provincial Library, Victoria, B. C. i THE NEWS WILL KEEP 700 POSTED ON THE SEND THIS COPT TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE YOUR FRIEND WHO MINES—$5.00 THE YEAR. Portland Canal News WANTS INFORMATION ABOUT THIS DISTRICT. Devoted to the Interests of the Mining Districts ol Northwestern British Columbia VOL. 7, NO. 52 STEWART, BRITISH COLUMBIA, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1926 $5 THE YEAR-lOc. the Copy of and apparently parallel ing the ANNUAL REPORT above mentioned chute. This has been drifted on for 50 feet HIGH LIGHTS ON B.J). SILVER and, whilst on the whole the values to date are not commer­ OF THE WEEK The report of directors of the cial, it nevertheless contains g_-]ukwe Gold Mining & Finance some milling ore, and the prob­ Printer has been hiyu siok. Co. for the year ending March ability is that ore of better grade Two firts. Crawford barn and 311926, is at hard. Ihe remi- will be disclosed by further de­ Miner's Rest. No damage. fications of this company are sovelopment . Impromptu celebration. extensive, mining as they are in Our diamond drilling indicates Stewart wins baseball from nil parts of the world, that their that further ore will be found in Hyder and football from Premier full rjport cannot be covered in close proximity to the above Haggerty k.o. Pond in 6 round the scope of a newspaper article. The N. E. extension of these Hennesy k.o. Fleet in 3 round. However, their operations as ore occurrences will prebably al' Billy Bunting referee. pertaining to the B.C.Silver, are encounter a granite dyke beyond Jack Scott and Walter Blanton judges. here given in a fairly complete which there are good chances of form. further ore, as there also are in Big windstorm blew down two (It s not our fault that Mr. the country between them, which Cottonwood trees. Banks spells ore shoot "ore area I do not consider disproved Native Sons of Canada get busy for Dominion Dav celebra­ chute." We copy his report as by the small amount of diamond tion. written.) drilling we have so far done Fine dance night May 24. C.A.Banks, M.I.M. & M.. en- there. NOTHER railroad milestone other engines. After the various the locomotive and tender complete of Western Canada was parts were made, the frames for is 193 tons. After trial runs, It will Mosquito bit Walter Broad. Kineer in charge, says: There are also ro3sibiiliies of A passed on April 20, when the the locomotive were laid down on be used on main line time freight finding ore on the Texada Frac­ first engine ever constructed in March 11 and construction was trains on the Alberta district of Now out of danger. There hai been no change this part of the Dominion was completed on April 19th, a total of the Canadian National, where the since my last report in the hold­ tional mineral ciaim. which will turned out of the Canadiin Na­ 27 working days, the first run best use can be made of this class Alex McDonlad hurt his shin tional Railways Transcona Shops being made to Winnipeg on the fol­ of locomotive and where the fuel at Independence. Nurse Wells ings of B.C.Silver Mines, Ltd., be later drilled from No. 2 level. at Winnipeg, where it waa built. lowing day. saving devices with which it is Number 2747 is classed as a 38% equipped will give the most econo­ & Doc. Whillans fixing him up at which consists of:— A raise is now being driven to Engine 2747 shown above was con­ structed entirely in the local shops, engine, is capable of main and mical results. Number 2748, which hospital. (1) A group of 9 elaims im- connect for ventilating pur­ the work being done in addition to branch line freight handling and is now in course of construction at tha regular output of repairs to has sufficient speed to run the Transcona, will be ready for ser­ Printer has flu. Cant afford m -diately adjoining the Premier poses. This raise started in Transcontinental. The weight of vice in Alberta in May. to go to hospitai. mine to the north, and contain- high grade ore which was lost Basketball dance netted $93. hg the lateral extension of the about 30 feet above the level— Drummer named Rooney held Premier orezone for a distance the raise is at a steep angle, 1, about 75 degrees, and it is prob- BIG BUCK BEARS winning ticket for $25. of approximately 3000 feet, and, f STEWART-HYDER LOCAL NEWS | able that the ore is lying flatter II in addition, the extension in J YOUNG GEOLOGIST than this, and that it will later IkHarr* y Heywood, leading spirit BECOMING BOLD depth of