St. Columba Roman Catholic Church Feast of St. Columba 32%R[5RXWH +RSHZHOO-FW1< June 13, 2021 5HFWRU\ )D[ Website: Rectory Office Hours: Email: [email protected]. Monday - Friday: 9am to 3pm Blog: Saturday & Sunday: Closed Facebook: @StColumbaHJ (photo albums here!) “Love God, Serve Others” Instagram: @StColumbaHJ Soundcloud:StColumbaHJ Flocknotes: - Parish Code: Y98H69 SCHEDULE OF LITURGIES NY Catholic Radio: THE LORD’S DAY MASSES St. Columba + Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday + 7:30am, 9:00am,10:30am & 12 noon St. Denis + Spanish Mass Sunday at 5:00pm St. Kateri + Sunday at 5:30pm Drop your contribution envelope in the collection, It will be returned to your home parish. DAILY MASS St. Columba + M/W/F + 7:00am; SA + 8:00am; T/TH + 12:00pm Noon St. Denis and St. Kateri + 9:00am ADORATION St. Columba + Monday - Friday + 4:00pm - 8:00pm Compline & Benediction + Monday - Friday + 7:40pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION St. Columba + Saturdays 8:30 – 9:00 am & 4:00 – 5:00 pm St. Denis + Saturdays 8:00 – 8:45 am & 3:30 – 4:30 pm St. Columba Religious Education St. Kateri + Monday 7:30 – 8:30 pm & Wednesday 9:30 – 10:00 am Grades 1 - 8 DEVOTIONS 845-221-4900 Miraculous Medal Novena - Monday’s after 7:00am Mass Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 9am - 3pm SACRAMENTS Director: Sister Marie Pappas, CR BAPTISM + Most Saturdays & Sundays at 1:30 & 3:00pm. Call the Church Office to speak with Deacon Dennis McCormack. To obtain THE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS OF HOPEWELL JUNCTION Godparent and Sponsor forms, please call the Rectory and speak to a Priest. St. Denis-St. Columba School Grades K - 8 RCIA CHRISTIAN INITIATION + For more information about becoming a 845-227-7777 member of the Catholic Church or Completing your Initiation in the Email: [email protected] Church, call the Church Office or Deacon Chris Merenda. Principal: Sr. Kathleen Marie Gerritse, CR MARRIAGE + Please call the Church Office to make an appointment with a priest. We generally need about six months to complete St. Aloysius Happy House Learning Center Pre-Cana, Pre-Marital Inventory and necessary paperwork. Nursery, Pre-K & K 845-226-1917 ANOINTING OF THE SICK + After any Weekend or Weekday Mass. Director: Sr. Madeline Soto Please speak to a priest. In an Emergency, call the Parish Office at any time. St. Denis - Ark & Dove Pre-School Pre-K 2, 3 & 4 HOLY ORDERS AND RELIGIOUS LIFE + Please speak to our priests, 845-227-5232 deacons or religious sisters. Director: Jennifer Corsano & Julie Roth ST. COLUMBA PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Mass Intentions for the Week 6W&ROXPEDSDULVKLVD&DWKROLFFRPPXQLW\VWULYLQJWREHD YLVLEOHZLWQHVVRI*RG¶VORYLQJSUHVHQFHDPRQJXV&DOOHGE\ %DSWLVPDQGFHQWHUHGLQWKH(XFKDULVWLWLVRXUFRPPRQ 6XQGD\-XQH)HDVWRI6W&ROXPED SXUSRVHWRNQRZ*RGWROLYHDQGORYHDV-HVXVGLGDQGWR DP)RU$OO3DULVKLRQHUV DP&DUO)UHGHULFN+DDVE\5REHUW &KULVWLQH0RUULVRQ VHUYHRWKHUV:HYDOXHHDFKSHUVRQDQGGUDZIURPRXUGLYHUVH DP$OH[/HP]DE\ZLIH.DWK\ &KLOGUHQ WDOHQWVWRJURZDQGWRUHVSRQGWRWKHHYHUFKDQJLQJQHHGVRI SP7KRPDV 0DU\'XUNLQ 6U7KRPDV-RVHSK RXUFRPPXQLW\$OODUHZHOFRPH E\WKH)HGLJDQ)DPLO\ 0LFKDHO*XJOLHOPRE\WKH/RXJKOLQ)DPLO\ 0(025,$/6 0DULDGH0HORE\5LFDUGLQD)HUQDQGHV 7KLVZHHNWKH526(ZLOOEHLQPHPRU\RI 0RWKHU*ORULD&DVWUR $OH[/HP]DE\ZLIH.DWK\ &KLOGUHQ E\$UWLH&KULVWLQD 0DULD&DUR]]D 5DOSK-&LOHQWR-UE\KLVORYLQJ)DPLO\ 7KLVZHHNWKH/$03ZLOOEXUQLQPHPRU\RI (G*ROGHQE\KLV:LIH )DPLO\ 0RQGD\-XQH:HHNGD\ DP0RQLFD0HDQ\E\KHUGDXJKWHU$QQ6FRWW 285/$'<2))$7,0$ 7XHVGD\-XQH:HHNGD\ 7KLVZHHNWKH6WDWXHRI2XU/DG\ZLOOEHHQWKURQHGLQWKH SP/HQQ\7DPERQHE\/DXUD%UDG\ KRPHVRI/DXUD %ULDQ%UDG\DQG $QQH0DULH -RH&DPLOOHUL :HGQHVGD\-XQH:HHNGD\ ,I\RXZRXOGOLNHWRKDYHWKHVWDWXHYLVLW\RXUKRPHSOHDVH DP0LFKDHO*XJOLHOPRE\WKH/RXJKOLQ)DPLO\ FDOO6X]DQQH'¶$JRVWLQRDW 7KXUVGD\-XQH:HHNGD\ SP0DULDGH0HORE\5RVH'H&DUYDOKR )ULGD\-XQH:HHNGD\ DP5REHUW)&RQQROO\E\/LQGD+XQW 6DWXUGD\-XQH6W5RPXDOG DP$OH[ -RKQ5RJR]LQVNLE\WKHLU)DPLO\ Please pray for our recently deceased 7ZHOIWK6XQGD\LQ2UGLQDU\7LPH SP)DWKHU¶V'D\,QWHQWLRQV parishioners, family & friends: Dr. Ioan Rodriguez, Dominic Capogna & 6XQGD\-XQH)DWKHU¶V'D\ The Holy Souls in Purgatory DP)DWKHU¶V'D\,QWHQWLRQV DP)DWKHU¶V'D\,QWHQWLRQV DP5LFK6FDPSROLE\KLVZLIH/DXUD 6W9LQFHQWGH3DXO SP)RUWKH,QWHQWLRQVRI$QQD%HOOH%OHYLQV )RRG3DQWU\ Baptisms E\KHU*UDQGIDWKHU Thank you for your Please contact )DWKHU¶V'D\,QWHQWLRQV continued prayers and Deacon Dennis support throughout the year. With McCormack out your help we could never assist those in need! If you need to reach at (845) 227-8380 us, please call us at: 227-7863. for information and This week the pantry is in need of: arrangements for White Sugar, Regular Coffee, III Kyle Brannigan & Kaitlyn Colley - June 18 your newborn to be Laundry Detergent & Sugar Free III Carl Garofolo, III & Jacklyn Steixner - June 20 baptized. Jello/Pudding Mixes II Thomas Orlando & Azra Begonovic - June 26 Our next meeting : September 8th Our Second Collection today 3OHDVHYLVLWXVIRUGHWDLOVDW ZZZVYGSIRRGSDQWU\RUJ is for the Church in Latin America & The Catholic Home Missions. Your support is vital, please give generously. Thank You! It was from Derry, in 563AD that Columba, along with 12 disciples set sail for Dál Riata also known as Dalriada in Scotland. At that time Dál Riata was a Gaelic kingdom that encompassed the western seaboard of Scotland and the north-eastern corner of Ireland. Conall mac Comgaill was king of Dál Riata and a cousin of Columba. It is said he granted the Island of Iona (Scottish Gaelic: Ì Chaluim Chille) to Columba in order for him to settle and found his An inter-Gaelic commemoration is now underway marking monastic community. Iona Abbey became an important the birth 1500 years ago of the 6th-century saint Colmcille centre of Gaelic monasticism for three centuries. It was or Columba. His legacy has contributed to the from this base that Columba would spend the rest of his development of the language, culture and traditions of the life undertaking missionary activity throughout Scotland. Gaelic nations of Ireland (Irish: Éire), Scotland (Scottish Particularly amongst the Pictish people of Scotland. Gaelic: Alba) and the Isle of Man (Manx Gaelic: Mannin). He had a significant impact upon the course of Scottish One interesting story in Adomnán’s account of and Irish history. Saint Columba’s legacy continues to be St Columba’s life is the first recorded sighting of the of relevance today. famous Loch Ness Monster. It was on 22 August 565 AD when Columba came across a group of people burying a The year-long inter-Gaelic celebration lasts from 7th man by the River Ness during his journey through the December 2020 until 