Jil. 20, No.3 (Vol. 20, No.3) May-Jun 1994 KANDUNGAN (Contents) .. ... ....... ....... ... ...... ... ......... ................ .......... ... ........ ............ ....... ........... ........ ...... :.:................. ::::::.::::.:.:.:::.:.: .. ::::.:::::: .:.:: :: :':':. {;~:rr~ :;:;: ::;:~:~r: :::::\~{: .. :.::: . ~ :: : :·~:f:: : ;;:···:: : : : ::: : :::::::::: •. .S.: ·:..• ...• :.• •. ..••. :.··:t. .· .... :.:.:.·.·.G..• •.. :·..• ·..• .· '..••. :.(..••. I:. .. P.:... :.· . ~·.:.;r ....A. ..•;.• · .•· .r ..•.~ ..••..•· ...N .••.· ..•·..• : .•· ..S .· .·... : ..... E .·:..•.•Q .•.. tD.. G.•• ..•.•• ..• .·$.. •:..•: ..• P.·. :.:.• I ·. .9a.••· ..•: ..•. • •. :.• P .. ••.·• •. .l.••..••. N ..••..•· ..•·.¢ ..• •.· :...f ..••.Q .••: ..•:.$ .•· .. •. •'. ··.:..• : ..•.•: ........... ....~.:.................... ••.................... q::::~:......~.:.~.~:::................................................................................................................: ............................ .... :..... :. ....:..::.}\ :.: ... :.:.: ... :.:.;.:-:.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.:. H.D. Tjia: Faulted gravel terrace: active tectonics at Deer Cave, Mulu region, Sarawak 173 J.K. Raj and Ahmad Nazmi Mohd. Ali: Point load strength of a coarse grained, porphyritic, 177 biotite-hornblende granite from the Pergau area, Kelantan Darul Naim .~ . ........................ .... m§BJgNtQ : mNR~R~l\!QmN ·(MggtiOg . ~ .· Qfth~ · ~98!§ty~:::!:::~:::::::.. :::::::::.. ..: Annual Geological Conference '94 - Laporan (Report) 183 Speech by the Organising Chairman, Dr. Ahmad Tajuddin Ibrahim 184 Welcoming Address by GSM President, En. Fateh Ch and 185 Opening Address by YAB Dato' Seri Amar Di Raja, Tan Sri Haji Wan Mokhtar Ahmad 187 Programme 190 Pre-Conference Fieldtrip I - Gold Mineralization - Laporan (Report) 198 Pre-Conference Fieldtrip II - Stratigraphy-Sedimentology -Laporan (Report) 200 Post-Conference Fieldtrip - Pulau Redang -Laporan (Report) 202 Abstracts of Papers 204 ................... .........:.:.: .:.:. .......... .. .. .. ....................... :.:.:-:.;.:.:. ............................................ ............. .........................................................::::::: ::::::::::::::- :.:.:.:.:.:-:::::::::::::.: :.:.:.:.:.:.:-:-:.:.:-:.' ............... :.:-:.:.:.:.:::::.:: ::::.:.:~~RJ · IlS8 ~ : ~B'=Tm : egR~~i~N(N~§(~Qf .· ~Hg · ~9g!gl) · ..::: :: :... ::..::...::. ;:.... .• ~..~~:.:.~~...~<::::: ...... ,::,,: Keahlian (Membership) 248 Pertukaran Alamat (Change of Address) 248 Pertambahan Baru Perpustakaan (New Library Additions) 249 Bulletin 29 - Pembetulan (Correction) 249 Society Souvenirs 250 Theses titles Session 1992/93 UKM & UM 251 Senarai Pertukaran Pegawai Kajibumi Jabatan Penyiasatan Kajibumi Malaysia 253 South East Asian Symposium on Tunelling and Underground Space Development (SEASTUD) 254 lAG-SEA Conference on Geomorphology 256 Tectonic and Metallogeny of EarlylMid Precambrian Orogenic Belts 258 XVIII Pacific Science Congress 260 30th International Geological Congress 263 Kalendar (Calendar) 269 Majlis (Council) 1994/95 Presiden (President) Naib Presiden (Vice-President) Ibrahim Komoo Setiausaha (Secretary) Ahmad Tajuddin Ibrahim Penolong Setiausaha (Asst. Secretary) Nik Ramli Nik Hassan Bendahari (Treasurer) Lee Chai Peng Pengarang (Editor) Teh GuanHoe Presiden Yang Dahulu (Immediate Past President) : Ahmad Said Juruodit Kehormat (Honorary Auditor) LawJackFoo 1994-96 1994-95 Abd. Ghani Mond Rafek Ali Mohd. Sharif Abdul Raliim Samsudin Choo Mun Keong Effendy Cheng Abdullah Idris Mohamad Tan Boon Kong Jimmy Khoo Khay Khean Jawatankuasa Kecil Pengarang (Editorial Subcommittee) Teh Guan Hoe (PengerusilChairman) Dorsihah Mohamad Jais Lili Sulastri Fan Ah Kwai Ng Tham Fatt J.J. Pereira Noor Ilmi Abu Bakar Lembaga Penasihat Pengarang (Editorial Advisory Board) AwPeckChin Denis N.K. Tan Leong Lap Sau P .H. Stauffer Azhar Hj. Hussin FooWahYang Mazlan Madon Tan Boon Kong K.R. Chakraborty C.A. Foss Ian Metcalfe Tan Teong Hing Choo Mun Keong N.S. Haile John Kuna Raj H.D. Tjia Chu Leng Heng C.S. Hutchison Senathi Rajah Yeap Cheng Hock Lee Chai Peng Shu Yeoh Khoon The Society was founded in 1967 with the aim of promoting the advancement of earth sciences particularly in Malaysia and the Southeast Asian region. The Society has a membership of about 600 earth scientists interested in Malaysia and other Southeast Asian regions. The membership is worldwide in distribution. Published by the Geological SoCiety of Malaysia. Department of Geology. University of Malaya. 59100 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 603-757 7036 Fax: 603-756 3900 Printed by Art Printing" Works Sdn. Bhd.. 29 Jolon Rlong. 