MONTANA MATTERS. THE BILLING S HEJLAUD. ROCKWELL & TOVEY, Livingston is to have new Catholic HILLINGS. MONTANA. MAY 10. 1884. c h u rc h . MANUFACTURERS AND DEAI.ERS IN The Smith River round-up will begin be­ QROCKERV THE BEPUBLIOAN CONVENTION. tween the 15th and 20th inst. The Maidcnites will celebrate the 4th of July. C. 8. Fell will deliver the oration Lee Mantle and CoL W. F. Bandera to HARNESS and SADDLES, A run took place on the Belknap bank go to Chicago. recently, but tliat institution proved equal to the emergency. SADDLERY HARDWARE, The Old "War Horae" Pawing in the Val­ The Concord Cattle company, of Custer ley and Rejoioing in his Strength. county intend increasing the number of their herd to 14,000. In the Husbandman Paris Gibson rake Montana, Texas, Clieyenne and California Saddles. The Republican Convention commenced A N T ) » 8 ' into Caldwell Edwards for alleged sneering work at Bozeman on Friday, the 2nd inst., at the "Campbell ’ Vermont sheep. assembling at Seieth <fc Kruggs’ Hall, at Team, Coach, Stage and Buggy Harness Always on Hand. noon. Col. Sanders, Chairman of the Cen­ The Dillon Tribune says that Rev. Hugh tral Committee called the meeting to order. Duncan, Grand Master of Montana Masons, B. F. W hite, of Beaverhead, wus elected is slowly recovering from injuries received Wliip-Sticks, Stage Lashes, Spanish Bits, Buggy Whips, Saddle Cloths, temporary chairman and McIntyre of Fort three months ago. Horse Blankets, Cartridge Belts, Stirrups, Horse and Mule Col­ Benton, secretary, and subsequently the The school at Maiden was closed recently lars, Fancy Bridles, Cinches, Quirts, I lace, Driving, election of both gentlemen to those posi­ on account of the prevalence of diphtheria. POWDER Stock, California and Mexican Bits, Chaps, tions was made permanent. After appoint­ The disease was of a mild type, the Argus Absolutely Pure. Curry Combs, Brushes, etc., etc., etc. ing a Committee on Credehtials the conven­ says, and is disappearin tion abjoi'irned until 5 p. m., when the This powder never vnrics. A'mnrvel of purity BfetT ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION, .jmt The Union Pacific company has made a strength und wUolesoninoness." More economi­ report of the Committee on Credentials cal than tiie ordinary kinds, ami cannot be sold was received and accepted. The report of very important reduction on Montana ores in competition with the multitude of low test, Will be Sold on and After the 7th to Omaha, the price having been reduced short weight, alum or phospnte powders. Sold the committee allowed but one delegate only in cans. Koval Baking I’owder Co.. 106 from Dawson county, in which the con­ to $15 per ton from Dillon. Wail street. N. Y inst. at a vention sustained them. A further ad­ The Republicans of Beaverhead county PARK HOTEL, journment was had until 8 p. m. at which are training under the banner of harmony, time the light began and was hotly sustain­ Analysis bv Dr. A. Voelckcr. F. R. 8., Con­ while the Democrats are waiting for the sulting Chenils? Koyal Agricultural Society, ed until alter eleven o’clock that evening, light to commence.—[Dillon Tribune. England, shows onlv a trace of nitrates In with the result of reaching an informal Blackwell's Bull Durham Tobacco. The Roll J. J. NICKEY, Plop. Not to be outdone by its western terri of the Coldcii Belt of North Carolina, In which GREAT SACRIFICE, ballot, after which an adjournment was this tobacco Is grown, don’t supply nltratcsto torial contemporaries in announcing gold had until the lollowing morning. The first the leaf. That Is the secret of Its delicious finds the Glendive Times contains a no­ mildness. Nothing so pure and luxurious for skiimishof any moment occurred when smoking. Don’t forget the brand. None gen- tice of placer diggings near that town. ulnc without ih ‘ trade-mark of the BulL All Col. Sanders moved that the adoption of dealers have it. The BEST Hotel West of St. Paul I resolutions be postponed until after the The Parrot and Montana companies to­ When feline concerts To Close Them Out. gether use 12 ear loads of coal daily and driveaway sleep, your convention had elected the delegates. In best solace is found in this motion he prevailed by a narrow ma­ two of coke. The silver mills of the dis­ H larktrrir* Ih 'll I>«r- Headquarters of the Benton Stage Line. jority. Following this came the queston trict use 35 tons of salt daily.