Za Boha a Národ For God and Nation Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 28,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – www.slovakcatholicsokol.org Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME CI PASSAIC, N.J., May 2, 2012 NUMBER 4963 Teams from four Groups participate in biennial competition At the 22nd International Basketball Tournament Held in Pittsburgh, Pa. Group 14, Pittsburgh, Pa. Captures 2nd Straight Men’s Basketball Title Mark Matras from Group 6, Perryopolis, Pa. is named Tournament MVP game the score was tied at half- The facilities at Baldwin High time 19-19. Group 14 was led by School were great and all of the 8 points from Roger Jennings and players enjoyed all of the close Mark Matras who won the MVP games that were played in the fi rst title, kept Group 6 in the game class gymnasium. The players and with 9 points as he made 3, three fans also enjoyed the catered hot point fi eld goals. In the second food that was available for ev- half, six players from Pittsburgh eryone in the late afternoon. The scored points to spur the team to delicious buffet dinner included the title. Joseph Tofi l, Brian Suchy, baked chicken, sausage, ziti, rolls, and Mario DeGregorio all scored potato salad, coleslaw, and a cold four points. Roger Jennings added vegetable platter with a full choice three points and Story & Photos by of soft drinks and fi nished with a James C. Matlon water. team high 11 and Supreme Assistant Director The fi rst game Shawn Schreck- of Sports & Athletics of the day started engost and Jor- at 9:30 a.m. in the dan Jennings both had a basket morning and was the highest scor- Presentation of the Championship Trophy to the fi rst place winners, the Group 14A team of Pitts- as Group 14 scored 19 points in ing game as Group 5, Cleveland, burgh is shown above. Pictured are, l-r, Supreme Director of Sports and Athletics Edward D. Moeller, both halves, to hold on to the one Ohio defeated the Group 14-B Supreme Secretary Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C., Coach Bobby Webber, Ray Iwanonkiw and son Ty point victory. Group 6 was led team of Pittsburgh, Pa. by a fi nal Raymond Iwanonkiw; Brian Suchy, Roger Jennings, Jordan Jennings, Josh Tofi l, Mario DeGregorio, in the second half by Ryan Pato score of 67-52. The score at half- Shawn Schrenkengost and Supreme Physical Director Dusan Dorich. who scored 6 points and Riley time was close as Group 5 held a Tidholm who was injured and slim 1 point lead, but Frank Laury Baldwin High School in Pitts- Senior Men’s Basketball Teams bling up the court with just a few sat out the fi rst half but came off came alive scoring 13 of his team burgh, Pennsylvania was the host from four participating Groups ar- seconds left in the game but the the bench to play tough defense, high 19 points and Group 14-B school for the Slovak Catholic rived at the high school on Satur- ball slipped away before Andy grab some key rebounds and also ran out of gas with only one extra Sokol, 22nd International Basket- day morning ready to play some Johnson had a chance to launch a scored 5 points. Mark Matras the player on the bench. Also chipping ball Tournament, held the week- solid basketball games and hope- shot from the top of the key. In the MVP of the Tournament added in for Group 5 was Alex Undera- end of April 14-15. A total of fi ve fully take home the Champion- fi rst half of play, it took the Per- a basket and free throw to fi nish tion who scored 15 points, Mat- ship Trophy. Edward D. Moeller, ryopolis team a while to get going with a game high 12 points. It was thew Underation had 12 points the Supreme Director of Sports as they played their 4th game of a great fi nal game to decide who and Paul Boscela hit a couple of and Athletics, arrived early at the the day enjoying just a short rest would take home the 1st Place threes and fi nished with 11 points. Baldwin high school gymnasium after beating the Group 1, Passiac, trophy at the 22nd International The Group 14-B team was led by to make sure that everything was N.J. team. In the championship Basketball Tournament. ready for the basketball competi- (Continued on page 15) tion. The coolers were stocked with cases of water and sports drinks that were put on ice for the participants, to replenish the fl uids after the eight basketball games that would be played over the course of the next nine hours. Supreme Secretary Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C., Supreme Physi- cal Director Dusan