Tti« Property of the WatertownWafer+own - Oalcvilie Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org- ' . Weekly TIMES 13, No. 646 SHbicription Pric*. $3.75 Per Year Single Copy, 'Ml 'Cents April 21, I960 May 20 Deadline For School \ m .1% Ji Superintendent Applications Candee Elected Chairman • "i Friday, May 20, hat been set following: The successful apptt- by the Board of Education as the >cant roast be free to assume the final date for of ap- position en or about July 1 BO that pneatkms for 'appointment of Of Charter Commission he may some time with Mr superintencvCDt. of 'the Watextowji Porter, becoming acquainted with school tbe post; Tbe contrast will be for Democratic John Keilty, At its Apr. 12, the two years; A Tntnirrinm salary of Board op general pro- wxm estabXMHied, with ft^y Mrs Sullivan cedure far'aJtemptli to secure a that tb bee determinedeterm d Town Committee ft* B, between tbe Raymond £ West Atso Named Barter, who recently was appoint- bottrd and "the afal carafi- ed gap^intertflent-of fee Bridge- date.; And qualifications for state Ellsworth T. Candee, 'Beach port ptibRe school system. ttfication- for a superintend- First President 'Donald- Masi "was reetected Awe.,, was elected, chairman .of the ent's certificate must be met. chairman of 'the Democratic Town Charter Commission Tuesday, Amoiu, tbe requirements set up Forty-five businessmen, of Wa- Apr. 19, at' .an organizational by the School Board is one which All applications must be ad- tertown and' OaJcville formed ' a. Committee Monday, April 18, at meeting of the group at 'the' Ltnds- states that applicants mast have dressed to School- Board Chair- business organization Tuesday at a, special meeting. ley House. • served previously as aa assistant man Frank Reinhold in care of which, they elected, officers, chose 'Other officers elected include superintendent or superintendent a name, established.' a purpose .and. AH other officers of the com- the school department office adopted a slogan. miftae also were elected for two State'-Rep. John. Keilty, vice-chair- of schools in some other com- year terms. They are: Mrs. man, .and. Mrs.William Sullivan,. munity. This requiremeet will be A number of inquiries and sev- Raymond E. West of West Sales Catherine ' 'Carney,., vice-chair- secretary. waived in the case of candidates. applications for tith-e super- 4 Service 'was elected, chairman man; Mrs. 'Shirley Butler, secre- withui the local school system. and Arnold Wolk of Walk's .De- Mr. Candee, chi 'Of the' intendent's poet already have been tary; and Stephen Jamsky, treas- Board of1 Finance, was elected to' Other requirements include the made. partment Store' was. named vice- urer. head, 'the Commission 'by a, 5-3 chairman. Other officers, elected .Mr. Masi reported 'that about 15 vote over1 Mr. Keilty. 'The votes; 'were Harold. Hal of Hal's Office members of the Town Committee for vice-chairman and secretary Supplies, secretary, and Robert will attend the spring meeting' of were' unanimous. Summer School Program Begins Hall, manager of Waterburuy Sav- 'tte' Small Town Democrats Satur- Most' 'Of the' hour-long meeting ings Bank. Oakville branch,, treas- day at: the Morris Town Hall. was devoted to a discussion of urer. Last week' the committee en- ways of attacking the problem of Besides, the officers 'the board dorsed. U. S. Rep. John S... Man-drawing up a, 'Charter for the town of directors includes Irving Gor- agan, of Waterbury, for renomina- of Watertown,. A number' of chart- At Swift Junior High July 5 don of Gordon's Package Store', tion in 'the Fifth Congressional ers from communities throughout -A summer school'• program will Lavina Balunas.of the' Salt Box, District. Also, 'endorsed, were 'the state which 'have Council-' be' inaugurated this year at Swift Tofie George of 'George's Market, Frank Kowalski, for congressman- Manager forms of government Junior High School under the di- Siemon Company and Jack D'Ambrose of Jack's at-large, .and U. &'.. Sen.- John F. we're' submitted, as was; a model, rection 'Of Anthony N. Roberts, .Barber Shop. Kennedy as the party's 'Candidate charter prepared by the 'National * vice-principal - at the school. Announces $1,000 'The' .aim of the' organization wi.ll, for president. Municipal'-League and a copy of The 'program, which has been be to unite its; 'members, in an ef- the famed, "lost" Watertown. bill, 1 fort to'' stimulate' better business of seven years ago. approved by the Board of Educa- Scholarship ' and specifically "to buy, build, tion, will, operate as. a non-profit .and 'boost local enterprise." The Town 'Tiines To Upon the suggestion of Mr. program with tuition charged to 'The Siemon. Company has an- name selected for' 'the organiza- Keilty' it was agreed, to ask: 'the 'make it self-supporting. nounced 'the. establishment of a tion is "Better Business Bureau Reoccupy 'Office Selectmen 'to have 10 'Copies of the Originally' the program had 'been $1,000 annual scholarship to be of Watertown ..and Oakville." 