PAGE 2 Monday, Nov. 29, 1965 OLD GOLD AND BLA.CK n T ' ~ B. Jn due c. to N f . ._ ongir two vensi the f 24-10 Cr< coacl .. - GREENSBORO I N. c. J. ~- ABOV recortl BELO ' . ' ' . ' . ' . - "" from 1 Combos Every FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY I • ' ;' . ;l' r~ .':.·. .~~ ... EACH SUNDAY BOB COLLINS AND ~ ~ ( f t:• ' J' . THE FABULOUS FIVE H ' ~,_ t \ \ Dickie Hemric, Len Chappell Top List Of Deacon Greats By BOBBY HATHAWAY 16 years the Deacons played Eastern Reg.ionals. He also STAFF WRITER un!der a number of mentors, coaclled such greats as Jim In 1906 .J. R. Crozier intro­ all of whom encountered only Waller, star of the 1939 NCAA duced intercollegiate basketball mediocre ·success. 'Ilhen in 1934 team and presently c!hief of to Nort•h Carolina. And Crozier -... Murray Greason stepped in to police in Winston-Salem; Low­ engineered Wake Forest's ftirst take the reins of leadership. ell <Lef:ty) Davis, one of the two wins over rival Duke Uni­ Under Grea•son, who wa.s head few three-time all-conference vensity (then Trinity College) coach from 1939-1957,Wake For­ selections, winner of tlhe 1955 the following year by scores of es;t won a total of 285 games. 24-10 and 15-5. Teague Memorial Award voted Greason piloted his annually to illi.e outSitanding Crozier remained as - head teams tourna- male atJhlete in tihe two Caro­ coach until 1918. For the next ment, in ltlhe 1953 lina's and now · 1lhe freshman bask~tball coach at Wake For- est; ·and Jack Murdock, who wa:s an All American in 1957 and is now head coaclh for ·f.the Deacs. Standing far above any of Greason's other stars, how­ ever, was Dick Hemric, the schoolboy wolllder from Jones­ ville N. C. and later a star with' the Bodton CeltiCJS. Hemric is the leadilng- scorer and re­ bounder in 1fhe school's lhis­ tory. In 1955 he averaged 19.0 carooms each game, and in one game against Clemson ihe grab­ CHAPPELL led Wake Forest to its basketball peak in UGZ, when bed 36, a conference ;record. the Deacs beat UCLA to captuJie third place nationally. When he finished lhis collegiate career in 1955, hls 2587 poilnts was the NCAA recond. This mark stood until the "big 0''. Oscar Robertson of Cincinnati, broke it in 1960 wi1Jh. a total of For An Ice Cream Treat 2973 points. Hemric still iholds ·1lhe NCAA Where All The Town's People reco.rd for the most f~ee :throws scored, haVting srmk 90~ foul Meet and Greet shots. In addition, he was All­ Southern Conference in '52 and '53, All-Atlantic Coast Confer­ ence in '54 and '55. ACC "Play­ er of :tihe Year" in '54 and '55, and All-American in both 1954 and 1955. In 1957 an important date in WF basketball lb.istory OCCUT­ red: Horace <Bones) McKinney became !head coach. Unlder Bones' tutela-ge ithe Deacon teams rolle'd to a 121-93 !rec­ ord, including at one time 16 ABOVE-Diekie Hemric, Deacon star who held NCAA scoriog straiglht home wins. Bones also captured the conference crmvn record for five years until Oscar Robertson broke it. twice and placed second in the BELOW-~ig Num·ber Fifty, Len Chappell, puts up a hook shot 1961 Eastern Regiomals. from the foul line against arch-rival UNC. ".Dhi.s dynamic, unpredictable leader coached Wake Forest to the most succeSISful year in the school's basketball history in 1962. His team won the ACC ti.tie and, after exciting over­ KITCHEN-FRESH. CUSTOM PACKED time victories ·over Yale and St. Joseph's, defeated Villanova . win the Eastern Regionals. The Deacons then traveled to Old Dominion Candies Louisville to meet Ohio State, Cincinnati, and U.C.L.A. for the national championship. Mter a semi-final los..s to •top-ranked Ohio State, Bones' boys de­ feated U.C.L.A. to c·apture third place in the nation. Illlamonos! McKi.'llney coaC'.hed suclh stars ' . as Billy Packer, Wlho led Wake to two conference champion­ Allons! ships and who dn 1959 became tJhe only sophomore ever to be chosen as the Most Valuable Player in 1:Jhe D'ixie ClaSisic; Let~ go! ~ and Dave Budd, two time all­ [~ conference selection and mow l ~;;~ . '• witlh tthe New York Knicker­ bockers. In any language, the Portage, Pa. provided Bones with his greatest star. Lennie going's better when you fly: Chappell, all-ACC in '60, . '61, and '62, broke the vast ma­ For one thing, flights operate on schedules to meet your jority of tlhe school and the travel needs (which eliminates finding a ride, enduring long conference records. He holds trips). For another, you enjoy complete the school record for most comfort--r.nodernF-27 poLnts in one game, scoring 50 prop-jets and 404 against Virginia in '62. He also Pacemakers are radar­ owns the conference records equipped, air-conditioned for most points in a three-year and pressurized. career (2165) and for mosot ·so get going. Cali points in one ·season <932). Piedmont or your travel Fmally lhe was chosen as an agent for service that7 s All-American in '61 and·· '62 and fast, convenient and was on the 1963 AAA all-star squad. economicaL In a spec-ial clllapel c·eremony in. Aimil. 