37th International ISoCaRP Congress 'Honey, I shrunk the Space - Planning in the Information Age' 13 - 20 September 2001, The Netherlands The INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF CITY and REGIONAL PLANNERS Contents Pagee Acknowledgements 3 Framework 4 Message of Welcome The President of ISoCaRP 5 Local Organising Committee 6 Introduction by the General Rappporteur 6-7 Congress Programme, Utrecht Venue and Schedule in brief per congress event (day to day: page 25) 8 Some questions related to the information aspect of the core topic 9 Language - Parallel Sessions Simulation Workshop - Clearing House Papers and Books 10 Exhibition and Carfax Prize 11 Implementation Workshop, Delft 12 Young Planners Programme, Enschede 13-14 Tours Accompanying Persons Programme 15 Pre-Congress Tour 15 Professional Site visit Safaris 15 Hotel Information (incl. location map) 16-18 The Province of Utrecht and the City of Utrecht 19 The University of Utrecht 20 General Information 21 Registration Fees Congress Delegates 21 Young Planners Programme (& Congress) participants 23 Implementation Lab participants 23 Hotel Prices 23 Methods of Payment, Registration and Cancellation Procedures 24 Congress Programme, Utrecht from day to day 25 About ISoCaRP 26 2 Acknowlegdements ISoCaRP gratefully acknowledges close co-operation as well as financial support from the: • Ministry of Housing and Planning and the Environment (VROM), The Hague • Ministry of Transport and Water Management (V & W), The Hague • UNESCO, Unit of Human Habitat and Sciences, Paris/France • Province of Zuid-Holland, The Hague • University of Utrecht, Utrecht • Telematic Institute, Enschede • Delft University of Technology, Delft • Siemens Ltd, Thailand and The Netherlands ISoCaRP gratefully acknowledges financial support from: • Arcadis, Arnhem • City of Breda, Dept. Spatial Environmental and Economic Affairs, Breda • Connekt, Knowledge Center for Mobility and Transport, Delft • City of Utrecht, Utrecht • Van Eesteren-Fluck & van Lohuizen Foundation, The Hague • Carfax Publishers, United Kingdom • City of Rotterdam, Dept. City Planning and Housing, Rotterdam • Holland Railconsult, Utrecht • Nextrategy, Amsterdam • Proper Stok, Rotterdam • Province of Utrecht, Utrecht • Schiphol Real Estate, Amsterdam • TRS, Rotterdam ISoCaRP gratefully acknowledges close co-operation regarding the INTERNET PLATFORM from: • The University of Karlsruhe, Faculty of Urban Development and Landscape Planning Prof Dr Bernd Scholl Dipl.-Ing Dirk Engelke M.Sc. Hany Elgendy 3 Framework General Rapporteur Andreas Schneider (Switzerland) Scientific Committee Hans van der Cammen, Ministry of Housing, Planning and the Environment (VROM-RPD), The Netherlands Toon van der Hoorn (Chair), Ministry of Transport and Water Management (V&W), The Netherlands Judith Ryser (Editor NL-Congr. Publication), Hari Srinivas, UN University Tokyo (Japan/India) Plenary Sessions Keynote Speakers Luuk Boelens, Holland Railconsult (The Netherlands) Bert van der Knaap, Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands) William Mitchell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) Richard Sennett, The London School of Economics and Political Sciences (UK) Ockert van Zyl (South Africa), Siemens Ltd. (Thailand) Parallel Sessions Rapporteurs Workshop I Frank d'Hondt (Belgium) Workshop II Rolf Signer/Sabine Friedrich (Switzerland) Workshop III Christian Voigt (Germany) Marketplace-WS IV Stefano Wagner (Switzerland) Implementation Lab Co-ordinators Rudger Smook, Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) Frans de Nooij, Province of South-Holland (The Netherlands) Young Planners Programme Co-ordinators Hans Schaffers, Telematic Institute (The Netherlands) Hari Srinivas, UN University Tokyo (Japan) Local Organising Committee (LOC) Albert van Hattum (Chair) Reinoud Bakker Jan Goedman Aafke Nijenhuyzen Robbert Rhemrev Maurits Schaafsma Hein Struben (Treasurer) Congress Moderator Hein Struben (The Netherlands) 4 Bienvenida Bienvenue Willkommen Welcome Queridos colegas, Mes Chers Collègues, Sehr geehrte Kollegen, Dear Colleagues, Os doy la bienvenida a Bienvenue à notre ich möchte Sie herzlich I welcome you on our nuestro Congreso que este congrès annuel dans cette willkommen heissen zu annual congress in the año tendrá lugar en la bella jolie ville d'évêques unserem jährlichen Kon- beautiful Bishop’s City of ciudad obispal de Utrecht, d'Utrecht aux Pays Bas. gress in der wunderschö- Utrecht in The Nether- Holanda, cuya Universidad L’Université d’Utrecht nen Bischofsstadt Utrecht lands. nos hospedará en su sera notre hôte et nous in den Niederlanden. The University of "Uithof", situada en los accueillera à “Uithof”, à la Die Universität Utrecht Utrecht will host us at the alrededores de la ciudad. périphérie de la ville. Nous wird im “Uithof” am