October 18, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 25697 the business of doling, of building real in a state of crisis. Especially in the symptoms to this Nation. She worked democratic institutions. Do not forget, rural areas, these organizations are with the media to publicize the nature voluntarily, Kazakhstan unilaterally being forced to bear an extreme finan- of breast cancer. She was very effective disarmed its nuclear arsenal. cial burdens, causing them to stretch in alerting the women of this Nation to The United States needs to recognize their budgets dangerously thin and the need for breast examination and that this secular nation, bordered by forcing them to provide substandard treatment. Russia on the north, China to the east, care to their patients. In addition to that, later on in life, and several nations to the south and Every single day in my office I re- due to a number of pain medications west that may export Islamic fun- ceive calls and letters from patients that she was taking and the use of al- damentalism, really wants an eco- and their providers who tell me horror cohol, Mrs. Ford recognized the need nomic and strategic relationship with stories of people being sent home early for treatment for alcoholism and drug us. from the hospital, having therapy cut dependency and started the Betty Ford They understand that we want to see off before they are properly healed, and Clinic. This has been a life-saving in- evolving liberal democratic institu- being denied care altogether. This is stitution for many, many people. She tions, free markets, and a real respect not right. still takes a personal interest in it, for human rights. We need to under- I hear from my colleagues that we still visits with new patients as they stand that Kazakhstan has only 7 years have a huge surplus that we need to come in, and has been very effective in under its belt as an independent na- give back to the people. This Congress helping many people recover from sub- tion, and that they are taking impor- can start giving it back to the people stance abuse or alcohol abuse. tant steps in these matters. by providing adequate funding for the President Ford, of course, is well Let us look at Kazakhstan as an health care for our seniors who have al- known as the President who healed our evolving partner, and let us reward ready paid for it and so desperately Nation after the resignation from of- their important steps in the fields of need it. fice of President Nixon. However, since democracy, free markets, human rights I am glad to hear that my colleagues we have almost a generation elapsed with a stronger diplomatic and eco- on the Committee on Ways and Means since President Ford held office, I find nomic relationship. I invite my col- are moving forward on this issue, and I many people simply are not aware of leagues to visit this beautiful country am looking forward to working with what was happening at that time and and see for themselves the progress them to restore these dangerous cuts. the incredible turmoil that this Nation that is being made. Let us do the right thing and restore felt at the time that President Nixon f these massive cuts in Medicare reim- was undergoing examination by the bursement. MEDICARE PAYMENTS AND THE Congress, facing impeachment, and STATE OF FLORIDA f eventually resigning from office. CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL TO When President Ford took that of- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a fice, he, in a very calm and deliberate previous order of the House, the gentle- BE AWARDED TO PRESIDENT AND MRS. FORD manner, proceeded to heal this Nation. woman from Florida (Ms. BROWN) is He restored order. He restored financial recognized for 5 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a stability. He reduced interest rates. He Ms. BROWN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, previous order of the House, the gen- improved the economy and showed that today we kicked off Voices Against Vi- tleman from Michigan (Mr. EHLERS) is our government could survive a crisis olence, a congressional teen conference recognized for 5 minutes. like that and function well. For this, with a goal of involving young people Mr. EHLERS. Mr. Speaker, just a he deserves our thanks and our com- in a nationwide debate on ways for leg- short time ago, we passed a resolution mendation. islators and others to prevent youth vi- allowing the use of the rotunda for a Because of this and because of the ac- olence, both nationally and in local ceremony to grant a Congressional tions of both President and Mrs. Ford, schools and communities. More than Gold Medal to President and Mrs. Ford. I thought it very deserving that they 400 students from across the country I would like to give some background receive the Congressional Gold Medal. will participate in the teen conference. information on that award. I was very This will be presented to them next I want to thank the gentleman from pleased to sponsor the bill that would week in the rotunda of the Capitol. I Missouri (Mr. GEPHARDT) for his leader- grant them this medal because they urge all Members to attend, and I urge ship in making this conference pos- have served this country so well for so also the citizens of this country to join sible. many years. me in applauding both Jerry and Betty Now, Mr. Speaker, I want to discuss What is unique about this medal, this Ford, President and Mrs. Ford, for an issue that is very important to the particular medal, and what is different their selfless service to this country for citizens of my State of Florida. The than any previous medal in history, is all the good that they have done for all cuts in the Medicare and Medicaid pay- that it will be awarded to both Presi- of us. ments to the health providers in my dent and Mrs. Ford. I believe it very State are causing a crisis. important to recognize the part that f With Florida’s large senior popu- both of them played in the history of lation, no other single payer impacts our country. VOICES AGAINST VIOLENCE health care providers in the State more Mrs. Ford contributed a great deal to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a than Medicare. With almost 3 million the health of the women of this Nation previous order of the House, the gentle- Medicare beneficiaries, Florida has the by discussing very frankly and openly woman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON-LEE) second largest Medicare population in the fact that she had breast cancer. is recognized for 5 minutes. the United States. Almost one in every Now, that may seem rather mundane Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texs. Mr. five Floridians qualify for Medicare, today, but at the time she developed Speaker, I too rise today with great the highest percent of any State in the breast cancer, she was the First Lady pleasure to stand and welcome the country. Unfortunately for those hard- in the White House. Breast cancer was many young people who have come to working people, the cuts in Medicare not discussed in polite society. It was Washington, D.C. to participate in funding in the Balanced Budget Act are whispered about. As a result, many Voices Against Violence, a congres- preventing them from getting the care women did not know what caused sional teen conference sponsored by the that they need and deserve. breast cancer. They did not know office of the Democratic leader and the Florida’s home health agencies, about self-examination. They did not Democratic Caucus. skilled nursing facilities, medical know what treatments were available. However, these young people come equipment providers, Teaching and Mrs. Ford announced that she had from all over the country, and many of Disproportionate Share Hospitals are this terrible disease. She described the them come from so many different VerDate May 21 2004 11:07 Jun 14, 2004 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\H18OC9.001 H18OC9 25698 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 18, 1999 walks of life and, might I say, from dif- adding to it the Hate Crimes Preven- crease in violence in popular culture to the ferent political parties. This is a bipar- tion Act of 1999. What a travesty inas- lack of prayer in public schools. Others would tisan summit. Young people have come much as the Senate bill did have this even say that the increase of youth crime is a from across the country to talk about legislation. symptom of a larger breakdown in the moral the issues of youth violence and how it In the light of the tragedies that fabric of society. impacts their lives. have occurred in Illinois, in light of the By now, we know that the problem of youth I am pleased to have four students tragedies that occurred in my own violence cannot be traced to a single cause or here from my district in Houston, and State of Texas with James Byrd being source. At the same time, we here in Con- I met them at the airport this after- dismembered by hateful acts, those gress have formed various working groups noon as they arrived in Washington, who promoted racist provocations and and task forces to address this issue, because D.C. As they communicated with me acts, along with the activities of the we are all searching for some answers and their desires, each of them said they killing of Matthew Shepard, but many, solutions to youth violence.
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