Dorich, as well as Albert J. Suess, Jr., our or- ganization’s Director of Sales and Marketing, worked the scoreboard clock and basketball scorebook to keep track of all the team and in- dividual statistics for every game. The Championship Game was the closest game of the day, as the Group 14A team from Pittsburgh, Pa., held on for a very close 38- 37 victory over the Group 6 team Members of the second place team winners from Group 6, Perryopolis, Pa. are shown above and in- from Perryopolis, Pa. Group 6 had clude front row from the left, Riley Tidholm, Scott Usher, Michael T. Matras, president of Assembly a chance to win the game drib- 25 and team manager; and Mark Matras, who was the tournament MVP. Back row, from the left, Ryan Pato, Joseph Murtha, Rock Vargo, Andrew Johnson, Ryan Keebler and Brian Warnick. PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, MAY 2, 2012 Kevin J. Young, F.S.S.P., Assembly 24 Sokol, Introducing our ordained a Deacon in Denton, Nebraska newest members Well on his journey to the Priest- hood of Jesus Christ, Kevin J. Young, a member of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, was or- dained to the Order of Deacon on the feast of St. Patrick, March 17 in the Chapel of SS. Peter and Paul at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, Nebraska. Ordaining prelate and celebrant of the Solemn Pontifi cal Mass with ordination to the Deaconate was the Most Rever- end Alexander K. Sample, Bishop of Marquette, Michigan. Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, founded in 1993, prepares students for the priesthood. The Fraternity of Saint Peter is a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifi cal Right canonically estab- lished by Blessed Pope John Paul II, of blessed memory, in 1988. The Ava Mary DiMarino, born Fraternity was founded as part of Rev. M. Kevin J. Young, F.S.S.P. Madison Zoe Eickenberg, March 9, 2012, is the daughter Claire Skabich, born September the ongoing efforts of the Holy Fa- born November 30, 2011, is the 24 in Boonton, N.J. and hails from of Greg and Kristen Sagula Di- 4, 2007, is the daughter of Den- ther to support what he affi rmed as daughter of Robert and Me- a well-known Sokol family. He is Marino of Medina, Oh. She was nis and Jessica Quinn Skabich the “legitimate aspiration” of those lissa Bonagura Eickenberg of the son of Robert E. and Catherine enrolled as a member of Wreath of Clifton, N.J. She was enrolled who desire the ancient liturgical Clifton, N.J. She was enrolled Young of Dunn, N.C. and the grand- 153 in Parma, Oh. as a member of Assembly 162 in forms of the Holy Mass and sacra- son of the late John and Elizabeth as a member of Assembly 162 Clifton, N.J. ments. At its foundation, the Pope in Clifton, N.J. Bonsiewich. He is the great-grand- asked all Bishops to recognize and son of the late Michael and Kather- respect this legitimate aspiration, ine Mraz, founders of Assembly 24 and to be generous in allowing its and our former Wreath 6. Michael fulfi llment. The mission of the Fra- Mraz, a native of the Spis region ternity of Saint Peter is to respond to of Slovakia, was also a founder of the Holy Father’s initiative through SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish in an active apostolate in service to the Boonton and a pioneer in the Slovak Church. This apostolate is centered Catholic community of northern in the particular charism of the Fra- New Jersey. ternity, which is the offering of the We offer prayerful best wishes Sacred Liturgy, including the Holy to Deacon Young on the occasion Mass and the Divine Offi ce, as well of his ordination as a Deacon and as the sacraments, in all of their tra- look forward to his ordination to ditional solemnity, according to the the Holy Priesthood of Our Lord Latin liturgical books of 1962. The and Savior, Jesus Christ. May you Fraternity celebrates liturgy in the be a worthy and holy advocate of Happy Mother’s Day Extraordinary Rite of the Church as the Gospel in the best traditions of to all our Sokol moms proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI. our Cyrilo-Methodian heritage of Zdar Boh! Deacon Young has been our So- faith. Ad multos, gloriosque annos kol member since birth of Assembly and Zdar Boh! Keegan Cynthia Callahan, born Dylan Wayne Wilson, born November 7, 2011, is the daugh- January 31, 2011, is the son of ter of Thomas and Heidi Hartline Jeff and Nicole Carver Wilson Callahan of Dallas, Ga.
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