Stadt- “Uithof” in the outskirts of Agradecemos mucho a sommes reconnaissants à la rand von Utrecht unser the City. We are grateful to la Facultad de Ciencias Faculté des Sciences Spa- Gastgeber sein. Wir sind the Faculty of Spatial Espaciales el gran apoyo tiales, particulièrement au der raumwissenschaftlichen Science, especially Dean que nos ha dado y en Prof Dr Pieter Hooimeijer, son Fakultät und insbesondere Prof Dr Pieter Hooimeijer for especial a su Decano, el Doyen, pour tout le soutien Dekan Prof Dr Pieter all the support. Prof. Dr. Pieter Hooimeijer. qu’il a apporté à ce congrès. Hooimeijer sehr dankbar für 'Honey, I shrunk the 'Cariño: ¡He encogido el ´Chérie, j’ai rétréci alle Unterstützung. space, Planning in the espacio ! – El Planea- l’Espace, l’Aménagement à 'Liebling, ich habe den Information Age' has been miento en la Era de la l’Ere de l’Information' a été Raum geschrumpft – prepared from 1997 Informática' – ha sido préparé depuis 1997 par le Planen im Informations- onwards by the Temporary preparado por la Red Temporary Autonomous zeitalter' wurde von TAN Autonomous Network Autónoma Temporal Network (TAN), un groupe (Temporary Autonomous (TAN), a group of younger (TAN) constituida por un de jeunes collègues. Network) vorbereitet, einer colleagues. grupo de jóvenes colegas Nous devons la prépa- Gruppe junger Kollegen, We owe TAN and que lleva trabajando desde ration du contenu de ce die sich 1997 zusammen- General Rapporteur 1997. Congrès à TAN, à notre geschlossen hat. Andreas Schneider and his La preparación del Rapporteur Général Wir danken TAN, un- team for preparing the contenido del Congreso se Andreas Schneider et à son serem Generalrapporteur content of the congress. In la debemos a TAN, a équipe. Laisser aux jeunes Andreas Schneider und a way it is new and promi- nuestro Relator General, collègues le traitement d’un seinem Team für die Vor- sing to give younger Andreas Schneider, y a todo tel sujet d’actualité est, bereitung des Kongress- colleagues the floor with su equipo. En cierta forma d’une certaine manière, une inhalts. Es ist neu und viel- such an actual topic. resulta una novedad pro- approche nouvelle et versprechend, jungen Kol- The Local Organising metedora dejar un tema tan prometteuse pour l’avenir. legen mit diesem aktuellen Committee under the actual como este en manos Le Comité Local Thema das Wort zu geben. Chairmanship of Albert van de unos jóvenes colegas. d’Organisation, sous la Das lokale Organisa- Hattum has done a great job El Comité Organizador Présidence de Albert van tionskomitee, unter dem in preparing the congress Local, bajo la dirección de Hattum, a réalisé un grand Vorsitz von Albert van and all the activities around Albert van Hattum, ha travail en assumant les Hattum, hat gute und harte it. realizado un gran trabajo travaux de la préparation Arbeit geleistet in der Vor- I hope you will attend preparando el congreso y du congrès et de ses bereitung des Kongresses and enjoy the professional todas las actividades anejas. activités attenantes. und aller Aktivitäten, die exchange of opinions and Espero que todos J’espère que vous serez damit verbunden sind. your stay in the beautiful participéis y gocéis, tanto tous présents à celui-ci afin Ich hoffe, dass Sie am and dynamic Low Lands. del intercambio de profiter pleinement des Kongress teilnehmen wer- profesional, como de échanges d’opinions pro- den und den professionel- vuestra estancia en las fessionnels et de votre len Meinungsaustausch bellas y dinámicas Tierras séjour dans les Pays Bas, sowie Ihren Aufenthalt in Bajas. endroit dynamique et fort den schönen und dynami- agréable. schen Niederlanden geniessen. Max van den Berg, President ISoCaRP - AIU - IGSRP Amsterdam, The Netherlands 5 Welcome by the Local Organising Committee Dear Colleagues, We are proud that we have the possibility to host this year’s congress and we heartily welcome you. We are grateful to Prof Dr Pieter Hooimeijer for giving us the possibility to hold our congress on the University’s premises; to Prof Dr Ir Chris Visser and Dr Ir Hans Schaffers for all their support for the Young Planners Workshop that will be held at the Telematic Institute’s premises; to Prof Dr Ir Rudger Smook for his support for the Implementation Lab that will be held at the premises of the Delft University of Technology. We thank TAN and specially ISoCaRP member Luuk Boelens (first hour initiator of TAN) for the 4 years of preparation of the topic now to be further explored at our congress. All these ingredients are there to have a successful event. On behalf of the entire Local Organising Com-mittee, we are looking forward to seeing and welcoming you all! Albert van Hattum, Chair LOC Heemstede, The Netherlands Introduction by the General Rapporteur The general
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