University of Central Florida STARS St. Cloud Tribune Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 12-6-1923 St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 16, No. 16, December 06, 1923 St. Cloud Tribune Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-stcloudtribune University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in St. Cloud Tribune by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 16, No. 16, December 06, 1923" (1923). St. Cloud Tribune. 64. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-stcloudtribune/64 1923 DECEMBER* 1923 wt. (i.ot ii TKMI'KKAT; KK. SUN hlONfrUE WED THU] FRIjSAT Thin .lui. ,\.,i. IK) SL- Bl Friday, r-fo-i BB fl—.11 i 2 314 5 6 771 8 Saliliiluy, t,uu. 1 *(l no • 2„s.,;..... o. , . s_ .,., 9 10 17 121?. Ml!-. .Monday. He. :i 7H—53 16il718 19 20|21|22 Tuesday. Iluu. 1 *•_• llll 233«243i25|26i27!2829 H .-.lie- alu.v. Hi-,;. ,", .*_. ol) VIM.. XVI. NO,. 16. KKiHT PACKS THIS Wall, BT. CLOUD- OSCKOI-A COUNTY, FLORIDA Till KSII.W. HI I I Mill It 6. 19*j:t FIVE CKNT8 THK COPY—J2.00 A . K.IB. NEW TOURIST CLUB HOUSE FORMALLY OPENED LAST MONDAY I'idll.KIM The St. (I..nd Ifaand WHEN BUSINESS HOUSES CLOSED FOR THE BIG OCCASION Siinitaj. Ilav. 9 _~J Irfl r. ML >), WW, WsasTssrak, Da-aaaatsr Tin* Uni .,f oontributa-rOna to dale, Popcorn Siaml :i.oo Monday marked nnulher |*lfl il;iy nlliors hy Iho thoUaUDdl Hint would March, s i n, ,\.--. ttmt\ siin-o Monday, is ns foOoara i Ben Ulep __ 1.00 in lln- blttorj of HI. i'loud. ooiiH' in tin- fill uro would find St. (ivcciiiic, "ladlaat" ...Katfat The whole lily turned oui In tlu* Cloud us wni is I'm'I my ns ho himself Bl liS( ItlPTION 1,1ST •lira..' K Mffett n.oo .1. (•. Oreene _..-,_._ n.oo .*'.- i-jiu.ic AI Brenlng TUne". •iftiMiino'i foi- Ihi* fiiiil'islli- ]innnli* had doj.il*. Sllhs. 'i iptio.is Mn.le !,t I'llt'k 1 beaded l.y tin* Did Mm.] I.:iiiil i Si Following Mr. Parker, A \V, Hull. Cash I'lilliHiit , . I: :u Int(>raaii**ion I'O'-emlHr :;. 108& B.00 ('[niul hand in .(isliiinc i_ nn,| fnHnwiil prealdent <>f tin* Bt. cloud Tourial .\*. W. Keri'iisnn, In Ilioniory of it. i:. M. i route a.tHt it...*,,lund wuiizcs Jewell ii Inn*: line of panniers lo tlio city riuh made mi encrlleni t.-11k on ba*w of Knnnle M. af.fi.00 Cniidy aale 1,(10 -King i.ciii-- Overture iiu/.d jwnk. *,\ li.'i *e I tic foi* mnl o]M<nhiK <>f a|rateful in- waa tor iin* rejceptlou Coo. H. Itlorf _ . i'\(iu w. H. Bontner S, A Ta»sopenlng :.IMI starch, "Yellowstone rrstl" (ho new tOUrlsa*. olnh house occurred. nivcii tlio toinisi a rr I vlna in si. ( load, .1. -\. II inlin UrOO 1'oj- aeveral montha dlUgenl workers uml the olognn "the friendly Olty" .1. 1>. II il; is ._ Si.tHl King Ofl Hu* <'! i ml to i- of Cm nno III- II >iu WM*. .me Mun fiih*-l St. Ol I perfect' Dr. \V. II Holly 20.00 I BBBBBl I'wiliire lai I'l-rudc. "si.ic Spangled Banaar", I'rcsi.iciiiiiii Year, llii It l'l', Iissistod l.y I lie .-iiizaiis in t\. lie aald iimi folki were Djade tn 0. -I. Mi/er _ 10.00 In llie i.ui-u.lc BUI M Iny n l'l ,-r Methodists \re BstaaheaV getter-gel, bara baaa im-y ane\ bag a fii'i thnt they wore MI botna, ermtT* II. <;. l.keluw 10.00 in..,n. preceding the opendnB nf ii"' Hod Co.da Vu-in. Hpnoioiis .Iiih house I'm- uso ol' i in* body spnko mnl ureeied \.m cordially I>. It. ItelnoiiK 10.00 ,-l ul, house laiclndial Mrs. .1. If. "lien Are Hull—very'. toillisls in tin* oily park, iuul Ihe Mini I hnl Iheio mis a \ oiy 1,'OIMI I*OM- John BonierviUe 10.00 itn.nmml. i-.,!,ir bearer of tHe Nnil.in- building having reached Hiii h ii stale siiu wli.v so ninny peopla • laa CM ilmti T. .1* Pol' HUH) ni Hi-inn Corps, cstr-rtas ' tlaeratnl CARLOAD OF MACHIN­ of eoniplei ion on .Monihiy the loiniiil Sl. Cloud "Tlio Woji.lor Cii> '. Unnamed r»o.tM) und in-cscnl .Inv ei.l,.r|. Tliis parti dp. nlng was liolil wiiii appropriate Itl'V. W. l-'l'tUlk Kellitoy, olio of Ille <'. it. K.Vile ' 10.00 cnlnr f(.