Devoted Complete Neva Pictures |o ,jie Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Kull I^al Coverage And Impartially Each Week XXXVH- -NO. 46 CAHTEUKT, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1!)59 vol. latent* •> rn* CI«M Mai] at P. O., Curttnt. N. 4. PRICE TEN CENTS Sweetness Building Fund Drive and Service Light Awards Of $125,000 Opened K. GREGORT USMR Honors Help Vor Long Service; I, [orm of ani- Haury Tops the List doubt, Is thfi CARTERET — Thirty-two By St. Elias Church service buttons were awarded l.n U. s. Metals Refining Co., employes (luring the month of February, To Build. ,lj)(r editors from \i A 35-ypar service button was immemorial havr awnrded to Prank Hnury, 121 ,, mounting towers !l,owrll Street., Carteret, pur- 'chnsini! ag'nnt. School ,. ;,t the cowardly Thirty - year awards were undents who have! Riven lo Prank Sensakavlc. gen- i'lnl iiecountant and supervisor. Ihrir pens in hem- S93 Chillies Street, Perth Am- And Hall [,;1,r the parentage itioy, find Anthony Radich, re- lief assistant engineer, Power CARTERET—Rev. Augustine r victims — often in House, 167 Clinton Street, Medvigy, pastor of St. EUal iv words—and then Woodbridffc. Byzantine Rite Catholic Church - ,1 to skulk behind a Twenty - five - year buttons today announced the start of ft r were Riven to James Balog, tolden Jubilee Fund Campaign. ilumo to avo'd be- afety Dept., 85 Schoder Ave- The need for a minimum of ,.„ ,ir known. I have LAUNCH NEW PROJECT: Thr Womrn's Association of the First rresbyterian Charch this week started a sewin* project iiie, Woodbridge, and William $125,000, has been established so that construction of a pa* iprrsMvr collection of to benefit two missionary hospitals, one in Tripoli and the other in Arizona. Seated are Mrs. Richard Hanaple, presi- tonls, Mechanical Dept., 64 an dent: Mm. Howard Ilutton, projram chairman, Mrs. Jam«s Messinro. and Mrs. Robert Ward, co-chairmen of the sew- ark Avenue, Woodbridge, rochlal school and parish social cpistlrs myself, many inr project. In the background looking on are Mrs. Klnar Folkvard. Mrs. Walter Woodhull, Mrs. Walter Borchard, Mra. The following people received hall can proceed. Plans hav» of which assault me and Haakon Olten, Miss iMhella Colquhoun, Mra. Fred Jenklna and Mrs. Malcolm G. Brown. 20-year pins: John Koncz, Me- been approved and actual work ihanlcal, 9 High Street, Car- will begin as soon as sufficient nu motives, and others *ret; Michael Caplk, 89 War- THOMAS MILIK ALEX SUCH money is available. jiiii'ti shn'tl the chara ren Street; Alexander Patrick, TO SEEK REELECTION: Counrilmen Thomas Mlllk and Four Classrooms "tough Pitch, 8 Hermann Ave- o! soiivom1 m public life. I; Gratified True Valuation of BoroVO Is Inviting Alex Such will be candidates for reflection as members of The structures will have ft me, Carteret; Stephen Qur- the governing body. They have the endorsement of the common entrance and will fac« have .saved these scandal-! :hak, Tough Pitch, 88 Coley Democratic Organization. Romanowski Street, extending By Approval of Property Set by CoiinZ/jBidsforaNew Street, Woodbridge; John De- ous scripts of scavenging! from High Street toward Cook* meter, Mechanical, 60 Freder- Avenue. There will be four sniiinilivls for use, some-j ,~£ARTERET — The aggre- 475 and the ratio of assessed ick Street, Carteret; John Ko- [classrooms and the construe* Revised Budget gate true value of Cartcret to the true value as 15.21. The Building Here waUkl, Nickel Plant, 138 Union tinit, in ]x>rt raying in the| Democrats Back Plant Retiring tion will be such that an addi- CARTERFT — Stephen Bkl- property for 1959 has been amount by which assessed CARTERET — The Post Of- treet, Carteret; Stanlev Tom- 1 book I intone! to write, ba, president of the Board of set at $94,079,959, according value shall be Increased Is tional 4 rooms may be built on fice Department at Washington! czuk, Hand & Transp., 131 Em-; Education said today he was to an equalization table made given as $79,770,124. a second floor should condi- j,,n:(. of "the interesting announced today that bidding erson Street, Carteret; Joseph! Milik and Such Three Employesi tions warrant. Father Medvigy highly gratified that the voters public today by the Middle The table shows that material for submission of Yarmitski, Hand. & Trans., 130 CARTERET — Councllmen CARTERET—Three employes appealed to all the parishioner* ' who crawl into the approved the revised school sex County Board of Taxa- Woodbrldge Township has sealed bids for a new post of- 1. Cherry Street. Carteret: of the O. S. Metals Refining to take an active part ln thlr budget on Wednesday. The tion. the largest aggregate true Thomas Milik and Alex Such life (if a newspaper man. fohn Moczynski, Tank H.ouse, !o. will retire on March 1. (campaign. budget, turned down February The assessed, value of real value of property. It amounts fice here, may be obtained from today announced that they will ! Coolidge Avenue, Fords; Louis John^Korneluk, 34 Chrome 10. was cut by $10,500. property 1B listed at $14,309.