819 Written Answers APRIL 19. 1993 Written Answers 820 be pleased to state; (b) whether it is a fact that there is not much progress in the distribution of surplus (a) whether the price of Motor Truck land to the landless farmers during the Tyres are much higher than as determined above period; by the Bureau of Industrial Cost and Prices; (c) if so, the reasons therefor; and (b) if so, the reasons therefor; and (d) the steps being taken to acquire (c) the steps being taken to bring down surplus land for distribution to the landless the prices of motor truck Tyres? farmers in the country? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT MINISTRY OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES AND (DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOP­ AGRO AND RURAL INDUSTRIES) (SHRI MENT) (SHRI RAMESHWAR THAKUR): M. ARUNACHALAM): (a) to (c). The Gov­ (a) The figures as reported by the States ernment is yet to finalise its views on the have been given in Statement I. BICP Report on the Costs and Prices of Automotive Tyres. (b) and (c). Land being a State subject, the distribution of ceiling land is done by the Distribution of Surplus Land to Land­ State Government. The progress in distri­ less Farmers bution varies from State to State. (d) The Government of India have from 5177, SHRI P R A B H U D A Y A L time to time held Conferences at the official KATHERIA; level. Revenue Minister’s level and Chief SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA: Ministers' level in order to expedite the DR. RAMKRISHNAKUSMARIA: distribution of ceiling land. The conference of Revenue Ministers of States held at New Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased Delhi on 14th march. 1992 made recom­ to state: mendations to expedite the distribution of ceiling surplus land to the landless poor. (a) the details of land distributed to theThese recommendations have been for­ landless farmers in each State and the warded to the State Governments for imple­ number of farmers benefited during the last mentation. A gist of the recommendations three years; has been given in given Statement II. 821 Written Answers CHAITRA 29, 1915 (SAKA) Written Answeis 822 —....... - .. ■ ' ■ O <D g GO o o GO o ir> 1— S 0> O) o ay CO o a> o> ^ TO « m CM CO CO ■»“ in % s < s o o Oi ay GO o GO ay C\J o GO in o ay CO h- LO CM CO < CO f— o GO O § o ay ay o o o o GO T— h- m CM CO CO ▼— C O C M o O) 2 ir> Si o Lf) o o CO in o CO s S Lf> ▼— CO o o r - o § o CM CD o CM if) •»— CO o § o o CO o T— CM o CM LO CO i/i CO CO <0 CO CO ^ CM E c CO E CO CD CO 5^ CM r5 if5 C£> o> oi 951 Written Answers APRIL 19. 1993 Written Answers 952 [ Translation] come down in the world market; Iron and Steel Plants in Bihar (b) if so, the details thereof; and 5268. SHRI CHHEDI PASWAN: (c) to what extent It will be advanta­ SHRI RAM TAHAL geous to our country? CHOUDHARY: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE Will the Minister of S T E E L be pleased MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NATU­ to state: RAL GAS (CAPT SATISH KUMAR SHARMA): (a) to (c). The price of crude (a) whether there is any proposal to set in the intemational market from October, up Iron and Steel plants in Bihar; 1991- February, 1993 has been showing a downward trend. Any fall in the price is (b) if so, the details alongwith locations beneficial to the country as it would save the thereof; and outgo of foreign exchange. (c) the time by which these plants are likeiy to be set up? ( Translation] THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE Ban on Mining Activities in Bihar MINISTRY OF STEEL (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) to(c). Govemment do 5270. SHRICHINMAYANANDSW AMI: not propose to set up new iron and steel Will the Minister of MINES be pleased to plants in BiharduringtheBth Five Year Plan. state: The new industrial policy announced in July, 1991, has removed ‘Iron and Steel'from the (a) whether the mining activities have list of industries reserved for the public been banned in Bihar; sector and also exempted It from the re­ quirements of compulsory licensing. No (b) if so, the reasons therefor; and approval of Govemment is, therefore, re­ quired for establishment of iron and steel (c) the names of the mining companies plants in the private sector except for loca­ prohibited from carrying out the mining work tions within 25 Kms. of city with a population in the State? in excess of 10 lakhs as per the 1991 census. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF MINES (SHRI BALRAM SINGH YADAV): (a) There is no general [English] ban on mining activities in Bihar. Price of Crude oil in World Market (b) does not arise. 