Official Gazette G.Overnment of Goa., Daman and Diu

Official Gazette G.Overnment of Goa., Daman and Diu

! REG». GOA· G Panaji, 6th December, 1984 (Agrahayana 15, 1906) SERIES, II No. 36 OFFICIAL GAZETTE G.OVERNMENT OF GOA., DAMAN AND DIU EXTftftORDI Nn RY GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU law Department (Establishment) Office of the Chief Sectoral officer Election Commission of Inclia Notificatio,n No. 5/36/84CELEO In pursuance of sub-rule (2) of rule 11 of the Conduct' _of Elections. Rules, 1961. the following lists of the contesting .eandidates are published for gene.ral information. U. D~ Sharma, Add!. Chief' Electoral Officer. Panaji, 6th December, ·~984. FORM 7A List of Contesting Candid~tes [See Rule 10(1)] Election to the Goa, Daman and Diu Legislative Assembly from the 1-Pernem (SO)· Assembly Constituency•. \ Serial Name of cand~ate Address of candidate Party Affiliation Symbol aH()ted , No. " ) 1 2 3 4 6 1. Bandekar Shambu Bhavu H. No. 418, Muddavadi Sallgao Indian National Congress Hand Bardez 2. Harijan Bablo Dhondgo Ozri Deulwado, P. O. Pima Bardez Independent Two Leaves ,3. Mandrekar Deu Gunajl Madhalamaj Mandrem Pernem~Goa Indep'~l1,<:lent Rising S~n 4. Nipaniker Balaram Vishnu St. Agostinho (caIapor) st. Cruz Independent 'Elephant 15. Panchwadker :M~ukund Ganesh Kurdi, Rivdn Sanguem:-Goa Bharatiya Janata Party Lotus <l. Pawar. Durgadas Tukaram Ped~ Loliem C'anacona~Goa Independent TigeX' 7. Pednekar Manohar Rajaran:t H. No. 225, Surbawvado, Pernem Maharashtrawadi Lion Gornantak Party Place.: Panaji-Goa. Naini' Jeya8eelan.. Date: 30·11·1984. Returnulg Officer for 1-Pernem (Se) . Assembly Constituency J3ERlES II No ..36: FORlI1 7 A List of Conte,sting Canw{lates [See R~lJe 10(1)) Election to the Goa, Daman and Diu Legislative Assembly from the 2 - Mandrcm ASS0mo::'y Comtituency. Serilll ~ame of 'cand~date No. .. Party Affiliation Symbol-nl!o'Lcd 2 3 ,4. 1. Deshprabhu Rajendra Vasudev Nane,r \Vada. Pemem, Goa Independent Hising Sun 2. Harmalkar Namdey Shankar H. No. 376, Harmalkar Wnd-'l, Communist Party of Indla Ears of Corn 1 :ruem~~-Per:t1P..m Goa _.: "!' Sickle .. .. A·. :.!'JlalaP~ka.';t Dattaram. i88-A, Feira ~~lta Map-usa, Bardcz,_ Mahm:a~htra~adi , ;I...i@ Goa Gomantak :Party 4. Parab Gopal Atmaram Paliye, Pernem Goa. Indian Natlo:..ll3.l Congress Hand 5. Phadte Arjun Krishna Dhargal, 'Al'abo, PeInem, Goo. Independent Bicycle 6. Shetgaonkar Ratnakant Vishrar{J. Kattew8.da., 1\ O. Morjim, Pernem Independent Two Leaves Goa , Place: Panajl-Goa. Naini Jeyaseelan Date: 30-11-1984. Retmo nl31g Officer for 2 - :Mandrem Assembly Constituency FORM 7A List of' Contesting Ca~di<1ates [See Rule 10(1)] Election to the Goa, Daman and Diu Assembly fxom the 3 - Siolim Assembly Constituency. Serial Name .of c.c<Uldidate Address of cc.ndidatc Party AffilialJon Symbol all.oted No. 1 2 1 1. Bhonsle .lI1adhukar Ramnath p. O. camurlim, Bardez-eoo Independent Elephant 2. Chodankar Chandrakant Uttarn Guddem-8i.olim Goo. Indian National Congress Hand 3.. ·. D'Souza Francis Lawrence The Cocoon Eamon Vaddo Independent Fish . II. No. 1229, Siolim 4. D'Souza John Santan Alto Eadem Assagaon Bardez-C...oa Independent Boat 5. .1oshi Damodar Vaman Wagalim, Oxel, Bardez Goa Independen.t Tiger 6. Kalangutkar SIuun PundoUk 248, Fernandes Waddo, Siolim Independent Rising Sun 7. Korgaoker Subhash Raghunath Tarchi Bhat Siolim, Bardez:-Goa Bhanitiya Janata PaTty Lotus 8. Ashok Ttlkaram H. No. 979. Tarchi Bhat, Siolim, Maharashtrawadi Lion Bardez-Goa Gomantak Party 9. N:tik Gopi Dattaram Dr. Dada Vaidya Rd .