"» "\ VOLUME 40 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 1936. NUMBER 36 Bobbie Gothro Parilee Hammond Betty Hayden Donald Kaley County Fair ^School Starts Lloyd Hayden Fred Murray The Picnic Is Claude Hitchcock Gloria Shaw Meaday, Sept. 14 Harold Howe Donald Shay Next Monday Next Week Lyle Kowalske Albert Touchstone Barber — McMillan . James Lewis LeRoy Touchstone PINE ATTRACTIONS OFFERED TEACHING PERSONNEL!. ~AND ANNUAL COUNTY AFFAIR LA- At FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL SCHEDULE FOR STUDENTS Fourth Grade — Mr*. Jeuie Hagar DAY, SEPTEMBER 7. At high noon Saturday, August Donald Ager Albert Slate 29th, 1936, at the home of Rev. and Beverly Bennett Jack Somerville Nothing is being left undone to in- Mrs. James Leitch, of East Jordan, The fifty-first annual > Charlevoix The East " Jordan- Consolidated the marriage of Mr. - John Franklin Schools will open for the school Katherine Blossie Eva TerAvest sure all Charlevoix county citizens a County Fair gets under way at Eaft Genevieve Boyer Helen Whiteford most enjoyable outing when the long McMillan, pf East Jordan, the son of Jordan next- Tuesday, Sept. 8th, and, "year-1936-87 on Monday morning at Three Rivers,-Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McJMillan, to nine o'cldck, September 14. There Jeanette Bricker Oscar Watkins awaited Charlevoix county picnic until the ggates close FridaFriyy nightg, , Ellwyn Eggert Rose Bartholomew -takes place on Labor Day. It is ex- Sept. 2, 1936. Miss Beatrice Lovica Barber, daugh- SeptS p . 11th,, the ffiilFair Officials andd will be a teachers' meeting at 2:30 in ter of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Barber, of tie high school building, room 4, Sat- Vivian Evans Ned Bennett pected that around 60QO people will The Editor, Board assures the public one of the urday, September 12. enjoy the many features arranged. The Charlevoix County Herald. Central Lake, took place. The beauti- finest Fairs ever staged at the East Raymond Gagnon Alice Galmore Dear Sir:-~- ' ful double ring ceremony being used Marshall Gothro Russell Gee Everyone is cordially invited, whether Jordan Grounds. The teaching personnel is as fol- Down around the Cigar Store here by Rev. Leitch. They were attended lows :- Elaine Healey Gayle Murphy young or old. This is your day. A grand midway is assured this Maxine Lord Junior Murphy Bring yourself and family. they got to talking and somebody by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Barber, year as concessions have been issued E. E. Wade, Superintendent said a Mr. Murphy and a Mr. Welsh brother and sister-in-law of the bride. Merton G. Roberts, High School-|-Elaine -Olstrom Betty Peck Promptly at 11:00 o'clock sports to fill practically every spot along Eugene Barber have locked horns to see who will be The many friends of the happy cou- this popular path. There will be Principal Jack McKinney and races will open the days activityy. Carrie-Orvis.. Monroe Cutler the- Democratic candidate to be de-ple join in extending to them their sideshows, rides, raerryrgo-round, Marjorie Smitton, Home Economics There will be new^aojeajnd.stuntnd s feated by Governor Fitzgerald at thebest wishes. ' Kenneth Heyfield, English Floyd Peck Harold Umlor whip, ferris wheel, volplane, chair Beatrice Dixon included. Notice is hereby given to autumnal election. plane—in< fact everything to take Elizabeth Davis, English James Persons all fat men to commence road work Lester Walcutt, Science, Jr. High Carl Petrie Gladys Misner Whoever it was who was talking your fancy. in preparation for the fat man's race. at the time said Mr. Murphy is oneNew Game Law Digests Principal Minnie Russell Mary Wright- Free acts and attractions this year Junior Vermillion Don't forget to incorporate in your of the eighteen or nineteen Murphys are above the ordinary. There will Harry Jankoviak, General Shop Charles Saxton diet plenty of pie, for there will be a Are Now Ready Shirley Sinclair seeking public office'this .fall — while be The Four Aliens—acrobats an- " Abe Cohn, Junior~High and Physical pie eating, contest. Mr. Welsh used to be a Republican preme, McClintic's Trained Dogs in Education At 1:00 o'clock comes th/c flag and a mighty good sliphorn-player. sensational stunts, live stock parade, Thelma Westfall, Commerce Fourth Grade — Mr«. Leatha Larsen The new 1936-1937 game law-di- . , _, _ , . , raising ceremony.; The absence of a I also heard that Mr. Murphy is the gests are ready. balloon ascensions, .horse racing, ttro Russell Eggert, Agriculture Lyle Wlson Robert Archer , only Irishman who speaks with a Fili- ball games each day, and three days John Smith, Latin and Mathematics flag flyimj in the breeze has corae to Distribution of the digests, toge- Kathleen Hipp Eloise Bunker • our attention and • an appropriate pino accent. He was over in the