. N DEPARTMENTOF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OFEDUCATION .- - A BULLETIN, 1929,No. 24 ,k:._7 _, , 1110 4 . RECORD OF CURRENT EDUCATIONALPUBLICATIONS lb COMPRISINGPUBLICATIONS 1 RECEIVED BYTHE BUREAU OFEDUCATION I 1 1 JANUARY-DECEMBER,1928 s WITH INDEX I .. Fr f .... °I .0 :14-Ap v.'''. e t- s 1:41Ir' .:*44 s. 'e ,...- m ,e< "it Ll ' .i 3/0,14,akdaLysi...... .,S) f' .. eg ' ... t -..., 1V,- .* P41 - - o _- III% IA *2'2" "N%%%"N" I s I 411 e - V .. COMPILED IN THELIBRARY bIVISION.MARTHA R. MCCABE,ACTING CHIEF s 4 wir UNITED STATES GOVERNMENTPRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON:1929 3 fi it RECORD OFCURRENTEDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS Compiled inthe Library Division,Bureau of Education CONTENTS.- Educational historyand biography-Current educationalconditif-s-internationalaspect ofeducat ionEducational theoryandprWice-- Educationalpsychology: Childstudy-Educational sociologyEducationaltests andmeasurements-Psychologicaltests -VdtkationalresearchIndividual different*: -Special methodsof instructionand organization--Specialsubjects ofcurriculum-Kinder- garten and preschool education--Elementaryeducation-Ruraleducation-Secondaryeducation-Junior high schools -Teachertra!niag-Teachers'asalaries andprofessionalstatus- Higher education-Junior collegesFederal Go% ernment and education-Schooladministration-EducationalfinanceSch(X)1man- agement Supervision -Curriculum-making-extracurricularactivities-School buildingsand grouads----- School hygieneantisanitation -Scwialhygiene andgenetics-Mental hygiene-Physical training-Play and recreation -Socialaspects of education-Childwelfare-Moraleducation andcnaracter education Rehg;ous and churcheducation -ManualandvoctVionaltraining -Vocational guidance-Workers' educa- tion -Adult edu(Nt ion--Agrieultum econornim -Commercialeducation-Professionaleducation Military trainingAmericuniiation -CiviceducationEducation ofwomen- Negro education- Educa- tion of blind . Indian education-Educationof deaf-Exceptionalchildren -Educationextension -Libra- ries and reading -Bureau of education:Recentput3lications. NOTE - The followingpagescontainaclassified andannotated listof edu- cationalpublicationsreceived bythe libraryof theBureau- of Edu- cation duringtheyearJanuaryto December,1928.The lastpre- .ceding list inthis seriesof RecordswasissuedasBulletin,1928,no. 23, and comprisedpublicationsreceived bythe Bureau ofEducation for theperiodOctoberto December,1927, withanindex forthe entire Year. A completeauthor andsubject indexto the 1610 entries of this bulletinmaybe foundat the end immediatelyfollowing thelist of Bureatiof Educationpublications. Thisofficecan notsupply thepublications listedin this bulletin other thanthose expresslydesignatedaspublications ofthe Bureau of Education.Books, phinphlets,and periodicalshere mentionedmay ordinarilyhe obtainedfrom fheirrespectivepublishers, eitherdirectly orthroughadealer,or,in thecaseofanassociationpublication, from thesecretary of thatorganization. 41 1 P. a _ - 2 o CURRENT EDUCATIONALPUBLICATIONS EDUCATIONALHISTORYANDBIOGRAPHY 1.Counts, GeorgeS.Education.Americanjournal of 86,July192S. sociology,34. 177- Givesrl..sunit'of educationalactivities inthe United'tat..1for 1927. 2.Griffin,Orwin Bradford.Theevoluti4m oftheConnecticutstate system,withspecialreferenceto the school emergence of tho highschool.NewYork city,Bureauofpublications,Teacher& college,Columbiauniversity,192S.2t1 p._8°.(Teacherscollege,Columbiauniversity. no. 293) ('ontributionsto ed.ucation, 3.Grose,HowardB. Youthand the now. missionaryenIerprisefiftyyears ago and Missionaryreview ofthe world,51:137-42, Illustratedwith February192S. portraits ofiprornivtle:ider:among studentsat that t I* 4. Hertzler,Silas.Theearliestpublic Journal of high-schoollaw inClinnentictit. educationalresearuh,1S:378-3SO,December 5. Ho,Ching-Ju. 192S. Personnelstudies ofscientistsin theUnited Yorkcity,Teachers States. New college,Columbiauniversity,192S.59 college,Columbia P. SO. (Teachers university.ContribUtionsto education,no. 29S) 6. McKenny,Charles.The McMurrysinAnwricaneducation.Peabody journalofeducation,5:261-61,March A brief 192S. sketch oftheuork ofCharlesund FrankMc Murry and NIrs. 1,yda BrownMc \lorryin education. 7.Mangun,VernonLamar. TheAmericannormalschool;itsrise and developmentinMassachusetts.A.ith an introductionbyWilliamC.Bagley. Baltimore,WarwickandYork,inc.,1928. xvi,442p. diagrs.8°. (UniversityresearchMonographsno. 3) Thisvolumeshows theinthienctof t heemly chusetts campaignfor theprufesio.laltraining ofteachers upon theenrnmon sch(xAs ofNewE:igland, in Massa- and alsoupo.i i. I Iti. otherst.ite, andt heN :itinn. 8. MariaAlma,Sistcr.Standard bearers;theplace ft be.Catholicsister- hoods'in theearlyhistoryofeducation andschilolswithinthepresentterritory of UnitedStatesas seen bycontrast and for by comparisonwith the edticati(inproVided federalandstatelegislationfromearliest P. J. sources until 1S50. NewYork, henedySr.sons, 192S.236p.12°. 