(dni-(. ivu. unknown In innn.v Tho InlHlness iiiaii's "hiiil l'rcsl- ERY FOR CITY PLANT oxeni-os. pioneers of Iho city, then related llll Wt A. barlaln 10.00 wlni 1,11,1 never hud tin- |!l"lvllc|.'c nl .leiithll year" will lint he a had year. Tii.* pantile formed on 1-Vnnsylvntii'i till* iri.-il- mid t I ihill.-M ions of (lie II. .1. Bh _. 10.<H) WIIHBSBIIIB paradea wiih tin- colot IIHIOSM inerclllllitM und |ieople couihlne ARRIVES. arenne and en i.ievi mi. r*i reat, tbt efirly i-iti/,i*ais and phmoors in I ryiii'i I* red MM rues innii besiers nf tbs uniidnui org-salaatlotj to ninke ii so. two divisions j.iiiilnr ul Kleventh SI. to ninko n real eity. and sin.woi that A. W. Lnthrpp 5.00 in lino. 1 A ir.s.,1 (cur depends on fOft hny nmi l iiuMylvnniii avenue, JI lit I Incliul attar nil the dnw*backi en-i^untared r.-iink Sin'ih .VIM. In ths fife nnii drum forjis were Vfstfi.luy II,,, |,,s| eu,-],,,,,! f,, ,„„. ill' NMbll-g 111 (ho elcu'lioll of ii o.l l.o>i.|o tha "M nniiii l-niiil ni.nn nl tba elty a Ma trninj; ahead r-i,*i .i.y 1'. 10. I.ii .I B.00 Comrade! -l M. Ituyn i. i: M. chiiicy for fl,,. new power unit lie r i'i,-iii,in prevents p.-nple buying tlio the local patriotic nmi otvli: orgaulafl •very .iny. V It. Yin-wood 5.00 Clark, Severn. stePhareon und t'erni- ins. Installed ni the cttv power plaal usual lupplres, from lea clcaln sodas l i.ui-*. chiet among which woro Uu* Itev. Wm, l.nndiss, paator of the .1 \V I i i 5.00 -fji irrlved nnd work win n,, forward ut Io fur coals. I'iiilll factory i-'l-'s I,, members of lln* -• A II. 1'i.si. which. Methodist Church and vice piesi.ieni Mrs. Barker __ 5.00 a rapid pace until tin- nee unit is '.lll'll;! lews. after foi*mlng al their hall o\ ICaa* of ihe Chamber "f Commorct- told of A. < i. I '•• i mon 5.00 IAINTKRS MITK li loud. c.i- sei-vhc. January 1 being thf sin -hueeUa avenue mn! Eleventh **>' . the tourial eiul. -r-ommlttee'a w.uk in Clmrles i mas ._ B nn dnte Unit the completion is anttclpat- Thi* r>rest Ienl 1st year ought in l.e marched t" IVwiaylvauia, where thej I lie elul. IHIU-HC Mild 0TO\ lllltlfl \V. II. Cn "iny :, uu \c\( Moiiduy (lie i-fiiiliiil l.-. on Ille l. tourist .-iiiii building work request .air ii pro - ,f l'lu- elec­ K.IIK-II un* real ol the pai ad. M playarronnd Utr the gtse >l a In the Mrs. S. 11 Tiunlinsoii „ 5,00 The talg engine! arrived seme tiino 1 ever, person who can use u paint tion r imi- Hie I pll Ihul this 'l'lu* IHIII.I pl.i.M.I n nilliil.oi' at solo,' < ity park, rein iin-. how with M •taii .1. -M. \\ Iter .Vim ago, hul line to so|m> ilelny (it the p iini- the finishing louche. In the n«\\ ,,,,nni. ,i lay iis Inhabitant!, i niilo mnl nl l li<* piirk. nn.l a ith .i bli i i- of paper the * li-ed Ui - t Hiiin electrlcnl , ogliieerlni ivorhs in finish­ I.fliffr, of Ihf ilihal,ilal,ls i In- . .•UH'-Ihtii , iuul ol.iu ii. in Mn - ,, in.use mnl playgrouud wan nluiuni \v. it. M. rheraon .-..nil brush to i.i tin- nil., purk readv ing iimi part fi iin- imii. nm engine! when thej take the trouble to rota nI-. u.iiiim fare oierrimeDl i" tin' us [sjete IIII'OUKII the freneni John 5,00 li, glvs s.uiif li inc to I] ', of pul could c .1 he luataUed, S.**JII! tl JI iU*'. ( tourist ..i.'i' i.-tiuitiic All inuicriiilM fl ghtfully. eiti/.ens and tonrl . hui mtated thai Win : 5.00 !•' • i.i Ira \l,,,'s., 1',. ,i,i o;, KV-MMVOI* S W l»..r* ,. i... i. IVlN . .. ll.'S Mill ,lK- I HI ,II-IC,'.I U. li..' ...iiu 'In iv llllil lieeessury |() race. Ille IH'OII in CJJnerga nr tho oonunl loo**' ! out MM* pin ii i . ommll tee Pi J. I., i .-..nn ronaraltteea and it • hoped that lng denagnd for lights sad nower •i..i s a., j -1,.: ,, b other t.i-. ;itiiviii. •* )"i ih.* i 'h; inl.or . : < 'on- enough, persons will i i hand t.i : deip Parker rend the li-i of dona- niiiii w iih added power for waist i era i e, lng eu.
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