Ohio Truck limes Government »S Directory <^* 1987-81QA7.flf8i Published by The Ohio Trucking Association 110 >3.9771 171 )87-88 ! Th, port of call waiting for you just down the road. Port of call—Toledo, Ohio. In Toledo, you can browse quaint shops by the dozens at Portside. And see ships of the world while strolling in Promenade Park. In Toledo, you can ride a horse-drawn carriage to uptown nightlife and downtown restaurants. And enjoy the hospitality of some really great hotels. In Toledo, you can experience a riverboat cruise down the winding Maumee, see the Greater Toledo Office of Tourism and wonders of the art world in our museum Conventions and the wonders of the animal world in 218 Huron Street Toledo, Ohio 43604 our zoo. And that's just for starters. (419) 243-8191 Whether you're looking for a weekend getaway or a week's adventure, think of our town. Ask us for a free guide to all the exciting experiences waiting for you just a few miles down the road—in Toledo, Ohio. OHIO TRUCK TIMES cjrio luck Times 192 894 9666 Welcome from the OHIO TRUCKING ASSOCIATION Ohio Trucking Association Published biennially in odd-numbered years Within days after each November 4 election, and sometimes a PUBLICATION STAFF day or two before, the Ohio Trucking Association office receives Donald B. Smith, Publisher phone calls asking if the new edition of this directory is ready. David F. Bartosic, Editor Such enthusiasm for the work we do in publishing the magazine is heartening, but frankly, if we could predict the election's outcome EDITORIAL AND BUSINESS OFFICES that well we'd be in another line of work. Because the directory's pulse beats for two years, it is in your Suite 1111 best interest to wait until all variables are stabilized. That way you 50 West Broad Street receive a reference guide that is as current as it can be. Columbus, Ohio 43215 The first Ohio Truck Times Government Directory debuted 20 Phone: 614/221-5375 years ago around this time. It has grown in size and popularity over the years, adapting to the types of information you want and the ASSOCIATION STAFF accuracy you need. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions for further refinement. Donald B. Smith, Executive Vice I would also like to direct your attention to the sponsors of this President edition, its advertisers. Without their support, it would not be pos­ R. Thomas King, Director, sible to publish. It is my hope that you will consider using the Governmental Relations products and services displayed on these pages and thank them David F. Bartosic, Director, Public for their contribution. Relations In receiving this directory, you are also entitled to periodic up­ Linda Starr, Bookkeeper dates as resignations occur and vacancies are filled. Just contact Becky Burington, Secretary our offices and one will be mailed to you in proper form to paste Roger Day, General Counsel over the previous listing. Again, I thank you for your patience in waiting until we felt that ASSOCIATION OFFICERS there would be no more major changes in state government. Just one small alteration can often cause a domino effect resulting in in­ William G. Verst, President accuracies throughout the book. We wanted to bring you the Edward E. Ross, First Vice President best, and I hope we have. Jay L. Kaplan, Second Vice President Thomas L. Cook, Secretary A. Roger Atkinson, Treasurer Daniel E. Fuhrman, Chairman of the Board Philip E. Lattavo, ATA Vice President from Ohio Membership dues reflect a five dollar annual subscription for the magazine. copyright 1987, The Ohio Trucking Association A Staff: (1 to r) David Bartosic, Linda Starr, Donald Smith, Tom King, William G. Verst me Bartosic, Becky Burington. Photo by MAK. OTA President "Do- you need &: Control overhead costs? (Reduce workers' comp costs) Reduce employee lost time? (Efficiency factor) Reduce employee turnover? (Hiring, Training, Administrative costs) Stay out of the loan business? COLONIAL LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Recognized by Forbes and Changing Times Magazines as an Industry Leader. Recommended by Ohio Trucking Association. Colonial meets the needs of more than half State Governments. Bob Ward Q*Afrrf 663 Park Meadow Road Westerville, Ohio 43081 (614) 882-3990 WE BELIEVE IN GOOD GOVERNMENT CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 117TH OHIO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ATKINSON TRANSFER, INC. 1516 NICHOLAS RD. DAYTON, OH 45418 513-268-4100 )HIO WATS 800-762-3600 INTERSTATE 800-543-3680 FAST AND DEPENDABLE MOTOR FREIGHT SERVICE WITH SAVINGS SINCE 1955 OHIO TRUCK TIMES truck world, inc. truck world v I'/UJ oil product/ HUBBARD DIESEL FUEL* JET FUEL* SHELL LUBRICANTS 1-80 at Rts. 7 & 62 Quality Products Excellent Service The Truckers' Home Away From Home Competitive Prices • Complete Fuel Service OHIO • Repair Services • Fine Restaurants WORLD'S 1-800-362-9639 • Comfortable Motel WITH TERMINALS IN • Shopping Mall FINEST" Brecksville Columbus SERVING TRUCKING WITH OUR QUALITY Norwalk Lima _^_ • •- • ', v -.J'J'.iilH!,! •Mi^ OHIO TRUCK TIMES ty, subsequently teaching there for one year as a Carnegie Teaching Fel­ low. In 1961, he went to Oxford Uni­ versity as Ohio's Rhodes Scholar conducting research on American dip­ lomatic relations. In 1963, Celeste returned to Yale for additional graduate study and accept­ ed a six-month assignment as a staff li­ aison officer with the Peace Corps' Di­ vision of Volunteer Support for Latin America later that year. He served as executive assistant to the U.S. Ambassador to India during the Kennedy Administration, return­ ing to Cleveland after four years where he joined the National Housing Cor­ poration, a small firm specializing in the development of housing for senior citizens of moderate incomes. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter ap­ pointed Dick Celeste director of the Peace Corps. As director, he was re­ sponsible for a budget of over $100 million and programs involving thou­ sands of volunteers in 62 developing RICHARD F. CELESTE nations. GOVERNOR Mr. Celeste was elected governor in 1982 and re-elected in 1986. io Governor Richard F. Celeste tatives. In 1974, he was elected lieu­ Governor Celeste and his wife, Dag- i his political career in 1970 when tenant governor. mar, are the parents of six children; 'as elected for the first of two Governor Celeste, 49, graduated Eric, Christopher, Gabriella, Noelle, > to the Ohio House of Represen­ magna cum laude from Yale Universi- Natalie and Stephen. Dayton's Schools Outstanding Gradu­ B.S.; George Washington University, ate; Outstanding Community Leader M.S., Cleveland State University, J.D. Award, Knights of Columbus. Member: AMVETS; VFW; Colum­ bus Chapter, Navy League; League of Women Voters; Great Lakes Commis­ sion, vice chairman, 1978; Board of Visitors, U.S. Naval Academy, 1980- 82, chairman in 1982; Captain, U.S. Naval Reserve; chairman, Environ­ mental Committee, National Assn. of Attorney Generals. Recipient: One of Five Outstanding Legislators, Ohio Magazine, 1978; Honor Medal from National Freedoms Foundation, 1980, 1986; Navy Com­ mendation Medal. PAUL R. LEONARD Adams County residents each year receive about $7,897,174 from the t utenant Governor. Ohio Rep. trucking industry. This figure repre­ I $0; Mayor of Dayton, 1981-86. sents $210,221 in truck registration | :: 43; single. ANTHONY J. CELEBREZZE, fees; $382,953 in fuel taxes and I iduate: Ohio University, B.A. JR. $7,304,000 in wages to the industry's »L" alism; Salmon P. Chase Law 332 workers in Adams County. -H il, law degree. Attorney General, 1983-present, 30 I mber: Dayton Bar Assn.; Nation- E. Broad St., 17th floor, Columbus, Allen County residents each year re­ 1 igue of Cities; U.S. Conf. of May- 43215; Ohio Secretary of State, 1979- ceive about $84,684,897 from the i Montgomery Co. Democratic 83; state senator, 1975-79. trucking industry. This figure repre­ fl nittee (Screening Committee); Age: 45; wife, Louisa; sons, An­ sents $1,143,865 in truck registration 1 i Valley Regional Planning Com- thony III, David, Charles; daughters, fees; $535,032 in fuel taxes and ™ on, chairman; Dayton Urban Catherine, Maria. 16306 St. Anthony $83,006,000 in wages to the industry's *S ie Board of Directors. Lane, Cleveland, 44111. Phone: 614/ 3,773 workers in Allen County. ." -ipient: Ohio University Alumni 466-4320. •I of Fame; First Annual Award, Graduate: U.S. Naval Academy, OHIO TRUCK TIMES treasurer, 1981; Carter delegate from Adjutant General 7th congressional district, 1980; Dem­ ocratic committeewoman, three terms from 1976; Marion Technical College, trustee; Marion County Democratic Club, past president, 1976; Health Maintenance Organization Board, vice chairman; United Way board, 1981- 82; Marion Area Community Improve­ ment Corp., 1981-present; Midwestern Region, National Assn. of State Treas­ urers, vice president; Board of Ad­ visors, College of Home Economics, The Ohio State University. Recipient: Elected to 1986 Ohio Women's Hall of Fame; elected treas­ urer of the National Assn. of State Auditors, Comptrollers & Treasurers, 1986. SHERROD BROWN Secretary of State, 30 E. Broad St., 14th floor, Columbus, 43215. Ohio MAJ. GEN. RAYMOND R Rep., 1974-82. GALLOWAY Age: 34; daughters, Emily, Eliza­ Adjutant General, Ohio Natio beth. 337 W. Fifth Ave., Columbus, Guard Adjutant General, 2825 43201. Phones: 614/294-7363 (H), 614/ Granville Rd., Worthington, 430 466-2655 (O). Military service since 1946. Graduate: Yale University, B.A.; Age: 59; 118 Carrowmoor Ct., D The Ohio State University, M.A. lin, 43017. Phone: 614/889-7070 (0). Member: National Assn. of Secre­ Graduate: The Ohio State Univei taries of State; Central Executive Com­ ty, 1954; numerous military train* mittee of Ohio Democratic Party; Ohio courses. Consumer's Association Board; Cen­ Member: Masonic Lodge; Tol tral Ohio Boy Scouts Council; Mans­ master International; Tadmor Shrii field Jaycees; Project VOTE!, direc­ Legion of Honor; North Stark Shii tor.
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