a further 800 lateral J. T. Clegg returned Monday DIES IN PERU feet of this orezone, due to the be found to the S.E. of the raise. of the Terminus, arrived from night from Victoria. The present position however, is Victoria Monday. Exploration work now being orezone dipping into the B. C. W. R. Tooth received six tons William Donald Burton, geolo­ that poor ventilation compels us carried on under the supervision Silver ground, and cial, there are spots where, due of galvanized iron to roof his gist, died in Samne, Peru, on to push the raise through as fast of R.G. Mellin M.E. on the prop­ (2) A group of 8 claims adjoin­ to the very uneven distribution hotels. March 16. Mr Burton graduated as possible. erty of the Georgia River Gold ing the Premier mine on the of values, a diamond drill can be Harry Zeffertt, the clothing Mines Ltd. is meetifig with from the University of British south side. During the months of January put right through the orebody merchant, was welcomed home marked success. What is the Columbia in 1923 and shortly Development and February we shipped 276 without showing any values this week from England. assumed extension of the South­ thereafter was employed by the In the period under review we tons of high grade ore from de­ whatever—this is what often Mrs F. Pate of Vancouver is west fissure has been increased Premier Gold Mining Co. Ltd. as have prospected part of the ore- velopment. happens, and it is largely for here with her son Kenny to visit for a distance of 900 feet and is assistant geologist under the di­ zone both laterally and in depth, This ore had a gross value of this reason that the orechutes for a mouth with her sister, Mrs now being crosscut at close in­ rection of A. H. Means, and later the development woik accom­ $37,507, or approximately $135 are so difficult to locate. Wm. Irwin. tervals for the purpose of samp­ became geologist. During the plished amounting to a total of per ton. in gold and silver, and Extension in Depth Mrs W.R.Reid arrived Sunday ling. winter of 1924 1925 he pursued approximately 6000 feet of tun­ the net smeler return amounted Due to the fa«t that the ore- from Victoria to join her hus­ The original inhabitants of the graduate studies with distinction neling and diamond drilling. to $34,312.74. zone dips N.W. and passes thru band, proprietor of the new area, namely the black bears, at the Massachusetts Institute Lateral Exploration The above developments are the boundary of the Simpson M. Keith Hotel. have been doing their best to of Technology, receiving the de­ The position on March 25th, extremely important as they C. (Premier Company) into the Miss June Brotherton of Min­ hold up operations by stealing gree of master of science in geo­ 1925—the date of my last report show that, after an apparent gap B. C. Silver ground between the neapolis arrived Sunday and will food supplies, even going to the logy. A part of the summer of —was that we had located by in the orezone of 1000 feet or so, Premier No. 3 a?id No. 4 levels, spend the summer with her sis­ length ef sneaking up and eat­ 3925 was spent in field work in tunneling, one ore chute, and, we have found a repetition of tha we get on the Oakville Fraction ter, Mrs Angus McLeod. ing a man's lunch. Three of eastern Canada with the Canad­ after an apparent gap in the high prade ore chutes similar to the downward continuation of The road gang says the mos- them have so far been shot with­ ian Geological Survey, and in zone of about 1000 feet, we had those existing in other parts of the orebodies existing on the quitos are thick at Bitter Creek. out apparently disconraging the the fall of the same year he went located by diamond drilling from the orezone. Premier Simpson M.C. Not so hungry as the thin ones. survivors. to Peru as assistant geologist and the upper or No. 2 level, several The ore was encountered at a My report of last year stated We have been told they sit upon scouting engineer for the North­ silicified areaa carrying values vertical depth of 650 feet below that diamond drilling had proved the trees and bark, but W. H. MOVING SUPPLIES TO ern Peru Mining & Smelting Co. which pointed to the existence the surface, or, allowing for an values over a length of 200 feet Watson will have to yerify this. HYDER LEAD MINES It was on a field trip in Peru that of commercial ore in this vicinity estimated dip of 60 degrees, and in the area marked "B" on plan.
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