85 AGENDAITEM No. 5 - 9 MID ARGYLL, KiNTYRE & ISLAY AREA COMMITTEE 7 January 1998 ARGnLAND BUTE COUNCIL MINUTE of MEETING OF AREA CQMMIITEE FOR MID ARGYLL, KINTYRE AND ISLAY held in COUNCIL CHAMBERS, KILMORY on WEDNESDAY, 7 JANUARY 1998 Present: Councillor Donald MacMillan (Chair) Councillor Robert Currie Councillor Robin Currie Councillor Bruce Robertson Cauncitlor Archie McCallum Councillor Alastair McKinlay Counciilor George McMillan Councillor Alison Hay Councillor John Findlay Councillor Dugald McKinnon Attending: Deirdre Forsyth, Area Corporate Services Manager Angus Smith, Area Social Work Manager Ian Fawcett, Area Environmental Services Manager David Black, Area Manager, Planning, Revelopment & Tourism David McInnes, Area Housing Manager Donnie McLeod, Roads & Transportation, Area Manager Seamus Laior. Head of Economic Deveioprnent Robert Stevenson, Head of Corporate Support Arthur Barclay, West of Scotland Water Authority 1. URGENT ITEM The Chairman decided in terms of Section 50B (4) (b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, and the Committee agreed in terns of Standing Orders that Item 5.1 which was not specified in the agenda should be considered as a matter of urgency because of the need for a decision to be taken prior to the next meeting. 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Strathclyde Police 3. MINUTES OF MEETING OF 3RD DECEMBER 1997 3.1 The committee amended the minutes at item 9.1 as follows:- Add to the end of the Decision the following "along with the local member" and thereafter agreed the minutes of their meeting of 3rd December 1997 as a correct record. 4. WEST OF SCOTLAND WATER AUTHOIUTY A presentation on current and future proposals for the area was given by Mr Arthur Barclay, Area Manager, West of Scotland Water Authority. Questions were put and answered and Mr Barclay was thanked for his presentation. 88 5. DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT SERVICES 5.1 Tarbert Scottish Series Yachting Event There was submitted a report on funding the Tarbert Scottish Series Yachting Event by the Director of Planning Development and Tourism dated 7 .January 1998. 1. The Committee agreed to make a contribution to the Tarbert Enterprise Company for the purpose of running the Tarbert Scottish Series yacht racing event of a total of E10,OOO in 1998 from the Business Development and Environmental Services Budgets, this assistance being subject to confirmation of the funding packages from AIE and EU KONVER. 2. The Committee agreed to the Chairman and Local Member participating in pubficity and arrangements for the event as appropriate. 6. CORPORATE AND LEGAL SERVICES 6.1 Rural Partnership An update was given to the Committee by Robert Stevenson, Head of Corporate Support, on the present position regarding Argyll and Bute Rural Partnership. 6.2 Dalintuber/Millknowe Area Development Group The meeting noted the minutes of the DalintoberMilIknowe Area Development Group held in Campbeltown on 31 October 1997. 6.3 Islay and Jura Liaison Group The meeting noted the minutes of the Islay and Jura Liaison Group held in Islay on 27 November 1997. 6.4 Kintyre Initiative Working Group The meeting noted the minutes of the Kintyre Initiative Working Group held in Campbeltown on 1 December 1997. As arising therefrom it was noted that the Campbeltown/Ballycastle ferry would commence for 4 days a week from 8th - 31st May from Campbeltown, and then resume on 19th June until 11th October daily from Ballycastle. 89 7. HOUSING 7.1 Provision of housing for wheelchair users in Kintyre There was submitted a report by Area Housing Services Manager on the provision of housing for wheelchair users in Kintyre. Decision 1. To note the report. 2. To agree that the Committee along with appropriate officials would meet Housing Associations, Health representatives and Scottish Homes in order to discuss the provision of housing for wheelchair users in the area. (Reference - Report by Area Housing Services Manager dated 7 January 1998) 8. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 8.1 Campbeltown Library - Surplus Books There was submitted a report by Area Environmental Services Manager on Campbeltown Library - Surplus Books Decisioq To continue the matter to the next meeting to allow hcal Members to inspect the books. (Reference - Report by Principal Library and Information Services Officer dated 7 January 1998) 8.2 Food Safety - De-Boning of Beef There was submitted and noted a report by Head of Public Protection on Food Safety - De-Boning of Beef. (Reference - Report by Head of Public Protection dated 7 January 1998) 9. DEVELOPMENT CONTROL 9.1 Design Awards Presentation Mr Mike Nicolson, Manager of Lagavulin Distillery presented the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay Design Award to David Clough of Kilmartin House Museum who was present along with the main contractor Simon Gregory and the architect Jeremy Walker. The Committee congratulated Mr Clough and his team on their achievement. 