—[Inter- M ountain. as to the mode of voting, one party headed tà itu a r by Sanders contending for voting by indi­ Sheriff Blakely offers $300 reward for the vidual ballot, the other led by Geo. O. arrest and conviction of the murderers of if»««-* New, Neat, Commodious and Centrally and Con- Baton for viva voce voting. A debate of ■ the Flathead Indians who were killed in ISST” s venienientlij Located. nearly two hours duration ensued, Sanders the Gallatin valley near Bozeman a few A Large Reduction will also b« dealing sledge hammer blows at his oppo­ weeks ago. nents and spile driver blows at Governor made in the Prices of Crosby and his supporters in the conven­ J. A. Smith is back from bis attendance Especial Accommodations for Commercial Travelers tion, and vindicating his title of the ‘‘war at the Milts City court, with a legal aspect iWiFfr-Z* ■'*£ * ' . ’. 1 If* - -L-LÜ’.’ ”\J ÀZZ-:'i horse” of the party. Col. Botkin support­ about his person thaï marks hin fora Mon­ ed the ballot by an able speech in which tana attorney at once.—[Enterprise. Put g p £ ; BLACKWELL’S -Vf lie predicted that those who voted viva very delicately. BULL »--#:/.;*■ & C & C 2 fl0f t DURHAM vocc might, in the event of their -vote bs- The territorial tieasurer, during the first BILLINGS, MONTANA. PARPETS, HOSIERY ing distaseful to a certain personage, sup­ - c ; ; . - four months of this year paid out $3,351 in Wmm ** A N D ■ posed by the audience to be a gcntlman, E. B. CAMP. C. D. CAMP. bounties to hunters ana others for killing ! 0BACC: named J. Schuyler Crosby, find themselves 5G bears, 52 m ountain lions, 2,114 tim ber in the sad position he, Botkin, was viz wolves and 088 coyotes. ‘‘beyond the reach of executive clemency.” The Glendive Times says that 201 cattle CAMP BROS., The other sido was ably sustain«-! by Col. out of a recent shipment of 605 died in the Eaton, Lee Mantle and a number of others Wholesale andl Retail Dealers in the fight being a general one and partici­ stoek vards at that town the day after they The kidneys art as purifieis of the D R Y GOODS, pated in by nearly the entire convention- were unloaded from the curs. They be­ llosTjrrci^blood, and when P i The result was in favor of a vote bv ballot. longed to Barney Esterbrook. th e ir fu • ctk n s are interf. red with Nominations were then made of delegates By night and by day the cattle trains ar­ through wcaknes', for the Chicago convention. Col. Sanders. rive and unload their wealth of cattle to be they need toning. Shelf and Heavy Hardwa As They Must be Reduced for the T h e y become M. A. Meyendorff, Lee Mantle, Judge turned looseoiiihe ranges. In this branch healthfully active Knowles, Caldwell Edwards. Geo. O. Eaton, bv the use of Hos­ SULKY AND W ALKING PLOWS. Annual Inventory. all seems a boom and a rush. Let her tetler's stomach M. J. Learning and Judge L’lake being the boom ! Let lur rush !—[Glcndivc Times. Bitters, w hen fall­ nominees. ing short of relief Butte last year produced fully one-tenth from oth er sources. H arro w s, A motion prevailed that the candidates This superb stim­ W a g o n s , of the copper consumed in the civilized express their preference for president, when ulating tonic also world. Next year it will produce almost prevents and ar­ it became apparent that the Edmunds boom rests fever and one-fifth, the total consumption for ls83 had reached this part of the country, Eaton. ague, constipation, Cultivators, Buggies, being, as nea: as can be estimated, 327,000,- liver complaint, Knowles. Edwards, Mantle and Blake dys|a'psia, rheuma­ 000 }>oiuids—[Inter-M ountain. tism ami other ail­ naming him as their first choice. President Ê lf f ïf e S m ents. Use it w ith Now is the Time to Secure Bargains A rthur found a supporter in (’apt. Learning In theitrial of Llackwolf, the Cheyenne regularity. For sale by Druggists ami Dcai- ers generally. Mowers, Carriages, ■of Benton, and the “Plumed Knight” was chief, and accessories for the burning ol named by Sanders and Meyendorff as their Anderson's ranch, Blackwolf was found first and early choice. The Droceedings not guilty. Howling Wolf, White Bear AI»D AND closed Friday evening by an informal bal­ and two others plead guilty. It is under­ lot which resulted as follows: Eaton 24. stood they did so to save others as guilty COAL OIL (Good) $4.00 Per Case. Mantle 23, Meyendorff 19, Sanders 14, Ed­ themselves. Each will be sentenced to Reapers. Buckboards. wards 7, Learning 7, Fenske 1, and Mills 1. fiye years. On Saturday morning the convention re­ assembled. Col. Sanders intimated that he The financial statement of the county G E T O U R P R IC E S OUST 13 j&ŒZJ3 WIRE ■was not a candidate and asked his friends commissioners of Silver Bow county for to vote not for him, but for bis friend Mr.
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