• St. Inoo, Independent Two Leaves Panaji , 10. Parulekar Gopinath Vithal Gudem, SiOlim, Bardez..Goa Independent Bicycle Place: P:;lnaji-Goa. Naini Jeya8eekt'1t Date: 30-11-1984. ., Officer for 3 - Siolim Assembly Constituency ( FORlI1 .7 A J.. ist of Contesting Candidates [See R1tle 10(1)] the Goa, Daman and Diu Legisl,ative Assembly from the 4-Calangute Assembly Constituency. Serial Krone of candidate No.. ' Address of candidatx: Party' Affiliation Symbol alloted 1 2 3 • 5 1. D'Souza Vilma Julio Naikavaddo, Calangute Bardez Independent Bicycle 2. D·Souza Wilfred A. H. No. E-599Y "Santosh" Independent Tvto Leaves Altinho, Panaji 3. lI1alik Shlikant Keshav 401. Alto PUerne Bardez-Goa Maharashtrawadi Lion Gomantak Party 4. Shirodkar Venkatesh Ranchandra Kobl'avaddo Calangute Goa Indian National Congress Hand 5. Teli Tulsidas Maagesn CaJangute Bardez-Goa Independent Rising Sun Place: Panaji-Goa.· Na.i'ni Jeyaseelan. Date: 30-11-1984. Returning Officer for 4 - calangute Assembly Constituency . ·6TH DECEf.fBER, 1984 (AGRAHAYANA 15; 1906) 649 FORM 7A List of Contesting Candidates [See Rule 10(1)] Election to the Goa, Daman and Diu Legislative Assembly from the 5 - Mapus~ Assembly Constituency. Serial Name 'of candidate Address of candidate Parly Affiliation Symbol aHoted No. 1 2 3 5 1. Braganza Mathew Urban Angoo Mapusa Independent Horse 2. Dhuri Ulhas Bhiku Corlim, Mapusa Indian National Congress Hand 3. Diucar Chandrashekhar Shivram 264/A, Shivram Niwas Feira .(\,.lto, Maharashtrawadi Lion Mapusa Goa Gomantak Party 4. Gaitonde Kumar Sadashiv H. No. 142, PonaJa Ucassaim·Bardez Independent Tigel' . Goo 5. Kochkax Chandrakant Shiva 117-FeJra Baixa Taliwada 'Mapusa Independent Rising Sun 6. Noogi Syamsundar' Jairam Annapurna Niwas Dattawadi, Independent Two Leaves Mapusa.. 7. Pandit Chandrakant Jairam E/644, H. No. 967 Ansabhat, Mapusa Bharatiya Janata Party Lotus 8. Sanjiv Ghanashyam Near Corporation Bank, Mapusa. Independent Scales Place: Panaji-Goa. .Naini Jeyaseelan Date: 30-11-1984. Returning Officer for 5 - Mapusa Assembly Constituency FORM 7A List of Contesting Candidates [See Rule 10(1)] Election to the Goa, Daman and Diu Legislative Assembly from the 6 - Tivim Assembly Constituency. Serial Name of candidate Address of candidate' Party No. Affiliation Symbl)l alloted 1 2 3 4 5 1. Alvares Gabriel Felix Palmar, Pomburpa Bardez' Goa Independent Two Leaves 2. Bandodkar Sitaram Ramnath Seagull Bldg., A/3, 2nd Floor Panaji Independent Tigel' 3. D'Souza Jacinto Cajetano St. Jeronimo Vaddo, Duler Mapu/S3. Bharatiya .1anata Party Lotus 4. Ferrao Agnelo Jerje Penha de Franca ~hebhat Independent Bicycle 5. Halarnkar_ Anil Gajanan 315-205, Ward VII, St. Inez Panaji Independent Rising Soo 6. Narvekar Dayanand Ganesh H. No. 127, Duler Mapusa Bardez Indian National Congress Hand 7. Pole Pandharinath Vaman H. No. E/410 Podwal Aldona Bardez Maharashtrawadi Lion Gomantak Party