9.Pestalozziand histimes; a pictorialrecord.Ed. forthecentenary of death bythe Pestaloizianumand the his druckerei Zentralbibliothek,Zurich.Zurich,Buell- berichthaus;NewYork, G.E.Stechertk ports.8°. co., 192S. SOp.plates, 10. Rich, FrankM..JohnHenryPestalozzi:the NewJersey fatherof moderneducatiQn. journal ofeducation,17: 7-8,14,7--8, 13,5-6, 11.,Elcudder, 25,March-June1928. VidaD. Apedagogicsunset.Atlantic 91,June192S. monthly#141:781- Thestory of 49years teachingin the Englishdepartmeatof Welleslecollege. 12.Walsh,Louise Gilchrise,andWalsh,MatthewJohn.History ant organizationofeducation.Indiana,Pa., Stateteacherscollege(1928]276p.8°. 13.Who'swhoinAmericaneducation; a biographicaldictionaryofeminènt living educagrsof theUnitedStates.Vol. I, who in 1928.NewYork, N.Y.,Who's Americaneducation,1928.368p.8°. 14.Wilson,HowardE.Thetrial of WilliamMcAiidrew.Americanreview ofreviews,77:405-11.,April1928. Discussesthe trialofSperintendent McAndrew,of theChicagopublic!tempts. CURRENTEDUCATIONALCONDITIONS O tENERALANDUNITEDSTATES 15.Americanteacher.Southernnumber. TheSouthernnumber vol. xii,no. 7, March1928. of thisjournal isdevotedto educationin the andWashington,D. C. South,Atlanta,Ga.,Memphis,Tenn. 42-jr1 CURRENTEDUCATIONALPriLICATIONS 16. Arrowood, Charles F. The backwoodsschoolin Americanfiction. , Schooland sóciety, 28:373-83, September29, 1928. 17. Beasley, Ronald S., AnEnglishschoolmasterin Americanschools. Independent education, 2:12T14, November1928. ls. C. R. B. Educationalfoundation, inc.Annualreimrt, 1927.[New York, C. It. B. Educationalfoundation, inc.,42 Broadway,1928]43p. This fnumlationliftsestablished by theCwnmission for robein Belgium. 19. Capen, SamuelP., chairman.Thereorganization ofthe American ethical ¡mudsystem.School and society,27: 509-15,April 2S, 1928. Reporiof the Committeeon administrative units of theCommonwealth fund,the other membersbeing: J. Brown, W. W. Charters,Lotus D. Coffman,J. NI.winn, Charles II.Judd, A. B. Meredith,Henry Swriillo.aufl George A.Works. 20.darson,Grace I.Education in thetropics.A birds-eyeview of public schools in PortoRico.Pesylvania school *journal,76:470-4/1,April 1928. 21. Culp, W. M.Çaliforniahigh-schoolprincipals'convention.Western journal of education,34: 1, April 19& . A report. of the firsthigh-schoolpikticipals'convention heldunder the guidanceof the reorganizedState department of education, April241, 19. 22. Education: Itspresent-dayproblems.Currenthistory(New York Tittles), 27:47S-8S,January1928. contimis: 1. The educational factory formass production, by HarryElmer Barnes;2. New spiritamong teachers, by Joy E. Mwu); 3.Free rein to hbnorstudents, by FrankAydelotte; 4.uhlic librariesa factor, byG.F. Bowerman; 5. (rive the old-fashionedcollege, by D. J.Cowling: 6. Adult-:*;(*Won, by Frederick P. Keppvl. 7. Tenyears' vocationaltraining, by James J.Davis;S. Canadian college ederation, by William Muluck. i 23. Fieldmuseum an the child.An outlineof the workcarriedonby Field museumof naturalhistoryamongschool ehildrènof Chicagothtough the N.W. Harrispublic-schoolextension and theJames Nelsonand Anna LouiseRaymond public schooland children'slectures.Chicago, Fieldmuseum press, 1928.34 p.front.,ports., illus. 12°. 21. Fleming,Mary E.The changingfunctions of Hawaii'sschools.Hawaii educationalreview, 16:199, 202, 213-14,April 192S. Thinks the function isto work out the Americantheory of democracyhe right of equalopportunity fpr till.the problembeing to traingood citizens. 25. Harper',Manly H.Social beliefsand attity :esOf Americaneducators.' Ncw ork city,Teacherscollege, Columbiauniversity,1927.91p.8°. (Teacherscollege,Columbiauniversity.Contrilnitionsto education,no.294) 26. Henry;H. T.The Franciscaneducatiowlconfvence.Catholic edu- cationalreview, 116:33-40, January192S. An attemptto evaluate thework containedin the reports fortheyew 1926 and 1927. 27. Illinoisstate teachersassociation.Proceedingsof the 74thAnnual meeting, heldat Springfield,December 27, 28and 29, 1927.Illinoisteacher, 16: 4-33, February1928. 2S. Iowastate teachers/association.Proceedings ofthe seventy-third annualsession... Des Moines,Iowa, November3, 4 and 5,1927.Des Moines, stateteachersassociation, .192S. 118p.8°(Charles F.Pye,secretary, Des Moines,Iowa.) Contains: 1. C. H. Judd:The results ofscientific study ineducation,p. 62-71.2. Apses Samuelso0: The relation of the departmentof publicinstructionto the schools of thestate,p. 804.4. McAndrew:The 3. William man with foldedarms, p. 84-96.4. Edwin A. Lee: Thenonoollegiate ninety,p. 97-101. 6. A studyof junior collegesin Iowa,p. 102-107. 29. Jensen,George O. A cross-sectionofa community. .Astirvey of Hum- boldtcounty, California.Sierra
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