'lost" bill printed so .that each planned, to' be' conducted 'under"'the awarded to' a graduate' of Water-, member of the' committee can It was noted at the meeting that Effective Friday, Apr. 29, 'the have one, and then, use' the bill sponsorship of 'the Board of Edu- town. High. School,, other area sec- all. businessmen, .are' welcome to Town, Times will be 'back in op- cation. However, at/ last 'week's ondary schools or Taft School. join fiK^organization and some 1 as a basis in beginning tte' task meeting, a notice was read .from, The Scholarship was established grets "were expressed .over1 .the eration at 'Our former office' in of -preparing a, council-manager the- State '.Department; of: Education by vote of the 'Board, of. Directors difficulty in trying to contact or 'the George ''Building..,' charter for the town... outlining a' law which, forbids at a meeting last, month. It will reach every self-employed opera- The .State Representative said he 1 Along' with 'the: George Brothers had 'Studied, a. 'draft, of the bill and. Boards of Education to 'Charge'" tui- be know< n .as "Th%eir Siemon Com- tion in- 'town to notify 'them. 'and tte other business offices in • tlcn'and other fees; for a SefaalaT8ifip* '' far' tfie snisfr* of-Tuesday's meeting at the lad- the building, the 'Town 'Times was; found many things in it which he school. ance of worthy,." talented, indus- son. School, 'The entire effort., it. displaced early in Februuary by 'Considers very good. "A lot of' - State officials said' they recog- trious ""and. needy yourig - men and was explained, started with; only the disasterous fire which gutted work went into the preparation of nized 'that a number of commun- women. a, few individuals, who working George's ' market and caused the 'bill,*" he said, "and ities have been, conducting" .sum- Preference in the' award of the with no funds;, sought, to get a heavy damage to the second floor many worthwhile things in. it." He] mer schools; on a. tuition basis and scholarship will be.. to' a son or movement toward organizing bus- of "'the structure. For the past added that there .are also some! .said, a committee. of educators 'daughter' of an employee of 'the inessmen 'underway. It was inevi- •two months we have operated 'in sections in the bill which he per- would be asked., to study the law Siemon Company to pursue his or table that there would be some temporary quarters'., on Hamilton sonally objects to', but added 'that and make a recommendation in theJier studies, or develop his or her 'Oversights, and omissions and an Lane. was prepared particularly for fall. talent in; the study of liberal arts" appeal was made for all those who Subscribers,, organizations and Watertown and would be very valu- 'Board members agreed that a or 'the sciences in .any accredited, advertisers "may contact: 'the Town. able as a guide to the Commis- - summer school should be a. vital, .school, college - or • 'university ('Continued on Page Two Times ~at our office from Apr. 29sion. ,, part of 'the local school, system which • may be approved by the on Mr. Keilty also said 'that tran- and asked Mr. Roberts 'if he would committee. In making the award, Nearly all of the other eight of- operate the program, this sum- 'the committee, with other qualifi- Demers fices on the second floor of tte' (Continued, on Page 'Two mer, independently. He cations 'being' equal, shall 'give building have 'been refinished, and and the board, authorized the use',preference to any student 'who is' three tenants moved, into' their of- •of Swift Junior High for classes; in. need, of financial aid... Leaves Hospital fices this; -week. They .are Jen- Annual Meeting .and 'tbe 'use of' school textbooks. The scholarship 'will be avail- Sandra Lee 'Demers, eight-year- nettey's Barbershop and. Smitty's 'The purpose of the program is. able to one or a, number of stu- old daughter -of Mr. and ' Mrs..Sign Shop, farmer tenants,, .and. .|Q provide the opportunity to: (1) dents as selected, by the commit- Roger Demera, French St., .has the Jones and Kalita Ins. Co., newOf Library make-up failures 'in subjects " '(2) tee., . - • been discharged 'from Grace-New tenants', " Other occupants are »make-up incomplete work in sub-' Members of the scholarship Haven Hospital where' she under- awaiting arrival of- new furnish- Assn. Apr. 26 jects f3) review .and strengthen committee are Carl Siemon, went heart surgery 'three weeks ings and equipment prior to re- president of the: Siemon 'Company;; ago. opening -at their old locations. The annual meeting of the /background in 'basic subject, areas Robert T.
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