t712 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 10 ' PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. LINDSAY: Petition of Federation of Jewish Or­ Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, the following petitions and pa­ g~izations, for a chaplain in army and navy for Jewish sol­ pers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows : dters-to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. ASHBROOK: Petition of citizens of Coshocton Coun­ ~lso, yeti_ti?n _of Merchants' Association of New York, against ty, Ohio, against S. 3940 (Jolmston Sunday law)-to the Com­ le~tslation mrmtcal to the well-being of railways-to the Com­ mittee on the District of Columbia. · nnttee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Gifford Ramey By Mr. MOON of Tennessee : Paper to accompany bills for (previously referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions)­ relief of .James_F. Campbell (H. R. 24262)-to the Committee - to the Committee on Pensions. on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. BENNET of New York: Petition of National Woman's Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Sarah A. Weber­ Christian Temperance Union, for legislation to protect prohibi­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. tion States from interstate liquor traffic-to the Committee on By Mr. SULZER: Petition of American Prison Association the Judiciary. favoring suitable appropriation for the entertainment of th~ By Mr. CALDER: Petition of London Wine and Spirits .Com­ Congress of the International Prison Commission-to the Com- pany, against reduction of tariff on foreign liquors-to th~ Com­ mittee on the Judiciary. · mittee on Ways and Means. By Mr. SWASEY: Petition of sundry citizens of Bath. Rich­ Also, petition of Hermann Ruhe, favoring repeal of duty on mond, and Brunswick, all in the State of Maine, against pas­ raw and refined sugars-to the Committee on Ways and Means. sage of Senate bill 3940-to the Committee on the District of By Mr. CAMPBELL: Petition of United Trades and Labor Columbia. · Council of Pittsburg, Kans., against decision of Justice Wright­ Also, petitions of citizens of Auburn, Fryeburg, West Paris, to the Committee on the Judiciary. Dresden, North Buckfield, Topsham, Peru, Hiram, and Andover By Mr. CHAPMAN: Petition of citizens of Flora, Ill., against all in the State of Maine, for parcels post on rural free-delivery enactment of a parcels-post law-to the Committee on the Post­ routes and for postal savings banks-to the Committee on the Office and Post-Roads. Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. DIXON: Petition of James W. Baldwin and other By Mr. VREELAND : Petitions of Fredonia Grange, No. 353, citizens of Franklin, Ind., against passage of Senate bill 394o­ of Fredonia, Ellery Grange, No. 353, of Bemus Point, Union to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Grange, No. 244, of Jamestown, Portland Grange, No. 2, of By Mr. DRAPER: Petition of Federation of Jewish Organiza­ Brockton, Patrons of Husbandry; residents of Cattaraugus, tions, for a chaplain in army and navy for Jewish soldiers-to Arkport, and Ellicottville, all in the State of New York, against the Committee on Military Affairs. S. 3940 (Sunday observance in the District of Columbia) -to Also, petition of Merchants' Association of New York, against the Committee on the District of Columbia. legislation inimical to railway prosperity-to the Committee on Also, petition of business men of Olean, N. Y., against parcels­ InterstatE. and Foreign Commerce. post and postal savings banks laws-to the Committee on the By Mr.· FULLER: Papers to accompany bill for the relief of Post-Office and Post-Roads. David A. Sturtevant-to the Committee on Inv·alid Pensions. Also, petition of officers of the Men's Club of the First Con­ Also, petition of Emily Towne, of Streator, Ill., favoring gregational Church, of Jamestown, N. Y., for passage of Bacon amendment of Sherman antitrust law-to the Committee on the original-package bill, etc.-to the Committee on the- Judiciary• . Judiciary. Also, petition of American Prison Association, for appropria­ tion to assist work of the International Prison Commission-to HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. GOULDEN: Petition of Federation of Jewish Or­ SuNDAY, January 10, 1909. ganizations, praying for appointment of chaplain in army and navy for the religious comfort and well-being of Jewish citizens The House met at 12 o'clock m., and was called to order by enlisted in the army and navy-to the Committee on Military Hon. Alexander 1\IcDowelJ, Clerk of the House, who directed Affairs. the reading of the following communication: Also, petition of Fed ration of Jewish Organizations of New SPEAKER'S ROOM, York City, favoring appointment of chaplain in Army, Navy, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, and Marine Corps for Jewish soldiers-to