1962, Chappell's big number 50 was retired to join the 24 of Hemric, both lasting !~PIEDMONT memorials to great competi­ tom:· "'J' AIRLINES PAGE4 Mollday, N10v. 29, 1965 OLD GOLD AND BLACK Fran's Tavern Deacs To Unveil By BILL NELSON lost some key pensonnel from Hutchins, a native of "n'enton, 4721 Baux Mountain Rd. ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR last year's squad, including the N. J. was .red-shirted last year team's second and •th-ird !high­ Last year, the Wake Forest while Joyner saw ·action in 15 est scorers, center Watts and games, 1Sco1~ing a higih of ~even Demon Deacons suffered their guard J001n Ande:r:son. first losing !Season in five years points in ·a !home conif:est with North Carolina. Call 7679920 wthen they closed with a 12-15 Watts, who also led the team in rebounds with a'n average record and Coach Mu.rdock, JUNIORS now serving his apprenticeship of 13 per game and a 19.2 as !head coach, hopes that his­ scoring average, will undoubt­ The junior class 1has the larg­ tory isn't going to repeat itself. edly be mi·ssed the most be­ est representation on the basket­ cause of his· .s-trength under ilhe ball team with eight members, "Our style of play must be backboards. His field goal ac­ different this year," ·noted Mur­ 1!hree of whom lettered last year OLD TOWN curacy was ·also tlhe ·highest on as sophomores. dock, •'because we just \haven't the team-.527 as he connected It is around these boys that got our .strength in ·t.lle pivot on 175 of 332 attempts: position." Coach Murdock will h-ave to CLEANERS In the backcourt, the Deacons form his forward wall and he The pivot position is provi.o::ling have been weakened by the loss • the biggest problems for Mur­ ihas some good material £.rom For Complete Dry Cleaning And of Anderson who coarried a 13-6 which to c!hoose. - dock now, but he feels that scoring average and the !highest Laundry Service Newton Scott, a junior who was free throw percentage (.828) as JIM BOSHART red-Sihirted last year may be he hit on 72 of 87 attempts for SP·EO·IAL the answer to fill t!he gap left one of the best marks in the At 215 pounds, forwai'd Jim by Ronnie Watts. nation. Boshart is the heaviest man ''Scott does ma111y of the Also missing from this year's on the team. He was the foUITtih 5 BL.OUSES -- $1.00 With Dry Cleaning things that we'll need this year team are iorwards Richard leading .scorer and ·tih!iTd lead­ -he blocks s'hots well and is Herring wiho carded a 5.3 .scor­ ing rebounder from last year's OR fast up and down bhe court," ing average and Jim Alten­ team when !he had a 1LO scor­ continued Murdock w.ho took garten \vlho averaged 4.6 points ing mark and pickett off an 5 S'HIRTS -- $1.00 With Dry Gleaning over following the resignation per game. average of 6.6 rebounds per of Bones McKinney a month Ball-hawk Dickie Myers, waw game. 3705 Reynolda Rd. WA 42102 ngo. was one of the four Deacons He mtssed only one ·game at Offensively, the Deacons will who ·saw action in ·all 27 forward last season and had again be a running team. "We games, will also be out of tlhe a !Season biglh of 24 pomts plan to do a lot of running with line-up after iinishing la,st year against Duke when the De.acs the ball," noted Murdock, "if averaging less than two points were :defeated 91-86. we can just get i't off tlhe per game. CLARK POOLE boards." T!here are only four seniors Getting the ball off .tJhe boards on ·t:his year'·s squad of 18, and Another letterman is Clark PATTERSON'S one 190 will be one of the major pro- of these will be eligible Poole, a pound forward. to play next year. All four are Poole played in all but three guards and this ·s!hould make games last year, pickilllg off 61 the Deacons the strongest and rebounds anld 'SCOring 77 points.
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