- to a total of $346,937,927. [Raymond E. Gearing, Regional He also invited any friend*; Kolesarich, Hand. & Transp.,' be candidates for reelection. Avenue/tJwteret, retires after I an: not embittered to- The Revised budget call* to Real Estate Officer1, Post Of' of St. Ellas Parish who wished; be rataed by taxation the lum 12 Tappan Street, Avenel. and Simultaneously the General 39 years of service in the Klec- flee Box. 838, Newark Y His to volunteer or contribute to diiv on my own account. I of $943,433 88. Peter Olsevsky, Tank House, Democratic Organization and1 trolytic ReflnHK Division. Kor- phone Is Mltchel 2-2020. the campaign to call at th» havp iust seen a copy of an The current expense Item Calvary Church Sermon Listed 7^ Old Road, Sewaren. its affiliate clubs announced the ;neluk was ortgftwHy'nired in Rectory or the Campaign 01-'' $882,003 88 was approved byo af The gross area of the build Two employes received 15- 1920 and assigned to the Tank support of both candidates. fice, , anonymously written and ,ng will be approximately 8.30C vote of 594 to 5S2. The year awards; William Cameron, House. He was employed in this Golden Jubilee rirculatrd attactt upon Item for repairs and Slates Supper ByDr.Harsanyi feet, plus adequate mail Oxygen Free, 127 Edgecomb Councilman Mllllr who : division for the entire period of I This is the golden jubile* merits polled 568 favorable votes ing platform and maneuvering Avenue, New York City, and completing his first term his service, holding Jobs as Sec- Mil' ,ir Edward J. Dolan, i as against 473 nay votei. The CARTERET The CARTERET — "Something and paved areas, constructs year of St. Ellas Church, so it Gerald Croney, Oxygen Free, chairman of the finance com- tion man, Section Inspector Car •ret. The scurrilous|c»pltal outlay Item of $20,000 Ouild of the Calvary Baptist™" Nothing" will be the topic in accordance with Tentativi 970 Prospect Avenue, Bronx. Circulator and Pump Man. was felt desireable to name the' mittee of the Council. He is fund campaign in honor of thl* waa approved by a vote of 564 Church will meet at the homf lof Dr. Harsanyi's sermons at Plans and Design and Construe Five-year buttons were award- Jf siv-; !vblow was signed by tlon Requilwnents for Leas. [employed as cost accountant *n Kosztyo,, 350 lannlverwry, Father Medvlgf to 477 and the Item for eve- S1i». Rut^Bu^'to^htiS; »»••"'» *£-j to Leon Moklak, Smelter, 59; at Westvaco Mineral Pi'oductsptreet, AmWn Oflg' an Postal Facilities on a locatioi said. impressively-titlelyt d — Ding cMncf for foreign born Larch Street, Carteret; Stanley Corp., a division of Pood Mach- lnally hired in September, 1937 .t the above-«twted municipal but Citl- in the saiour.t or $1,500 won atkit n7:3 wil0l .** hold it. i.Th monthle ta^ffi*y fami- «%»£ l£Z (Tokarczuk, Scrap Plant, 9 Sa- inery and Chemical Corpor- as a fireman In the boiler room! The tuxshltect for the new anonymous^— 1 worsWp auvieu. The Church's ,ty;-situated between Coofce an out by M» to 4M. ly night supper Wednesday lem Avenue, Carteret; Michael ation. He served as supply off- of the Power Department. He facilities is Robert O'Neill, of ar» i'or Clean Govern- stand on gambling will be pre-Pershing Avenue, and bounded Only 1.067 voters went to thenlflrt. March 4, at 6:30 P. M jLltus, Mechanical, 24. Atlantic icer in the U.S. Navy during has heia this position until the Perth Amboy. Co-leaders of the 1 sented. m the northeast atde by Roma ment Committee. Our ef-|twelvt polling place* yesterdtjr In the church social rooms. Thtsj Street, Carteret; Anthony Ro' World War n. present. campaign are Michael Demeter u compared with 3;W3 that Sunday School and Con- nowski Street. meo, Adm. Engineering, 34 and John Kurtz, life time resi- month the event will be spon- John Sethik, 401 Keene for!; over the past several voted February 10. firmation Class at 9 o'clock Bids shall be submitted for Parkway. Bayonne; Louis Gold- Councilman Such is chair- dents of Carteret, both of whom sored by the Ladles Guild. Street, Perth Amboy, was em- After the defeat qf the budget Youth Fellowship at 7:30 P. M jasic term of 30 years with on berg, Engineering, Redfleld Vil- man of streets and roads. Mr. are well known in this area. days to identify these so- will be the guest minis- ployed at U.S.M.R.
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