Phil- ther with new waterfowl regulations, in which team pulling contests will History — not selected lipines on a WPA project, they said, be held. Helen Raatikainen, Music and"Art Junior Roberts Joyce Chambers , ceremony is being arranged to unfurl small-game and deer hunting licenses when he heard President Roosevelt and tags has been started by the de- JohnTerWee* Band and Orchestra John Crowell Clifford Hosier a brand new flag) which is beins Exhibits galore are assured in ag- whistle. He came a-running. But sopartment of conservation. ricultural, horticultural, live stock, Marietta-Kling, First Grade Harold Ruckle Mae Moore presented to the park permanently. did 16 or 17 other Murphys. They i~ Edith Bartlett;- First and- Second G. Supplies are being mailed to nearly fancy work, school work, etc. Albert Walden Luella Misner The American Legion p08ts in the beaid_the_whistle. also. Nowwe'rn not di TWih and. For—Wednesday night only a_great __ "Mldred KJetiandBrr Second Jack Gothro George McWatters Taalute.county" wi"TEe-tgnUU be presens wilt lt opla firey foar gu thins only suffering from humidity. But f nearby states and it is expected the treat is in store. Radio stars from Elsie Stariner, Third Grade Louis Kamradt Marian Strehl _ occasion Murphydity^- too. Jessie Hager, Fourth Grade Alice McClure L. VanDeveriter' j -distribution will be completed well WLS will present a barn dance crew At 1:30 comes the first two ball Mr. Welsh's slogan, so they said before the opening of the upland hun- in two solid hours of great entertain- Leatha Larsen, Fourth and Fifth G. John McWatters D. VanDeventer games. Forthe "first time soft; ball down at the Cigar" Store, is: "Once Gerald DeForest, Fifth Grade Viola Misner Jack Valeneourt ting season, ment, commencing at 8:30 o'clock. Bertha Clark, Sixth Grade. Natalie Whiteford will be presented." The first game a staunch Republican, always ah hon- This alone is worth the price of ad- will be between the Knighthoods of est Democrat." But he never should mission. Pupils in the first c'x grades please? Fifth Grade — Mrs. Leatha Lar.en • the slip-horn. Good \ Alvin Dexter Barkley Merchants tickets have been dis- j East Jordan. These teams have won j sliphorn players are hard to find. And j tributed for the past month or BO report to the f-llcv'rg teac'iew— Mack MaeDbnaid MaTy^ Simmons Was Resident Here 1 I the pennant in the two soft ball democratic candidates right today are i and there will be drawings for cash Al first gradts i!ea= > r? <or: *o Carrie McClure Gerald (leagues recently organized in the | running a lot higher average than I For Fifty-six Years prizes on each day of the Fair. Mrs. Klirg's room Monday morning, Hildred Kidder George -MsHIard [.county. The second game played at | fillingrStfttiQns,. which is four to- the', Schedule for admission to the Fair, September 14. Bruce Miles Louise Sta the same time presents the Mud city block; _ Alvin Dexter Barkley passed away together with the names of the offi- Tommy Peck - Roberta Sutton Dodgers of Boyne City and the Iron- cers in charge this year, is published Second Grade — Mrs. Edith Bartlett James Ulvund I haven't any way of telling which at his home in East Jordan, Friday, Edward Perry ton Tigers. These games are to be 7 j one of these two Candidates" in thel^ elsewhere in the Fair's advertisement Harold Barber. Arthur Kovarik Betty Ann Scott Russell Weaver inning games and immediately at | primary will be successful after they .?,UgU in this issue. Jerry McK'nney George. Davis s Burton Bunker Parker Seiler .their conclusion-the two winners will <,uit tramping down-the burdock ar- ""J!! Re'ad this advertisement -and be Mamie McWa'ters 1 born in New York Alice .Chambers' 'play for the county championship. • c,und the state But if Mr Welsh- convinced that the Charlevoix Coun- Ernest Walden 1 and Came to Blanche Decker Fifth Grade — Mr. Gerald , AUround 3:30 the Boyne FaUslnde- ," there won't be so manv Mur- • ty Fair offers you more this year in Geno Gagnon Dorothy Wheaton Marilyn Davis. Ken. Bartholomew j pendents will -play Barnard at hard y t t puzzled-up about in No- I d hd pn%£a £*0 ge£ ^ b^ Nside1d since then. He was married the way of education and entertain- Annabelle Gaunt Arion Sturgell Jean Dennis Gordon Evans ball>••«•-•••. This gam• e likewise, will be a ! veinber. ment than ever before. John V alienee Marc'la Dougherty James Davis Kenneth Gagnon three times, the last marriage being j 7 inning game. If you are interested j An(J Mr. Welsh, after the election, in Mrs. Marie H, Brundrett'at Ber- Doris Griffin Helen Hayes m baseball, what more can you ask ; can go on beillg Michigan's most ver- . Second G. Mill Mildred Kjellander Alberta, Canada, March 22, Arlene Hayden Betty Jean Higby for thai; 4 games in one afternoon? -Eatjle sliphorn-player.
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