7th December 2021. However, it is lands of the Picts. Columba was told that the man had hoped this celebration of the legacy of Colmcille is not only been attacked by a “water beast” which had dragged him confined to his historical contribution, but an inspiration under the water. In this story Columba sent his follower to future cooperation across all of the Gaelic countries and Luigne moccu Min to swim across the river. When the Gaelic speaking communities around the world. Gaelic was beast came after him, Columba made the sign of the cross the Celtic language spoken by Columba and his and ordered the beast to leave and the monster fled. followers. The Goidelic or Gaelic languages of Ireland, Scotland and Isle of Man form one of the two groups of It is recorded that after his arrival in Scotland that he only Celtic languages still spoken in the world. The other being went back to Ireland once. However, it is thought that his the Brittonic languages of Brittany (Breton: Breizh), links also helped to negotiate the political relationship Cornwall (Cornish: Kernow) and Wales (Welsh: Cymru). between the Uí Néill clan and the Dalraidian kingdom. For the Gaelic warrior kings of Dál Riata, it is not hard to see Saint Columba also known as Colum Cille, or Chille (Old how Columba was a useful asset. He was a trusted advisor Irish, meaning 'dove of the church'), Colm Cille (Irish), to the King, his monastery provided a high level of Calum Cille (Scottish Gaelic), Columb Killey (Manx Gaelic) education for their sons, as well as serving as a diplomat to is thought to have been born on the 7 December 520 or the king's neighbours in the Pictish kingdoms and Ireland. 521AD near Gartan, which was part of Tyrconnell (Irish: Tír Chonaill), now in modern County Donegal, in Ireland. Saint Colomba died on Iona on 9th June 597 and this date Columba's father was said to be Fedlimid and is recorded is celebrated as his Feast Day, which is the annual religious as being a descendent of an Irish King, Niall celebration of a day dedicated to a particular saint. It is Noígíallachand. His mother Eithne of the Cenel Conailla, said that Columba's relics were removed in 849 and was a descendent of Cathair Mór a former King of Leinster. divided between Scotland and Ireland. King Kenneth 1, This royal lineage placed Columba in line to the throne of who has been considered to be the founder of the Kingdom the Uí Néill clan. of Alba (Scotland), sent them for safekeeping to Dunkeland and Ireland where they were reputedly buried Much of what is known about Saint Columba's life is in Downpatrick, County Down, with St. Patrick and recorded in the hagiography Vita Columbae "The Life of St. Brigid. St Columba". It was written a century after Columba’s death by Adomnán of Iona. He was Abbot of Iona from 679 In celebrating the life of Colmcille/Columba there is a until his death in 704 AD. It is recorded that Columba’s recognition of the important legacy of his influence on the early career involved him being trained in poetry and the shared Gaelic traditions of Scotland, Ireland, the Isle of bardic tradition under a Christian bard named Gemman Man and in other areas of the world where Gaelic people and he studied at a series of monastic schools most notably have settled.
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