THE TRESSES OF JANNAT PART 2 http://books.themajlis.net/book/print/120 THE TRESSES OF JANNAT PART 2 INTRODUCTION TRESSES OF JANNAT is our second book on the question of the Prohibition of hair-cutting for women. In this time of moral corruption, immodesty, immorality, total abandonment of Hijaab, female expression and exhibition and the emulation of kuffaar styles and fashions by Muslim males and females, some lost soul wandering aimlessly in a valley of deception, observing mirages of his academic greatness' and ability in what he believes to be ijtihaad', deemed it appropriate to give further impetus to the avalanche of nafsaaniyat and shaitaaniyat which have engulfed the Muslim community on all sides. The Ummah has drifted far, very far from the Path of Rectitude from the Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). From every side and in every sphere of Muslim life, there are a multitude of forces out to plunder just about everything good which Muslims have inherited from the illustrious Predecessors (Salf-e-Saaliheen). Muslim morality has been plundered. Muslim lands have been plundered and are being plundered. Muslim lives are being plundered. But in their stupor of moral depravity Muslims have chosen deliberate blindness and have turned their backs onto the Deen of Allah Ta'ala. While the Ummah is passing through a critical phase of its existence, both politically and spiritually with Muslims wallowing in an almost bottomless pit of degradation and humiliation, one deviate from Cape Town considered it proper to flaunt what he believes is his ijtihaad'. And, what has he chosen as the subject for the exhibition of his miserable and stupid understanding of ijtihaad'? Of all the things on earth, his gaze somehow or the other and for some reason or the other, best known to him, got focussed on the hair of females. His ?ijtihaad' has constrained him to become an advocate for the westernist cult of female expression. Thus, championing the cause of women who desire to emancipate themselves from the Fetters of the Qur'aan sounded in the aayat: ?(O women!) Remain glued in your homes and do not make a display of yourselves like the exh- ibition of Jaahiliyyah?, the deviate issued forth into the ?battlefield? with his ?sword? of silly ijtihaad' to fight the cause of women desirous of emulating their kuffaar counterparts in the adoption of fashionable hair styles ? haircuts to conform to the immoral concept of beauty which a libertine culture of kuffaar has imposed on brains which have become diseased with the poison administered by alien and satanic forces inimical to Islam and to the Ummah. Of the myriad of problems and sufferings which have overwhelmed the Muslim Ummah of this age, the deviate saw nothing better than the hair of females on which to exercise and flaunt what he believes to be his ability of ?ijtihaad'. Instead of utilizing the smattering of knowledge he has gained at Madrasah, for guiding our mothers and sisters and calling on them to return to the Path of Hayaa (shame and modesty) which is an integral Branch of Imaan, he does just the opposite. In his endeavour to gain a Ruling of permissibility of hair-cutting for women to enable them to expose and display themselves even in greater measure to all and sundry, he is hell-bent on opening a wide gateway for fitnah in the community. That is the fitnah of immorality. 1 of 292 2011/08/11 04:33 AM THE TRESSES OF JANNAT PART 2 http://books.themajlis.net/book/print/120 He advocates adoption of the kuffaar concept of beauty for Muslim females. Just as kufr is the opposite of Imaan, so too is the kuffaar concept of beauty the antithesis of the divine concept of Islamic beauty ordained by Allah Ta'ala for Muslim women. While the Malaaikah in Allah's Heavens sing the praises of Allah Ta'ala, on the beauty of the tresses of females, the deviate rejects the Shariah's Fatwa of the entire World of Islam ? that Ruling of Prohibition which was the Law of the Shariah since the age of Nubuwwat ? and advocates the adoption of the kuffaar practice of hair-cutting for women. Allah's Malaaikah glorify Allah Ta'ala with the magnificent Tasbeeh: ?Subhaanallaah ?He Who has beautified men with beards and women with tresses.? But the deviate trapped in his intransigence cannot be bothered with what the Fuqaha and Ulama of Islam, of all Math-habs, unanimously proclaim that it is Haraam for a woman to cut her hair. Every Muslim woman who has some understanding of Islam even if she has fallen prey to the onslaught of the process of western modernism and semi-nudism, does recognize and understand that Islam prohibits women from cutting their hair. No Muslim woman regardless of her ignorance of the teachings of the Shariah, is ignorant of the fact that cutting hair is prohibited. It is this awareness of the prohibition which agitates the conscience, hence the desire to gain religious or Shar'i consent for the immoral practice of hair-cutting. The desire to emulate the hairstyles of kuffaar women is strong, but at the same time the inherent inhibition of Imaan to this evil, acts as a detractor. