Repuotic of lne enitippines Deporlmenl of Educotion Reqion X DIVISION OF ISI.AYBAfAY CITY Purok 6, Cosisong, Moloyboloy Cily Telefox 314-0094 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. ll-? s,2018 TO: Chief Educolion Supervisors & Stoff, CID & SGOD Public ond Privote Elementory ond Secondory School Heods This Division -t0rritrt-tn-- ) i r',;-llrlt ii\/8.1rt t\1, Cl y rj r/t.roft tFi From r.. oPtENAR|A, CESO Vt r +rltirtfi s Division Superin ndenl l'rr,2'!4 BY: *r;, Dole: Februory 22,2018 Subject: DISSEMINATION OF DEPE MEAAORANDUM NO. 29, S.2OI8 RE: COMPOSITION OF THE 20I8 PAI.ARONG PAMBANSA TECHNICAI. MANAGEMENI AND ADMINISIRATION. AND DESIGNATION OF CHAIRPERSONS Of IHE VARIOUS AAANAGEMENI WORKING COMAAlrIEES '1. This Office hereby disseminotes lhe herein DepEd Memorondum No. 27, S.2018 eniilled "Composition of the 20i8 Polorong Pombonso Technicol Monogement ond Adminiqtrotion, ond Designolion of Choirpersons of 'the Vorious Monogemenl Worliing Committees, for informolion ond guidonce I 2. lmmediote disseminotio rl of thls memorondum is highly desired I Copy f wished: Records Unit TO BE POSTEDTHE WEBSITE t'P-*ot$:',. 3tl![]tu !a lE 3litimiBls Separtnent of Glucation 1g rB ?3ro DeDEd MEMORANDT'M u". 029 , s.2Ol8 COUPiOAlflOT OT THE 2018 PTLIROI(I P,I&Ll,sA TECIITICAL xAITAGETEIfI AI|D,/tDXIIftSTRA?tOr{, ArD DEAIOTAflOI{ OF CIIAIRPEnSOTTS OF TEE VARIOUA IAXAGEXETIT SORI TG @EMTEES Undersecretaries Assistarrt Secretaiies Eh.rreau and Service Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Super:intendents Public artd Private Eleinentarj. and S€condary School Heads AII Others Concemed 1. In accordance witi the conduct of the 2Ol8 Palomng Patubansa, which will be held ifl the Proyince of Ilocos Sur froa April l5 to 21, 2018, enclosed is the Paldrcng Pambar.sa Board Memoranduq No. 2, s, 2018 entitled Coopo.Itlo! of ttc 2Ol8 Pdatong ht t,grt'fl. Tcch4c.I U.lrgatnc8t ard AdDlnLtnttol, a.d lrctlsrruo! of Cleltlrcnoar of tf,e Vrrlour tran goEe[t Wofilrg CoaDlttcc. signed by the Secretarjr-Genersl, Undcrsecretaq/ Tonisito M.C. Umali Esq. 2. The Technical ManageEent and Ad{ririsaation identfied in the Enclosure of this MeEoramdua shall now serve as the Palarong Pdtnb@ltsa Secretariat witiout prejudice to the Secretary-Genera.l, Uqdersecretary Tonisito M.C. Umali Esq.; appointing oole members from the Dephrtment of Education (DepEd), Philippine Sports ComEission (PSC), and D€partaent of lnte.ior and lrcal Govemrtrent (DILC), consistent with Rule ll, Section 10 of tlle lEplemeoting Rules and Regulations (lRR) of the Pa.lamflg Panbansa Act of 2013 and Article II, Section 7 (Par. 2) of Republic Act No. lo58a. 3. All provisions in orders, memoranda, and other related issuances, iacluding but not lirdted to DepEd Memorandum No. 178, s. 2016 entitled Reconstituting the Palarong [email protected] Board, which are inconsistcnt with tlrese guidelines are retr ealed, rescinded, or modified accotdingly. 4. This Memorandum shall take eEect i&mediately upon its approval. 