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Thursday, May 20, 195" ~--------------------------------------------------- , e e a an IS e ense • lighter Admires Gifts from Band Members Red Arms ROTC Cadets Receive Minute Man Medals Soviet Unioti~ Shipments India, EgyPt' Blast Moye Disturb ·Ike KARACHI, Pakistan (.lP) - WASHINGTON (/PI - Presi­ Pakistan and the UnIted States dent Eisenhower said W~nesday Wednesday signed a one-year an srms shipment from Red Pc­ mutual defense pact undet· Idnd to Guatemala is "dl turblng" which America will help equip and it would be 8 "terrible thin," and train the armed torce of to have Communist dictatorship this strategic naUon of more e.~tabll h an outpost on this con­ than 75 million at the ~ern tinent. gateway to the Middle East. Asked at a news conference 10r The Soviet Union, Indl.a, and h reaction to a state lIeparunent Egypt have denounced tho pact. announcement M 0 n day that But both Washington and Kilra­ Communist - domInated Poland chi otficially prodaLmed It an­ has shipped aMl'ls to the LIltin other step to consolidate the American nation, Eis nhower strength of the free worlo. This paused. reached lor a word, and was an obvious referenee to the replied: menae€' of Communist aggres­ "Well, it Is dlsturbln~. I think sion. that, above all, I~ hlghlljhl.!! the Both the U.S. and Pa~lstan circumst&ncCCl, the background have mutual aid arrangements that led to the adoptLon or the with Turkey, western bastion of r olution at the Caracas con! r­ th oil-rich Middle East. ence of the American republiC$ CommoDW~lth HemM"r l egaroini; communism ir. this country. 'Pakistan has been a member ot the Brllish Commonwealth Bf. ( I "hoC. by Oeo,•• BI ok) Would Detriment TANDI G AT ATTENTION, three ROT cadet reeeive the finute Ian medal from Lt. 01. R. since It iolned independt'nce In "To have the Communist dIe- (Doll, , ....... Pb.,.) W. Fritz, profe or of mlJllar cleMe and taeUt . Fritz pin the medal on the tunle or John R. Wha­ 1947. It has a common border PROF. C. B. RIGHTER, second from leU, admlrestbe flf presented to him by memb rs of the SUI 13torshlp establish an outpost on len, At, Iowa CII,. ade ... ne t to Whalen, are Idt to rl,ht, Donald R. FUquald, A1, Ma on It. with rndlR, snd th northern this continent to the detrIment ot "-Dds upon his retirement as director of the bands Inee 1937. Helplnc him Inventory the C1ft are, .nd Frederick A. ThJede. AI, DeWItt. Th award are preKnled b the National oelety of the SOtl§ area of West Pakistan Is within lell to rlrht, Bob Quinn, A3, Marlon, president 01 the concert band: Richter; John WblUock. a 1- all the Am rlcan n IIOIlll, or or the American Revolutlon to cadets who fulfill rf'quirf'lllent relndJn" kuowled,e American a short distance of both Russia course, would be a terrible thing, ot ,"t director of the sm bands, and Gene Dedlund, G, Des Molnrs. cltlzensblp and arm re,ulsUolUI. ee tor pace 5. and Red China. and that was the reason lor th Under !.he new pact, Karachl Caracas r solution." agreed to coop rate with Wash­ In addition, the President told ington in controlling trade with Stage Appreciation Party Ford Fellowships the conference - direct Quota­ nations threat ning the main­ tIon w~ authorl7Jed 1at r on House Committee Approves tenance of world peace. This II parts of it - that he ha. no in­ nim d at preventing the ship­ Granted to 4 SUI tention or relaxIng or canceling ment of stro,teglc goods to the Musicians Honor Righter It Is s crecy order that r suited in Communis1 bloc. slIspension or the McCart.hy­ Social Security Expansion The pact provIdes for a U.S. Faculty Members army hearil\lS. military advisory group in Pak- By DRAKE* MABRY Sharon, and Maurice Fllhrney, He !laId he wants the h('3rln WASHINGTON (A') - Tht * * * * * Four members or the sur fac­ istan, plus assurances from the Members of the SUI concert G, Del'P River, preJ l'nted a new to go on. expedltlou \y but con­ house ways and means commltt c by a cIa. ed-door committee vole The plan approved Wedn sday KarachI iovernment it '"'Iill not twist to 8 clarinet duet. ulty have bcen grant d faculty clUSively, with the principals tes­ and varsity bands performed for f llowships for 1954-1955 by voted Wedne~day to brlni fann ot 12-8. would mnk bout 3.200,000 mote use the Drms aid [or awe Ive Miss Williams played the keys tifyln, "openly and fully" and their own amusement Wednes­ the Ford foundation's tund {or operators, doctor and other pro- Committee m mbers aId the state and local employc~who purposes or against th U.s. o( the clarinet that Fahrney was extran ous matl~s that "roam day 111ght. the advancement ot education. up and down the llcy of .ov­ Ie sJonal group. and state nnd vote to 1I1clude Carmers was not have om art of local r tire- Ther is no provisIon tor U.S. blowing, and Fahrney played the unamloui but \Vai surpdlrin Iy ment system-al~ elig!bl for bn e in PakisUln. 