Help Generations help kids generationsfoundation.com O 514-933-8585 DECEMBER2009 www.theseniortimes.com VOL.XXIV N 3 Share The Warmth this holiday season FOR THE CHILDREN Kensington Knitters knit for Dans la rue Westhill grandmothers knit and Montreal Children’s Hospital p. 21 for African children p. 32 Editorial DELUXE BUS TOUR NEW YEAR’S EVE Tory attack flyers backfire GALA Conservative MPs have upset many Montrealers Royal MP Irwin Cotler has denounced as “close to Thursday, Dec 31 pm departure with their scurrilous attack ads, mailed to peo- hate speech.”The pamphlet accuses the Liberals of Rideau Carleton/Raceway Slots (Ottawa) ple with Jewish-sounding names in ridings with “willingly participating in the overly anti-Semitic significant numbers of Jewish voters. Durban I – the human rights conference in South Dance the Night Away • Eat, Drink & be Merry Live Entertainment • Great Buffet There is much that is abhorrent about the tactic Africa that Cotler attended in 2001 along with a Casino Bonus • Free Trip Giveaway itself and the content. Many of those who received Canadian delegations. In fact, Cotler, along with Weekly, Sat/Sun Departures the flyer are furious that the Conservatives as- Israeli government encouragement, showed sume, falsely, that Canadian Jews base their vote courage and leadership by staying on, along with CALL CLAIRE 514-979-6277 on support for Israel, over and above the commu- representatives of major Jewish organizations, in nity members’ long-standing preoccupation with an effort to combat and bear witness to what Lois Hardacker social justice, health care, the environment and a turned into an anti-Israel and anti-Semitic hate Royal LePage Action Chartered Broker host of other issues. fest. The flyer also falsely accuses the Liberals of While most Montreal Jews do support the federal being opposed to “defunding Hamas” and asking Peaceful, lovely Abercorn - Near Liberals, for a variety of historical and policy rea- that Hezbollah be delisted as a terrorist organiza- Sutton and the sons, they do not vote as a bloc. Even more egre- tion. In fact, the Liberals in 2002 took the lead in Vermont border gious are the statements in the flyer, which Mount branding the two Islamist groups as terrorist or- you will find a ganizations, making financial support illegal. delightful village If the Conservatives think they will make inroads with an excellent DELUXE BUS TOURS with Montreal voters with these untruths and bakery and high 2010 sleazy tactics, they are sadly mistaken. speed internet. 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Call 514-908-2260 2 December 2009 www.theseniortimes.com THE SENIOR TIMES Validation: a special understanding Photo: Susan Gold The Alzheimer Groupe team Kristine Berey Rubin says. “Validation can be prac- tised in the course of your other The Alzheimer Groupe has been work. … It’s about communication.” helping Alzheimer’s patients and Key to Validation is the ability to their families for 25 years. In her enter the person’s reality while re- work as director of support serv- serving judgment.“The goal is to ac- ices, Marva Whyte has had to evalu- company the person in the ate different ways of dealing with resolution of their issues. We never the challenging behaviours typical finish it; it’s a process that goes on of the illness. until they die. We just don’t want “We experience what works and them to be alone in it. Also, we be- what doesn’t work five days a week,” lieve that even very badly deterio- Whyte said. One of the most effective rated people in the back of their approaches she uses in support groups minds know the truth.” is the Validation Method, pioneered De Klerk-Rubin said that most by Naomi Feil in the 1970s. At last caregivers want to make the client month’s educational conference,Vikki happy but they apply a definition of de Klerk-Rubin, Feil’s daughter, was “happy” that is their own reference. the keynote speaker. “By trying to get them to be that way “Mom [Feil] was a social worker and I’m trying to change them, not ac- started working in the nursing home cepting them the way they are.” where her father was the administra- Whyte gives an example of some- tor and her mother head of social thing that happens all the time. work,” de Klerk-Rubin said. “They “Someone is asking for their parent, lived at the back of the nursing home.” and says ‘my mother is waiting for Feil, who wrote Validation: The Feil me’, when the reality is that this 85- Method in 1983, had a very straight- year-old’s parents passed away a long forward philosophy. “As human be- time ago. Tosay‘your mother is dead’ ings, we are connected to one another would be totally cruel, but to say‘you in a way that has nothing to do with miss your mother’ gives the person a religion, race or culture,”she said. chance to talk about their mother, As dementia sets in, Feil said, people and by talking you are providing the still have issues to resolve, but become person with the caring, the love and terribly isolated as a result of the ill- the attention they needed.” ness and worseneing condition. “It’s There are learnable techniques, not only a physical deterioration, but such as mirroring gestures, adjusting Jean Charest a psychological need to die in peace.” one’s tone of voice to the client’s, spe- Premier Feil says that at all stages of the illness cial ways of touching the person, there is a desperate need for human which help this process. connection and the person needs to By looking at behaviour in the con- be reached on an emotional level.“If text of the client, it takes on meaning Best wishes for a a person is left alone, that human that makes it easier to understand and being will deteriorate and will become deal with.“That’s where we have to be Healthy and Happy a living dead person,”Feil said. careful with judgments,” de Klerk- Holiday season! There are four levels of training, Rubin says.“Maybe [that behaviour] is given by the Validation Institute in the perfect thing for [the client] to be Cleveland and one that de Klerk- doing at this point. And if I walk with Rubin oversees in Europe, where the her on this arduous path, she feels un- En cette période des fêtes, method is better known. (Feil’s book derstood and maybe feels a little better. c’est avec plaisir que je vous offre has been translated into several Eu- What we find is that if at least the basic ropean languages.) But anyone attitude and most important princi- mes vœux les plus chaleureux! working with the elderly with cogni- ples of Validation are used [in an insti- tive problems can benefit from learn- tution] you will see a significant ing some of the techniques and the reduction in burnout, sick days, and philosophy of Validation, de Klerk- it will reduce staff turnover.” www.theseniortimes.com December 2009 3 THE SENIOR TIMES 4 December 2009 www.theseniortimes.com THE SENIOR TIMES Risqué calendar aims to change Cummings Centre’s grey image Martin C. Barry money for a medical cause. The women hit upon the idea of print- Taking their cue from the hit com- ing a calendar featuring some of edy film Calendar Girls, volunteers them posing nude while engaged in at the Cummings Jewish Centre for everyday activities, such as knitting Seniors have decided to mark its and baking. In the movie, their proj- 50th anniversary by issuing a com- ect is greeted with initial skepticism, memorative calendar of their own even though the calendar quickly with a special twist – the models are sells out and the women become all au naturel. media celebrities. But don’t get your hopes up too About a year ago, a committee that much. It’s all been done with the was set up to examine ways to cele- tastefulness of a photo session in the brate the Cummings Centre’s 50th boudoir. (As it happens, one of the birthday had been wondering out consultants on the project was a pro- loud at its first meeting “how could fessional boudoir photographer.) we celebrate this anniversary and Wishing a our clients And while there’s lots of exposed have fun at the same time?” execu- Hay Holidays! skin, just enough is deftly exposed so tive-director Herb Finkelberg said.
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