59100 Kuolo Lumpur. Faulted gravel terrace: active tectonics at Deer Cave, Mulu region, Sarawak H.D. TJIA Petronas Research & Scientific Services Lot 1026, PKNS Industrial Estate, 54200 Hulu Kelang Deer Cave or Gua Payau is one of the (Palaeocene-Miocene), (2) biohermal and bedded more accessible caves in the Lower to Middle Melinau limestone (Eocene-Miocene), and Setap Tertiary Melinau Limestone of the Mulu region shale (Oligocene-Miocene). Large cave in Sarawak (Fig. 1). The Mulu region consists formations in the limestone, several known to of a large, north-northeast striking anticline contain beautiful and extraordinary speleothems, near the border with Brunei Darussalam (see are now widely known and are the main regional geological map compiled by Tan, 1982). attractions for visitors. Deer Cave is especially Mulu Park occupies the west flank of the fold known for its huge population of insectivorous and consists of a conformable and interfingering bats that at dusk sortie out in batallion-strength succession of(l) Mulu sandstone, shale/phyllite groups, each group first circling a few times at MU LU I SARAWAK G EO LOGY o 10 20 I km Figure 1. Location of Deer Cave and geology of the Mulu region. Map based on Tan (1982). ISSN 0126-5539 Warta Geologi, Vol. 20, No.3, May-fun 1994, pp.173-176 174 H.D. TJIA the high western entrance of the cave before Parallel, vertical to very steeply dipping corkscrewing in a line away from the cave fractures transect the topmost gravel deposit usually in westward direction. .' (Figs. 3 and 4). These fractures strike N25- The western entrance of Deer Cave is 30oE, or roughly parallel with the large fractures almost a hundred metres high and only slightly in the Melinau Limestone of Deer Cave. Some less wide. The cave is clearly controlled by of the fracture surfaces in the gravel outcrop N300E striking fractures, which form the high, as subvertical to vertical faces of one to one­ very steep walls at the entrance and align the and-a-halfmetreheight. Differential weathering stalactites on the cave ceiling. Long fractures has caused the phenoclasts to jut out from of similar strike may also show up on the same most of the fracture surfaces. However, at ceiling. Horizontal grooves are present at half least two of the outcropping fracture planes do a dozen levels on the north wall, the lowest not show differential weathering. On those still being deepened by the present river, while steep to vertical surfaces are plastered tabular the highest is about 40 to 45 metres above phenoclasts parallel or subparallel with the river level (Fig. 2). The largest portion of the fracture surface, while away from the fracture cave opening is barred by a high ridge partly surface the phenoclasts are not (Figs. 3, 4 and overgrown with vegetation and elsewhere 5). The same phenomenon is seen in outcrop incompletely covered with guano. Among the sections normal to the fractures , that is , phenoclasts in the vicinity of fractures are guano-covered parts are patches of loosely cemented gravel deposits. The deposits may subvertical to vertical and different from their general attitudes (Fig. 5). Broken phenoclasts reach 5 metres thickness and lengths of less than 8 metres, and show distinct pebble in the neighbourhood of the fractures are almost absent. I saw only two specimens, both with imbrication indicating current from the cave outward, similar to the present river flow. The fresh looking breaks. This is consistent with highest gravel deposit occupies the north end the loosely cemented character of the gravel deposit. of the barrier ridge and is about 40 metres above river level. At the same level on the north cave wall is also a horizontal water groove. Altitudes of other horizontal grooves on that wall also correspond with those of other gravel NW deposits on the lower slopes of the ridge. The phenoclasts are well-rounded, usually more \I I tabular than cylindrical shale/phyllite/mudstone 'MEUNAU I I siltstone and sandstone, and occasionai I I UMESlONEI subrounded flint. Some of the sandstone clasts I __ ----------JSlalaclitas.. have calcareous cement. These phenoclasts are contained in a sand/silt groundmass, the entire deposit being only loosely cemented. Maximum clast diameter in the topmost deposit is about 10 centimetres. In the next lower gravel deposit, however, boulders reach 80 cm diameters. Fining upward is particularly clear in that deposit. These gravel deposits were clearly river-laid and represent former river beds that now form small high-level terraces. The topmost gravel deposit is estimated to be about 50 metres above the Melinau river, the largest stream in the vicinity of Deer Cave. Figure 2. Schematic cross section ofthe west entrance According to Wilford's (1961) and Rose's (1984) to ~eer Cave. Note the cor.respondence in positions of interpretations, terraces of that altitude in this honzontal grooves on
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