5. For more information, contact either Dr. P.ulo O, fotitr, Senior Education PrograJo Specialist or fi. LcEu.l C. vrles, Project Developmelrt omcer III, Bureau of tearner Support Services-School Sports Division [BLSS-SSD), 3rd Floor, Mabini Building, Department oi Education {DepEdl Central Ollice, DepEd Complcx, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telephone no. {02) 632-0260 or eaail at: [email protected]. 6. Immediate disscmination of tlus lemorandum is desired. XAGIOLIS BRIOTES SecletarY D.pEd Codrplq, M.ral@ ABu., Pa.ia ciry 1600 F u""-rnu,uu.r"u, *.-r"u, A u.*ru,*r.uzo, l*.o.o.o-*.on EIrcl As stated Reference: DepEd Memoranduh No. (178, s 2016) To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: ATHLETICS COMMITTEES OFFICIALS RULES AND REGULATIONS SPORTS STUDENTS R-MCR DM,Cdpodrid of rlt 2OlA Pal@ g tu^b@a S* o l2l / Acbruary E, 2018 (Ehclosure to DepEd Memorandum No o21 s. 2018) PALAROT{G PAMBAN'A BOARD Dqdrtneot of Edti@tion Philiryne Wrb @mnis m DqtuHt of lotuior aN Lqal @remnent ffi@@ Office ofthe Secretdry ceneral P!{IIROJE PeEIUUSA UEUORAI|DITU No.2, s. 2018 OOUP()SIIIOT OT Tf,E 2OIA PAIAROIIE PTETNA TDCEI{IOAL XAIIAGEXIIIIT ArD ADXTIIISTRAflO& /tID DISIGTATIOT OF CEAIRPERAOTS OT THEVIRIOUA UAXIG@IIT WORBING @X IfTEEA To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries R ional Slecretary, ARMM Elureau and Service Directoas Regional Dtectors Schools Division Superintendents Public and Private Uementary and Seandary schools Heads AII Others Concerned l. Ire line witll the conduct of the ml8 hlatwtg kot,d,ne&oE April l5 to 21, 2018 in the Provine of Ilocos Sur, enclosed are the of the Technical Managernent and Adminietlation (TMA), and the chairpersons the various man-sgement working comEittees. 2. The deabers oft}!e rEanagement working committees shall be identfied in a separate memorandultr upon the complction of an objective selection process in consultation with tie Secretaiy-General and the designated chairpelson of each committee. 3. The Technical Management and Administration identified under ttre Enclooure ofthis Memorandum shall now serve as the Fa-larong PonDarrsa Seq€tariat without prejudice to the Secretary-General, Undelsecretaiy Tonisito M. C. Umali, Esq.; appointing more members from the Department ofE<lucation (DepEl), Philippitre Sports Coromission (PSC), and Depart&ent of Interior and l4cd Goeemmert (DII.G), consistent witlt Rule fl, Section lo of t}rc Lnplementing Rulea and Regulations (lRR) ofthe Palatong Paabanso Act of2013 and Article I , Section 7 {Par. 2} of Republic Act (RA} 10588. 4- Immediate dis.semination of this Memorandum is desired. T,oM8IIo I.C. Ir ALl, E q, Undersecleta4/ Secretary-General, Pdldrong Pannbansa (Encloaure to Pcl@rong Pcmbansc Memorandufn No. 2, s. 2018) ORGATI T.fibIfAI, STRUCrI'RE 2OIA PAI.'hOM} PT B/tIlET Apr l5-2r,20l8 T.chdcal an geAsat rld Ad.sblrts.tlo! ChairEan Underseqetary Tonisito M.C. Umali, Esq. Vice-Chairmen PSC Comlnissioner Charles Ra].mond A. Maxey DILC As$stant Secletary Marjorie N. Jalosjos Sefietary Director Jos€ T. Rosales Executive Director Dr- O. Motita II Deputy Exec. Dir. Adrninislrator Cara Michelle V. Peredo Members Ms. J Elizabetl S. Brillantes Mr. km+l C. Valles Mr. J6.heF Julius liquigan Ms. Rhodpra C, Arsenio Mr. Vic A, Datinguinoo Mr. Jason R. Razal Mr Dano Usaagct[cnt qorHng C@lrlttcca Chairman Dr. Paulo ). Motit lI School Sporb