'rhe occasion was an appreci­ PrOf. Alcxander Kcrn of Ul~ crnm nt" kept out, 10cal,ovClnment employes ul1d~r clarinet that Miss Williams was heavy. the r d al coverage. Executive A6reemenl aUcm party for 1:'rof. C. B. Right­ biowing. English department, Stow Per­ 'Gd 1"he }'acts Out' the federal social security sys- er, direetor of bands tor 17 sons, of !.he hiltory department; The present law permIts cover- To come under the federal SYE- Lilte oth r mutual aid pacts sur Cart Carrie GU", " ... Let th chips fan wher lem. yearS. Righter l'etlred from ac­ Prof. Malcolm Smiley of mathe­ they may," Eis nhower proposed. age under the federal system of lem. how ver, B majority of the netotlnted by Washington, It tive lelldcrship this year to de­ It required the bass d m carL matics, and Prot. John Faerner ot "Let's get the facts out and then Th action, attecling more than retirement or dcath benefits for employes would have to partid-, wa an eXCC4tive agre m/)nt not V9te lull tlme to teaching dulles. to bring in the gifts to RIghter. cducation, wJl1 spcnd their year's let's go on about the Important sevcn million persons, was in line state and local employes only H pate in a referendum, and two requJring confirmatlon by the 'The varsity band pJayed a He received a 35 MM slide pro­ leave ot absence tram the uni­ business 01 this government." with a request from President t~ey are no\ covered by local re- \ thirds 01 those voting would have U.S. senate. jector, screen, metal slide blnd- versity in independent study nnd tlrement systems. lo approve. India and the Soviet bloc have hal! - hour program of light Drummin, a desk for empha­ Eisenhower, who has made ex­ rs, and carrying case for the research, on problems ot improv- sis, thc Pl"cllldent 8ald tlat "00- -- criticized the pac t bitterly muslo, individual members cut pan Ion of social ccurity cov­ 1006e with a variety of highly ~Ildes. 109 instruction In their fields. thing, nothinl, can be so import­ throughout il.!! negotiation, ex­ humorous skits and musical . Righter, who has been teach­ Kern plans to read AmerIcan ant" a a domestic and foreign erag a 'rime ioal 01 his ad- ROTC Units To Stand Inspection tending over several months. In­ parodies, and Righter was pre­ ing music -tince 1919, was pro­ intelleclual history d n the nar­ prolTnm to ke p up strong, and mlnlstrntion. dian Prime Minister Nehru roundly humbled by the gifts The annual federal In peetlon of the army and air force R TC claimed it would Up the mUi­ sented with a complete outfit to vard universlry library, with his that nothing deserv s to distract The committee approved all or unlit! will be held loday and Frida . This year the two units 11 project his many color photo­ ffom the band members. He saId, emphasis upon th teachlng ot attention from that. Eisenhower'S requests for ex- tary balance between India and hold a joint In peetlon. In prevlou years the In pectlollll were beld Pakistan - still at odds over graphs. "My thanks to you must extend American literature aiainsl a Secretary of th Army Robert eparately. tu the thousands of musicians Stevens followed up with a stale- len Ion of coveraie except one Kashmir - whll Communist Gives $20 to ,Fund b a c k g r 0 u n d or America':\ who have been associated with thought and civIlization. He is ment saylng the armY acled on and in some cases went even Col. Lewis II. Ham, and Maj. John E. McGovern, wlll make .spokesmen asserted It would . ,In addition, the band present­ my bands since 1937." the author of "Trends ot Re­ Its own in its feud with Sen. Jo - furthcr than thc PresIdent hIId the inspectlon tor the army. The air force team Is made up 01 Col . Creat a U.S.-backed "mllitary ed $20 to the Clapp scholarship "The time always comes," search in American Literature." eph McCarthy (R-Wls.), not on suggested.
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