AAnnualnnual rreporteport LESY Slovenskej republiky, š.p. Námestie SNP 8 220100 1 0 975 66 Banská Bystrica Phone: +421 / 48 / 43 44 111 Fax: +421 / 48 / 43 44 191 E-mail: [email protected] LESYLESY Slovenskej republiky www.lesy.sk š. p. Banská Bystrica List of Used Abbreviati ons (English translati on of abbreviated expressions) FSC – Forest Stewardship Council – a scheme of worldwide recognized certi fi cati on to assess management in forests; an effi cient tool to monitor ti mber origin starti ng from ti mber harvesti ng through ti mber processing to the fi nal product HR – hydraulic arm HV – profi t or loss IS – informati on system LC – forest road LDM – Museum of Forestry and Wood Science and Technology LHP – forest management plan LKT – logging wheeled tractor LNCH – forest nature trail LS – forest authority MP SR – Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic NLC Zvolen – Nati onal Forest Centre Zvolen OLH – authorised forest manager OZ – branch PCV – work of universal interest PČ – silvicultural operati ons PEFC – Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certi fi cati on Schemes – a leading and largest worldwide forest certi fi cati on programme which observes opinions of internati onal conferences and processes implemented worldwide in respect of sustainable forest management, sets a framework for mutual recogniti on of compati ble certi fi cati on schemes tailored to the types of forests, to individual and specifi c management of forests in the existi ng countries PK – Project Engineering Agency Žilina PN – direct costs PP – fi re-fi ghti ng SDV – centre for wood technology š. p. – state-controlled undertaking ŠL – nati onal forests ŠR – State budget TU Zvolen – Technical University in Zvolen TUOL – sustainable forest management ŤČ – logging operati ons VLM – important forest site ANNUAL REPORT 2010 VPD – intra-company supplies VPV – intra-company revenues Published by: © LESY Slovenskej republiky, š. p., Banská Bystrica, 2010 VS – intra-company consumpti on Prepared by: Ing. Vlasti mil Rezek, Ing. Ján Klinec ZB – torrent regulati on Translati on into English: doc. Ing. Hubert PALUŠ, PhD., PhDr. Slávka Janigová, PhD. ZLF – forest resources development – chapter: Finance, Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic Graphic design: BRATIA SABOVCI s.r.o., Zvolen DNM – Long-Term Intangible Assets Pre-press and printi ng : BRATIA SABOVCI s.r.o., Zvolen Illustrati on photographs: zamestnanci š. p. LESY SR DHM – Long-Term Property, Plant and Equipment Copies: 200 ks Text subject to no linguisti c revision. Content Foreword by Director General ...........................................................................................3 Basic informati on, scope of acti viti es and company profi le ..............................................5 Company vision and mission .............................................................................................5 Organisati onal structure ....................................................................................................6 Company top management ...............................................................................................9 Human resources management and educati on of employees ........................................11 Most important events in 2010 .......................................................................................16 Financial and technical indicators of economy ................................................................17 Forest land and reprivati sati on ........................................................................................21 Forest producti on ............................................................................................................24 Forest protecti on .............................................................................................................26 Nature and landscape protecti on ....................................................................................27 Timber trade ....................................................................................................................29 Forest technique .............................................................................................................. 32 Forest nursery ..................................................................................................................33 Forest biomass .................................................................................................................34 Game management .........................................................................................................35 Ecology and environmental policy ...................................................................................36 Investment acti viti es ........................................................................................................37 Public relati ons ................................................................................................................38 Balance Sheet ..................................................................................................................40 Profi t and LossAccount ....................................................................................................44 Notes to Financial Statements as of December 31, 2010 ...............................................46 Report of Movementof non Curent Assets ......................................................................67 Cash Flow Statement .......................................................................................................68 Independent auditor´s report ..........................................................................................70 Supplement to the auditor´s report on the verifi cati on of the compliance of the Annual Report with the Financial Statements .......................................................72 Progress Report by the Supervisory Board ......................................................................74 Managemen´s Commentary on the Company´s Financial Positi on and Future Expectati ons ......75 Let the main fi eld of our acti vity be planti ng and protecti ng the forests, because according to successes in this fi eld the progressive foresters could befound - these, we would like to stay. From the principial speech of the fi rst general director of the State forests and goods in Banska Bystrica - Jozef Opletal (1919). 2 Annual Report 2010 Foreword by Director General Dear trade partners, dear colleagues, dear friends of forests, Even in 2010, forestry was marked by the diminishing economic crisis, which signifi cantly infl uenced the enti re operati on of the state enterprise LESY of the Slovak Republic. On one hand, it was aff ected from the fi nancial point of view in terms of ti mber prices that in spite of a slight increase did not reach the 2008 level and on the other hand, mainly form the economic and moral point of viewpoint. For the enter- prise LESY SR, the last year will remain recorded as the year of the record accidental felling or the year of three changes of top management in a short ti me period. In spite of this negati ve external infl uences the company was fi nancially stabilised. In additi on to meeti ng the monitored economic indicators in 2010 we have laid down the basis for setti ng the plans for 2011 so that we could return the money generated in economic acti viti es preferably back to the forest. Following the valid legislati on we allocated money to the guaranty fund that can be used in the following period for planti ng and further care for young forest stands at windthrown areas. I undertook the management of the enterprise in the half of the last year when the public perceived the company mainly through the causes. Therefore, one of the key tasks, apart from the eliminati on of ineff ecti ve overhead cost, was to increase decision making transparency in managing the company. This fi nally contributed to the increase of effi ciency and improvement of the year end economic results. For example, electronic procurement of goods and services brought a signifi cant savings. More than a quarter of expected cost of certain building investments was saved during the fi rsts tenders in October. This trend conti nued in December by launching the fi rst electronic ti mber aucti on, which pointed our diff erences in price list prices and real prices of ti mber at the market. Renti ng of all wood processing centres and in connecti on with the long-term ti mber delivery contracts was a substan- ti al decision of the previous top management in spring in the last year. Some the most disadvantageous contracts were changed on the basis of mutual agreement with the trading partners, which enabled the enterprise to avoid potenti al sancti ons. In spite of parti al changes these contracts signifi cantly limited available capaciti es in ti mber trade, which will become evident in the future if felling decreases. An extremely high share of accidental felling is an ongoing problem. In the last year, more than three fi ft hs out of nearly fi ve million cubic meters of harvested ti mber originated form accidental felling, which had a signifi cant infl uence on the average price. Another signifi cant problem is that secondary damages caused by bark insect have prevailed over the damages caused by wind or snow during the latest years. In certain cases, legislati on and objecti ons of environmental organisati ons prevent from eff ecti ve protecti on. Therefore, a long-term objecti ve of the enterprise is to manage forest
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