Div Co-Chair Elizabeth S. Brilantes School SDorts Div Vice-Chairman R. Rezel School Sports Div Membcrs Opcration Officcr I C. Velles School Sports Div Executive S€crctary Ms. Rhodde C. Arsenio School SDorts Div Administrative Officer Mr. JaEes Julius Liouisan School Sports Div Technicsl Assistant Mr. Vic A. Datincuinoo School SDorts Div Over'all Coordinator Dr. Paulo O. Motita II School Sports Div. Chairman Dr. Darius C. Nieto Rcs. I Membcrs Dr. Joselito L. NaraE Rce. lI Mr. Sammv P. SamDanr ReR, III Ms. Pacita O. Lunecav Rec. [V-A Mr. Esrneraldo G. Lalo Res. IV-B Encr. Roneld C. Asis Res. V Dr. Amelitr C. Pitalao ReE. VI Ms. Luz C. Jandavan Rec. VII Mr. c€sar P. Verunque ReE. VIII Dr. Eueenb B. Penales Res- IX Dr. Raymond S. Antolo Res, X Mr. tro Asilo Ree. xI Dr. MaPdaleno C. DuhilaE Re(. XII Dr. Taya K, Aplal ARMM Dr. Agustin B. GumuwanP CAR Mr- Bcrnard Ab€llarla Cara.Ea Dr. Jocelyn V. Marcial NCR 3. toE .!.it &!.rt.l6t ... i Tbwndtn&*.Idnagarr: Req/]ar SoorTs: Over-all Superyisor Mr. Jason R. Rsz€l school Sports Div Aachcry Ms. Mildrcd M. Dc Lon Rcr. IV-A. PANNA Mr. Al P. Pe Rec. V Athletics Mr. VirEito ,. Pedilla ReR. I BadmiDton Mr. Jason F Razal School SDorts Div Ba8cball Mr. Gi€clo r Ulep Rec. I Basketb6ll Mr. Edilberi Re* I Billiard Mr. Jofran l Iyl G. TuD6s Rcs. Vl Mr. Maximq D. Abalos NCR, ABAP Boxing Ms. Carina ABAP Chess lvlr. Romeo i. Espirilu Jr Rec. III Football Mr. Rufino l ). Arellano Rcc. V F\tsal Mr. Neri Go lilano Req. VI Men's Artistic Gymnastics Mr. Julius r ,. Arandia Rcr. V WoEren's Artistic GYmnastics Ms. Amelia B. BeEonia Rec. II Rhythmic Gl'mnastics Mr. Russel lonquillo Res. III SeDak Takraw TBA Softball Mr. Paulo l! NCR Swimminc Mr. l,€o An, elo A. Sanchez ARMM Tabte T.nnis Mr. Altuo A.M. CamEcho III Rcr. IV-B. TATAP Mr. Hamv P. Tabuada Rcs. lV-B Mr. Mario Erigi[sna Reg. lV-B lTechnical Adviset) T€nnis Mr. ADolina rio R. Aldama Rec. III Volleyball Mr- Nestor ,. Bello NCR Wrcltling NCR Wuahu Ms. Dani K i D. Basilio Rec. VI Psiacatnes Mr. Dennis G. Ert PHIISPADA Demonstrution Spo,7s: DanceaDort Ms. Ana Dulce Yanso DSCP Pencak Silat Dr. Lino Ba NSA Aerobic Oymnaatica MB. Anna I- )u M. Carreon NCR, GAP To'l g.crg,ara..: tgA 1. ',rr',nt Ofiice of thc Dir. for Chairman Dir. Armardo C. Ruiz Chaifman Asec. G.H. S. Ambet OSEC Co-Chan Ms. Blanquita Dolor€s D. Bautista Chairman OSEC Co-Chair Dir. Joel S. Ercstain Procuremcnt a itrfixloa {!oiir! Chairmarl Mr. Deogr{ias B. Genito EMIS Div Chairman Ms. Jcssica Etiabeth S. Brilantes School Sports Div 9. fdE&rtttr.t$! tartort*l Chairmsn Ms. Rhodola C. Arsenio School Sports Div Tearh Leaders Gallery of Athlctes Ms. Cecilia R. Mcndiole Culture & Arts Ofricc Omc€ of US€c. for IP{i3latilr Atrairs/ Ms. Rhea External PartnershiF/ Jrerad School Sports Medical Dr. Maria Dumliao SHD omce of USec. for Nilo G. Sabandal Transportation Mr. L€cislative Afrairs/ External ParheBhipa/ School Sports Awatds and Ccremonies Dr. Yolanda M. Gonales Res. III Security Mr C- Sison Gcneral Servicrs Div Custodian of Supplies t Ecrloan Chairman Dir. Robr rt M. Aqu8ti! Admin. Scn ice lL.rotr ofAtaaa!. Chairma]r Attv. Dor dnco B. Alidon Lml Div Co-Chair Atty. Rhoan G.L.
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