidswerkers te handhaaf en navorsing te doen; (iii) Tuberkulosehospitale: om huidige tuberkulosehospitale in strategies geplaaste sentrums van uitnemendheid te omskep waarin ’n klein persentasie pasiënte gehospitaliseer kan word onder toestande wat voorsiening maak vir afsondering gedurende die intensiewe vlak van behandeling en om die gestandaardiseerde multimiddel- en uiters middelweerstandige protokolle toe te pas; 6 Julie 2020 Provinsie Wes-Kaap: Buitengewone Provinsiale Koerant 8266 5 (iv) Psigiatriese/Geestesgesondheidshospitale: om ’n spesialis- psigiatriese hospitaaldiens vir mense met psigiatriese siektes en verstandelike gestremdheid te lewer, ’n platform vir die opleiding van gesondheidswerkers te handhaaf en navorsing te doen; (v) Subakute, Oorgangs- en Chroniese Mediese Hospitale: om gespesialiseerde rehabilitasiedienste vir persone met fisieke gestremdhede te verskaf, insluitend die verskaffing van ortotiese en prostetiese dienste; (vi) Sentrale Hospitaaldienste: om algemene en hoogs gespesialiseerde en kwaternêre mediese gesondheidsdienste op ’n nasionale grondslag te lewer, ’n platform vir die opleiding van gesondheidswerkers te handhaaf en navorsing te doen; (vii) Provinsiale Tersiêre Hospitaaldienste: om algemenespesialis- en tersiêre gesondheidsdienste op ’n nasionale grondslag te lewer, ’n platform vir die opleiding van gesondheidswerkers te handhaaf en navorsing te doen; en (c) ten opsigte van openbare entiteite, is soos uiteengesit in die Bylae. Hierdie kennisgewing tree in werking op die datum van inwerkingtreding van die “Division of Revenue Act, 2020”. Geteken te Kaapstad op hierdie 30ste dag van Junie 2020. D MAYNIER PROVINSIALE MINISTER VAN FINANSIES EN EKONOMIESE GELEENTHEDE 6 Province of the Western Cape: Provincial Gazette Extraordinary 8266 6 July 2020 ISAZISO SEPHONDO I.S.520/2018 6 kweyeKhala 2020 UNONDYEBO WEPHONDO LENTSHONA KOLONI ULWABIWO OLUYA EZIKOLWENI, EZIBHEDLELA KUNYE NAKUMAQUMRHU KARHULUMENTE NJENGOKO KUBONAKALISIWE KUHLAHLOMALI LUKA 2020 Mna, David Maynier, uMphathiswa wezeMali naMathuba ezoQoqosho eNtshona Koloni, ngokwecandelo 30(2)(a) loMthetho woLwahlulo lweNgeniso iDivision of Revenue Act, 2020, ndipapasha lo mqondiso wolwabiwo ulandelayo njengoko ubonakalisiwe kwiShedyuli: (a) umqondiso wolwabiwo oyakwenziwa ngesikolo ngasinye kunye nesibhedlela ngasinye kwiPhondo; (b) umqondiso wolwabiwo oya nakuliphi na iqumrhu likarhulumente ukuze kuqaliswe inkqubo ehlawulelwe sisibonelelo esikwiCandelo A leShedyuli 5 yoMthetho woLwahlulo lweNgeniso iDivision of Revenue Act, 2020, egameni lePhondo okanye ngoncedo olubonelelwe kwiPhondo ekufezekiseni inkqubo enjalo. 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