5269. SHRI SOBHANADREESWARA RAO VADDE; Will the Minister of P E TR O ­ (c) Indian Bureau of Mines has re­ LEUM AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to ported that following two mines were prohib­ state; ited from carrying out the mining work by the Forest Department of Bihar in the area (a) whether the price of crude oil has following under Forest:- 1 1 1 3 Written Answers CHAITRA29.1915(SAKA) Written Answers 1114 [English] (b) The following important measures are taken to conserve the use of HSD. AIDS Awareness Campaign i) development and promotion of use of 5410 SHRIPARASRAM BHARDWAJ; Will fuel-efficient engines, vehicles and the Minister of H EALTH AND FAMILY W EL­ components. FARE be pleased to state: i i) improvement in the f uel-eff tciency of the (a) whetherthe Government have involved existing engines and vehicles through aminent personalities in AIDS awareness cam­ tsetter operational and maintenance prac­ paign during the last one year: tices. imporoved house keeping, retro­ fitting of turtx) chargers and add-on de­ (b) if so. the details thereof; vices as well as other types of improvi­ sation. (c) whettierthe Government have assessed the impact of awareness campaign; and iii) setting up of standards/norms of fuel efficiency of automotive vehicles. (d) if so, the outcome thereof? iv) Promotion of use of multi-axle vehicles, • THE MINISTER O F HEALTH AND FAM­ radial tyres, reduction in the weight and ILY WELFARE (SHRI B. SHANKARANAND): aero-dynamic profiling of buse & trucks. (a) to (d). A National Aids Committee compris­ ing of memebrs of Parliament, eminent person­ v) promoting use of additives as well as alities from media, flims, medical profession increasing re-ref ining and recycling of and social organistions has been instituted which used inbricating oils etc.; and is assisting in creating awarness and develop­ ing a multi-sectorlal programme. It is too early vi) experimental operation of using metha­ to assesss the impact of these efforts. nol/ethanol andCNG as dual-fuel in par­ tial replacement of diesel in automotive Consumption of High Speed Diesel Oil vehicles. 5411. SHRI SOBHANADREESWARA RAO vii) in the agricultural sector the stress In is VADDE: Will the Minister of PETROLEUM on increasing awareness among the a n d NATURAL GAS be pleasedto state: farmers on the use of right type of irriga­ tion pumpsets and tractors, adoption of (a) whether consumption of High Speed improved operational and maintenance Diesel Oil is exceeding the originally estimated practices and complete or partial recti­ limits; and fication of pumpsets. (b) if so, the steps taken to reduce the Health for All consumption? 5412. SHRI RAJESH KUMAR; THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ DR.K.D.JESWANI: ISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS (CAPT SATISH KUMAR SHARMA): (a) Asper Will the Minister of H E ALTH AND FAMILY the latest estimate, the excess in the consump- WELFARE be pleased to state; lion of HSD during 1992-93 over the onginal estimate is only marginal. (a) the targets fixed and those actually 1131 Written Answers APRIL 19,1993 ' Written Answers 1132 Wastage of Oil THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF STEEL (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN 5434. SHRISOBHANADREESWARA RAO DEV): (a)to(c). As on 1.4.93 the stock position VADDE; Will the Minister of PETR OLEUM of shippable ireon ore concentrate and pellets AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to state; with Kudermuh Iron Ore Company Limited (KIOCL) was as under; (a) whetherthere is wctstageof oil in different oil projects at various parts of the country; Iron Ore Concentrate -2.15 lakh tonnes (b) if so, the details thereof; and Iron Ore Pellets -1.5 lakh tonnes (c) the steps proposed to be taken to bring Considering the size of Company’s opera­ down this oil wastage? tions, the stock levels are not high. Maintenance of stock at these levels is necessaryto meet THE MINISTER OF STATE OFTHE MIN­ shipping schedules and avoid detention of ves­ ISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS sels. (CAPT SATISH KUMAR SHARMA); (a) and (b). Some wastage oil oil in the form of leakage, (d) The development of new markets is a spillage, evaporation, etc., of petroleum prod­ continuous process in the company. Substan­ ucts may taken place in the oil projects. tial progress has been made by the company during 1992-93 in locating new markets in coun­ (c) Measures taken to prevent such weistage ties like China and Taiwan. include adoption of improved house-keeping, opeationa and maintenance parctices; conduct Riot-Affected Areas of energy audits and diagnositc analysis/stud­ ies to identify areas requiring rectifiatio of im­ 5436.
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