POLITICAL PROBLEMS IN SRI LANKA SINCE 1990: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY JDISSER TA TION tfu/imiUed in fux^jUai Adplmenl lii the ie^^^msfiA fo/i the oMtfoid ^ lAe de^^m of jKanter of HtbratQ k 3nformatt0n %t\tmt 1999-2000 '// RAZiQALl QABRI ROLL NO. 97LSM>23 ENROL. NO. Z.3589 Sujis,%vixion of MS. NISHAT FATIMA (JLcciuii^x) DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORRilATIGN SCIENCE ALI6ARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIQARH (INDIA) 2000 b^-:^i7^ DS3195 f^ h Compute DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY, ALIGARH - 202 002 (U.P.), INDIA Dated. This is to certify that Mr. Raziq Ali Qadri has completed his dissertation entitled "Political Problems in Sri Lanka Since 1990: An Annotated Bibliography", in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Library and Information Science (1999-2000). Kfe has conducted the work under my supervision and guidance. I deem it fit for submission. i|Fatima : Lecturer COIVTEIVTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT C:HL.4Ll»TEIt — 1 1-7 OBJECTIVE, SCOPE METHODOLOGY AND ARRANGEMENT C:M^^P»TEI^ — II 8-62 INTRODUCTION • SRI LANKA: INTRODUCTION 8-18 > Physical Features > Historical Retrospect > Demographic & Geographic Characteristics • THE POLICITICAL PROBLEMS 18-45 > Problem of Citizenship > Economical Problem > Ethnic Problem Problem of Language Problem of Higher Education Communal Problem Colonization Problem Problem of Employment Other Problems • SRI LANKAN GOVERNMENT ATTITUDE 45-49 • TAMIL RESPONSE 50-52 •I* SOLUTIONS 52-59 •;• SUM UP 59-62 Contents C:H^^I»TEI^ — III 63-172 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY C:H.A.I»TER. — T\r 173-184 INDICES • AUTHOR INDEX 173-178 • TITLE INDEX 179-184 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT &^ii<<it of oM Q/ would loke (o ma^n/c C25^^«^25/C^ me &^4lndaMu, oecauae off Wnode nem O'niu me^ woyrA wm<A UMIA ai/mAlu <m Q/ umA Co- eaofvifSM w/u deeA ae/tiae of arO'tiCuae a^ml nioAeit a^iAiceci<iti<>n to- -my, ^t^Jiected (fxicAe^ an<l Qfu^^/mjtMi^ Q/HA. Qnimat Ofcience, fo^ m^ oMe amdance a^nd w^^/o/e mavted co-o/i^/i'u^n o/nd e/mxuz/ra^f^m/e/n^<ite/uemf daae oimli UMPT^C. of would tifce' to- take tkoA o/iAo<>tlu/mtu to €aA')'e<i& 'mu g/)iucwu<i €<Ptw€/it^, touMi/rd aU tmxieAeoMe wAa mx/uf- tn va/}twu<i- wa^ nemed me tn^ 'maAima t/fM-Awiect an ecla^. !Ji£clal thanm ar^ due to Q/fly.. of. oMoild^ OTC. ^. (Afaidi , ^fnai/imia/nj [fDeAaidm^ent of ^ZAm^im ^ (yf'riMpr'matio^ (S^cience, w^ tne lmJM/)'<jdw^ and encou/t'ua.e/meMt Gf aot £i<<mt ni/m dumma ffdi dtMe^i^jtU^n. Q/'a/m moMu indelded to 7mi ^fe^cied teucm/r^ iyitof. ofhav-amit QfCuMUnj fW AtA aeMm'<mA AelA and oo€Ae/i<utoo'n en c(>mAtetma tm^ dtMeytation. OJAa/rdcA a/ye ai-60 due to -m/u ome^ teamerAj Q/ltv: oA/auiAad <^dU W^.oM., QMA. <SadAei^ma Q^^^trndoAon, Q4(I^. Q4ia,A0ow, iyiaxa lectu/ye/)^, ^e/iu/ytmemtof ^Limuat/u &~ Q/niiymnaUo^ Ofciencej pyy tfm/r- enoouruaemmnt and AUMO^ i/n comA/eti/na tAtA /i/miec^. Acknowledgement of. d^Uofc (^S^laa and QMi^. (£^ir<fii^ C^Amtid oKAa/n (oA/o'n- te<it<A(Ma &t€m '»i^enive'r& of^mu {^^.a^me-nP ^)^ mem wAo/e ^e«Wc</ eade/)^ AAcKie off mM di<i(ie/yfcttlon. Q/PIM h^a^ifMil ma^n/ay <Pii^ aue (b- nvu wmded^ QMI^. OJioor Q/HoAanbnviMi, Q/dit. Qf'<i^ Q/HoAani/mad mm Qm/it. Q/HoAamwiad (S^Aw,ad wAo ao'Ve m^ i/m/meme 'mo^ral Au/iAoy)^ <mwnja vamcMM da'aeA off me dii^u. Q/talaeit wAo^e nem a/nd iu^/w^t na^ ma/i^)ed an ou6i(a/mwna •I'o/e In me co^m^defU^n of mid dtMeyif^aiion. on^clal manJcA (o- aU ^tiu iiiiendi O/TM weU fmike^i^. &^mdof€<m^ie In me e^ (^womdllke to- thwn/c OM^. yPa/mia QfloAd. (^M(,j umOj pnJu^ of m& mmf acmmde, tao/c oM me kaln of ti^ilna oiilmM dMne/i'^iitum^ wim aM AM JcUl and Aa/)^ lawHi/j^ a/nd aa/ve it a^^yo^ie^ dAa^. <GH.^]PT]E]R - I OBJECTIVE, SCOPE, METHODOLOGY AP^D ARRANGEMENT SCOPE The present study is intended to bring at one place, in the form of annotations, most of the significant Hterature that are available on 'Political Problem of Sri Lanka : (1990 - 2000)'. Although this bibliography is selective in nature an attempt has been made to cover almost all the aspect of Sri Lankan political problem. I am hopeful that this bibliography will be helpful to all those who want to know about the Sri Lankan political problem. METHODOLOGY i) The primary sources were consulted in the following libraries : ii) Maulana Azad Library, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. iii) Indian Council of World Affairs Library, Sapru House, New Delhi iv) American Centre Library, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi Objective, Scope, Methodology and Arrangement v) British Council Library, Rafi Marg, New Delhi. vi) Delhi University Library, Maurice Wag.ar, Delhi. vii) House of Soviet Culture Library, Firoz Shah Road, New Delhi. viii) National Social Science Documentation Centre, (Indian Council of Social Research), Firozshah Road, New Delhi. The procedure followed in preparing this bibliography was as follows. 