9.2 Piansling Applications to be considered The Committee considered and dealt with applications for planning permission as detailed in the list attached to this minute (appendix 1). 9.3 Delegated decisions by the Director of Planning, Development and Tourism The Committee noted decisions issued by the Director of Planning, Development and Tourism as detailed in reports dated 11 December 1997. Enforcements The Committee resolved in terms of Section 50A (41 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to excIude the public for the following 3 items of business on the grounds that they were likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 13 and 9 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. 9.4.1 Enforcement 09/95/0006 To agree the recommendations 9.4.2 Listing To agree the recommendation 10. PROPERTY SERVICES 10.1 Land at AchagaiI, Minard There was submitted a report by Property and Technical Services about the disposal of land at Achagoil, Minard. Decision 1. To declare the site surplus to requirements to facilitate a sale to the adjoining proprietor(s) 2. Property Services to approach the owners of the two houses at 5 and 6 Achagoil to ascertain whether either would wish to take the opportunity to purchase half the site. Property Services and Legal Services should thereafter negotiate terms and conclude sales with eitherhoth of the interested parties. 11. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 11.1 Public Protection Service - Presentation Presentations by David Ken, Animal Health Welfare Officer, Kate Connelly, Trading Standards Officer and Alan Morrison, Environmental Health Officer were noted with interest . Appendix 1 ARGYLL AND BUTE COUNCIL TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING APPLICATIONS CONSIDERED BY THE MID ARGYLL, KINTYRE & ISLAY AREA COMMITTEE AT THEIR MEETING ON 7 JANUARY 1998 Awlication 07/94/0012/EU Susan Ellison - Appiication for Certificate of Lawfulness. Erection of two storage buildings at Barmore, By Tarbert Decision That a certificate of Lawfulness be granted under Section 150 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 in terms of the erection of two buildings for the storage of domestic furniture at Barmore, by Tarbert. 97/01372/LIB Mr Duncan Buie - Listed Building Application. Alteration, extension and change of use of former Smithy to form dwelling, ground floor flat, Pier House, Craighouse, Jura. Decision That Listed Building Consent be granted subject to the conditions and reasons contained in the report by the Director of Planning, Development and Tourism dated 25 November 1997. 97/0 13 76/COU Mr Duncan Buie - Application for Change of Use. Alteration, extension and change of use of former Smithy to form dwelling, ground floor flat, Pier House, Craighouse, Jura. Decision That planning consent be approved subject to the conditions and reasons outlined in the report by the Director of Planning, Development and Tourism dated 25 November 1997. 97/01508/DET Brenfield Estate - Detailed Planning Application. Housing Leisure and Recreation Development, Brenfield, Ardrishaig. Decision To continue the application. 97/01589/OUT Church of Scotland General Trustees - Outline Application. Site for the erection of a dwellinghouse, land adjacent to Braeface, Tayvallich. Decision To continue the application. 97/0 1594DET A J Furneaux - Detailed Application. Erection of Dwellinghouse and garage, Plot 1, West Loch Tarbert, by Tarbert. This application was withdrawn. 97/01645/DET Mr & Mrs Bridgland - Detailed Application. Renovation and extension of existing derelict cottages and installation of 6000 litre septic tank at Crinan Harbour. It was reported that the Section 75 agreement has now been completed. Decisios That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and reasons contained in the report by the Director of Planning, Development and Tourism dated 4 December 1997 and on the basis of the Section 75 agreement aIready entered into. 97/01657/DET Kwikfit Properties Ltd. - Detailed Application. Alterations to building to form Motorist Centre and MOT Station at Dalmally Road, Inveraray. Decision That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and reasons contained in the report by the Director of Planning, DeveIopment and Tourism dated 8 December 1997. .
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