JE ' ' ) ANNUAL REPORT ...OF THE. .. BOARD OF AUDITORS AND Overseers of the Poor OF THE TOWN OF WESTPORT On the Receipts and Expenditures tor the Financial Year ending Feb. 1.1902. NEW UEUKORD, MASS. MEKCUKV PUBLISHING CO., PRINTERS, 112 ANU 114 UNION STREET. 'f AUDITORS' REPORT. The Auditors of the Town of Westport respectfully submit the following report of the financial condition of the town for the year ending February i, 1902. We have examined the vouchers ot the several de- partments of the treasury and have carefully compared them with the entries in the books of the Treasurer and Collector of Taxes and find them to be correct. Where bills were entered in the wrong department we have changed them to their proper place. Many bills are presented to the treasurer for payment that contain items that belong to two or more separate de- partments, and the result is they are entered in the treas- urer's book in the wrong departments. Therefore we would respectfully ask that in the future persons having bills against the town be more careful to make a separate bill for each department. We recommend the following appropriations for the ensuing year : Schools, $5,500.00 Schoolhouses and lots, 650.00 School supplies (from dog fund). 200.00 Superintendent of schools, 375-oo Free public library (from dog fund), 50.00 Highways and bridges, 2,500.00 6o ANNUAL RP:PORT. Support of poor, 3,000.00 Military aid, 50.00 Memorial day, 50.00 Town officers and committees, 2,500.00 Incidentals, 700.00 Payment of notes and interest. 5,300.00 Interest on Perpetual care funds deposited in in town treasury, 50.00 $20,925.00 State aid, no appropriation necessary'. Soldiers' relief, no appropriation necessary. Interest on Perpetual care funds in N. B. Institu- tion for Savings, no appropriation necessary. Treasurers surety bond, no appropriation neces- sary. We recommend the transfer of the cash balances of $ii.Ofj due travel account at So. Westport, and $152.59 due stone crusher account, Westport Factory road,-to the Ili^rhway department, and the balance of the dog fund, $296.08 to the School department. If TOWN 01-1-lCERS 1-OR 1901 Town Clerk. EDWAlil) L. MACOMHEll. Treasurer and CoUertnr of Tares. (•Oiri'KZ ALT.EX. Treasurer's sahu y i per cent, on payments Collector's salary 1 per cent, on tax collected. Selectmen and Hoard of Jlealth. ALUEirr S. SHEHMAX, Term expires March 1902. ANDHEW II. SOWLE, Term expires March 1!)().3, (JEOUGE E. HANDY, Term expires March 1904. Assessors. JONATHAN ("HACE, Term expires March 1902. AI.BKHTK. KING, Term expires March 1903. CHAltEES 1). MACOMIJEU, 'i'erm expires March 1904. Overseers of the Poor. HOI'.EIJT A. (HKFOHD, Term expires March 19Ü2. ( 11 Alt!.ES K. TALLMAX, Term expires March 190;{. .lON.VlTIAN 15. HICKS. Term expires Marcli 1904. School CohiiniUee. .lOHX W. (ilFFOIH), Tei m expires Marcli 1902. AL'liU.STlTS J{. WOOD. Term expij-es March 190;^. HAlil.OW Ii. KIX(;, Term expires March 1904. I SuKjle Highway Surveyor. I'ELEd S. SAXFOIU) Ml. 6o ANNUAL RP:PORT. Fish Cojnmissioiiers. HENIJV N. THUM', 'J'enii expires March 1002. LAFAYF:TTE L. GIFFOIH), Term expires March 1!)04. 7'rustees of Free Public Libranj. SAMUET, II. MACO.MlSEi;, Term expires March li)0-2. ADDIE E. SOWr.E, Term expires March 1!)02. WIMJAM Jl. I'E'lTEV, Term expires March l'JO;t. .lOlIX W. GIFPT)H1), Term expires March U'O.'}. EDWAUI) E. >E\( ()MP.En, Term expires March 1904. ATGrSTLiS n. WOOD, Term expires March l'.M)4. Constables. DAXIEE M. SAXFOHD, LAFAYETTE I-. GIFFOHD, CIIAPJ.ES 11. HEYNOEDS, CHHISTÜPIIER IK)HDEN. 2iul. Landinij CommisHioncrs, GEOHGE A. THIRI', GEOHGE F. LAW TON, CHAHEES WING, EDWAIM) A. liOWEAN'D. Fence Vie liters. iSAA(; D. EAHI>E. Ei.MEH E. GIFKOHD. DAMEE M. SANFOHD. A HiUtors, HEXHY A. A ELEX. ilEXHY E. DAVIS. Draio Tender., ]Veslpurl Point Bridije. WILLIAM P. SOWEE. Salary ^l.'iO. ANNNAL REPORT. Tree Warden. >J)W1N HOlfDEN. Superintendent of Beech Grove Cemetery. .lOSHl'II T. LAW'ION, Salary S-'OO. i<e<der of W'eirjiit.s and Jfensures. CKOliCiE A. Tjnri'. Sitrveyor.s of Lumber and Mea.snrer.f of Wood and Bark. l'EI.K<_; S. SAXFOIM) JR., AIITHUH M. ItEEl), ALIIERT F. KL\(i, lA'SAXDElJ F. JIOWLAM). Field Drivers. \VIL1JAM II. (ilFFOlJI) :hd. EDWAIH) ATMIN(rrON. Inspectors of Animals. EI.I llANDV, CEOI.'GE A. Tlill'l', Forest Fi re wards. .lACUIJ COKNELL, lA'SANDEH W. WHITE, E. WAI/rEU m.OSSOM. liei/istrars of Voters. EDWAIM) I.. MAI OMHEH, (Town Clerk. IlAliin L. POr'i'Ell, Tonil expires May 1!)02. CJIAHEES 1{. WOOD, Term expires May L'J03. C'llAKI.ES E. roTTElf, Term expires May 11)04. 