1. The secondary sources were consuhed in Maulana Azad Library, A.M.U., Aligarh to find out the location of the articles, these secondary sources are; a) Index India (Rajasthati University, Jaipur) b) Indian Press Index (Indian Documentation Service Gurgaon) c) Guide to Indian Periodical literalwe (Delhi Library Association). 2. The relevant bibliographical details were noted down on 5" x 7" cards, following the ISI, standards. 3. Then primary sources were consulted in Maulana Azad Library and other Libraries. 4 On completion of the abstracts, subject headings were assigned. Subject headings are completely co-extensive to the extent possible. 5. The subject headings were arranged is am alphabetical sequence of various elements. 6. There is a list of Journals and list of abbreviations. 7. In the end their respective numbers prepared two separate alphabetical indexes. ARRANGEMENT The material in this bibliogTaphy has been arranged in the following manner: 1. Part first is a brief introduction to bibliography, this has information about the scope and methodology adopted in preparing this bibliography. 2. Part second is brief out lines of the subject. Objective, Scope, Methodology and Arrangement 3. Part third is the bibliography, the arrangement here is subject-wise taking the subject in an alphabetical manner. 4 a) An entry is preceded by the subject heading in capitals. b) Serial number of the entry in a separate column. c) The entry begins with the SUBLNAME of the author(s) in capital wards as the entry elements, followed by Secondary Element in Parentheses. When the SURNAME of the author(s) is not known the entry element is the author(s) name itself, straight. d) Title of the periodical is under lined or in italics. e) Volume number of the periodical. f) Issue number of the periodical g) Year of the publication of the periodical, particularly of concerned volume, h) Month of publication in the abbreviation form. i) Pages of the periodical devoted to the articles j) Columns in the form of Roman Small are given. k) After all; this whole is followed by the annotation. The inclusive notation is used to write the Indo-Arabic numbers - page under from 16 to 18 continuously are written e.g. 16 - 8, and discontinuous numbers is separated by a comma. A specimen entry is given bellow: SRI LANKA, POLITICAL PROBLEM, ETHNIC CONFLICT, LTTE, TAMIL NADU^ RANATUNGA (Sinha)^ Sri Lanka^ : Frankenstein Exposed. Outlook^ 3^ 5t; Dec^. 22^ 1997^; 45'° This paper deals with the militant Tamil movement in Sri Lanka had gathered momentum with each passing year. Mrs. Gandhi herself met some of its leaders and by July 1983, the ambush on a night patrol of the Sri Lankan Army resulted in an anti Tamil backlash in Colombo and elsewhere. The state was set to take Sri Lanka from an economic miracle to economics shambles. In India, Tamil Objective, Scope, Methodology and Arrangement Nadu politicians demanded military intervention in Sri Lanka. And when the defense minister of the day R. Venkataraman and a Tamilian himself, rejected the case DMK legislators said his tongue should be cut off* ^ 1. Subject heading 2. Author(s) 3. Title 4. Periodical Title 5. Volume Number 6. Issue Number 7. Month 8. Date 9. Year 10. Page Number(s) 11. Abstract In the end two alphabetical indexes have been provided. There is the author index and title index. These cater to the two other possible entry points for search of literature. LIST OF JOURNALS Asian Affairs New York Quarterly Asian journal of Public Administration Hong Kong 2/Year Asia-Pacific Development Journal Bangkok Semi-Annually Asian Survey Berkley, Cal. Monthly Asian Thought and Society New York 3A^ear BUss Journal London Quarterly Bulletin of Peace Process London Quarterly China Report New York Irregular Campaign and Reform Paris Quarterly Objective, Scope, Methodology and Arrangement Contemporary South Asia London 3/Year Current Anthropology New York SA'ear Current History New York Monthly Democratization London Quarterly Denver Journal of International Law and Policy New York Quarterly Economic and Political weekly London Weekly Electoral studies London Quarterly Ethnic studies Reports Colombo Semi-Annually For Eastern Economic Review Hong Kong Weekly Frontline Chennai Fortnightly Howard Journal of Communication New York Quarterly India Today New Delhi Weekly Indian Quarterly New Delhi Quarterly International Negotiation Review Netherlands Quarterly International Peacekeeping London Quarterly International Studies London Monthly Journal of Asian and African Studies Netherlands Semi Annually Journal of Asian Studies New York Quarterly Journal of Commonwealth and London 3/Year Comparative Politics Journal of Contemporary Asia Philippines Quarterly Journal of Democracy New York Quarterly
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