the Committee on Washington, D. 0., January 10, 1909. Military Affairs. I hereby designate Hon. DAVID J. FOSTER, of Vermont, as ·speaker pro tempore for this day. Also, petition of Merchants' Association of New York City, J. G. CANNON, Speaker. favoring readjustment of railway rate law-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chaplain will offer prayer. By Mr. HAMILTON of Michigan: Petition of citizens of Van The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. · D., offered the fol­ Buren County and Allegan County, Mich., against passage of lowing prayer : Senate bill 394Q-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. We bless Thee, Almighty God, and adore Thy holy mime for Also, petition of cft:izens of Van Buren County, Mich., favor­ that spark of divinity which differentiates man froni the rest ing establishment of postal savings banks and a parcels post­ of the animal creation and makes him a child of the living God, to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. and which has ever been pushing him onward and upward from By Mr. HARRISON: Petition of New York Public Library, savagery to civilization, from darkness to light, from the ani­ favoring retention of all books for public libraries on free mal to the spiritual, which brings him nearer to Thee. We list-to the Committee on Ways and Means. thank Thee for the strong, the pure, the noble, the brave who By Mr. HASKINS: Petition of F. J. Fairbanks and others, have left the impress of their characters on· their respective of Newfane, Vt., for parcels-post delivery on rural routes and ages and left behind them their works as a testimonial of their , for postal savings banks-to the Committee on the Post-Office worth. and Post-Roads. We are here to-day in the memory of one who was ever found By· Mr. HOWELL of New Jersey: Petition of Shrewsbury in the vanguard of that eternal march-broad in his conceptions, Grange, Pah·ons of Husbandry, of Red Bank, N. J., f'or parcels strong in his convictions, pure in his motives. As a business post on rural delivery routes and for postal savings banks-to man, furthering great ent~rprises, he was ever fpund pure, hon­ the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. est, and upright in his dealings with his fellow-men; a soldier Also, papers to accompany bills for relief of Matthew M. Finch brave and gallant, who thought it not too much to offer his life, and l\Iax Sekel-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. if need be, a sacrifice on the altar of his country; a · statesman By Mr. HOWELL of Utah: Petitions of citizens of Eureka, strong and wise, serving the people of his ·State and Nation with citizens of Salt Lake City, and citizens of Mercur, all in the singular fidelity and ability wherever he was called to serve. State of Utah, in favor of retention of present tariff duties on We mourn him, but not as dead, for we shall think of him as lead and lead ores-to the Committee on Ways and Means. faring on in some one of God's many mansions. "We leave By Mr." HULL of Iowa: Petition of Alex. Barbour and others, this and straightway enter another mansion of the King's, more against decision of Justice Wright-to the Committee on the grand and beautifuL" Judiciary. And now, 0 God, our Heavenly Father, comfort, we beseech Also, pHper to accompany bill for relief of R. A. Bridgewater­ Thee, those near to him in the ties of· friendship and in the to the Committee on War Claims. bonds of love and affection, that they may. look forward with By Mr. ·JAMES: Papers to ·accompany bill for the relief of bright anti~ipations to a meeting with him, wheJ;e they -shall John A. Flanary, of Crittenden County, Ky.-to the Committee stay in his pre~ence forever. For Thine is the kingdom, and on War Claims. the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. I 1909. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. ~713 . JOURNAL, grand old Senator is gone; where can we find such another one?" is an expression that was frequently heard among those The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap-. there assembled. proved. I am not informed that he was connected by membership in EULOGIES ON HON, REDFIELD PROCTOR. any particular church organization. This much, however, I can say: He was tolerant in his views of all religious bodies, gave The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Clerk will report the liberally to their maintenance and support, observed the Sab­ order for to-day. - bath, and by natural instinct was religiously inclined. How The Clerk read as follows: fitting, then, it is that we meet to speak words in commemora­ tion of his life, character, and distinguished services upon the Ordered, That the House shall meet at 12 o'clock noon on Sunday, January 10, 1909, which day and hour is hereby set apart for memorial quiet peace of the Sabbath day.
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