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: ?Sin is what bothers the conscience. If the flame of Imaan has been extinguished in the heart, there will then never be the need for a woman to seek a fatwa on any issue of the Deen, leave alone for her craving to exhibit herself in the styles and fashions of the Kuffaar. However, deviates with their oblique vision are jeopardizing the Imaan and are preparing the ground for the further ruin of the already degraded moral condition of Muslims. No Muslim, leave alone a man of Ilm, whose intelligence has not become adulterated with alien influences, can see any goodness in advocating hair-cutting for Muslim women a practice which everyone readily understands and has always understood to be haraam. Now comes a so-called learned man who offers women a licence to adopt the evil styles of kuffaar women and cut their hair. Religious sanction is being accorded to an accursed practice a practice which invites the la'nat (curse) of Allah Ta'ala to settle on women who cut their hair. Was there no better avenue in which the deviate could have acquitted himself with his knowledge to offer naseehat to women good admonition for them to return to the Path of the Deen? Is it sensible, intelligent and Islamic to create this controversy of fitnah on an issue such as hair-cutting for women, especially in such a delicate age when Islamic morality has almost been expunged from the Muslim way of life Lewdness among Muslim women, parading in public places immodestly and immorally clad (or unclad) in western styles and fashions have become part and parcel of the lifestyle of Muslims. Islamic morality (Akhlaaq) has been ruined by the evils of television and other forces. Will hair-cutting and adoption of western hairstyles bring Muslim women nearer to Allah Rabbul Izzat? Will it engender in them a greater awareness of the Aakhirah for which Muslims have been created and sent into this world for a temporary stay? 2 of 292 2011/08/11 04:33 AM THE TRESSES OF JANNAT PART 2 http://books.themajlis.net/book/print/120 In diametric conflict with the fourteen century practice of the Ummah, in conflict with the practice of Muslim women since the time of our Mother Hadhrat Hawwaa (alayhas salaam), in conflict with the style of the damsels of Jannat, in conflict with the Ijma' of the Ummah and in conflict with all the Ulama of the world, the deviate adopting his stance of satanic intransigence claims that it is halaal for Muslim women to mutilate their beauty and to invoke the la'nat of Allah Ta'ala on them by cutting their hair. In his insane attempt to bolster his baatil opinion he presents incoherent arguments for a lost case. Repeatedly he seeks to divert from the primary question by means of diversionary tactics, bringing up unrelated issues and academic matter which he himself has failed to comprehend. Any Aalim of the Deen who examines the deviate's style of argument and the erroneous conclusions he draws from juridical principles he cites, will stare aghast at the crass jahaalat he displays. This is the conclusion which senior Muftis, including his Ustaadh have drawn from his stupid presentation of the insipid article devoid of Shar'i substance. He lacks in even the understanding of the rudimentary requirements of Ifta' , yet he has set himself up as a 'mujtahid' to abrogate a fourteen hundred-year Prohibition of the Shariah. He is unable to distinguish between Urf and Nass. He has as yet not grasped the meanings of Makrooh and Haraam and is blissfully ignorant of the applicability of these terms, yet he wants to flaunt ijtihaad'. In this book we have, by the fadhl of Allah Ta'ala, the duas of our Seniors and the assistance of our contemporary Ulama presented the Immutable Law of Prohibition of the Shariah. Ulama from all over the country and from other regions have fully endorsed the Prohibition which we have explained in this book. Our sisters should not compromise their relationship with Allah Ta'ala by inviting His Curse His La'nat which will settle on those women who cut their hair. There are no two opinions on this evil. It is a unanimous Ruling of Hurmat . It is haraam for Muslim women to cut their hair.
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