6o ANNUAL RP:PORT. Enrollment Officcr. ACGUSTl'S il. WOOD. Truant Oßicrrs^ KANIKL M. SAN'FOIM), cjiAiiLKS II. I;P:V.\OIJ)S, LAFAVETTK L. GIFFOH]). Superintendent of Schools. WINTIIIIUI' N. CJtOCKEK. Sarliiiy tjiio-liall' is paitl by the (.'oiiiinoiiwciiUli ami tlic bal- ance by Dartinoutli and Westport equally. Superintendent of Town Farm. DAVID A. KING. .Salary .$400. JAbrarhin. ANNIE K. ilOWI.AND. VALUATION AND OTHER STATISTICS. Assessed valuation, May i, 1901 : Real estate—Buildin^rs, ^^733,350 00 Land, 653,150.00 1,386,500.00 rersonal property, 189,850.00 Total, Increase in valuation from May i, 1900, $7,425.00 Debt limit, 3 per cent, of valuation, 47,290.50 Rate of taxation per «fiooo, 14.40 Number of polls, 767 Tax on polls. $2.00 Number of horses, 767 Number of cows, 1,077 Number of sheep, 36 Number of other neat cattle, 190 Number of swine. 44 Number of fowl. 18,602 Value of fowl, $7,607.00 Number of dwelling houses. 793 Number of acres of land assessed, 28,702 Number of residents paying a tax on property. 806 Number of non-residents paying a tax on property. 395 Total number paying a tax on property. 1,201 Number paying a poll tax only. 263 Total number of tax payers, 1,464 lO ANNUAL REPORT. Number of dwelling houses taxed to resi- dents, 551 Number of dwelling houses taxed to non- residents, 2_j.2 Number of acres of land taxed to residents, 21,124 Number of acres of land taxed to non-resi- dents, 7o7S Value of real estate taxed to residents, $926,125.00 Value of real estate taxed to non-residents, 463,375.00 Real estate owned by religious societies ex- empt from taxation, 24,275.00 Population of the town (census of 1900,) 2,890 Number of births registered for the year 1901, 55 Number of marriages registered for the year 1901, 30 Number of deaths registered for the year 1901, 44 Number of persons liable for military duly as returned by the assessors, 331 Number of dogs returned by the assessors. 313 Number of children enrolled Sept. i, 1901, between 5 and 15 years of age, 556 Number between 7 and 14 years of age, 388 Annual town meeting, second Monday in March. lO ANNUAL REPORT. Al»rR0PRIAT10NS FOR 1901. ANNUAL ISIEETING. Schools, '$5,500.00 Schoolhouses and lots, 950.00 School supplies, (from dog fund) 463.44 Superintendent of schools, 375'00 Free Public Library, (from dog fund) 50.00 Highways and bridges, 2,000.00 Support of poor. 3,000.00 Military Aid, 100.00 Soldiers Relief, 100.00 Memorial day, 50.00 Town odicers and committees. 2,500.00 Incidentals, 700.00 Treasurer's bond, 50.00 l^avment of notes and interest. 6,300.00 $22,138.44 TAX FOR 1901. Town Appropriations, $21,625.00 Amount deducted by assessors for bank and corp. taxes. 1,884.05 Amount of town appropriations raised by tax. 19,740.95 State tax. 980.00 County tax. 2,523-31 State highway tax, 133-55 Overlay, 855-63 $24,233.44 lO ANNUAL REPORT. PERPETUAL CARE OF BURIAL LOTS. IJEECIl fiHOVE CEMETEin'. .Io^'KL•II T. LAWTON, Hupt. Amount Amount of Amount of Depositors or No. Sec- De- Income Income tUvners of f-ots. Lot tion. posited. Kxiiended. Av;iil;il)le, William S. ati<l Mary E. U'ood, 1 A, .«i.*)n.()n § -ÜO .$2.50 (Jharlcf; I'ottcr and l!ieh- ^ inoiul 'I'l'ipp, 1 A, .-)(). no 2.07 .lolin F, i'cttcj-, IS A, no.iK) 4.25 2.,50 Ira Tripp, T.I A, 50.00 1.01 (Jcovirn 15. (Virtoni. •2.j A, .50.00 2.5;{ ( hristoplior li. Tripp. .'M A, 50.(K) 2.25 2.75 .Mary .M. i\oll«'y. A, 50.00 2..50 2.50 Ed 111 u ml Kirliy, 14 H, 50.00 2..50 2.50 William Gitlbrd, 4*) 15, 50.00 1..50 7.70 Mary Tripp. 40 15, 50.00 2..50 4.9S Lafayette L. (iitVord, (;:{ I'., 50.00 1 ..50 :L;{4 Timotlij' f.eary, (JS 15, 50.00 1.50 0.2!» .Adeliza M. (ireeii, 71 H, 50.(K) 2.50 L50 CliiUlottc 1 licks, 72 15, 50.00 1.50 0.00 Drucillii G. Maiicliestor, 7!)-S0 15, 100.00 ;{.oo 45.48 Alihy Drill};, .s;{ 15, 50.00 1.00 ;L0!) William E. Tripp, !»0 c, 50.00 2..50 2.50 Abl)y K. Tripp. 117 c, 100.00 4.00 S.(JO Until S. Potter, 127 c, 1(M).00 :LIO 1 )aniol 'I'ripp, 120 <-", 50.00 1.50 9.!)5 IMiilip Siuifortl, l.'K) 50.00 1.50 4.22 Zelorus li. Aliny, fi-8 I>, 1(X).00 ;}.oo 7.00 Asa S.
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