
13046 CONGR'ESSIONAL !RECORD-SENATE. SEPTEMBER 21, co k County, Miss.; to too Committee oil Public Build~ngs and SENATE. Griound . By :\Ir. HULL: Joint resolution (H. J . Re . 383) authorizing TmmsDAY, September 21, 1922. the 'ecretary of War t-0 sell or I-ease the various G-Overnment­ The Chaplain, Rev. J. J. Muir, D., offered the fol1owing -o ' ned properti · a r near M11 cle. hoals, Ala., and ·so f~rth; n to tbe Committee on l\Iilitary Affairs. p1~ayer: 0 Lord, Thou art lov-e and Ufe to multitu<ile . Thou do t - give unto u a new day with. all its opportunities, and we PRIVATE l3ILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. humbly ask fo1· Thy guidance thro11gh all its deliberation and Under d a u e 1 -0f Role XXII, primte bills and resolutions deci ions. Help us to r~lize that in our infirmity we a.re were introduced and sernrally referred. as f-Ollows: as. ured .of Thy strength, in our be etruent of Thine own infinite Bu· ~Ir. CA.BI,E: A bill (H. R. 12761) to provide for the issu- patience and tendeme . Girn us, we beseech of Thee, at this .ari e of a medal of honor to Daniel Harpster., a volunteer soldier hour such a eonsciou ·ne s of Thy pre ence that this may be a .of tbe ·Ci'vil \Va1·; to the Committee on Military Affairs. ve1~y anctuary to us in the realization of results. We ask in By l\J;r. COOPER of Wi oo.ILSin: A bill (H. Il. 12762) for the Jesu Christ's name. Amen. 1·elief of t he Taylor Orphan A.Bylum of Racine, Wis.; to the The As istant ecretary proceeded to read the Journal of .Oommittee on Claim . By l\Ir. DEAL: A bill CH. Il. 12763) for the relief of <J. Pate- yesterday's proceedings, when, on request of l\Ir. OtrnTrs and by ra & S<m, a.oo c. Lemos, owners of the Greek .steamship Con- unanimou consent, the further reading was dispensed with and stantin&. Pateras; to the Committee on Claims. the Journal was approved. By Mr. HOG Al~: A bill (H. R. 12764) for the relief of Hugh C.ALL OF THE ROLL. O'lla1ley; to the OolllIDittee on Claim . Mr. 1 CURTIS. _:Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a ALo, ,a !Jill (H.. R. 12763) for the relief of Sa.rah W. Phip- quorum. pany; to the Committee on Claims. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Secretary will call the w By Mr. KLI IE of N York; A bill (H. R. 12766) for the roll. 1 Telief of Lieut. Oornmander Jerome E. Mor , United States The Assistant Secretary called the roll, and the following Nm·y, retired; to the Committee on Naval Aff ·rs. Senators answered to their names: Br 1\J r . .. EAD: A bill {H. Il. 12767) gr.an.ting fill increase Borah Frelingbuy en Mccumber Reed, Pa.. of pension to William A.. WUlia.ms; to the Committee on Pen- Brandegee Gerry McKellar 'Sheppard · Erou ~ a.rd Glass Mc.Lean Shield s:ons. Calder Gooding l\lc..."iary Shortridge Al o, a bill {H. R 127GS) granting n pension to Micha.el Bitt- Cameron Hale Mose Simmons ner; to the ommittee on In•alid Pen. ions. Capper Harreld Nel ·on IDl)Qt By Mr. l\IORGAN: A biU (H. R. 12769) granting an incre~se ~iten;on ~~~I:on ~~:berry ~f!~1t~d of p l ion to Margaret E. Fobes; to the Oommittee on Invalid Cummins Jones, wash. Kichol on Swan.son Pen ions. ' Curtis Kellogg Norbeck Townsend Ily Mr. PURNELL; A bill (H. R. 12770) for the relief of .Dial Keyes Oddie Underwood Dillingham King Owen alsh, Ma ·Michael l\Iarler; to the Committee on 'Military Affair . du Pont La Follette Pepper Warren AJs0~ a bill (H. R. 12771) granting a pen ion to Ra.ch.el E. Ernst Lenroot Phipps Watson, Ind. Diehl; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Fletcher Lodge Ran dell WUliams By fr .. S HAW: A. bill (H. R. 12772) grnnting :a pen ion to France McCormick Raw on Ila ·Itel Slnten; to the Committee ·on Invalid Pensions. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Sixty-three Senators hav.. Al o, a bill ( H. R. 12773) granting an incrrose of pension, to ing an wered to their names, there is a quorum present. An<reline Lacey; to the Committee on Inval'id Pen 1-0U . PERSONAL EXPLANATION-COlIBECTION. Br ~fr. ...,JITH of Idaho: A bill (H. R. 12774) for the relief of .J:imes J. McAllister; to the Committee on the Publie Lands. .Mr. HEFLIN. Mr. Pre ident, in order to keep the RE<::ORD By fr. l1ITHWIOK: A ,bill (H. R. 12775) granting an straight I want to call attention to an ttrticle appearing on the increase of pen ion to Eliza F. Andrew ; to the Committee -On front page of the Washington Post of this morning. In part, Innllid. Pen. ons. the headline of this article rea~s: B~' llr. s TELL: A bill {H. R. 12776) granting a 'Pension to WILLIAMS, AsHunsT, and HEFLIN p ak in support of veto. Frankie A. Willis; to t11e Committee on Invalid Pensions. l\1r. President, I submitted some remarks here on ye terday and w.as doing my best to override the veto of the Pre ident. That is what the e bays who are sensitfre on deflation get by PETITIONS, ETC. lea TI.Ilg the pre gallery and not staying here to hear \ b t I Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were la.id say. (Jertain -Ones of them slip out of the pre gallery wbe.n on tlte Clerk's desk and referred as follow "' : deflation is mentioned and then when they undertake to write G379. By l\Ir. ANSORGE: Petition of l\Ira. Genevieve Almeda about what occurs here they mis1·epresent me. The statement Cowles, of New York ·City. advocating action on the part of which I have read i just about as near as I ever get to being the United States GoYernment in reference to the rna sacre of reperted corr~ctly. It is a very sad commentary UPoJl the itua­ Christian by the Turks; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. tion here. G380. A.l "' o, petition of Broadway As ociation., New York I pleaded with the ena.te on ye terday for quite a whil to City, protesting against proposed lease of building for addi­ o•erride the veto of the President; I gave a good many reasons tional post.al facilities and urging Government to acquire its why I -desired to override it· I suggested that I thought it iVas . 'O~U building; to the Committee on Public Buildings a.nd just to the boys .and fair to them that we should .oven· de the Grounds. -veto of the Pre. ident ; and then I find m - elf misrepresented 6381. By Mr. KISSEL: Petition of the Community Councils next morning ·n fiaming headlines, stating that I .,poke in favor of the City of ·New York, New York City, N. Y., relative to the of the veto '°f the President. Realizing that I w.as being pur­ conference report on the tariff bill; to the Committee on Ways posely overlooked by many of the papers I knew a soon a I and Means. .saw my name in the headline that there was omething ab o­ .6382. By l\Ir. OSBOR~"E: Memorial of Baptist ministers' iutely wrong with the article. Whenever you e one of the e meeting of Lo.s Angeles County, Calif., demanding of our Gov­ ·particular newspaper correspondents put my name in a head­ ernment that d.ra tic .action be taken t-0 puni h the Kem.alists line he has done something unto me down in tlle body of the for outrages on American chools, laying of American citi­ tory. [Laughter in the galleries.] However, it will not alwa zens, etc. ; to the Committee on Foreign Affair . be thu , Mr. President. little by little and bit by bit we are 6383. By fr. · Il.OSSDALE: Petition of the City Parliament going to ·ork out thi probl-em. of Community Councils of the City of New York, relating to At some time in the future when some .one may pick up a COi1Y the distribution of coal; to the Committee .on Inter tate and -0f the Washington Post and ay, 'Whr, • enator HEFLIN ·oted Foreign Commerce. to .over1·ide the veto of the Pre ident, but he made a peech in 6384. Also, petition (}f tile City P.aTliament of Community favor of the veto," and then quote a distinguished and brilliant Councils of the City of New York, prote ting against the tariff writer, who w not in tbe pre gaUei-y when I spolre. I bill; to the Committee on Way and ~leans. me1~ly vvish the IlECBOD to show that this is about a near as 6385. Also, petition of the Broadway Association of New certain press correspondents eve"I· get to doing me ju ·tic in a York, that the Government adopt the plan of owning its own Teport about what I ham t-0 say in the Senate. po -office buildinO' instead .of leasing it; to the Committee on Ur. ASHURST. Ur. President, I ri e to a que tion of the Post Office- and Post Road . privilege. 1922. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 13047. On yesterday I ha<l the honor to a.ddres the Senate briefly ships by which some of the helpless creatures left by the Turk may be carried to some place of saf ty.
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