Place: Panaji-Goa. N aini J eyaseelan Date: 30-11-1984. Returning Officer for 6 - Tivim Assembly Constituency FORM 7A List of Contesting Candidates " [See Rule 10(1)] Election to the Goa, Daman and Diu Legislative Assembly from the 7 - Bicholim Assembly Constituency. -Serial Name of candidate Address of candidate Party Affiliation Symhl)l alloted No. 1 2 3 4 5 1. Amonkar Mohandas Govind H. No. 38. Avachit Wada, Ward Independent Elephant No.6, BichoUm-Goa 2. Gadekar Kamlakant Krishna H. No. 276, Gaokal\vada, Mayem, Communist Party of India Hammer, Bicholim (Marxist) Sickle and Star 3. Malik Prabhakar Anat Ladphem P. O. Assonara, Bardez Independent BiCycle 4. Naik Gopi Dattaram Daitatraya Co. op. Scty., St. Inez, Independent Two Leaves Panaji-Goa. 5. Nail\: Vinarak Vasudeo Wadacho Wado, Bicholim Maharashtra\vadi Lion Gomantak Party 6, Prabhu Zantye Harish Narayan 'Bicholim-Goa. Indian National Qongress Hand 7. Raut Vaman Gopal H~ No. 182-1, Sakailawada Salem Indept;ndent Tiger 8. Teli Anant Ramchandra Bhaili Peth, Bicholim-Goo. Independent -Rising Sun Place: Panaji-Goa. N aini J eyaseelan Date: 3()'11-1984. Returning Officer for. 7, - BichoUm 4ssembly Constitu~ncy .¥'... "" ...... _ ...""_, ______________ m,,_-iiii$m_M~' ~k""~WM,MhM"~_M'M"M,M"M,M,M,,M¥'"""_'j~M_M4=''''N.'';.;;;z'',~,~"',.._,_w,,,'''",,''_,'',,'','''''==,_,,w, ,"_"'-,.,~-,.,,.,,--,=,-''''.~~~-. * 650 SERIES II No. 36' FORM 7A List of Contesting- Candidates [See Rule 10(1)] Election to the Goa, Daman and Diu Legisl8.tive Assembly from the 8 - Pale Assembly Constituency. Serial Name of candidate Address of candidate Party Affiliation' Symbol aBated No. 1 2 3 4 5 1. Bhagat Vithal Harichandra Bhagat Wada Amana Bicholim Independent Horse 2; Gaonkar B.abruvahan Nagesh H. No. 158/8, Salgaonkar Qtrs. Communist Part.Y of India Ears of Corn Vagus Surla, Bicholim & Sickle 3. G~was Raghuvir Vishnu Post Sanquelim Navelim Goa ", Independent Car 4. Karpe Shankar Subrai Vorchi Halli, Sanquelim Goa Independent Two Leaves 5. Maulingkar Anant Rama At Khodgine, Post Surla Taluka Independent Camel Bicholim 6. Parab Dashrath Kashinath- Kothambi P. O. SUria Goa Maharashtrawadi Lion Gomantak Party 7. Putu Jaidev Morajkar Sanquelim Karapur Kolamvada Independent Elephant 8. 'Shenvi Amonkar Prabhakar Shamba Post Marcel, Amana, H. No. 261/1 Independent Tiger 9. Shenvi Surlekar Laximikant SUl'la Post, Sanquelim Goa Independent Rising Sun Shantaram 10. Verenkar Chandrakant Vishwariatli Sunder Peth, Sanquelim Goa Indian National CongresF Hand Place: Panaji-Goa. Ndini Jeyaseelan Date: 30-11-1984. Returning Officer for 8 - Pale' Assembly Constituency FORM 7A List of Contesting Candidates [See Rule 10(1)] Election to the Goa, Daman and Diu Legislative Assembly from the 9 - Satari Assembly Constituency. Serial Name of candidate Addr(1Ss of ('aI1didate Party Affiliation Symbol aBated No. " 1 2 3 4 5 1. Desai Baburao Hirojil'ao 210/1, Thanem _Valpoi-Goa Independent Tiger ~. Desai Prakash Sakharam H. No. 250(1), -Kodal Kolam, P. O. Independent Elephant Sanquelim-Goa 3. Gonsalves Viney H. No. 15/1, Behind Govt. High Communist Party of India Ears of Corn School, Valpoi Satari & Sickle 4. Malsenkar Kaseo Shiva

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